AB821, s. 13 21Section 13. 343.23 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 113,
22is amended to read:
AB821,9,223 343.23 (2) The department shall maintain a file for each licensee or other per
containing the application for license, permit or endorsement, a record of reports
25or abstract of convictions, the status of the licensee's person's authorization to oper

1ate different vehicle groups, a record of any out-of-service orders issued under s.
2343.305 (7) (b) or (9) (am) and a record of any reportable accident in which the licens
person has been involved, including specification of the any type of license and en
4dorsements issued under this chapter under which the licensee person was operating
5at the time of the accident and an indication whether or not the accident occurred in
6the course of the licensee's person's employment as a law enforcement officer, fire
7fighter or emergency medical technician — paramedic or as a person engaged, by an
8authority in charge of the maintenance of the highway, in highway winter mainte
9nance snow and ice removal during either a storm or cleanup following a storm. This
10information must be filed by the department so that the complete operator's record
11is available for the use of the secretary in determining whether operating privileges
12of such person shall be suspended, revoked, canceled or withheld in the interest of
13public safety. The record of suspensions, revocations and convictions that would be
14counted under s. 343.307 (2) and of convictions for disqualifying offenses under s.
15343.315 (2) (h) shall be maintained for at least 10 years. The record of convictions
16for disqualifying offenses under s. 343.315 (2) (f) shall be maintained for at least 3
17years. The record of convictions for disqualifying offenses under s. 343.315 (2) (a) to
18(e) shall be maintained permanently, except that 5 years after a licensee transfers
19residency to another state such record may be transferred to another state of licen
20sure of the licensee if that state accepts responsibility for maintaining a permanent
21record of convictions for disqualifying offenses. Such reports and records may be cu
22mulative beyond the period for which a license is granted, but the secretary, in exer
23cising the power of suspension or revocation granted under s. 343.32 (2) may consider
24only those reports and records entered during the 4-year period immediately preced
25ing the exercise of such power of suspension or revocation. For purposes of this sub

1section, "highway winter maintenance snow and ice removal" includes plowing,
2sanding, salting and the operation of vehicles in the delivery of those services.
AB821, s. 14 3Section 14. 343.23 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB821,9,54 343.23 (4) (intro.) The department shall purge all of the following from the file
5of a licensee person:
AB821, s. 15 6Section 15. 343.30 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB821,9,137 343.30 (4) Whenever a court or judge suspends or revokes an operating privi
8lege under this section, the court or judge shall immediately take possession of any
9suspended or revoked license and shall forward it as provided in s. 345.48 to the de
10partment together with the record of conviction and notice of suspension or revoca
11tion. Whenever a court or judge restricts the operating privilege of a person, the re
court or judge shall be endorsed upon the operator's license and forward
13notice of the restriction forwarded to the department.
AB821, s. 16 14Section 16. 343.30 (5) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 77,
15is amended to read:
AB821,9,2416 343.30 (5) No court may suspend or revoke an operating privilege except as au
17thorized by this chapter or ch. 345, 351 or 938 or s. 161.50, 800.09 (1) (c) or 800.095
18(4) (b) 4
. When a court revokes, suspends or restricts a child's operating privilege un
19der ch. 938, the department of transportation shall not disclose information concern
20ing or relating to the revocation, suspension or restriction to any person other than
21a court, district attorney, county corporation counsel, city, village or town attorney,
22law enforcement agency, or the minor whose operating privilege is revoked, sus
23pended or restricted, or his or her parent or guardian. Persons entitled to receive this
24information shall not disclose the information to other persons or agencies.
AB821, s. 17 25Section 17. 343.32 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1343.32 (3) Except as provided in sub. (1m), a revocation or suspension under
2this section may be for any period not exceeding one year unless a different period
3is specifically prescribed by law.
AB821, s. 18 4Section 18. 343.36 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB821,10,12 5343.36 (title) Department to distribute suspension and, revocation and
lists and nonresidents' records of conviction. (2) Once each
7month, the department shall compile a list of the names and addresses of all resi
8dents of this state whose operating privileges were revoked or suspended or who were
9disqualified under s. 343.315
during the preceding month and the periods of those
10revocations and, suspensions and disqualifications and, upon request, shall forward
11the list to the sheriff of each county, to the chief of police or the constable, respectively,
12of each city, village and town and to all county traffic officers.
AB821,10,17 13(3) Upon receiving a record of conviction showing that a nonresident operator
14of a motor vehicle has been convicted in this state of an offense which is grounds for
15revocation or, suspension or disqualification under the laws of this state, the depart
16ment shall forward a certified copy of such record to the motor vehicle administrator
17in the state wherein the person so convicted is a resident.
AB821, s. 19 18Section 19. 346.65 (6) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB821,11,519 346.65 (6) (m) The court may order a vehicle to be immobilized under this sub
20section for not more than the period that the person's operating privilege is revoked
21under s. 343.30 or 343.31. The court may order a vehicle to be equipped with an igni
22tion interlock device under this subsection for not more than 2 years more than the
23period that the person's operating privilege is revoked under s. 343.30 or 343.31. If
24the court orders any motor vehicle immobilized or equipped with an ignition inter
25lock device under this subsection, the owner shall be liable for the reasonable costs

1of the immobilization or the equipping of the ignition interlock device. If a motor ve
2hicle that is immobilized is subject to a security agreement, the court shall release
3the motor vehicle to the secured party upon the filing of an affidavit by the secured
4party that the security agreement is in default and upon payment of the accrued cost
5of immobilizing the motor vehicle.
AB821, s. 20 6Section 20. Initial applicability.
AB821,11,9 7(1)  The treatment of section 346.65 (6) (m) of the statutes first applies to court
8orders to immobilize a vehicle or to equip a vehicle with an ignition interlock device
9entered on the effective date of this subsection.
AB821, s. 21 10Section 21. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publica
11tion, except as follows:
AB821,11,13 12(1)  The treatment of sections 341.08 (2) (d) and 342.20 (3) of the statutes takes
13effect on the first day of the 3rd month beginning after publication.
AB821,11,15 14(2)  The treatment of section 343.30 (5) of the statutes takes effect on July 1,
151996, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.
AB821,11,1616 (End)