(8) (a) Except as provided under sub. (1) (f), a person shall apply for and
6be issued by the board a permit for an activity in subs. (1), (2) and (5) for land in the
7riverway that is not zoned shorelands under s. 59.971
or 60.625.
AB893, s. 6
6. 30.44 (8) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (c) (intro.) The board may grant a waiver of a performance standard
10for an activity in sub. (1) (b) and issue a permit under par. (a) or may grant a waiver
11authorizing an activity prohibited under s. 30.45 (3) or (3m) for land in the riverway
12that is not zoned shorelands under s. 59.971
or 60.625 if one of the following applies:
AB893, s. 7
7. 30.44 (9) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(9) (a) A person shall apply for and be issued by the county in which the
15land is located a permit for an activity in subs. (1), (2) and (5) for land in the riverway
16that is in the county and that is zoned shorelands under s. 59.971
or 60.625.
AB893, s. 8
8. 30.44 (9) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(9) (c) (intro.) The county may grant a waiver of a performance standard
19for an activity in sub. (1) (b) and issue a permit for the activity under par. (a) or may
20grant a waiver authorizing an activity prohibited under s. 30.45 (3) or (3m) for land
21in the riverway that is in the county and that is zoned shorelands under s. 59.971
2260.625 if one of the following applies:
(8) Zoning. Notwithstanding ss. 13.48 (13) (a), 59.97 (4), 60.61 (2), 60.62
2(1), 61.35 and 62.23 (7), the Kickapoo valley reserve is not subject to the zoning
3ordinance of any county or municipality, except that any ordinance enacted under s.
60.625, 61.351, 62.231 or 87.30 governing the zoning of floodplains,
5shorelands or wetlands in shorelands and any ordinance that is required by law
6under s. 59.974, 61.354 or
62.324 62.234 governing construction site erosion control
7or storm water management applies in the reserve.
AB893, s. 10
10. 59.97 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (c) A county ordinance enacted as provided by this section shall not
10be effective in any town until it has been approved by the town board. If the town
11board approves an ordinance enacted by the county board, as provided by this
12section, a certified copy of the approving resolution attached to one of the copies of
13such ordinance submitted to the town board shall promptly be filed with the county
14clerk by the town clerk. Such ordinance shall become effective in such town as of the
15date of such filing, which filing shall be recorded by the county clerk in the clerk's
16office, reported to the town board and the county board, and printed in the
17proceedings of the county board. Such ordinance shall supersede any prior town
18ordinance in conflict therewith or which is concerned with zoning, except as provided
19by in sub. (5m) or s. 60.62.
AB893, s. 11
11. 59.97 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
(5m) Town withdrawal from county zoning. (a) A town board may,
22without county board approval, enact an ordinance rescinding the town board's
23approval of a county zoning ordinance under sub. (5) (c) if the town meeting
24authorizes the rescission under s. 60.10 (1) (g). A rescission of approval under this
25paragraph takes effect on the effective date of a town zoning ordinance that is
1enacted under this paragraph and s. 60.61 (2) or 61.35. A town zoning ordinance that
2is enacted under this paragraph and s. 60.61 (2) or 61.35 shall contain a provision
3that continues the effect of a county exclusive agricultural use zoning ordinance that
4was enacted under ss. 59.97 to 59.99, and that provision may be amended under s.
(b) A town, the town board of which enacts a rescission ordinance under par.
7(a), is not subject to extraterritorial zoning under s. 62.23 (7a) or 66.32, offensive
8industry regulation under s. 66.052 (1) and extraterritorial plat approval under s.
(c) A town, the town board of which enacts a rescission ordinance under par.
11(a), is not subject to a county shoreland zoning ordinance enacted under s. 59.971 if
12the town board enacts a shoreland zoning ordinance under s. 60.625.
AB893, s. 12
12. 59.971 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) "Shoreland zoning standard" means a standard for ordinances
15enacted under this section that
are is promulgated as
rules a rule by the department.
