SB436, s. 258 8Section 258. 66.431 (2m) (ar) of the statutes is created to read:
SB436,96,99 66.431 (2m) (ar) "Authority" means a redevelopment authority.
Note: Relocates definition from s. 66.431 (3) (a) consistent with current style. See
also the next 2 sections of this bill.
SB436, s. 259 10Section 259. 66.431 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.431 (3) (a) 1. and
11amended to read:
SB436,97,212 66.431 (3) (a) 1. It is hereby found and declared that a redevelopment
13authority, functioning within a city in which there exists substandard, deteriorating,
14deteriorated, insanitary, unsanitary slum and blighted areas, constitutes a more
15effective and efficient means for preventing and eliminating slums and blighted
16areas in the city and preventing the recurrence thereof. Therefore, there is created
17in every such city a redevelopment authority, to be known as the "redevelopment
18authority of the city of ....(which in this section shall be referred to as "authority", and
19when so referred to, means and applies to a redevelopment authority)
". An authority
20is created
for the purpose of carrying out blight elimination, slum clearance, and
21urban renewal programs and projects as set forth in this section, together with all

1powers necessary or incidental to effect adequate and comprehensive blight
2elimination, slum clearance and urban renewal programs and projects. The
SB436,97,6 32. An authority may transact business and exercise any of the powers granted
4to it in this section following the adoption by the local legislative body of a resolution
5declaring in substance that there exists within such the city a need for blight
6elimination, slum clearance and urban renewal programs and projects.
SB436,97,13 73. Upon the adoption of the resolution by the local legislative body by a
8two-thirds vote of its members present, a certified copy thereof of the resolution shall
9be transmitted to the mayor or other head of the city government. Upon receiving
10the certified copy of such the resolution, the mayor or other head of the city
11government shall, with the confirmation of four-fifths of the local legislative body,
12appoint 7 residents of the city as commissioners of the authority. No more than 2 of
13such commissioners may be officers of the city in which the authority is
SB436,97,14 144. The powers of the authority shall be vested in the commissioners.
SB436,97,23 155. In making appointments of commissioners, the appointing power shall give
16due consideration to the general interest of the appointee in a redevelopment, slum
17clearance or urban renewal program and shall, insofar as is possible, designate
18representatives from the general public, labor, industry, finance or business group,
19and civic organizations. Appointees shall have sufficient ability and experience in
20related fields, especially in the fields of finance and management, to assure efficiency
21in the redevelopment program, its planning and direction. One of such the 7
22commissioners shall be a member of the local legislative body. No more than 2 of the
23commissioners may be officers of the city in which the authority is created.
SB436,97,25 246. Commissioners shall receive their actual and necessary expenses, including
25local traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties.

Note: Subdivides provision and reorganizes and replaces language for greater
readability and conformity with current style. See also the previous section of this bill.
SB436, s. 260 1Section 260. 66.431 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 66.431 (2m), and 66.431
2(2m) (b), (d) (intro.) and (e), as renumbered, are amended to read.
SB436,98,33 66.431 (2m) (b) "Blighted area" means any of the following:
SB436,98,11 41. An area (, including a slum area), in which there is a predominance of
5buildings or improvements, whether residential or nonresidential, which by reason
6of dilapidation, deterioration, age or obsolescence, inadequate provision for
7ventilation, light, air, sanitation, or open spaces, high density of population and
8overcrowding, or the existence of conditions which endanger life or property by fire
9and other causes, or any combination of such factors is conducive to ill health,
10transmission of disease, infant mortality, juvenile delinquency, or crime, and is
11detrimental to the public health, safety, morals or welfare, or any.
SB436,98,22 122. An area which by reason of the presence of a substantial number of
13substandard, slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures, predominance of
14defective or inadequate street layout, faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy,
15accessibility or usefulness, insanitary unsanitary or unsafe conditions, deterioration
16of site or other improvements, diversity of ownership, tax or special assessment
17delinquency exceeding the fair value of the land, defective or unusual conditions of
18title, or the existence of conditions which endanger life or property by fire and other
19causes, or any combination of such factors, substantially impairs or arrests the sound
20growth of a city, retards the provision of housing accommodations or constitutes an
21economic or social liability and is a menace to the public health, safety, morals, or
22welfare in its present condition and use, or any.
