One-Hundred and Seventh Regular Session
MONDAY, February 24, 2025
The Chief Clerk made the following entries under the above date.
Chief Clerk's Entries
Amendments Offered
hist199540Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 29 offered by Senator Cabral-Guevara. _____________
Introduction, First Reading, and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: the prescription drug monitoring program.
By Senator Testin; cosponsored by Representative Dittrich.
hist199545To the committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Children and Families. _____________
Petitions and Communications
hist199544Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Joers and Udell added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 14. _____________
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
The committee on Health reported and recommended:
Relating to advanced practice social workers and independent social workers treating substance use disorder as a specialty.
hist199529Referred to the joint committee for review of Administrative Rules, February 24, 2025. Relating to Telemedicine and Telehealth.
hist199523Referred to the joint committee for review of Administrative Rules, February 24, 2025. Relating to nutritional counseling certification.
hist199525Referred to the joint committee for review of Administrative Rules, February 24, 2025. Relating to pharmacist certification and reimbursement for patient care services through Medical Assistance (MA).
hist199527Referred to the joint committee for review of Administrative Rules, February 24, 2025. RACHAEL CABRAL-GUEVARA