AB893, s. 13
13. 59.971 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) To effect the purposes of s. 144.26 and to promote the public health,
18safety and general welfare, each county shall zone by ordinance all shorelands in its
19unincorporated area
, subject to s. 60.625 (2) (b). This ordinance may be enacted
20separately from ordinances enacted under s. 59.97.
AB893, s. 14
14. 59.971 (1r) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1r) (intro.) An ordinance enacted under this section
or s. 60.625 may
23not prohibit the maintenance of stairs, platforms or decks that were constructed
24before August 15, 1991, and that are located in any of the following shorelands:
AB893, s. 15
15. 59.971 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) Except as otherwise specified, all provisions of s. 59.97 apply to
2ordinances and their amendments enacted under this section whether or not enacted
3separately from ordinances enacted under s. 59.97
, but
. Except as provided in ss.
459.97 (5m) and 60.625 (2) (b) and as otherwise specified, the ordinances and
5amendments shall not require approval or be subject to disapproval by any town or
6town board.
AB893, s. 16
16. 60.10 (1) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (g)
Withdrawal from county zoning. Authorize the town board to
9rescind approval of a county zoning ordinance under s. 59.97 (5m) (a).
AB893, s. 17
17. 60.61 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
(7) Sunset; grandfather clause. (a) No ordinance may be enacted or
12amended, nor may a resolution be adopted or amended, under this section on or after
13the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
(b) An ordinance enacted or amended, or a resolution adopted or amended,
15under this section before the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date],
16shall remain in effect until repealed by the town board.
AB893, s. 18
18. 60.62 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Subject to subs. (2) and (3), if a town board has been granted authority
19to exercise village powers under s. 60.10 (2) (c), the board may adopt zoning
20ordinances under s. 61.35
, except that a board may not act under s. 62.23 (7a) or (9a).
AB893, s. 19
19. 60.62 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) If the county in which the town is located has adopted a zoning
23ordinance under s. 59.97, the The exercise of the authority under sub. (1) is subject
24to approval by the town meeting or by a referendum vote of the electors of the town
25held at the time of any regular or special election.
AB893, s. 20
20. 60.62 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(3) The exercise of the authority under sub. (1) is subject to a town board's
3rescission of its approval of a county zoning ordinance under s. 59.97 (5m) (a). An
4ordinance enacted under sub. (1) takes effect upon the enactment by the town board
5of a rescission ordinance under s. 59.97 (5m) (a).
AB893, s. 21
21. 60.625 of the statutes is created to read:
760.625 Zoning of shorelands. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Department" means the department of natural resources.
(b) "Shorelands" has the meaning given in s. 59.971 (1) (b).
(c) "Shoreland zoning standard" has the meaning given in s. 59.971 (1) (c).
11(2) Enactment and effect of ordinance. (a) To effect the purposes of s. 144.26
12and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, if a town may enact
13zoning ordinances under s. 60.62, the town may zone by ordinance all shorelands
14that are within the town's boundaries. An ordinance enacted under this section shall
15be at least as restrictive as the county shoreland zoning ordinance to which the town
16was subject.
(b) A county ordinance enacted under s. 59.971 does not apply and has no effect
18in a town in which an ordinance enacted under this section is in effect.
(c) If an existing town ordinance relating to shorelands is more restrictive than
20an ordinance later enacted under this section affecting the same shorelands, it
21continues as a town ordinance in all respects to the extent of the greater restrictions,
22but not otherwise.
23(3) Applicability of comprehensive zoning plan or general zoning ordinance. 24An ordinance enacted under this section shall accord and be consistent with any
1comprehensive zoning plan or general zoning ordinance applicable to the enacting
2town, so far as practicable.
3(4) Applicability of local subdivision regulation. All powers granted to a
4town under s. 236.45 may be exercised by it with respect to shorelands, if the town
5has or provides a planning commission or agency.
