(3) (ho)
Juvenile residential aftercare. The amounts in the schedule for
2providing foster care, treatment foster care, group home care and institutional child
3care to delinquent juveniles under ss. 49.19 (10) (d), 938.48 (4) and (14) and 938.52.
4All moneys transferred under s. 301.26 (4) (cm) and all moneys received in payment
5for providing foster care, treatment foster care, group home care and institutional
6child care to delinquent juveniles under ss. 49.19 (10) (d), 938.48 (4) and (14) and
7938.52 as specified in s. 301.26 (4) (e)
and (ed) shall be credited to this appropriation
8account. If moneys generated by the daily rate exceed actual fiscal year foster care,
9treatment foster care, group home care and institutional child care costs by 2% or
10more, all moneys in excess of 2% shall be remitted to the counties during the
11subsequent calendar year or transferred to the appropriation account under par. (kx)
12during the subsequent fiscal year. Each county and the department shall receive a
13proportionate share of the remittance and transfer depending on the total number
14of days of placement in foster care, treatment foster care, group home care or
15institutional child care. Counties shall use the funds for purposes specified in s.
16301.26. The department shall deposit in the general fund the amounts transferred
17under this paragraph to the appropriation account under par. (kx).
AB768, s. 43
43. 20.435 (3) (pm) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (pm)
Federal aid; adoption incentive payments. All federal moneys
20received as adoption incentive payments under
42 USC 473A, as authorized by the
21governor under s. 16.54, to be expended for the purposes for which received.
AB768, s. 44
44. 20.435 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for
24general program operations, including field services and administrative services
25and for the pilot project under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9122 (4).
AB768, s. 45
45. 20.435 (7) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) (o)
Federal aid; community aids. All federal moneys received in
3amounts pursuant to allocation plans developed by the department for the provision
4or purchase of services authorized under par. (b) and s. 46.70; all federal moneys
5received as child welfare funds under
42 USC 620 to
626 as limited under s. 48.985;
6all moneys transferred under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9222 (3), from
7the appropriation account under par. (md); and all unanticipated federal social
8services block grant funds received under
42 USC 1397 to
1397e, in accordance with
9s. 46.49 (2), for distribution under s. 46.40. Disbursements from this appropriation
10may be made directly to counties for social and mental hygiene services under s.
1146.03 (20) (b) or 46.031 or directly to counties in accordance with federal
12requirements for the disbursal of federal funds.
AB768, s. 46
46. 20.445 (3) (pv) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (pv)
Food stamps; electronic benefits transfer. All moneys received
15from the federal government for electronic food stamp benefits transfers, to be
16expended for the purposes specified. Estimated disbursements under this
17paragraph shall not be included in the schedule under s. 20.005.
AB768, s. 47
47. 20.465 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) National guard youth programs. (a)
General program operations. 20The amounts in the schedule for general program operations under s. 21.25.
Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts or grants to carry out the
22purposes for which the gift or grant was made.
Federal aid. All moneys received from the federal government for services
24to disadvantaged youth, to be expended for the purposes specified.
(2) (vm)
Subsistence grants.
The Biennially, the amounts in the
4schedule for payment of subsistence grants to veterans and their dependents under
5s. 45.351 (1).
AB768, s. 49
49. 20.566 (1) (gp) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (gp)
Adult entertainment tax. The amounts in the schedule for
8administering the tax under subch. XIII of ch. 77. All moneys received from the fee
9under s. 77.9972 (3) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
AB768, s. 50
50. 20.566 (1) (hq) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (hq)
Delinquent tax collection fees. All moneys received from the fees
12collected under s. 73.03 (33m)
and under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section
139142 (1) (h
), to pay costs incurred by the department of revenue in collecting
14delinquent taxes.
AB768, s. 51
51. 20.566 (3) (j) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (j)
Integrated tax system technology. The amounts in the schedule
17for technology expenses necessary to create an integrated tax system. Five percent
18of the moneys received under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9142 (1) (b
19shall be credited to this appropriation account.