13. An area which is predominantly open and which because of obsolete platting,
2diversity of ownership, deterioration of structures or of site improvements, or
3otherwise, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the community.
SB436,99,144 (d) (intro.) "Blight elimination, slum clearance and urban renewal project",
5"redevelopment and urban renewal project", "redevelopment or urban renewal
6project", "redevelopment project", "urban renewal project" and "project" mean
7undertakings and activities in a project area for the elimination and for the
8prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and may involve
9clearance and redevelopment in a project area, or rehabilitation or conservation in
10a project area, or any combination or part thereof in accordance with a
11"redevelopment plan", "urban renewal plan", "redevelopment or urban renewal
12plan", "project area plan" or "redevelopment and urban renewal plan" (, either one
13of which means the redevelopment plan of the project area prepared and approved
14as provided in sub. (6)). Such undertakings and activities may include:
SB436,99,1615 (e) "Bonds" means any bonds (, including refunding bonds),; notes,; interim
16certificates,; certificates of indebtedness,; debentures; or other obligations.
Note: Renumbers sub. (4) for proper location within the section. Subdivides sub.
(1m) (b) and replaces parentheses for greater readability and conformity with current
style. "Unsanitary" replaces "insanitary", being the preferred spelling.
SB436, s. 261 17Section 261. 66.431 (9) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 66.431 (9) (a) 1. a.
18and amended to read:
SB436,99,2319 66.431 (9) (a) 1. a. Upon the acquisition of any or all of the real property in the
20project area, the authority has power to lease, sell or otherwise transfer all or any
21part of said real property (including streets or parts thereof to be closed or vacated
22in accordance with the plan)
to a redevelopment company, association, corporation
23or public body, or to an individual, limited liability company or partnership, all or any

1part of the real property, including streets or parts thereof to be closed or vacated in
2accordance with the plan
, for use in accordance with the redevelopment plan. No
3such assembled lands of the project area shall be either sold or leased by the
4authority to a housing authority created under s. 66.40 for the purpose of
5constructing public housing projects upon such land unless the sale or lease of such
6the lands has been first approved by the local legislative body by a vote of not less
7than four-fifths of the members elected. Such
SB436,100,16 8b. Any real property sold or leased under subd. 1. a. shall be leased or sold at
9its fair market value for uses in accordance with the redevelopment plan,
10notwithstanding such that the fair market value may be less than the cost of
11acquiring and preparing such the property for redevelopment. In determining such
12fair market value, an authority shall give consideration to the uses and purposes
13required by the redevelopment plan; the restrictions upon and covenants, conditions
14and obligations assumed by the purchaser or lessee, the objectives of the
15redevelopment plan for the prevention or recurrence of slum and blighted areas; and
16such other matters as that the authority deems considers appropriate.
SB436,100,20 17c. A copy of the redevelopment plan shall be recorded in the office of the register
18of deeds in the county where such the redevelopment project is located, and any. Any
19amendment to such the redevelopment plan, approved as herein provided for, shall
20also be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of such the county.
SB436,101,2 21d. Before the transfer, lease or sale of any real property in the project area
22occurs, a report as to the terms, conditions and other material provisions of the
23proposed sale, lease or other disposition of either a part (where only a part of the land
24assembled is to be disposed) or of all of the land assembled
transaction shall be
25submitted to the local legislative body, and such the local legislative body shall

1approve such the report prior to the authority proceeding with the disposition of such
2the real property.
Note: Subdivides provision, deletes redundant phrase and replaces and
reorganizes language for greater readability and conformity to current style.
