AB966, s. 4 2Section 4. 10.02 (3) (form) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,5,33 10.02 (3) (form) (intro.)
AB966,5,55 OF .... ELECTION
AB966,5,66 Office of .... [County] [Municipal] Clerk.
AB966,5,77 To the Electors of .... [County] [Municipality]:
AB966,5,148 Notice is hereby given of a .... election to be held in the several wards in the
9[county] [municipality] of ...., on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year), at which the officers
10named below shall be chosen. The names of the candidates for each office to be voted
11for, whose nominations have been certified to or filed in this office, are given under
12the title of the office and under the appropriate party or other designation, each in
13its proper column, together with the questions submitted to a vote, in the sample
14ballot below.
AB966,5,1816 Except where a different statement is prescribed by the board for use in whole
17or in part by municipalities using electronic voting systems under s. 5.95, the voting
18instructions shall be given substantially as follows:
AB966, s. 5 19Section 5. 19.01 (1) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,5,2020 19.01 (1) (form)
AB966,5,21 21State of Wisconsin,
AB966,5,2222 County of ....
AB966,6,223 I, the undersigned, who have been elected (or appointed) to the office of ...., but
24have not yet entered upon the duties thereof, swear (or affirm) that I will support the
25constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, and

1will faithfully discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability. So help me
AB966,6,33 .... ....,
AB966,6,44 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)
AB966,6,55 ....(Signature)....,
AB966, s. 6 6Section 6. 19.01 (2) (a) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,6,127 19.01 (2) (a) (form) We, the undersigned, jointly and severally, undertake and
8agree that ...., who has been elected (or appointed) to the office of ...., will faithfully
9discharge the duties of the office according to law, and will pay to the parties entitled
10to receive the same, such damages, not exceeding in the aggregate .... dollars, as may
11be suffered by them in consequence of the failure of .... to discharge the duties of the
AB966,6,1313 Dated ...., 19.. .... (year)
AB966,6,1414 ....(Principal)....,
AB966,6,1515 ....(Surety)....,
AB966, s. 7 16Section 7. 23.10 (4) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,6,1717 23.10 (4) (form)
AB966,6,18 18state of Wisconsin
AB966,6,19 19department of natural resources.
AB966,6,2020 To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting:
AB966,7,221 Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity and ability
22of ...., of the county of ...., we do hereby appoint and constitute .... a conservation
23warden (or county, or special conservation warden) for the (county of ....), state of
24Wisconsin, and do authorize and empower .... to execute and fulfill the duties of that

1office according to law, during good behavior and the faithful performance of the
2duties of that office.
AB966,7,53 In testimony whereof, the secretary has hereunto affixed the secretary's
4signature and the official seal of the department, at its office in the city of Madison,
5Wisconsin, this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
AB966,7,66 (Seal) state of wisconsin
AB966,7,7 7department of natural resources.
AB966,7,88 By .... ....
AB966, s. 8 9Section 8. 59.64 (1) (d) 1. (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,7,1010 59.64 (1) (d) 1. (form)
AB966,7,11 11State of Wisconsin
AB966,7,1313 ....
AB966,7,14 14In .... Court
AB966,7,1515 Complaint for ....
AB966,7,1616 Before ...., .... Judge.
AB966,7,1717 Heard the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)
AB966,7,1818 To the County Board of .... County:
AB966,7,2319 I hereby certify that in the foregoing entitled action the following named
20persons rendered services therein, and attended before me in the capacity stated,
21and that they are severally entitled to the amounts specified below for the services,
22attendance and travel, and that the services were actually and necessarily rendered,
23and said action was prosecuted in good faith:
1A.B. (constable or sheriff), actually and necessarily traveled in serving the ....
2herein, .... miles, and attended court .... days, and is entitled to .... dollars for other
3just and lawful services in the cause, and in all is entitled to .... dollars.
AB966,8,44 Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)
AB966, s. 9 5Section 9. 62.075 (3) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,8,116 62.075 (3) (form) Notice is hereby given that the petition of .... will be heard by
7the circuit court of .... county, at the court house, in the city of ...., Wisconsin, on the
8.... day of ...., 19 .... (year), at .... M., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard.
9That said petition prays for the detachment of the following area of land from the city
10of .... and annexation to the town of ...., in accordance with section 62.075 of the
11Wisconsin statutes, which area of land is described as follows:
AB966,8,1212 Dated ....
AB966,8,1313 .... (Petitioner's attorney) ....
AB966,8,1414 P.O. Address ....
AB966, s. 10 15Section 10. 62.50 (13) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,8,1616 62.50 (13) (form) To the honorable board of fire and police commissioners:
AB966,8,1917 Please take notice that I appeal from the order or decision of the chief of the ....
18department, discharging (or suspending) me from service, which order of discharge
19(or suspension) was made on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
AB966, s. 11 20Section 11. 66.123 (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,8,2121 66.123 (form)
AB966,8,22 22Affidavit
AB966,8,2424 .... County
AB966,8,2525 In the .... court of the .... of ....
1A. F., being duly sworn, says that on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year), in said
2county, in and upon certain premises in the (city, town or village) of .... and more
3particularly described as follows: (describe the premises) there now exists a necessity
4to determine if said premises comply with (section .... of the Wisconsin statutes) or
5(section .... of ordinances of said municipality) or both. The facts tending to establish
6the grounds for issuing a special inspection warrant are as follows: (set forth brief
7statement of reasons for inspection, frequency and approximate date of last
8inspection, if any, which shall be deemed probable cause for issuance of warrant).
AB966,9,109 Wherefore, the said A. F. prays that a special inspection warrant be issued to
10search such premises for said purpose.
AB966,9,1111 ...(Signed) A. F.
AB966,9,1212 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)
AB966,9,1313 .... Judge of the .... Court.
AB966,9,14 14Special Inspection Warrant
AB966,9,1616 .... County
AB966,9,1717 In the .... court of the .... of ....
AB966,9,19 18The State of Wisconsin, To the sheriff or any constable or any peace officer of
19said county:
AB966,9,2420 Whereas, A. B. has this day complained (in writing) to the said court upon oath
21that on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year), in said county, in and upon certain premises
22in the (city, town or village) of .... and more particularly described as follows: (describe
23the premises) there now exists a necessity to determine if said premises comply with
24(section .... of the Wisconsin statutes) or (section .... of ordinances of said

1municipality) or both and prayed that a special inspection warrant be issued to
2search said premises.
AB966,10,43 Now, therefore, in the name of the state of Wisconsin you are commanded
4forthwith to search the said premises for said purposes.
AB966,10,55 Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year),
AB966,10,66 .... Judge of the .... Court.
AB966,10,7 7Indorsement on Warrant
AB966,10,88 Received by me ...., 19.. .... (year), at .... o'clock .... M.
AB966,10,99 .... Sheriff (or peace officer).
AB966,10,10 10Return of Officer
AB966,10,1212 .... Court
AB966,10,1313 .... County.
AB966,10,1514 I hereby certify that by virtue of the within warrant I searched the named
15premises and found the following things (describe findings).
AB966,10,1616 Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
AB966,10,1717 .... Sheriff (or peace officer).
AB966, s. 12 18Section 12. 66.37 (2) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB966,10,1919 66.37 (2) (form)
AB966,10,20 20State of Wisconsin,
AB966,10,2121 County of ....
AB966,11,322 I, .... (designation of officer), do certify that .... has this day exhibited to me the
23head (or ears) of ...., which (he, she) claims to have killed in said (town, city, village),
24and that the head (or ears) of said .... was (were) destroyed in my presence, and that
25the said .... is on presentation of this certificate to the (town, city, village) clerk within

120 days from the date hereof, entitled to an order on the (town, city, village) treasurer
2for the sum of .... dollars, to be drawn from the general fund of said (town, city,
AB966,11,44 Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).