AB30,5,248 7.51 (4) (a) The tally sheets shall state the total number of votes cast for each
9office and for each individual receiving votes for that office, whether or not the
10individual's name appears on the ballot, and shall
except a write-in candidate who
11has not filed a timely declaration of candidacy for the office for which the candidate
12receives a vote, unless there are no candidates whose names appear on the ballot for
13that office or unless there appears on the ballot the name of a deceased candidate for
14that office. The tally sheets shall also
state the vote for and against each proposition
15voted on. Upon completion of the tally sheets, the inspectors shall immediately
16complete inspectors' statements in duplicate. The inspectors shall state the excess
17by which the number of ballots exceeds the number of electors voting as shown by
18the poll or registration list, if any, and shall state the number of the last elector as
19shown by the registration or poll lists. At least 3 inspectors, including the chief
20inspector and at least one inspector representing each political party, shall then
21certify to the correctness of the statements and tally sheets and sign their names.
22All other election officials assisting with the tally shall also certify to the correctness
23of the tally sheets. When the tally is complete, the inspectors shall publicly announce
24the results from the statements.
AB30, s. 8 25Section 8. 7.53 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
17.53 (1) Municipalities with one polling place. Where the municipality
2constitutes one ward or combines all wards to utilize a single polling place under s.
35.15 (6) (b), the canvass shall be conducted publicly under s. 7.51 and the inspectors
4shall act as the municipal board of canvassers. Upon completion of the canvass and
5ascertainment of the results by the inspectors, the clerk shall publicly read the
6names of the persons voted for and the number of votes for each person for each
7municipal office, except a write-in candidate who has not filed a timely declaration
8of candidacy for the office for which the candidate receives a vote, unless there are
9no candidates whose names appear on the ballot for that office or unless there
10appears on the ballot the name of a deceased candidate for that office. The clerk shall
11also publicly read
the names of the persons declared by the inspectors to have won
12nomination or election to each municipal office and the number of votes cast for and
13against each municipal referendum question.
AB30, s. 9 14Section 9. 7.53 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,7,815 7.53 (2) (d) The municipal board of canvassers shall publicly canvass the
16returns of every municipal election. The canvass shall begin within 24 hours after
17the polls close. At the spring election, the board of canvassers shall publicly declare
18the results on or before the 2nd Tuesday in April. The board of canvassers shall
19prepare a statement showing the results of each election for any municipal office and
20each municipal referendum. After each primary for municipal offices, the board of
21canvassers shall prepare a statement certifying the names of those persons who have
22won nomination to office. After each other election for a municipal office and each
23municipal referendum, the board of canvassers shall prepare a determination
24showing the names of the persons who are elected to each municipal office and the
25results of each municipal referendum. The statement shall include the number of

1votes cast for each person for each municipal office, except a write-in candidate who
2has not filed a timely declaration of candidacy for the office for which the candidate
3receives a vote, unless there are no candidates whose names appear on the ballot for
4that office or unless there appears on the ballot the name of a deceased candidate for
5that office. The statement shall also include the number of votes cast for and against
6each question submitted by the municipality.
The board of canvassers shall file each
7statement and determination in the office of the municipal clerk or board of election
AB30, s. 10 9Section 10. 7.53 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,8,910 7.53 (3) (a) In a common, union high or unified school district, the school district
11clerk shall appoint 2 qualified electors of the school district prior to the date of the
12election being canvassed who shall, with the school district clerk, constitute the
13school district board of canvassers. If the school district clerk is a candidate at the
14election being canvassed, the other 2 members of the board of canvassers shall
15designate a 3rd member to serve in lieu of the clerk for that election. The canvass
16shall begin as soon as possible after receipt of the returns, and shall continue,
17without adjournment, until completed. The board of canvassers may return
18defective returns to the municipal board of canvassers in the manner provided in s.
197.60 (3). The board of canvassers shall prepare a written statement showing the
20numbers of votes cast for each person for each office and , except a write-in candidate
21who has not filed a timely declaration of candidacy for the office for which the
22candidate receives a vote, unless there are no candidates whose names appear on the
23ballot for that office or unless there appears on the ballot for that office the name of
24a deceased candidate. The statement shall also show the numbers of votes cast
25and against each question and. The board of canvassers shall also prepare a

1determination showing the names of the persons who are elected to the school board
2and the results of any school district referendum. Following each primary election,
3the board of canvassers shall prepare a statement certifying the names of the persons
4who have won nomination to the school board. Each statement and determination
5shall be attested by each of the canvassers. The board of canvassers shall file each
6statement and determination in the school district office. The school district clerk
7shall certify nominations after each primary and issue certificates of election to
8persons who are elected to the school board after each election in the manner
9provided in sub. (4).
AB30, s. 11 10Section 11. 7.60 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,9,511 7.60 (4) (a) The board of canvassers shall make separate duplicate statements
12showing the numbers of votes cast for the offices of president and vice president; state
13officials; U.S. senators and representatives in congress; state legislators; justice;
14court of appeals judge; circuit judges; district attorneys; municipal judges, if they are
15elected under s. 755.01 (4); and metropolitan sewerage commissioners, if the
16commissioners are elected under s. 66.23 (11) (am). For partisan candidates, the
17statements shall include the political party or principle designation, if any, next to
18the name of each candidate. The board of canvassers shall also prepare a statement
19showing the results of any county, technical college district or statewide referendum.
20Each statement shall state show the total number of votes cast in the county for each
21office; the names of all persons for whom the votes were cast, as returned; and the
22number of votes cast for each person; and, except a write-in candidate who has not
23filed a timely declaration of candidacy for the office for which the candidate receives
24a vote, unless there are no candidates whose names appear on the ballot for that
25office or unless there appears on the ballot for that office the name of a deceased