SB436, s. 262 3Section 262. 66.431 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,101,124 66.431 (14) Obligations. For the purpose of financially aiding an authority to
5carry out blight elimination, slum clearance and urban renewal programs and
6projects, the city in which such the authority functions is authorized (, without
7limiting its authority under any other law), to issue and sell general obligation bonds
8in the manner and in accordance with the provisions of ch. 67, except that no
9referendum shall be required, and to levy taxes without limitation for the payment
10thereof, as provided in s. 67.035. Such The bonds authorized under this subsection
11shall be fully negotiable and except as provided in this subsection shall not be subject
12to any other law or charter pertaining to the issuance or sale of bonds.
note: Replaces parentheses and language for greater readability and conformity
to current style.
SB436, s. 263 13Section 263. 66.435 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB436,101,1414 66.435 (2m) In this section:
SB436,101,1515 (a) "Rehabilitation or conservation work" may include any of the following:
SB436,101,1716 1. Carrying out plans for a program of voluntary or compulsory repair and
17rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements.
SB436,102,218 2. Acquisition of real property and demolition, removal or rehabilitation of
19buildings and improvements thereon where necessary to eliminate unhealthful
20unsanitary or unsafe conditions, lessen density, reduce traffic hazards, eliminate
21obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public welfare, or to otherwise remove or

1prevent the spread of blight or deterioration, or to provide land for needed public
SB436,102,53 3. Installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, utilities, parks,
4playgrounds, and other improvements necessary for carrying out the objectives of
5the urban renewal project.
SB436,102,96 4. The disposition, for uses in accordance with the objectives of the urban
7renewal project, of any property or part thereof acquired in the area of the project.
8The disposition shall be in the manner prescribed in this section for the disposition
9of property in a redevelopment project area.
SB436,102,1410 (b) "Urban renewal project" may include undertakings and activities for the
11elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums or blighted,
12deteriorated or deteriorating areas and may involve any work or undertaking for
13such purpose constituting a redevelopment project or any rehabilitation or
14conservation work, or any combination of such undertaking or work.
Note: Repositions definitions from sub. (3) for greater conformity with current
style. See also the next section of this bill.
SB436, s. 264 15Section 264. 66.435 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,103,1316 66.435 (3) In addition to its authority under any other section, a municipality
17is authorized to plan and undertake urban renewal projects. As used in this section,
18an urban renewal project may include undertakings and activities for the
19elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums or blighted,
20deteriorated or deteriorating areas and may involve any work or undertaking for
21such purpose constituting a redevelopment project or any rehabilitation or
22conservation work, or any combination of such undertaking or work. For this
23purpose, "rehabilitation or conservation work" may include (a) carrying out plans for

1a program of voluntary or compulsory repair and rehabilitation of buildings or other
2improvements; (b) acquisition of real property and demolition, removal or
3rehabilitation of buildings and improvements thereon where necessary to eliminate
4unhealthful, insanitary or unsafe conditions, lessen density, reduce traffic hazards,
5eliminate obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public welfare, or to otherwise
6remove or prevent the spread of blight or deterioration, or to provide land for needed
7public facilities; (e) installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, utilities,
8parks, playgrounds, and other improvements necessary for carrying out the
9objectives of the urban renewal project; and (d) the
disposition, for uses in accordance
10with the objectives of the urban renewal project, of any property or part thereof
11acquired in the area of such project, provided, that such disposition shall be in the
12manner prescribed in this section for the disposition of property in a redevelopment
13project area.
Note: Subdivides provision and replaces language for greater readability and
conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 265 14Section 265. 66.435 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,103,2015 66.435 (6) Assistance to urban renewal by municipalities and other public
Any public body is hereby authorized to enter into agreements (,which may
17extend over any period, notwithstanding any provision or rule of law to the contrary),
18with any other public body or bodies respecting action to be taken pursuant to any
19of the powers granted by this section, including the furnishing of funds or other
20assistance in connection with an urban renewal plan or urban renewal project.
Note: Replaces parentheses for greater conformity with current style. "Hereby" is
deleted pursuant to s. 13.93 (1) (f).
SB436, s. 266 21Section 266. 66.44 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 66.44 (1) (a) (intro.) and
22amended to read:
166.44 (1) (a) (intro.) Any housing authority established pursuant to ss. 66.40
2to 66.404 may undertake the development or administration or both of projects to
3provide housing for persons (, and their families), engaged or to be engaged in war
4industries or activities and may exercise do any of the following:
SB436,104,8 51. Exercise any of its rights, powers, privileges and immunities to aid and
6cooperate with the federal government (, or any agency thereof), in making housing
7available for persons (and their families) engaged or to be engaged in war industries
8or activities; may act
described in par. (a) (intro.).