6(5) Intergovernmental cooperation. (a) Section 66.30 applies to this section,
7but for the purposes of this section any agreement under s. 66.30 shall be effected by
(b) If a town is served by a regional planning commission under s. 66.945 and
10if the commission consents, the town may empower the commission by ordinance to
11administer the ordinance enacted under this section throughout the town, whether
12or not the area otherwise served by the commission includes all of that town.
13(6) Variances and appeals. Variances and appeals regarding a shoreland
14zoning ordinance enacted under this section are to be determined by the board of
15appeals or similar agency for the town. To the extent specified under s. 61.35,
16procedures under s. 62.23 (7) (e) apply to these determinations.
17(7) Department review. If the department, after notice and hearing,
18determines that a town has enacted an ordinance that fails to meet the shoreland
19zoning standards, the department shall issue an order declaring the town ordinance
20void and reinstating the applicability of the county shoreland zoning ordinance.
21(8) Annexation. (a) Provisions of a town shoreland zoning ordinance enacted
22under this section that are applicable, prior to annexation, to any shorelands
23annexed by a city or village shall continue in effect and shall be enforced after
24annexation by the annexing city or village unless any of the following occurs:
11. The city or village enacts, administers and enforces a zoning ordinance, for
2the annexed area, that complies with the shoreland zoning standards and that is at
3least as restrictive as the town shoreland zoning ordinance.
2. After annexation, the city or village requests the town to amend the town
5shoreland zoning ordinance as it applies to the annexed area to delete or modify
6provisions that meet the specifications under par. (ag), the town enacts the
7amendment and the city or village administers and enforces the amended ordinance
8as it applies to the annexed area.
3. After annexation, the city or village requests that the town shoreland zoning
10ordinance, as it applies to the annexed area, continue to be in effect and enforced by
11the town and the town agrees to enforce the ordinance.
(ad) Provisions of a town shoreland zoning ordinance enacted under this
13section that were applicable, prior to incorporation, to any shorelands that are part
14of a town that incorporates as a city or village under s. 66.012, 66.014, 66.018 or
1566.019 shall continue in effect and shall be enforced after incorporation by the
16incorporated city or village unless any of the following occurs:
1. The city or village enacts, administers and enforces a zoning ordinance that
18complies with the shoreland zoning standards and that is at least as restrictive as
19the town shoreland zoning ordinance.
2. After incorporation, the city or village requests the town to amend the town
21shoreland zoning ordinance as it applies to the incorporated area to delete or modify
22provisions that meet the specifications under par. (ag), the town enacts the
23amendment and the city or village administers and enforces the amended ordinance.
13. After incorporation, the city or village requests that the town shoreland
2zoning ordinance, as it applies to the incorporated area, continue to be in effect and
3enforced by the town and the town agrees to enforce the ordinance.
(ag) For purposes of pars. (a) 2. and (ad) 2., the types of provisions that may be
5deleted or modified are those that establish specified land uses or requirements
6associated with those uses and that are not necessary to effect the purposes of s.
7144.26 (1) that relate to the protection of navigable waters.
(ar) The town may not enact an amendment under par. (a) 2. or (ad) 2. that is
9less restrictive than the shoreland zoning standards.
(aw) Any amendment enacted under par. (a) 2. shall apply only to the annexed
11area of the city or village requesting the amendment.
(b) If the department determines that a zoning ordinance enacted by a city or
13village under par. (a) 1. or (ad) 1. does not meet the shoreland zoning standards or
14is not as restrictive as the town shoreland zoning ordinance, the department shall,
15after providing notice and conducting a hearing on the matter, either issue an order
16declaring the city or village ordinance void and reinstating the applicability of the
17town shoreland zoning ordinance to the annexed or incorporated area or issue an
18order declaring the city or village ordinance void and adopting an ordinance for the
19annexed or incorporated area for the city or village that does meet the shoreland
20zoning standards and that is at least as restrictive as the town shoreland zoning
(c) If the department determines that an amendment enacted by a town under
23par. (a) 2. or (ad) 2. does not meet the shoreland zoning standards, the department,
24after providing notice and conducting a hearing on the matter, shall issue an order
25declaring the amendment void and shall reinstate the applicability of the town
1shoreland zoning ordinance, that was in effect prior to amending the ordinance, to
2the annexed or incorporated area.