AB768, s. 52
52. 20.835 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (e)
State aid; computers. Beginning in 2001, a sum sufficient to make
22the state aid payments under s. 79.095.
AB768, s. 53
53. 20.835 (1) (qz) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (qz)
Computer aid; escrow fund. From the computer escrow fund,
25a sum sufficient to make the payments under s. 79.095 (3) in the year 2000.
AB768, s. 54
54. 20.835 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (e)
Educational expenses credit. A sum sufficient to pay the claims
3approved under s. 71.07 (8m).
AB768, s. 55
55. 20.866 (2) (ze) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (ze)
Historical society; self-amortizing facilities. From the capital
6improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the historical society to acquire, construct,
7develop, enlarge or improve facilities at historic sites. The state may contract public
8debt in an amount not to exceed
$3,073,600 $3,173,600 for this purpose.
(2) (zf)
Historical society; historic sites. From the capital improvement
12fund, a sum sufficient for the historical society to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge
13or improve historic sites and facilities. The state may contract public debt in an
14amount not to exceed
$1,939,000 $1,839,000 for this purpose.
AB768, s. 57
57. 20.921 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) Whenever it becomes necessary in pursuance of any federal or
17state law or court-ordered assignment of income under s. 46.10 (14) (e),
301.12 (14)
18(e), 767.23 (1) (L), 767.25 (4m) (c), 767.265 or 767.51 (3m) (c) to make deductions from
19the salaries of state officers or employes or employes of the University of Wisconsin
20Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the state agency or authority by which the officers
21or employes are employed is responsible for making such deductions and paying over
22the total thereof for the purposes provided by the laws or orders under which they
23were made.
AB768, s. 58
58. 21.25 of the statutes is created to read:
121.25 National guard youth programs. The department of military affairs
2shall administer the challenge program for disadvantaged youth under
32 USC 509 3and any other similar program which may be authorized by the legislature.
AB768, s. 59
59. 25.32 of the statutes is created to read:
525.32 Computer escrow fund. There is established a separate nonlapsible
6fund, denominated the computer escrow fund, consisting of moneys transferred
7under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9242 (12).
AB768, s. 60
60. 25.43 (1) (ae) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (ae) All grants for clean water fund program federal financial
10hardship assistance provided by the federal government under P.L.
104-134, Title
AB768, s. 61
61. 25.43 (2) (ae) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (ae) There is established in the environmental improvement fund a
14clean water fund program federal financial hardship assistance account consisting
15of the grants under sub. (1) (ae).
(2) (c) The department of administration may establish and change
19accounts in the environmental improvement fund other than those under pars. (a),
20(ae), (am) and (b). The department of administration shall consult the department
21of natural resources before establishing or changing an account that is needed to
22administer the programs under ss. 281.58, 281.59 or 281.61.
(3) Except for the purpose of investment as provided in s. 25.17 (2) (d),
2the environmental improvement fund may be used only for the purposes authorized
3under ss. 20.320 (1) (r), (s), (sm), (t)
and, (x)
and (y) and (2) (s) and (x), 20.370 (4) (mt),
4(mx) and (nz), (8) (mr) and (9) (mt), (mx) and (ny), 20.505 (1) (v), (x) and (y), 281.58,
5281.59, 281.60, 281.61 and 281.62.
AB768, s. 64
64. 29.09 (11m) of the statutes is created to read:
(11m) Denial and revocation of approvals based on tax delinquency. 8(a)
Social security and identification numbers required. The department shall
9require an applicant who is an individual to provide his or her social security number
10and an applicant who is not an individual to provide the applicant's federal employer
11identification number as a condition of applying for, or applying to renew, any of the
12following approvals:
1. A license issued under s. 29.134.
2. A wholesale fish dealer license issued under s. 29.135.
3. A taxidermist permit issued under s. 29.136 (2).
4. A bait dealer license issued under s. 29.137.
5. A guide license issued under s. 29.165.
6. A sport trolling license issued under s. 29.166.
7. A commercial fishing license issued under s. 29.33.
8. A net license issued under s. 29.34.
9. A slat net license issued under s. 29.343.
10. A trammel net license issued under s. 29.344.
11. A set or bank pole license issued under s. 29.36.
12. A setline license issued under s. 29.37.
13. A clamming license or permit issued under s. 29.38.
114. A fish farm permit issued under s. 29.521.
14m. A fish importation permit under s. 29.525.