SB436,104,10 92. Act as agent for the federal government in developing and administering
10such housing; may lease such for persons described in par. (a) (intro.).
SB436,104,12 113. Lease housing for persons described in par. (a) (intro.) from the federal
12government (, or any agency thereof); and may arrange.
SB436,104,15 134. Arrange with public bodies and private agencies for such services and
14facilities as that may be needed for such housing; provided, that any such for persons
15described in par. (a) (intro.).
SB436,104,23 16(b) Any housing developed or administered under authority of par. (a) shall not
17be subject to ss. 66.401 (2) and 66.402. Without limiting any existing power, the
18powers of any public body in the state pursuant to s. 66.403 may be exercised with
19respect to such housing developed or administered under authority of par. (a). With
20the consent, by resolution, of the governing body of any city or county adjacent but
21outside of the area of operation of a housing authority, the housing authority may
22exercise its powers under this section within the territorial boundaries of such the
city or county.
Note: Subdivides provision and replaces language for greater readability and
conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 267
1Section 267. 66.46 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.46 (2) (a) 1. (intro.)
2and amended to read:
SB436,105,33 66.46 (2) (a) 1. (intro.) "Blighted area" means any of the following:
SB436,105,11 4a. An area (, including a slum area), in which the structures, buildings or
5improvements, which by reason of dilapidation, deterioration, age or obsolescence,
6inadequate provision for ventilation, light, air, sanitation, or open spaces, high
7density of population and overcrowding, or the existence of conditions which
8endanger life or property by fire and other causes, or any combination of such these
9factors is conducive to ill health, transmission of disease, infant mortality, juvenile
10delinquency, or crime, and is detrimental to the public health, safety, morals or
11welfare, or any.
SB436,105,17 12b. An area which is predominantly open and which consists primarily of an
13abandoned highway corridor, as defined in s. 66.431 (4) (2m) (a), or that consists of
14land upon which buildings or structures have been demolished and which because
15of obsolete platting, diversity of ownership, deterioration of structures or of site
16improvements, or otherwise, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the
SB436,105,19 182. "Blighted area" does not include predominantly open land area that has been
19developed only for agricultural purposes.
Note: Subdivides provision and replaces parentheses and language for greater
readability and conformity with current style. The cross-reference to s. 66.431 (4) (a) is
renumbered consistent with the renumbering of that provision by this bill.
SB436, s. 268 20Section 268. 66.46 (4) (gm) 4. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,106,221 66.46 (4) (gm) 4. a. Not less than 50%, by area, of the real property within such
22district meets is at least one of the following criteria: 1) is a "blighted area"; 2) is in
23need of "rehabilitation or conservation work" within the meaning of, as defined in s.

166.435 (3) (2m) (b); or 3) is suitable for "industrial sites" within the meaning of s.
266.52 and has been zoned for industrial use; and
Note: Deletes improper subdivision designations and amends cross-reference to
s. 66.435 (3) consistent with the renumbering of that provision by this bill.
SB436, s. 269 3Section 269. 66.50 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended by replacing "twenty-five
4dollars" with "$25".
Note: Replaces word form of number with digit for greater conformity with current
SB436, s. 270 5Section 270. 66.51 (2) of the statutes is renumbered by replacing "five per cent"
6with "5%".
Note: Replaces word form of number with digit for greater conformity with current
SB436, s. 271 7Section 271. 66.521 (2) (k) 20. of the statutes is amended by replacing "66.431
8(4) (b)" with "66.431 (2m) (b)".
Note: The cross-reference to s. 66.431 (4) (a) is renumbered consistent with the
renumbering of that provision by this bill.
