AB521,5,2 24(2) "Local governmental unit" means a political subdivision of this state, a
25special purpose district in this state, an instrumentality or corporation of the

1political subdivision or special purpose district or a combination or subunit of any of
2the foregoing.
AB521,5,4 3(3) "Private property" means real property that is not owned by the United
4States, the state or a local governmental unit.
AB521,5,7 5(4) "Regulatory taking" means any of the following governmental actions that
6affect the use of private property and result in a reduction in the fair market value
7of the private property by more than 20%:
AB521,5,88 (a) One or more governmental actions by the state or a local governmental unit.
AB521,5,119 (b) Governmental action by the state and one or more local governmental units
10or by 2 or more local governmental units, if each of the governmental actions relate
11to a common regulatory scheme or purpose.
AB521,5,13 12(5) "State agency" means any department, independent agency, board,
13commission or office in the executive branch of state government.
AB521,5,19 1432.81 Effect of governmental actions on private property. A state agency
15or local governmental unit, in taking any governmental action that affects the use
16of private property and that reduces the fair market value of private property, shall
17exercise its authority in a manner that results in the least amount of reduction in the
18fair market value of private property, while still accomplishing the intended
19objective of the governmental action.
AB521,5,25 2032.82 Liability for governmental actions; cause of action. (1) The owner
21of private property may commence an action against the state or a local
22governmental unit if a governmental action of that unit of government affects the use
23of private property and reduces the fair market value of the private property. This
24subsection first applies to governmental actions that are final and binding and take
25effect on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date].
1(2) Any action filed under sub. (1) is not subject to s. 16.007, 775.01, 893.80 or
AB521,6,5 3(3) The venue for an action under sub. (1) shall be the county where the plaintiff
4resides or the county where the private property is located, at the option of the
AB521,6,106 (4) (a) In any action under sub. (1) that relates to administrative rules, the joint
7committee for review of administrative rules shall be served with a copy of the
8summons and complaint. With the approval of the joint committee on legislative
9organization, the joint committee for review of administrative rules shall be made
10a party to the action.
AB521,6,1211 (b) Failure to serve a summons and complaint as required under this
12subsection does not affect the jurisdiction of the court.
AB521,6,18 1332.83 Plaintiff to determine private property affected by
14governmental action. (1)
In an action under s. 32.82 (1), the plaintiff may
15determine which part of the plaintiff's private property is the subject of the cause of
16action. The state or a local governmental unit may not contest the determination of
17the plaintiff regarding the part of the private property that is the subject of the cause
18of action.
AB521,6,20 19(2) The plaintiff may designate any contiguous area of land under common
20ownership as the subject of the cause of action.
AB521,7,3 2132.84 Remedies. (1) If the finder of fact in an action under s. 32.82 (1)
22determines that governmental action that affects the use of private property reduced
23the fair market value of the private property and the plaintiff owns the private
24property when the judgment is entered, the finder of fact shall determine the fair
25market value of the private property as affected by the governmental action. The

1court shall enter an order directing the assessor to adjust the property's valuation
2to reflect the value determined by the finder of fact, as adjusted according to the
3assessment ratio in that taxation district for the current assessment under s. 70.05.
AB521,7,5 4(2) (a) If the finder of fact determines that a regulatory taking has occurred,
5the court shall order the payment of damages as follows:
AB521,7,96 1. If the plaintiff owns the private property when the judgment is entered, the
7court shall order the state or local governmental unit to pay damages equal to the
8amount of the reduction in the fair market value of the private property attributable
9to the governmental action.
AB521,7,1410 2. If the plaintiff does not own the private property when the judgment is
11entered, the court shall order the state or local governmental unit to pay damages
12equal to the amount of the reduction in the fair market value of the private property
13attributable to the governmental action at the time that the plaintiff sold the private
AB521,7,1815 3. In addition to the damages under subd. 1. or 2., the court shall order the state
16or local governmental unit to pay the actual damages to the private property for any
17governmental action that is no longer in effect when the judgment is entered or the
18property was sold.
AB521,8,319 (b) If damages are awarded against a local governmental unit under par. (a),
20the court shall give the local governmental unit the option to pay the damages in a
21lump sum or in up to 5 equal annual instalments, with interest at the market interest
22rate, as determined by the court. If the date of the court's order is on or after January
231 and before November 1, the court shall order the local governmental unit to pay the
24damages or commence the first payment of the damages on February 15 of the
25following calendar year. If the date of the court's order is on or after November 1 and

1before January 1, the court shall order the local governmental unit to pay the
2damages or commence the first payment of the damages on February 15 of the
3calendar year after the next calendar year.
AB521,8,84 (c) If the finder of fact in an action under s. 32.82 (1) determines that part or
5all of the reduced private property value relates to exclusive agricultural zoning or
6a historic preservation ordinance, and the plaintiff received a farmland preservation
7tax credit or a historic rehabilitation tax credit, the court shall do one or more of the
AB521,8,109 1. Order the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection to
10prepare and record a lien against the property as provided in s. 91.19 (8) to (10).
AB521,8,1311 2. Order the plaintiff to add to his or her income tax liability the applicable
12amount under s. 71.07 (9r) (k) as if the property was sold on the same date that the
13judgment was entered.
AB521,8,19 14(3) Any judgment awarding damages for a regulatory taking under sub. (2)
15shall apportion the damages among multiple defendants in proportion to the
16contribution by each to the governmental action that resulted in the regulatory
17taking. The state and each local each governmental unit that was involved in a
18regulatory taking defined under s. 32.80 (4) (b) are jointly and severally liable for the
19damages resulting from the regulatory taking.
AB521,8,21 20(4) The remedies in this section are the only remedies in an action under s.
2132.82 (1).
AB521,8,22 2232.85 Defenses. The following are defenses in an action under s. 32.82 (1):
AB521,8,2423 (1) The governmental action is mandated by the federal government and is no
24more restrictive than required by the federal government.
1(2) The governmental action is necessary to prevent or mitigate a threat to
2human health or safety and all of the following are shown by evidence that is clear
3and convincing:
AB521,9,44 (a) The threat to human health or safety is imminent and substantial.
AB521,9,65 (b) The application of the governmental action to the plaintiff's private
6property is necessary to prevent or mitigate the threat to human health or safety.
AB521,9,87 (c) The state agency and local governmental unit fulfilled the responsibility
8under s. 32.81.
AB521,9,11 932.86 Relation to other law. The causes of action provided in this subchapter
10are in addition to any cause of action provided in any other statutes or provided by
11common law.
AB521, s. 6 12Section 6. 70.32 (1p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB521,9,1413 70.32 (1p) In addition to the factors in sub. (1), the assessor shall adjust the
14property's valuation according to the judgment in an action under s. 32.82 (1).
AB521, s. 7 15Section 7. 70.47 (9) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB521,9,1916 70.47 (9) (am) The board shall, in correcting assessments under par. (a), adjust
17the valuation of a parcel according to the value specified in the judgment in an action
18under s. 32.82 (1), as adjusted by the assessment ratio for the current assessment
19value under s. 70.05.
AB521, s. 8 20Section 8. 893.78 of the statutes is created to read:
AB521,9,23 21893.78 Governmental actions affecting private property. An action
22under s. 32.82 (1) shall be commenced within 2 years after the plaintiff discovers the
23effect of a governmental action on the fair market value of his or her private property.
AB521,9,2424 (End)