14r. A fish stocking permit under s. 29.53.
15. A wild rice dealer license issued under s. 29.544 (4) (b).
16. A wild ginseng harvest or dealer license issued under s. 29.547.
17. A license issued under s. 29.573.
18. A game bird or animal farm license issued under s. 29.574.
19. A fur animal farm license issued under s. 29.575.
20. A deer farm license or a permit issued under s. 29.578.
21. A wildlife exhibit license issued under s. 29.585.
Duplicates. For purposes of this subsection, an application for a duplicate
12of an approval specified in par. (a) shall be considered an application for the issuance.
Disclosure of numbers. The department may not disclose any information
14received under par. (a) to any person except to the department of revenue for the sole
15purpose of making certifications required under s. 73.0301.
Denial and revocation. The department shall deny an application to issue
17or renew, or revoke if already issued, an approval specified in par. (a) if the applicant
18for or the holder of the approval fails to provide the information required under par.
19(a) or if the department of revenue certifies that the applicant or approval holder is
20liable for delinquent taxes under s. 73.0301.
AB768, s. 65
65. 29.134 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Licenses shall be issued
, subject to s. 29.09 (11m), by the department
23upon application. The form of application and license shall be prescribed by the
AB768, s. 66
66. 29.135 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Issuance. The department shall issue a wholesale fish dealer license
2to any person 18 years of age or older who applies for this license, if that person is
3not otherwise prohibited from being issued a license under s.
29.09 (11m), 29.99 or
AB768, s. 67
67. 29.33 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (d)
Transfer of license. The department may, upon application, permit
7the transfer of a license to any similar boat during the time a licensed boat is disabled
8or undergoing repairs or upon the sale of a licensed boat. The department shall
9promulgate rules governing the transfer of commercial fishing licenses between
10individuals equally qualified to hold the licenses and to members of a licensee's
11immediate family provided the rules assure the wise use and conservation of the fish
12resources being harvested under the license. The rules shall relate only to those
13waters in which the number of licenses is limited. The commercial fishing boards,
14under sub. (7), shall approve or deny transfers of commercial fishing licenses in
15accordance with the rules promulgated under this section.
For purposes of s. 29.09
16(11m), a transfer of a license under this section shall be considered an issuance of a
17license to the transferee.
(1) (e) The transportation and sale of
farm-raised fish.
(2) (a) The department
, subject to s. 29.09 (11m), shall issue a permit
24under this subsection for a natural body of water specified under sub. (1) (c) 1. if the
1department determines that no substantial public interest exists in the body of water
2and that no public or private rights in the body of water will be damaged.
(2) (c) 1. The department
, subject to s. 29.09 (11m), shall renew a permit
6issued under this subsection unless the department determines that there has been
7a substantial change in circumstances that is related to a determination made under
8par. (a) for the natural body of water or that is related to the application of the criteria
9promulgated under par. (f) to the body of water.
AB768, s. 71
71. 29.544 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) License required exceptions; wild rice identification card. Every
12person over the age of 16 and under the age of 65 shall obtain the appropriate wild
13rice license to harvest or deal in wild rice but no license to harvest is required of the
14members of the immediate family of a licensee or of a recipient of old-age assistance
15or members of their immediate families. The department
, subject to s. 29.09 (11m), 16shall issue a wild rice identification card to each member of a licensee's immediate
17family, to a recipient of old-age assistance and to each member of the recipient's
18family. The term "immediate family" includes husband and wife and minor children
19having their abode and domicile with the parent or legal guardian.
AB768, s. 72
72. 29.573 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: