Under current law, there are various record-keeping requirements for
operators of game farms and wildlife exhibits. This bill authorizes DNR to establish
record-keeping requirements by rule. This bill also imposes specific record-keeping
requirements for most types of licenses. These specific provisions generally require
such information as the date of the acquisition or transfer of a captive wild animal,
the name and address of the person from whom or to whom the animal was
transferred and information concerning the death or escape of captive wild animals.
The bill requires that the records for inherently dangerous wild animals,
environmentally injurious wild animals and certain families of wild animals such as
deer, bear and wild cats be provided to DNR within 7 days after the transaction. The
bill also requires license holders to file annual reports with DNR summarizing the
number of wild animals acquired, the number transferred or released, the number
currently kept and the number that died, were killed or escaped.
animal health and treatment
The bill imposes requirements on transporting wild animals into this state.
With limited exceptions, a person bringing a wild animal into this state must have
documentation to show that he or she is in legal possession of the wild animal and
must have a valid interstate health certificate or a valid certificate of veterinary
inspection for the wild animal. One exception applies if the wild animal is being
brought directly into this state for slaughter.
The bill requires DNR to promulgate rules to ensure that wild animals receive
humane treatment and adequate housing, care and food and that the wild animals
are held under sanitary conditions. No person may receive a license unless DNR
determines that the person will comply with all of these rules.
The bill gives DNR specific authority to issue quarantine orders. The bill
establishes a procedure for issuing these orders. The bill also authorizes DNR to
seize wild animals that are being kept in violation of the provisions created in the bill,
that are dead, dying or sick, that have escaped or that have a contagious or infectious
Local regulation
Under the bill, a city, village, town or county (local governmental unit) may
enact and enforce ordinances relating to the possession or sale of live wild animals
if the ordinances are in strict conformity with state law with the exception that a local
governmental unit may enact an ordinance totally prohibiting the possession or sale
of certain types of live captive wild animals. Under current law, a local governmental
unit may pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale or possession of live game and
fur-bearing animals.
Under the bill, a local ordinance must be approved by DNR.
Enforcement and penalties
The bill gives DNR the specific authority to enter and inspect land, vehicles and
buildings for the purpose of enforcement and to have access to the records that must
be kept by license holders. The bill limits this authority to daytime, weekday hours
and other hours when the license holder is conducting business, unless the
inspection is necessary for public health, safety or welfare. Current law authorizes
DNR inspections of the area subject to the license at any time.
The bill imposes a general forfeiture for unlawfully possessing a wild animal
and imposes increased penalties for specific activities such as illegally selling or
purchasing wild animals, illegally taking live bear or deer from the wild and
violating the provisions relating to diseased or environmentally injurious wild
animals. The bill imposes increased penalties for repeat violations and contains
provisions for licenses being revoked by DNR and by the courts.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB514, s. 1
1. 20.370 (1) (mu) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (mu)
General program operations — state funds. The amounts in
3the schedule for general program operations under ss. 23.09 to 23.11, 27.01, 30.203
4and 30.277, subch. VI of ch. 77 and chs.
22, 26, 28 and 29.
AB514, s. 2
2. 20.370 (3) (mu) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (mu)
General program operations — state funds. The amounts in
7the schedule for law enforcement operations under ss. 23.09 to 23.11 and 166.04 and
22, 29 and 30 and for review of environmental impact requirements under ss.
91.11 and 23.40.
AB514, s. 3
3. Chapter 22 of the statutes is created to read:
Captive wildlife
322.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
4(1) "Animal" means any mammal or any bird, reptile, amphibian, mollusk,
5arthropod or egg thereof.
6(2) "Badger" means a wild animal of the species Taxidea taxus.
7(3) "Beaver" means a wild animal of the species Castor canadensis.
8(4) "Bobcat" means a wild animal of the species Lynx rufus.
9(5) "Captive" means any of the following:
(a) Restrained by a cage, pen, fence or other enclosure.
(b) Restrained by physical alterations that limit movement or facilitate
(c) Restrained by a leash or a tether or otherwise tied.
(d) Held in a controlled environment that is designed to prevent the departure
15from the controlled environment.
16(6) "Carcass" means the dead body of any wild animal including the head, hair,
17skin, plumage, skeleton, meat or any other part thereof.
18(7) "Chipmunk" means a wild animal of the species Tamias striatus or the
19species Eutmias minimus.
20(8) "Chukar partridge" means a wild bird of the species Alectoris chukar.
21(9) "Circus" means a scheduled event staged by a traveling company with
22mobile facilities in which entertainment consisting of a variety of performances by
23acrobats, clowns or trained animals is the primary attraction or principal business.
24(10) "Conservation warden" means a warden appointed under s. 23.10.
25(11) "Cougar" means a wild animal of the species Felis concolor.
1(12) "Coyote" means a wild animal of the species Canis latrans.
2(13) "Department" means the department of natural resources.
3(14) "Domesticated animal" means farm-raised deer or an animal that is all
4of the following:
(a) An animal that, due to a long association with humans, has been bred to a
6degree that results in changes affecting the animal's temperament, color,
7conformation or other attribute of the species to an extent that it makes the animal
8unique and distinguishable from a wild animal of its species.
(b) Listed as a domesticated animal by rule by the department.
10(15) "Dressed fur" has the meaning given in s. 29.134 (1) (a).
11(16) "Endangered or threatened species" means those species of wild animals
12that are indigenous to the United States or Canada and are identified on the federal
13list of endangered and threatened species or on the Wisconsin list of endangered and
14threatened species.
15(17) "English sparrow" means a wild bird of the species Passer domesticus.
16(18) "Environmentally injurious wild animal" means a species of wild animal
17that is not a native wild animal and that is capable of inflicting harm to the
19(19) "Exhibit" means to display for the purpose of public viewing, regardless
20of whether a fee is charged.
21(20) "Farm-raised deer" has the meaning given in 95.001 (1) (a).
22(21) "Fisher" means a wild animal of the species Martes pennanti.
23(22) "Free-roaming" means not captive.
1(23) "Fur-bearing wild animal" includes badger, beaver, bobcat, coyote, fisher,
2red fox, gray fox, lynx, marten, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, skunk,
3weasel and wolf.
4(24) "Gray fox" means a wild animal of the species Urocyon cinereoargenteus.
5(25) "Gray partridge" means a wild bird of the species Perdix perdix.
6(26) "Ground squirrel" means a wild animal of the family Spermophilus.
7(27) "Harm to the environment" includes adversely affecting the natural
8population dynamics of wild animals or wild plants, adversely affecting the habitat
9of wild animals or wild plants or displacing wild animals or wild plants from any part
10of their habitat.
11(28) "Inherently dangerous wild animal" means a species of wild animal that
12is capable of inflicting severe bodily harm to a human.
13(29) "Introduce" means to release for the purpose of allowing the animal to
14establish a population in an area in the wild where that type of animal is not
15naturally present at the time the wild animal is released.
16(30) "Leopard frog" means a wild amphibian of the species Rana pipiens.
17(31) "License year" means the year during which a license is valid.
18(32) "Lynx" means a wild animal of the species Lynx canadensis.
19(33) "Mallard duck" means a wild bird of the species Anas platyrhynchos
21(34) "Marten" means a wild animal of the species Martes americana.
22(35) "Mice" means wild animals of the family Cricetidae.
23(36) "Mink" means a wild animal of the species Mustela vison.
24(37) "Mole" means a wild animal of the family Scalopus.
25(38) "Mud puppy" means a wild amphibian of the species Necturus maculosus.
1(39) "Muskrat" means a wild animal of the species Ondatra zibethicus.
2(40) "Native" means indigenous and occurring or having occurred naturally
3within the boundaries of this state.
4(41) "Nonnative wild animal" means a wild animal that is not native.
5(42) "Nonresident" means a person who is not a resident of this state.
6(43) "Opossum" means a wild animal of the species Didelphis marsupialis.
7(44) "Otter" means a wild animal of the species Lutra canadensis.
8(45) "Painted turtle" means a wild reptile of the species Chrysemys picta.
9(46) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, joint stock company,
10corporation, association, trust, estate or other legal entity.
11(47) "Pigeon" means a wild bird of the species Columba domestica or the species
12Columba livia.
13(48) "Pocket gopher" means a wild animal of the species Geomys bursarius.
14(49) "Porcupine" means a wild animal of the species Erithizon dorsatum.
15(50) "Possess" means to own, control, restrain, transport or keep.
16(51) "Propagate" means to breed, encourage or facilitate for the purpose of
17generating offspring.
18(52) "Public zoo or aquarium" means a zoo or aquarium that is operated by the
19state or by a city, village or county.
20(53) "Purchase" means to acquire through a sale or through an exchange for
22(54) "Quail" means a wild bird of the family Perdicidae.
23(55) "Rabbit" means a wild animal of the species Sylvilagus floridanus.
24(56) "Raccoon" means a wild animal of the species Procyon lotor.
25(57) "Rat" means a wild animal of the family Rattus.
1(58) "Raw fur" has the meaning given in s. 29.134 (1) (e).
2(59) "Red fox" means a wild animal of the species Vulpes vulpes.
3(60) "Red-legged partridge" means a wild bird of the species Alectoris rufa.
4(61) "Red squirrel" means a wild animal of the species Tamiasciurus