1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
February 13, 1996 - Introduced by Representatives Notestein, Goetsch, La Fave,
Musser, Krug, Ziegelbauer, Seratti, Springer, F. Lasee, Baldwin, Williams,
Robson, R. Young, Hasenohrl, Baldus, Bock, Hanson, Murat, Boyle, R.
Potter and Black, cosponsored by Senators Burke, Clausing and Decker.
Referred to Committee on Consumer Affairs.
1An Act to amend 421.202 (6); and
to create 422.312 of the statutes;
2to: disclosures in certain motor vehicle leases and granting rule-making au
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires that a creditor make certain disclosures to a customer before
entering into certain motor vehicle leases. These disclosures must be made in writ
ing on a separate form and must be signed by the customer prior to entering into the
motor vehicle lease. The disclosures must include all of the following information:
1) the fact that the agreement is a lease agreement and not a purchase agreement,
2) the value of any motor vehicle used as a trade-in under the lease, 3) the "capital
ized cost" under the lease and a statement showing how this was determined, 4) an
itemization of all fees charged under the lease, 5) any capitalized cost reductions un
der the lease agreement and 6) if the lease contains an option to purchase the vehicle
at the end of the lease agreement, the "effective interest rate" under the lease. The
bill defines "capitalized cost" to mean the agreed-upon total amount which, after de
ducting any down payment or trade-in allowance, serves as the basis for calculating
the amount of the periodic payment under an agreement for the lease of a motor ve
hicle. The bill enumerates a number of fees and charges that are specifically included
in calculating capitalized cost, including taxes, registration fees, license fees, ac
quisition fees, insurance and maintenance contract charges, charges for accessories
and charges for other goods and services incidental to the lease transaction. "Effec
tive interest rate" is defined to be the rate of interest that would have to paid on the
capitalized cost, less any down payment or trade-in allowance, in order to generate
sufficient funds to pay all periodic payments required under the lease, as well as any
payment required at the end of the lease agreement to exercise the option to purchase
the vehicle. Although the Wisconsin consumer act generally does not apply to con
sumer transactions in excess of $25,000, the bill applies to all leases of automobiles,
station wagons, minivans and certain trucks. The commissioner of banking is
required to promulgate rules regarding the disclosure requirements contained in the
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB870, s. 1
1. 421.202 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Consumer Except as provided in s. 422.312, consumer credit trans
3actions in which the amount financed exceeds $25,000 or other consumer transac
4tions in which the cash price exceeds $25,000;
AB870, s. 2
2. 422.312 of the statutes is created to read:
6422.312 Motor vehicle lease disclosures.
(1) In this section:
(a) "Capitalized cost" means the agreed-upon total amount which, after de
8ducting any capitalized cost reduction, serves as the basis for calculating the amount
9of the periodic payment under an agreement for the lease of a motor vehicle. Capital
10ized cost includes all of the following:
2. Registration, license, acquisition, administration, assignment or other simi
13lar fees.
3. Charges for insurance, for guaranteed auto protection coverage or a waiver
15of this coverage, for an extended warranty, mechanical repair contract, service con
16tract or vehicle maintenance agreement or for other similar charges.
4. Fees and charges for accessories and for installing accessories.
5. Charges for delivering, servicing, repairing or improving the vehicle.
6. Charges for other goods, services and benefits incidental to the lease transac
1(b) "Capitalized cost reduction" means any payment made by cash, check re
2bates or similar means that is in the nature of a down payment made by the lessee
3and any net trade-in allowance granted by the lessor at the inception of the lease for
4the purpose of reducing the capitalized cost. "Capitalized cost reduction" does not
5include any base lease payments due at the inception of the lease. If all lease pay
6ments are to be paid at the inception of the lease, "capitalized cost reduction" does
7not include any lease payment.
(c) "Effective interest rate" means, for any lease agreement with an option to
9purchase the vehicle at the end of the lease agreement, the rate of interest that is
10determined by doing the following:
1. Calculating the capitalized cost, less any capitalized cost reduction, for the
12vehicle to be leased under the lease agreement.
2. Calculating the annual interest rate that would have to be paid on the
14amount determined under subd. 1. so that the amount, if invested at that rate of in
15terest on the date the lease agreement is entered into, would generate sufficient in
16terest over the term of the lease agreement to allow the payment, from the amount
17and the interest on it, of all of the following:
a. Each periodic payment that the customer is required to make under the lease
19agreement, at the time the payment is required to be made under the lease agree
b. The payment required to exercise the option to purchase the vehicle at the
22end of the lease agreement, at the end of the lease agreement.
(d) "Motor vehicle" means all of the following:
1. An automobile, as defined in s. 340.01 (4).
2. A station wagon, as defined in s. 340.01 (61).
13. A truck, as defined under s. 340.01 (34), that has a gross weight of not more
2than 8,000 pounds.
3(2) In addition to any other requirements under this subchapter, a creditor
4shall disclose all of the following in writing to a customer on a separate form that is
5signed by the customer before the customer enters into an agreement for the lease
6of a motor vehicle:
(a) The fact that the agreement is a lease agreement and not a purchase agree
(b) The value of any motor vehicle used as a trade-in under the lease.
(c) The capitalized cost under the lease, and a statement showing how the ca
11pitalized cost was determined.
(d) An itemization of all fees charged under the lease agreement.
(e) Any capitalized cost reduction under the lease agreement.
(f) If the lease agreement contains an option to purchase the vehicle at the end
15of the lease agreement, the effective interest rate under the lease agreement.
16(3) Notwithstanding the dollar limits in s. 421.202 (6), this section applies to
17any lease of a motor vehicle.
18(4) The administrator shall promulgate rules specifying the required disclo
19sures under sub. (2).
This act takes effect on the first day of the 7th month beginning after publi