hist199216To committee on State Affairs.
hist198958Assembly Joint Resolution 9
Relating to: honoring the life and enduring legacy of Robert George Uecker.
By Representatives Knodl, Moore Omokunde, Allen, Armstrong, Arney, Bare, Behnke, Brown, Clancy, Cruz, DeSanto, DeSmidt, Dittrich, Donovan, Doyle, Emerson, Fitzgerald, Goodwin, Green, Gundrum, Hong, J. Jacobson, Joers, Kaufert, Kirsch, Kreibich, Krug, Madison, Mayadev, Melotik, Miresse, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, Neylon, Novak, O'Connor, Ortiz-Velez, Petersen, Phelps, Piwowarczyk, Pronschinske, Rivera-Wagner, Roe, Sheehan, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Snyder, Stroud, Subeck, Swearingen, Taylor, Tenorio, Tusler, Udell, Vining, Wichgers, and Penterman; cosponsored by Senators Carpenter, Habush Sinykin, Bradley, Cabral-Guevara, Dassler-Alfheim, Drake, Feyen, Hesselbein, Hutton, Jacque, Jagler, Larson, Marklein, Nass, Pfaff, Quinn, Ratcliff, Roys, Smith, Spreitzer, and Wirch.
hist199220To committee on Rules.
hist198601Assembly Bill 26
Relating to: battery or threat to jurors and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Sortwell, Behnke, Dittrich, Donovan, Franklin, Maxey, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, Novak, O'Connor, Piwowarczyk, Wichgers, Zimmerman, and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard, Nass, and Wimberger.
hist199207To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
hist198779Assembly Bill 27
Relating to: expanding veterans benefits to individuals who served in Laos in support of the United States during the Vietnam War.
By Representatives Murphy, Snyder, Anderson, Armstrong, Bare, Behnke, Billings, Brill, Brown, DeSmidt, Donovan, Franklin, Hysell, B. Jacobson, Kitchens, Kreibich, Maxey, McCarville, Melotik, Miresse, Mursau, O'Connor, Palmeri, Piwowarczyk, Rivera-Wagner, Sheehan, Sinicki, Spaude, Subeck, Tenorio, Tucker, Tusler, Wichgers, Neubauer, Udell, Roe, and Joers; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Tomczyk, Carpenter, Keyeski, Pfaff, Ratcliff, Spreitzer, Wall, Wanggaard, Wirch, and Bradley.
hist199208To committee on Veterans and Military Affairs.
hist198781Assembly Bill 28
Relating to: special registration plates with white lettering on a black background.
By Representatives Melotik and Knodl; cosponsored by Senator Tomczyk.
hist199209To committee on Transportation.
hist198782Assembly Bill 29
Relating to: impoundment of vehicles used in certain traffic offenses.
By Representatives Penterman, B. Jacobson, Knodl, Murphy, O'Connor, Piwowarczyk, Spaude, and Tusler; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Wanggaard, and Tomczyk.
hist199210To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety.
hist198783Assembly Bill 30
Relating to: prohibiting a foreign adversary from acquiring agricultural or forestry land in this state.
By Representatives Penterman, Behnke, Allen, Armstrong, Brill, Brown, Dittrich, Goeben, Green, B. Jacobson, Kreibich, Maxey, Murphy, Mursau, Piwowarczyk, Sortwell, Steffen, Wichgers, and Tusler; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Cabral-Guevara, and Nass.
hist199211To committee on Agriculture.
hist198784Assembly Bill 31
Relating to: repair and replacement of implements of husbandry under warranty.
By Representatives Tittl, Pronschinske, Anderson, Behnke, Billings, Dittrich, Goeben, Kreibich, Miresse, Murphy, Mursau, O'Connor, Prado, Wichgers, Tranel, and Donovan; cosponsored by Senators Jacque and Tomczyk.
hist199212To committee on Agriculture.
hist198789Assembly Bill 32
Relating to: access to public high schools for military recruiters.
By Representatives Penterman, Brill, Brooks, Callahan, Dittrich, Franklin, Green, B. Jacobson, Knodl, Kreibich, Maxey, Melotik, Moses, Mursau, O'Connor, Tittl, Tucker, Wichgers, Wittke, and Tusler; cosponsored by Senators Cabral-Guevara, Bradley, Feyen, Nass, and Tomczyk.
hist199213To committee on Education.
hist198949Assembly Bill 33
Relating to: representations depicting nudity and providing a penalty.
By Representatives B. Jacobson, Wichgers, Allen, Anderson, Behnke, Brill, Brooks, Dittrich, Gundrum, Kreibich, Maxey, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Sinicki, Subeck, Tusler, and Udell; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Habush Sinykin, and Tomczyk.
hist199217To committee on Science, Technology, and AI.
hist198952Assembly Bill 34
Relating to: court-issued criminal complaints in officer-involved deaths.
