Special Guests
Representative Nedweski introduced Hometown Hero Award recipients Deputy Terry Tifft, Jr. and K9 Riggs, recognized for their heroic service to the community of Kenosha. Deputy Tifft addressed the members from the rostrum.
Representative Goeben introduced Hometown Hero Award recipient Kourtney Feldhausen, recognized for her service to those in need by founding the Giving Tree. Ms. Feldhausen addressed the members from the rostrum.
Amendments Offered
Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 154 offered by Representative Subeck.
Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 277 offered by Representative Krug.
Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 542 offered by Representative Callahan.
Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 592 offered by Representative Rettinger.
Assembly Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 145 offered by Representative Subeck.
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Joint Resolution 103
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Lieutenant Governor Margaret Farrow.
By Representatives Michalski, Allen, August, Baldeh, Conley, Dittrich, Drake, Duchow, Edming, Emerson, Hurd, Jacobson, Kitchens, Macco, Magnafici, Maxey, Melotik, Murphy, Mursau, O'Connor, Ohnstad, Penterman, Rettinger, Rozar, Schutt, Sinicki, Spiros, Stubbs, Subeck, Tittl, Tranel and Brandtjen; cosponsored by Senators Hutton, Jagler, Jacque, Spreitzer, Bradley, Kapenga, Nass, Carpenter, Felzkowski, Marklein, Wirch, Cowles, Agard, Feyen, Ballweg, Roys and Testin.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 956
Relating to: modifications to building program project budgets, selection of project architects and engineers, single prime contracting, agency cooperation with energy conservation contractors, timeline for claims before the Claims Board, and making a transfer to the state building trust fund.
By Representatives Born, Armstrong, Donovan, Gundrum, Hurd, Krug, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, Novak, O'Connor, Plumer, Schmidt, Swearingen and Wittke; cosponsored by Senator Ballweg.
To committee on State Affairs.
Assembly Bill 957
Relating to: preemption of certain local animal ordinances.
By Representatives Pronschinske, Dallman, Armstrong, Behnke, O'Connor, Schmidt and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senator Quinn.
To committee on Local Government.
Assembly Bill 958
Relating to: changes to the electronic waste recycling program and granting rule-making authority.
By Representatives Mursau and O'Connor; cosponsored by Senators Cowles, Agard, James, Wanggaard and Spreitzer.
To committee on Environment.
Assembly Bill 959
Relating to: the Occupational Therapy Examining Board.
By Representatives Magnafici, Gundrum, Donovan, Gustafson, Rodriguez and Schmidt; cosponsored by Senator Testin.
To committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform.
Assembly Bill 960
Relating to: emergency communications device location information.
By Representatives Kitchens, Dittrich, Donovan, Gundrum, Murphy, Mursau, O'Connor, Penterman and Brandtjen; cosponsored by Senators James, Ballweg, Jacque and Wanggaard.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
Assembly Bill 961
Relating to: grants for 911-caller-provided health, access, and functional needs information structures and making an appropriation.
By Representatives J. Anderson, Kurtz, Baldeh, Conley, Considine, Hong, Melotik, Moore Omokunde, Mursau, Palmeri, Spiros, Subeck, Behnke and Sinicki; cosponsored by Senators Testin, Carpenter, James, L. Johnson, Larson, Taylor and Cowles.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
Assembly Bill 962
Relating to: reclassification of land surveyors for purposes of worker's compensation insurance.
By Representative Snyder; cosponsored by Senator Tomczyk.
To committee on Labor and Integrated Employment.
Assembly Bill 963
Relating to: main street bounceback grants and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Joers, Vining, C. Anderson, J. Anderson, Baldeh, Conley, Considine, Emerson, Hong, Jacobson, Madison, Moore Omokunde, Neubauer, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri, Ratcliff, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Roys, Agard, Carpenter, L. Johnson, Larson, Spreitzer, Taylor and Wirch.
To committee on Tourism.
Assembly Bill 964
Relating to: local regulation of certain businesses operated by minors.
By Representatives Gustafson, Goeben, Allen, Dittrich, Edming, Hurd, Moses, O'Connor, Rettinger, Sapik, Schmidt and Mursau; cosponsored by Senators Felzkowski and Marklein.
To committee on Jobs, Economy and Small Business Development.
Assembly Bill 965
Relating to: picketing or parading at the residence of a judge with the intent to interfere with, obstruct, or impede the administration of justice or influence any judge and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Tusler and Stubbs; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and Taylor.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
Assembly Bill 966
Relating to: privacy protections for judicial officers, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Tusler and Ortiz-Velez; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and Taylor.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
Assembly Bill 967
Relating to: withholding judicial security profiles from public access.
By Representatives Tusler and Ortiz-Velez; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and Taylor.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
Committee Reports
The committee on Consumer Protection reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 241
Relating to: regulation of tanning facilities.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Callahan, S. Johnson, Behnke, Pronschinske, Rettinger, Schmidt, Ortiz-Velez, Cabrera and Jacobson.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 468
Relating to: prohibiting firearms merchant category codes in payment card transactions, prohibiting government lists of firearm owners, and providing a penalty.
Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 6 - Representatives Callahan, S. Johnson, Behnke, Pronschinske, Rettinger and Schmidt.
Noes: 2 - Representatives Cabrera and Jacobson.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 6 - Representatives Callahan, S. Johnson, Behnke, Pronschinske, Rettinger and Schmidt.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Ortiz-Velez, Cabrera and Jacobson.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 669
Relating to: a liability exemption for motor vehicle sellers after sale.
Ayes: 6 - Representatives Callahan, S. Johnson, Behnke, Pronschinske, Rettinger and Schmidt.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Ortiz-Velez, Cabrera and Jacobson.