AB715,14,20 18(2) Pamphlet requirements. The division shall prepare a pamphlet for
19dissemination by lease-purchase companies to consumers under sub. (1). The
20consumer education pamphlet shall include at least the following:
AB715,14,2121 (a) Information on the consumer's rights of reinstatement under s. 430.501.
AB715,14,2322 (b) Information assisting the consumer in interpreting the disclosures required
23under s. 430.302.
AB715,14,2524 (c) Information on filing with the division complaints regarding possible
25violations of this chapter.
1(d) Information on the civil liability of a lease-purchase company under s.
2430.701 for violations of this chapter.
AB715,15,8 3430.501 Reinstatement. (1) A consumer who fails to make a timely rental
4payment may reinstate the lease-purchase agreement, without losing any right or
5option under the lease-purchase agreement, by the payment of all of the following
6within 5 days after the renewal date if the consumer pays monthly under the
7lease-purchase agreement, or within 2 days after the renewal date if the consumer
8pays more frequently than monthly:
AB715,15,99 (a) Past-due rental charges.
AB715,15,1110 (b) If the property has been repossessed, the reasonable costs of pickup and
AB715,15,1212 (c) Any applicable late fee.
AB715,15,19 13(2) A consumer who has paid less than two-thirds of the total dollar amount
14of payments necessary to acquire ownership and who has returned or voluntarily
15surrendered the property, other than through judicial process, within a time equal
16to the applicable reinstatement period under sub. (1), may reinstate the
17lease-purchase agreement under this subsection within 21 days after the date on
18which the property is returned or a time specified in the lease-purchase agreement,
19whichever is longer.
AB715,16,2 20(3) A consumer who has paid two-thirds or more of the total dollar amount of
21payments necessary to acquire ownership, and who has returned or voluntarily
22surrendered the property, other than through judicial process, within a time equal
23to the applicable reinstatement period under sub. (1), may reinstate the
24lease-purchase agreement under this subsection within 45 days after the date on

1which the property is returned or a time specified in the lease-purchase agreement,
2whichever is longer.
AB715,16,7 3(4) Nothing in this section prevents a lease-purchase company from
4attempting to repossess property during a reinstatement period, but a repossession
5may not affect the consumer's right to reinstate. Upon reinstatement, a
6lease-purchase company who repossessed property shall provide the consumer with
7the same property or substitute property of comparable quality and condition.
AB715,16,11 8430.502 Renegotiations and extensions. (1) A renegotiation occurs if an
9existing lease-purchase agreement is satisfied and replaced by a new
10lease-purchase agreement undertaken by the same lease-purchase company and
11consumer. A renegotiation does not include any of the following:
AB715,16,1512 (a) An addition to property or a return of property in a multiple-item
13lease-purchase agreement, or the substitution of property in a single-item
14lease-purchase agreement, if the average payment allocable to a payment period is
15not changed by more than 25%.
AB715,16,1716 (b) A deferral or extension of a periodic payment, or a portion of a periodic
AB715,16,1818 (c) A reduction in charges in a lease-purchase agreement.
AB715,16,1919 (d) A lease-purchase agreement involved in a court proceeding.
AB715,16,22 20(2) A renegotiation shall be considered a new lease-purchase agreement
21requiring new disclosures. Disclosures are not required for a renewal of a
22lease-purchase agreement.
AB715,16,25 23430.601 Advertising. (1) In this section, "advertisement" means a
24commercial message in any medium that aids, promotes or assists, directly or
25indirectly, a lease-purchase agreement.
1(2) Except as provided in sub. (4), if an advertisement for a lease-purchase
2agreement refers to or states the dollar amount of a payment for an item and the right
3to acquire ownership of that item, the advertisement shall also clearly and
4conspicuously state all of the following, to the extent applicable:
AB715,17,55 (a) That the transaction advertised is a lease-purchase agreement.
AB715,17,66 (b) The total amount of payments necessary to acquire ownership.
AB715,17,87 (c) That the consumer acquires no ownership rights if the total amount
8necessary to acquire ownership is not paid.
AB715,17,11 9(3) An owner, director, officer or employe of a medium in which an
10advertisement appears or through which an advertisement is disseminated may not
11be held liable for a violation of sub. (2).
AB715,17,13 12(4) Subsection (2) does not apply to an advertisement that is published in the
13yellow pages of a telephone directory or in a similar directory of business.
AB715,17,16 14430.701 Consumer civil actions. (1) Damages. A lease-purchase company
15that violates this chapter is liable to a consumer damaged as a result of that violation
16in an amount equal to the following:
AB715,18,217 (a) In the case of a class action, the amount that the court determines to be
18appropriate with no minimum recovery as to each member of the class, plus the costs
19of the action and reasonable attorney fees. The total recovery in any class action or
20series of class actions arising out of the same violation may not exceed $500,000 or
211% of the net worth of the lease-purchase company, whichever is less, plus the costs
22of the action and reasonable attorney fees. In determining the amount of any award
23in a class action, the court shall consider, among other relevant factors, the amount
24of actual damages suffered by the members of the class, the frequency and
25persistence of violations of this chapter by the lease-purchase company, the

1lease-purchase company's resources and the extent to which the violation was
AB715,18,43 (b) In the case of an action not covered under par. (a), the costs of the action and
4reasonable attorney fees, plus the greater of the following:
AB715,18,55 1. The actual damages sustained by the consumer as a result of the violation.
AB715,18,86 2. Twenty-five percent of the total payments necessary to acquire ownership
7of the personal property leased under the lease-purchase agreement, but not less
8than $100 nor more than $1,000.
AB715,18,16 9(2) Multiple violations. (a) If more than one lease-purchase company is a
10party to a lease-agreement and one lease-purchase company assumes responsibility
11under the agreement for making the disclosures required under ss. 430.301 and
12430.302, only the lease-purchase company assuming responsibility for making the
13disclosures may be held liable for violations of those disclosure requirements. If no
14company has assumed responsibility for making the disclosures required under ss.
15430.301 and 430.302, all lease-purchase companies who are a party to the
16lease-agreement shall be liable for violations of those disclosure requirements.
AB715,18,1917 (b) If more than one consumer is a party to a lease-purchase agreement, all of
18the consumers shall be joined as plaintiffs in an action under sub. (1) and the
19consumers are entitled only to a single recovery under sub. (1).
AB715,18,2120 (c) Multiple violations in connection with a single lease-purchase agreement
21shall be treated as a single violation under this section.
AB715, s. 9 22Section 9. 814.04 (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 24
23and 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 7148c, is amended to read:
AB715,19,2 24814.04Items of costs. (intro.) Except as provided in ss. 93.20, 106.04 (6) (i)
25and (6m) (a), 430.701 (1), 769.313, 814.025, 814.245, 895.035 (4) and (4m), 895.75 (3),

1895.77 (2), 895.80 (3), 943.212 (2) (b), 943.245 (2) (d) and 943.51 (2) (b), when allowed
2costs shall be as follows:
AB715, s. 10 3Section 10. Initial applicability.
AB715,19,5 4(1)  This act first applies to a lease-purchase agreement entered into on the
5effective date of this subsection.
AB715, s. 11 6Section 11. Effective date.
AB715,19,8 7(1) This act takes effect on July 1, 1996, or on the first day of the 6th month
8beginning after publication, whichever is later.
AB715,19,99 (End)