By Representatives Moses, Duchow, Dittrich, Piwowarczyk, Armstrong, Brooks, Donovan, B. Jacobson, Penterman, Murphy, Tucker, Swearingen, Wichgers, and Behnke; cosponsored by Senators Hutton, Bradley, Wanggaard, Feyen, Nass, Tomczyk, Testin, and James.
hist199218To committee on Judiciary.
hist198955Assembly Bill 35
Relating to: withdrawal of candidacy for certain offices filled at the general election and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Steffen, Armstrong, Brill, Brooks, Dittrich, Green, Gundrum, Hurd, Kitchens, Knodl, Kreibich, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, O'Connor, Piwowarczyk, Sortwell, and Tusler; cosponsored by Senator Wanggaard.
hist199219To committee on Campaigns and Elections.
hist198985Assembly Bill 36
Relating to: law enforcement and firefighter annuitants in the Wisconsin Retirement System who are rehired by a participating employer.
By Representatives Wichgers, Behnke, Goodwin, Green, Kreibich, Melotik, Miresse, Murphy, and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Bradley, and Cabral-Guevara.
hist199221To committee on Workforce Development, Labor, and Integrated Employment.
hist199000Assembly Bill 37
Relating to: personalized registration plate fees for gold star family special registration plates.
By Representatives Wichgers, Allen, Behnke, B. Jacobson, Knodl, Kreibich, Maxey, Melotik, Mursau, Sinicki, Snyder, Tusler, and Udell; cosponsored by Senators Hutton, Carpenter, Bradley, Ratcliff, and Spreitzer.
hist199222To committee on Transportation.
hist199003Assembly Bill 38
Relating to: an income tax exemption for cash tips paid to an employee.
By Representatives Tusler, Behnke, Green, Gundrum, Kreibich, Maxey, Mursau, Penterman, Piwowarczyk, Tittl, Tranel, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Bradley, Hutton, Cabral-Guevara, Feyen, Nass, Quinn, and Tomczyk.
hist199223To committee on Ways and Means.
hist199010Assembly Bill 39
Relating to: requiring state employees to perform their work at the offices of their employer.
By Representatives Nedweski, Allen, Behnke, Brill, Dittrich, Green, Gundrum, B. Jacobson, Knodl, Maxey, Murphy, Penterman, Swearingen, Tusler, and Vos; cosponsored by Senators Tomczyk, Cabral-Guevara, Quinn, Stafsholt, and Wanggaard.
hist199224To committee on State Affairs.
hist199020Assembly Bill 40
Relating to: school safety grants and making an appropriation.
By Representatives Goeben, Allen, Stubbs, Penterman, Armstrong, Steffen, Gundrum, Dittrich, Brill, Miresse, Callahan, Kreibich, Subeck, Knodl, O'Connor, Wichgers, Behnke, and Piwowarczyk; cosponsored by Senators James, Quinn, Nass, Spreitzer, Feyen, and Keyeski.
hist199225To committee on Education.
hist199023Assembly Bill 41
Relating to: local regulation of vegetable gardens.
By Representatives Sortwell, Armstrong, Behnke, Dittrich, Kreibich, Goeben, Miresse, Stroud, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senator Jacque.
hist199226To committee on Local Government.
hist199024Assembly Bill 42
Relating to: local regulation of fowl.
By Representatives Sortwell, Behnke, Goeben, Miresse, Piwowarczyk, Stroud, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senator Cabral-Guevara.
hist199227To committee on Local Government.
hist199043Assembly Bill 43
Relating to: permitting pharmacists to prescribe certain contraceptives, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Kitchens, Rodriguez, Franklin, Duchow, Novak, Snyder, Zimmerman, August, Bare, Dittrich, Hong, Hysell, J. Jacobson, Krug, Miresse, Mursau, Nedweski, Neubauer, Phelps, Piwowarczyk, Sheehan, Spiros, Stroud, Subeck, Kirsch, and Sinicki; cosponsored by Senators Cabral-Guevara, James, and Marklein.
hist199228To committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care.
hist199064Assembly Bill 44
Relating to: allowing advanced practice nurse prescribers to pronounce the date, time, and place of a patient’s death for purposes of the preparation of death records.
By Representatives Summerfield, Dittrich, Gundrum, Knodl, Kreibich, Murphy, O'Connor, Penterman, and Steffen; cosponsored by Senators Cabral-Guevara and Nass.
hist199229To committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care.
hist199071Assembly Bill 45
Relating to: ratification of the Dietitian Licensure Compact.
By Representatives Brooks, Callahan, Dittrich, Bare, Duchow, Gundrum, B. Jacobson, Joers, Knodl, Krug, O'Connor, Spiros, Subeck, Tittl, Udell, Vining, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Testin, Feyen, Carpenter, Habush Sinykin, Hesselbein, James, Marklein, Spreitzer, and Dassler-Alfheim.
hist199230To committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform.
hist199074Assembly Bill 46
Relating to: flags flown at state and local government buildings and eliminating a related administrative rule.
By Representatives Steffen, Brill, Brooks, Callahan, Dittrich, Gundrum, B. Jacobson, Knodl, Maxey, Murphy, Mursau, Nedweski, Piwowarczyk, Spiros, and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Wimberger, Cabral-Guevara, Nass, and Wanggaard.
hist199231To committee on Local Government.