(d) As far as applicable, the procedures set forth in s. 87.30 apply to this
(e) Paragraphs (a) and (ad) and ss. 66.012 (7) (b), 66.014 (10) and 66.019 (2) (b)
6do not apply to wetlands in shorelands that are governed by the provisions in s.
761.351 or 62.231.
AB893, s. 22
22. 62.23 (7a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7a) Extraterritorial zoning. (intro.)
The Subject to s. 59.97 (5m) (b),
10the governing body of any city which has created a city plan commission under sub.
11(1) and has adopted a zoning ordinance under sub. (7) may exercise extraterritorial
12zoning power as set forth in this subsection. Insofar as applicable sub. (7) (a), (b), (c),
13(ea), (h) and (i) shall apply to extraterritorial zoning ordinances enacted under this
14subsection. This subsection shall also apply to the governing body of any village.
AB893, s. 23
23. 66.012 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (b) A county
or town shoreland zoning ordinance enacted under s.
or 60.625 that is in force in any part of the territory shall continue in force
18until altered under s. 59.971 (7) (ad)
or 60.625 (8) (ad).
AB893, s. 24
24. 66.014 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
(10) Existing ordinances. A county
or town shoreland zoning ordinance
21enacted under s. 59.971
or 60.625 that is in force in any part of the territory shall
22continue in force until altered under s. 59.971 (7) (ad)
or 60.625 (8) (ad).
AB893, s. 25
25. 66.019 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) A county
or town shoreland zoning ordinance enacted under s.
or 60.625 that is in force in any part of the territory shall continue in force
3until altered under s. 59.971 (7) (ad)
or 60.625 (8) (ad).
AB893, s. 26
26. 66.021 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (a) An ordinance for the annexation of the territory described in the
6annexation petition may be enacted by a two-thirds vote of the elected members of
7the governing body not less than 20 days after the publication of the notice of
8intention to circulate the petition and not later than 120 days after the date of filing
9with the city or village clerk of the petition for annexation or of the referendum
10election if favorable to the annexation. If the annexation is subject to sub. (11) the
11governing body shall first review the reasons given by the department of
12administration that the proposed annexation is against the public interest. Subject
s. ss. 59.971 (7)
and 60.625 (8), such an ordinance may temporarily designate the
14classification of the annexed area for zoning purposes until the zoning ordinance is
15amended as prescribed in s. 62.23 (7) (d). Before introduction of an ordinance
16containing such temporary classification, the proposed classification shall be
17referred to and recommended by the plan commission. The authority to make such
18temporary classification shall not be effective when the county ordinance prevails
19during litigation as provided in s. 59.97 (7).
AB893, s. 27
27. 66.023 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (e)
Content of plan; compatibility with existing law. The cooperative
22plan shall describe how the plan is consistent with current state and federal laws,
23county shoreland zoning ordinances under
s. ss. 59.971
and 60.625, municipal
24regulations and administrative rules that apply to the territory affected by the plan.
AB893, s. 28
28. 66.024 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) Temporary zoning of area proposed to be annexed. An interim
2zoning ordinance to become effective only upon approval of the annexation at the
3referendum election may be enacted by the governing body of the city or village.
4Subject to
s. ss. 59.971 (7)
and 60.625 (8), the ordinance may temporarily designate
5the classification of the annexed area for zoning purposes until the zoning ordinance
6is amended as prescribed in s. 62.23 (7) (d). The proposed interim zoning ordinance
7shall be referred to and recommended by the plan commission prior to introduction.
8Authority to make such temporary classification shall not be effective when the
9county zoning ordinance prevails during litigation as provided in s. 59.97 (7).