1candidate. The statement shall also show
the number of votes cast for and against
2any question submitted at a referendum. The board of canvassers shall use one copy
3of the statement to report to the elections board or technical college district board and
4shall file the other statement in the office of the county clerk or board of election
AB30, s. 12 6Section 12. 7.60 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,9,217 7.60 (4) (c) In preparing the statements and determinations, the board of
8canvassers shall carefully review the tally sheets and inspectors' statement. The
9board of canvassers may omit the names of individuals whose names do not appear
10on the ballot and who receive a comparatively small number of votes. The board of
11canvassers shall
name of any write-in candidate who has not filed a timely
12declaration of candidacy for the office for which the candidate receives votes, and

13designate votes received by such individuals the candidate as scattering votes,
14unless there are no candidates whose names appear on the ballot for that office or
15unless there appears on the ballot for that office the name of a deceased candidate
16The board of canvassers shall append to each statement and determination a
17tabulation of the votes cast at each election district, ward or combination of wards
18authorized under s. 5.15 (6) (b) in the county for each office and each individual,
19whether the votes are canvassed or not, as well as the total canvassed votes cast for
20each individual and each office, except where scattering votes are designated. If any
21votes are rejected, the board of canvassers shall specify the reasons therefor.
AB30, s. 13 22Section 13. 7.70 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,9,2523 7.70 (3) (f) The statements shall show the persons' names receiving votes, and
24any referenda questions; the whole number of votes given to each; and an individual
25listing by the districts or counties in which they were given. The names of persons

1not regularly nominated who received only a comparatively small number of votes

2name of any write-in candidate who has not filed a timely declaration of candidacy
3for the office for which the candidate receives votes
may be omitted and their the
4votes cast for that candidate may be designated as scattering votes, unless there are
5no candidates whose names appear on the ballot for that office or unless there
6appears on the ballot for that office the name of a deceased candidate
AB30, s. 14 7Section 14. 8.11 (1) (b) and (d), (2), (2m) and (5) of the statutes are amended
8to read:
AB30,10,119 8.11 (1) (b) Any city may provide by charter ordinance, under s. 66.01, that
10whenever 3 or more candidates, other than write-in candidates, file nomination
11papers for a city office, a primary to nominate candidates for the office shall be held.
AB30,10,1512 (d) When the number of candidates, other than write-in candidates, for any
13city office does not exceed twice the number to be elected to the office, no primary may
14be held for the office and the candidates' names shall appear on the ballot for the
15ensuing election.
AB30,10,19 16(2) Milwaukee county. A primary shall be held in counties having a population
17of 500,000 or more whenever there are more than twice the number of candidates,
18other than write-in candidates,
to be elected to any judicial office within the county
19or to the county board of supervisors from any one district.
AB30,10,23 20(2m) First class city school board. A primary shall be held in 1st class cities
21whenever there are more than 2 candidates, other than write-in candidates, for
22member of the board of school directors at-large or from any election district in any
1(5) County supervisors. A primary shall be held in an election for county board
2supervisor whenever 3 or more candidates, other than write-in candidates, file
3nomination papers.
AB30, s. 15 4Section 15. 8.21 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,12,10 58.21 Declaration of candidacy. Each candidate, except a write-in candidate
6or a
candidate for presidential elector under s. 8.20 (2) (d), shall file a declaration of
7candidacy, no later than the latest time provided for filing nomination papers under
8s. 8.10 (2) (a), 8.15 (1), 8.17 (2), 8.20 (8) (a) or 8.50 (3) (a), or the time provided under
9s. 8.16 (2) or 8.35 (2) (c). A write-in candidate may file a declaration of candidacy no
10later than 5 p.m. before the day of the primary or other election at which the
11candidate seeks office.
A candidate shall file the declaration with the officer or
12agency with which nomination papers are filed for the office which the candidate
13seeks, or if nomination papers are not required, with the clerk or board of election
14commissioners of the jurisdiction in which the candidate seeks office. The
15declaration shall be sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oaths. The
16declaration shall contain the name of the candidate in the form specified under s.
178.10 (2) (b) for candidates for nonpartisan office or s. 8.15 (5) (a) or 8.20 (2) (a) for
18candidates for partisan office, and shall state that the signer is a candidate for a
19named office, that he or she meets or will at the time he or she assumes office meet
20applicable age, citizenship, residency or voting qualification requirements, if any,
21prescribed by the constitutions and laws of the United States and of this state, and
22that he or she will otherwise qualify for office if nominated and elected. The Except
23in the case of a write-in candidate, the
declaration shall include the candidate's
24name in the form in which it will appear on the ballot. Each candidate for state and
25local office shall include in the declaration a statement that he or she has not been

1convicted of any infamous crime for which he or she has not been pardoned and a list
2of all felony convictions for which he or she has not been pardoned. In addition, each
3candidate for state or local office shall include in the declaration a statement that
4discloses his or her municipality of residence for voting purposes, and the street and
5number, if any, on which the candidate resides. The declaration is valid with or
6without the seal of the officer who administers the oath. A candidate for state or local
7office shall file an amended declaration under oath with the same officer or agency
8if any information contained in the declaration changes at any time after the original
9declaration is filed and before the candidate assumes office or is defeated for election
10or nomination.
AB30, s. 16 11Section 16. 120.06 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,13,2112 120.06 (6) (b) No later than the first Tuesday in December prior to the spring
13election, the school district clerk shall publish a type A notice of the school district
14election under s. 10.01 (2) (a). Except as authorized in this paragraph, no later than
155 p.m. on the first Tuesday in January prior to the spring election, or on the next day
16if Tuesday is a holiday, any qualified elector of the school district , other than a
17write-in candidate as defined in s. 5.02 (26),
may file a sworn declaration of
18candidacy with the school district clerk in the form provided in s. 8.21 at the place
19specified in the notice. A write-in candidate may file a declaration of candidacy no
20later than 5 p.m. before the day of the primary or other election at which the
21candidate seeks office.
If the school district contains territory lying within a 2nd
22class city, or if the school board or annual meeting requires nomination papers under
23par. (a), any qualified elector of the school district who desires to be a candidate, other
24than a write-in candidate,
shall in addition file nomination papers in the form
25prescribed under s. 8.10 (2) and (3) with the school district clerk at the place specified

1in the notice. If an incumbent fails to file a declaration of candidacy, and nomination
2papers, where required, within the time prescribed by this paragraph, all candidates
3for the office held by the incumbent, other than the incumbent, may file a declaration
4of candidacy and nomination papers, where required, no later than 72 hours after the
5latest time prescribed in this paragraph. No extension of the time for filing a
6declaration of candidacy or nomination papers applies if the incumbent files written
7notification with the school district clerk, no later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Friday
8preceding the latest time prescribed in this paragraph for filing declarations of
9candidacy, that the incumbent is not a candidate for reelection to his or her office, and
10the incumbent does not file a declaration of candidacy for that office within the time
11prescribed in this paragraph. In the case of a 3-member school board, the qualified
12elector shall state in his or her declaration of candidacy and on the face of his or her
13nomination papers, if any, the office for which the elector is a candidate. In the case
14of an apportioned or numbered school board, the qualified elector shall state in his
15or her declaration of candidacy and on the face of his or her nomination papers, if any,
16the apportioned area or numbered seat for which the elector is a candidate. If a
17candidate has not filed a registration statement under s. 11.05 by the time he or she
18files a declaration of candidacy, the candidate shall file the statement with the
19declaration. A candidate shall file an amended declaration under oath with the
20school district clerk in the event of a change in any information provided in the
21declaration as provided in s. 8.21.
AB30, s. 17 22Section 17. 120.06 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,14,523 120.06 (7) (a) No later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday in January, the school
24district clerk shall verify the declarations of candidacy and certify the names of
25candidates who have filed valid nomination papers, where required, and who qualify

1for office. In making verifications or certifications, the school district clerk shall
2designate the form of each candidate's name to appear on the ballot in the manner
3prescribed in s. 7.08 (2) (a). Once filed, a declaration of candidacy or nomination
4papers may not be withdrawn. This paragraph does not apply to write-in
5candidates, as defined in s. 5.02 (26).
AB30, s. 18 6Section 18. 120.06 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB30,14,177 120.06 (7) (b) The school board shall require a primary election if there are
8more than 2 candidates, other than write-in candidates, as defined in s. 5.02 (26),
9for any seat on a 3-member board or more than twice as many candidates as there
10are members to be elected to an unnumbered school board of more than 3 members.
11In school districts in which a plan of apportionment of school board members under
12s. 120.02 (2) or a plan for election of school board members to numbered seats has
13been adopted, the school board shall require a primary election for particular
14apportioned areas for which there are more than twice as many candidates , other
15than write-in candidates,
as there are members to be elected and for any numbered
16seat for which there are more than 2 candidates. When there is a primary election
17it shall be held in conjunction with the spring primary.
AB30, s. 19 18Section 19. 120.06 (8) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB30,14,2419 120.06 (8) (dm) Whenever a write-in candidate, as defined in s. 5.02 (26), files
20a timely declaration of candidacy with the clerk, the clerk shall immediately notify
21the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of each municipality in the
22school district of the name of the candidate and the office which the candidate seeks,
23unless there are no candidates whose names appear on the ballot for that office or
24unless there appears on the ballot the name of a deceased candidate for that office.
AB30,14,2525 (End)