AB392,3,99 93.50 (2) (title) Board, mediators Mediators and arbitrators.
AB392, s. 6 10Section 6. 93.50 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,3,1811 93.50 (2) (a) Selection of mediators. The board department shall select as
12mediators who are residents of this state, persons who have the character and ability
13to serve as mediators and who have knowledge of financial or agricultural matters
14or of mediation processes. The board department shall ensure that each mediator
15receives sufficient training in mediation processes, resolving conflicts, farm finance
16and management and the farm credit system and practices to enable the mediator

17credit and other subjects to develop or maintain the skills necessary to perform his
18or her functions under this section.
AB392, s. 7 19Section 7. 93.50 (2) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,4,420 93.50 (2) (am) Selection of arbitrators. The board department shall select as
21arbitrators who are residents of this state, persons who have the character and
22ability to serve as arbitrators and who have knowledge of financial or agricultural
23matters or
of arbitration or other conflict resolution processes. The board shall
24ensure that each arbitrator receives sufficient department may provide training in
25arbitration processes, resolving conflicts, farm finance and management and the

1farm credit system and practices to enable the arbitrator
or agricultural issues as
2part of the process of selecting arbitrators or to arbitrators selected by the
3department to enable arbitrators to maintain the skills necessary
to perform his or
their functions under this section.
AB392, s. 8 5Section 8. 93.50 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,4,86 93.50 (2) (b) Compensation of mediators and arbitrators. Mediators and
7arbitrators shall be compensated for travel and other necessary expenses in amounts
8approved by the board department.
AB392, s. 9 9Section 9. 93.50 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,4,1310 93.50 (2) (d) Forms and publicity. The board department shall prepare all
11forms necessary for the administration of this section and shall ensure that forms are
12disseminated and that the availability of mediation and arbitration under this
13section is publicized.
AB392, s. 10 14Section 10. 93.50 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,4,2015 93.50 (2) (e) Exclusion from open records law. All mediators and arbitrators
16shall keep confidential all information and records obtained in conducting mediation
17and arbitration. The board department shall keep confidential all information and
18records that may serve to identify any party to mediation and arbitration under this
19section. Any information required to be kept confidential under this paragraph may
20be disclosed if the board department and the parties agree to disclosure.
AB392, s. 11 21Section 11. 93.50 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,5,322 93.50 (2) (f) The board department may promulgate rules necessary to
23implement this section. The board department may promulgate rules defining
24owners and creditors of agriculturally related businesses and permitting owners and
25creditors of such businesses to participate in mediation and arbitration subject to the

1same terms and conditions applicable to farmers and creditors under this section.
2The board may promulgate a rule under sub. (3) (am) 6. specifying a kind of dispute
3as eligible for mediation only with the approval of the department.
AB392, s. 12 4Section 12. 93.50 (3) (am) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,5,65 93.50 (3) (am) 6. A kind of dispute specified as eligible for mediation by the
6board department by rule.
AB392, s. 13 7Section 13. 93.50 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,5,128 93.50 (3) (b) Request for mediation; agreement to mediate. To participate in
9mediation, the farmer or other party to a dispute described in par. (am) shall submit
10a request for mediation to the board department on forms prepared by the board
11department. The board department may not proceed under this section until the
12farmer and the other party have submitted an agreement to mediate.
AB392, s. 14 13Section 14. 93.50 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,5,1914 93.50 (3) (e) Selection of mediator. If the board department has obtained the
15agreement under par. (b), the farmer and the other party may request the board
16department to provide the names, mailing addresses and qualifications of up to 3
17mediators located in the geographical area in which the agricultural property or
18farmer is located. The parties shall select a mediator or, upon request of the parties,
19the board department shall designate a mediator for the parties.
AB392, s. 15 20Section 15. 93.50 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,6,221 93.50 (3) (f) Mediation. The function of the mediator is to encourage a
22voluntary settlement among the parties. The mediator may not compel a settlement.
23The mediator shall schedule meetings of the parties, direct the parties to prepare for
24the meetings, attempt to achieve a mediated resolution to the issues among the
25parties and, if the parties request, assist the parties in preparing a written