AB893, s. 29
29. 66.025 of the statutes is amended to read:
1166.025 Annexation of owned territory. In addition to other methods
12provided by law and subject to ss. 59.971 (7)
, 60.625 (8) and 66.023 (7), territory
13owned by and lying near but not necessarily contiguous to a village or city may be
14annexed to a village or city by ordinance enacted by the board of trustees of the village
15or the common council of the city, provided that in the case of noncontiguous territory
16the use of the territory by the city or village is not contrary to any town or county
17zoning regulation. The ordinance shall contain the exact description of the territory
18annexed and the names of the towns from which detached, and shall operate to
19attach the territory to the village or city upon the filing of 6 certified copies thereof
20in the office of the secretary of state, together with 6 copies of a plat showing the
21boundaries of the territory attached. Two copies of the ordinance and plat shall be
22forwarded by the secretary of state to the department of transportation, one copy to
23the department of natural resources, one copy to the department of revenue and one
24copy to the department of public instruction.
AB893, s. 30
30. 66.032 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (g) "Municipality" means any county with a zoning ordinance under
2s. 59.97, any town with a zoning ordinance under s. 60.61
or 60.62, any city with a
3zoning ordinance under s. 62.23 (7), any 1st class city or any village with a zoning
4ordinance under s. 61.35.
AB893, s. 31
31. 66.052 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Any Subject to s. 59.97 (5m) (b), any common council or village board
7may direct the location, management and construction of, and license, regulate or
8prohibit any industry, thing or place where any nauseous, offensive or unwholesome
9business is carried on, that is within the city or village or within 4 miles of the
10boundaries of the city or village, except that the Milwaukee, Menominee and
11Kinnickinnic rivers with their branches to the outer limits of the county of
12Milwaukee, and all canals connecting with said rivers, together with the lands
13adjacent to said rivers and canals or within 100 yards of them, are deemed to be
14within the jurisdiction of the city of Milwaukee. Any town board shall have the same
15powers as are provided in this section for cities and villages, as to the area within the
16town that is not licensed, regulated or prohibited by any city or village under this
17section. Any business that is conducted in violation of any city, village or town
18ordinance that is authorized to be enacted under this section is a public nuisance.
19An action for the abatement or removal of the business or to obtain an injunction to
20prevent operation of the business may be brought and maintained by the common
21council or village or town board in the name of this state on the relation of such city,
22village or town as provided in ss. 823.01, 823.02 and 823.07, or as provided in s.
23254.58. Section 97.42 may not limit the powers granted by this section. Section 95.72
24may not limit the powers granted by this section to cities or villages but powers
1granted to towns by this section are limited by s. 95.72 and by any orders and rules
2promulgated under s. 95.72.
AB893, s. 32
32. 66.32 of the statutes is amended to read:
466.32 Extraterritorial powers. The extraterritorial powers granted to cities
5and villages by statute, including ss. 30.745, 62.23 (2) and (7a), 66.052, 236.10 and
6254.57, may not be exercised within the corporate limits of another city or village
7within the corporate limits of a town that has in effect a zoning ordinance enacted
8under s. 60.61 or 60.62, or an ordinance rescinding its approval of a county zoning
9ordinance under s. 59.97 (5m) (a). Wherever these statutory extraterritorial powers
10overlap, the jurisdiction over the overlapping area shall be divided on a line all points
11of which are equidistant from the boundaries of each municipality concerned so that
12not more than one municipality shall exercise power over any area.
AB893, s. 33
33. 70.32 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1g) In addition to the factors set out in sub. (1), the assessor shall
15consider the effect on the value of the property of any zoning ordinance under s.
60.625, 61.351 or 62.231, any conservation easement under s. 700.40, any
17conservation restriction under an agreement with the federal government and any
18restrictions under ch. 91.
AB893, s. 34
34. 70.32 (2) (c) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (c) 4. "Swampland or wasteland" means bog, marsh, lowland brush,
21uncultivated land zoned as shoreland under s. 59.971
or 60.625 and shown as a
22wetland on a final map under s. 23.32 or other nonproductive lands not otherwise
23classified under this subsection.