1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
November 27, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives L. Young, Coggs, Riley,
Turner, Morris-Tatum, Coleman, Plombon, R. Young, Boyle, Baldwin,
Gunderson, Schneiders, Black, Schneider, Grothman, Dobyns and Kreuser,
cosponsored by Senators George, Moore, Burke and
Welch. Referred to
Committee on Children and Families.
1An Act to create 46.48 (27) of the statutes;
relating to: a grant for community
2programs for the city of Milwaukee site of the national institute for responsible
3fatherhood and family revitalization and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the department of health and social services (DHSS)
distributes grants for community programs to various organizations for various
purposes. Currently, DHSS distributes grants for community programs to such
organizations as the career youth development center in the city of Milwaukee and
the Milwaukee police athletic league and for such purposes as alcohol and other drug
abuse treatment, prisoner reintegration and community improvement job training.
This bill requires DHSS to distribute $1,000,000 in each fiscal year as a grant for the
city of Milwaukee site of the national institute for responsible fatherhood and family
revitalization. The bill requires the national institute for responsible fatherhood and
family revitalization to use the grant to provide comprehensive outreach and
home-based programs to accomplish all of the following:
1. Support fathers in developing the skills and attitude necessary to contribute
financially to the upbringing of their children.
2. Encourage fathers to marry the mothers of their children.
3. Reduce the incidence of nonmarital births.
4. Reduce the incidence of infant mortality.
5. Increase opportunities for fathers to spend loving and nurturing time with
their children.
6. Increase the number of fathers who establish paternity.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB698, s. 1
1. 46.48 (27) of the statutes is created to read:
(27) National institute for responsible fatherhood and family
3revitalization. The department shall distribute $1,000,000 in each fiscal year as a
4grant for the city of Milwaukee site of the national institute for responsible
5fatherhood and family revitalization. The national institute for responsible
6fatherhood and family revitalization shall use that grant to provide comprehensive
7outreach and home-based programs to accomplish all of the following:
(a) Support fathers in developing the skills and attitude necessary to contribute
9financially to the upbringing of their children.
(b) Encourage fathers to marry the mothers of their children.
(c) Reduce the incidence of nonmarital births.
(d) Reduce the incidence of infant mortality.
(e) Increase opportunities for fathers to spend loving and nurturing time with
14their children.
(f) Increase the number of fathers who establish paternity.
AB698, s. 2
Appropriation changes; health and social services.
National institute for responsible fatherhood and family revitalization.
18In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
19department of health and social services under section 20.435 (7) (bc) of the statutes,
20as affected by the acts of 1995, the dollar amount is increased by $1,000,000 for fiscal
21year 1995-96 and the dollar amount is increased by $1,000,000 for fiscal year
11996-97 to increase funding for a grant for community programs for the city of
2Milwaukee site of the national institute for responsible fatherhood and family