1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
January 9, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Silbaugh, Johnsrud, Ward,
Coleman, Skindrud, Duff, Ott, Klusman, Underheim, Musser, Hahn, Urban,
Freese, Dobyns, Owens, Grothman, Gronemus, Walker, Hanson,
Grobschmidt, Baldus, Bock, Krug, Boyle, Wilder, Dueholm, Olsen,
Zukowski, Kreibich, Lehman, Gunderson, Brandemuehl, Huebsch, Lazich,
Ladwig and Hutchison, cosponsored by Senators Rude, Chvala, Moen, Leean,
Huelsman, Rosenzweig, Drzewiecki, Andrea, Risser, Plewa, Burke and
Breske. Referred to Committee on State Affairs.
1Relating to: proclaiming May 19, 20 and 21, 1995, Syttende Mai Weekend.
Whereas, "Syttende Mai", Norwegian for "May 17", celebrates the anniversary
3of the 1814 signing of the Norwegian Constitution declaring Norway's independence
4from Sweden; and
Whereas, "Syttende Mai" is observed in many Norwegian communities
6throughout the United States; and
Whereas, Wisconsin communities, such as Stoughton, Westby and Woodville,
8will celebrate "Syttende Mai" in many ways, including parades, Norwegian displays,
9Norwegian street music and dancers, "Syttende Mai" King and Queen presentations,
10"Syttende Mai" runs, special museum tours, choral concerts, church services and
11Norwegian drama; and
Whereas, thousands of Wisconsinites of Norwegian heritage will participate in
13these activities during the month of May; now, therefore, be it
14Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the weekend of
15May 19, 20 and 21, 1995, is proclaimed "SYTTENDE MAI WEEKEND" in the state
16of Wisconsin, and that all of the citizens of this state are declared honorary
1Norwegians for that weekend and are urged to observe the "Syttende Mai Weekend"
2with appropriate celebrations.