1agreement. All mediation meetings shall be held in this state and be conducted
2under the laws of this state.
AB392, s. 16 3Section 16. 93.50 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,6,94 93.50 (4) (b) Request for arbitration; agreement to arbitrate. To participate in
5arbitration, the farmer and other party under par. (a) shall submit a request for
6arbitration to the board department on a form prepared by the board department.
7After receipt of the request, if the parties wish to proceed to arbitration under this
8subsection, the board department shall require the parties to enter into an
9agreement to binding arbitration on a form prepared by the board department.
AB392, s. 17 10Section 17. 93.50 (4) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB392,6,1611 93.50 (4) (e) Selection of arbitrator. After the board department has obtained
12the agreement under par. (b), the farmer and the other party may request the board
13department to provide the names, mailing addresses and qualifications of up to 3
14arbitrators located in the geographical area in which the agricultural property or
15farmer is located. The parties shall select an arbitrator or, upon request of the
16parties, the board department shall designate an arbitrator for the parties.
AB392, s. 18 17Section 18. 93.51 of the statutes is renumbered 93.51 (2) (a) and amended to
AB392,6,2419 93.51 (2) (a) The department may provide consultation and assistance to
20distressed farmers, which may include but is not limited to providing employment
21and retraining counseling for farmers needing employment other than farming,
22operating a program in which volunteers advise or counsel farmers about financial
23matters and other concerns and operating a crisis hotline for farmers. In addition,
1(b) The department may make grants to low-income farmers for the purpose
2of paying all or part of the tuition for a farmer who enrolls in a course on farm and
3business management techniques offered by a technical college.
AB392, s. 19 4Section 19. 93.51 (1), (2) (title) and (c) and (3) of the statutes are created:
AB392,7,55 93.51 (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB392,7,66 (a) "Farmer" has the meaning given in s. 93.50 (1) (d).
AB392,7,77 (b) "Farming" has the meaning given in s. 102.04 (3).
AB392,7,9 8(2) (title) Assistance program. (c) The department may promulgate rules
9necessary to implement this section.
AB392,7,12 10(3) Advisors. (a) The department may select volunteers to provide advice and
11counseling services to distressed farmers. Advisors shall have expertise and
12experience in relevant areas of knowledge.
AB392,7,1413 (b) The department shall provide any necessary training to advisors, including
14training concerning the making of voluntary child abuse reports under s. 48.981 (2).
AB392,7,1615 (c) Advisors shall be compensated for travel and other necessary expenses in
16amounts approved by the department.
AB392,7,2117 (d) Advisors and the department shall keep confidential all information
18obtained in the process of providing advice or counseling. Any such information
19contained in a record is not subject to the right of public inspection and copying under
20s. 19.35 (1). This paragraph does not apply to reports of child abuse under s. 48.981
AB392, s. 20 22Section 20. 93.52 of the statutes is created to read:
AB392,8,4 2393.52 Dairy farmer exit-entry program. The department shall administer
24a program to assist in the transfer of farm operations from persons exiting the dairy
25industry to persons wishing to enter the industry, including assistance in negotiating

1the financial and legal aspects of farm transfers. The department shall keep
2confidential information obtained under the program. Any such information
3contained in a record is not subject to the right of public inspection and copying under
4s. 19.35 (1).
AB392, s. 21 5Section 21. 904.15 of the statutes is created to read:
AB392,8,10 6904.15 Communication in farmer assistance programs. (1) Except as
7provided under sub. (2), no oral or written communication made in the course of
8providing or receiving advice or counseling under s. 93.51 or in providing or receiving
9assistance under s. 93.41 or 93.52 is admissible in evidence or subject to discovery
10or compulsory process in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
AB392,8,12 11(2) (a) Subsection (1) does not apply to reports of child abuse made under s.
1248.981 (2).
AB392,8,1513 (b) Subsection (1) does not apply if the person receiving advice or counseling
14under s. 93.51 or assistance under s. 93.41 or 93.52 consents to admission or
15discovery of the communication.
AB392,8,1716 (c) A court may admit evidence otherwise barred by this section if necessary
17to prevent a manifest injustice.
AB392, s. 22 18Section 22. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB392,8,1919 (1) Farm mediation and arbitration board.
AB392,8,2320 (a) Rules. All rules promulgated by the farm mediation and arbitration board
21that are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph remain in effect until their
22specified expiration date or until amended or repealed by the department of
23agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
AB392,9,424 (b) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the farm mediation and
25arbitration board on the effective date of this paragraph is transferred to the

1department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and all materials
2submitted to or actions taken by the farm mediation and arbitration board with
3respect to the pending matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken
4by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
AB392,9,55 (End)