SB436, s. 272 9Section 272. 66.694 (1) of the statutes is amended is renumbered 66.694 (1) (a)
10and amended to read:
SB436,106,2011 66.694 (1) (a) If any city, village or town causes any street, alley or public
12highway within its corporate limits to be improved by grading, curbing, paving or
13otherwise improving the street, alley or public highway, where the entire or partial
14cost of the improvement is assessed against abutting property, and the street, alley
15or public highway is crossed by the track of any railroad and engaged as a common
16carrier, the common council or board of public works of the city, or the village or town
17board, shall, at any time after the completion and acceptance of the improvement by
18the municipality, file with the local agent of the railroad corporation operating the
19railroad, a statement showing the amount chargeable to the railroad corporation for
20the improvement, which.
1(b) The amount chargeable to the railroad corporation shall be an amount equal
2to the cost of constructing the improvement along the street, alley or public highway
3immediately in front of and abutting its right-of-way on each side of the street, alley
4or public highway at the point where the track crosses the street, alley or public
5highway, based upon the price per square yard, lineal foot or other unit of value used
6in determining the total cost of the improvement.
Note: Deletes "and" erroneously retained in the provision when amended by
Chapter 72, Laws of 1977. Subdivides provision for greater readability.
SB436, s. 273 7Section 273. 66.80 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,107,158 66.80 (1) In all 1st class cities of the first class in this state, whether organized
9under general or special charter, annuity and benefit funds shall be created,
10established, maintained and administered (by such each city) for all officers and
11employes of such cities the city, who at the time this section shall come into effect are
12not contributors, participants or beneficiaries in any pension fund now in operation
13in such city by authority of law; provided that before this section shall be in effect in
14any city to which it applies, it must first have been approved by a majority vote of the
15members elect of the common council of such the city.
Note: Replaces parentheses and language for greater readability and conformity
with current style.
SB436, s. 274 16Section 274. 66.94 (5) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 66.94 (5) (c) 1. (intro.)
17and amended to read:
SB436,107,2218 66.94 (5) (c) 1. (intro.) In lieu of the property taxes levied under subch. I of ch.
1976, and in lieu of the income or franchise taxes levied under ch. 71 which, but for par.
20(b), would be due and payable, there shall be paid to the state treasurer, as a tax
21equivalent to but not in excess of property taxes and income or franchise taxes, the
22net revenues of the next preceding year, after the payment of: 1) all of the following:
1a. All operating costs, including all charges which may be incurred pursuant
2to subs. (29) and (34) and all other costs and charges incidental to the operation of
3the transportation system; 2) interest.
SB436,108,6 4b. Interest on and principal of all bonds payable from said revenues and to meet
5all other charges upon such revenues as provided by any trust agreement executed
6by the authority in connection with the issuance of bonds or certificates; 3) all.
SB436,108,10 7c. All costs and charges incurred pursuant to subs. (32) and (33) and any other
8costs and charges for acquisition, installation, construction or replacement or
9reconstruction of equipment, structures or rights-of-way not financed through the
10issuance of bonds or certificates under sub. (15) or s. 66.935; and 4) any.
SB436,108,12 11d. Any compensation required to be paid to any municipality for the use of
12streets, viaducts, bridges, subways and other public ways.
SB436,108,13 132. Deficiencies in any annual tax equivalent shall not be cumulative.
Note: Subdivides provision and adds language for greater readability and
conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 275 14Section 275. 66.94 (37) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 66.94 (37) (b) 1. and
15amended to read:
SB436,108,1716 66.94 (37) (b) 1. In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the board may
17take into account past the following:
SB436,108,18 18a. Past dealings with the bidder, experience, adequacy.
SB436,108,19 19c. Adequacy of equipment, ability.
SB436,108,20 20d. Ability to complete performance within the time set, and other.
SB436,108,22 21e. Other factors beside besides financial responsibility, but in no case shall any
12. Each contract described in par. (a) shall be awarded to any other than the
2highest bidder (, in the case of a sale, concession or lease) , or to the lowest bidder (,
3in the case of a purchase or expenditure), unless authorized the award of the contract
4to another bidder meets all of the following conditions:
SB436,109,6 5a. Is authorized or approved by a vote of at least 5 members of the board, and
6unless such action is accompanied