For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB405, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.587 of the statutes is created to read:
SB405,4,12 215.587 Same; councils. (1) Council on municipal collective bargaining.
3There is created in the employment relations commission a council on municipal
4collective bargaining. The council shall consist of the chairperson of the commission,
5who shall serve as the nonvoting chairperson of the council, and 5 representatives
6of municipal employers and 5 representatives of municipal employes bargaining
7under subch. IV of ch. 111 appointed by the chairperson of the commission to serve
8for 6-year terms. In making appointments to the council, the chairperson shall give
9due consideration to the necessity of achieving balanced representation of municipal
10employer interests, and to the diversity of municipal employe interests among
11municipal employes who are included in collective bargaining units subject to the
12procedures under s. 111.70 (4) (cm).
SB405, s. 2 13Section 2. 20.425 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
120.425 (1) (i) Fees. The amounts in the schedule for the performance of impasse
fact-finding, mediation and, arbitration and dispute resolution
functions and for the provision of copies of transcripts. All moneys received
4under ss. 111.09 (1) and (2), 111.71 (1) and (2) and 111.94 (1) and (2), except as
5otherwise provided in those sections, shall be credited to this appropriation account.
SB405, s. 3 6Section 3. 20.923 (6) (bc) of the statutes is created to read:
SB405,5,77 20.923 (6) (bc) Employment relations commission: dispute resolution judges.
SB405, s. 4 8Section 4. 111.70 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
9is amended to read:
SB405,6,1310 111.70 (1) (a) "Collective bargaining" means the performance of the mutual
11obligation of a municipal employer, through its officers and agents, and the
12representative of its municipal employes in a collective bargaining unit, to meet and
13confer at reasonable times, in good faith, with the intention of reaching an
14agreement, or to resolve questions arising under such an agreement, with respect to
15wages, hours and conditions of employment, and with respect to a requirement of the
16municipal employer for a municipal employe to perform law enforcement and fire
17fighting services under s. 61.66, except as provided in sub. (4) (m) and s. 40.81 (3) and
18except that a municipal employer shall not meet and confer with respect to any
19proposal to diminish or abridge the rights guaranteed to municipal employes under
20ch. 164. The duty to bargain, however, does not compel either party to agree to a
21proposal or require the making of a concession. Collective bargaining includes the
22reduction of any agreement reached to a written and signed document. The
23municipal employer shall not be required to bargain on subjects reserved to
24management and direction of the governmental unit except insofar as the manner
25of exercise of such functions affects the wages, hours and conditions of employment

1of the municipal employes in a collective bargaining unit, but the municipal
2employer shall be required to discuss any proposal primarily related to the operating
3efficiency and effectiveness of the governmental unit. Any such proposal that the
4municipal employer is required to discuss shall not be considered a mandatory
5subject of collective bargaining for the purposes of sub. (4) (cm), unless the proposal
6affects the wages, hours and conditions of employment of the municipal employes in
7a collective bargaining unit
. In creating this subchapter the legislature recognizes
8that the municipal employer must exercise its powers and responsibilities to act for
9the government and good order of the jurisdiction which it serves, its commercial
10benefit and the health, safety and welfare of the public to assure orderly operations
11and functions within its jurisdiction, subject to those rights secured to municipal
12employes by the constitutions of this state and of the United States and by this
SB405, s. 5 14Section 5. 111.70 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB405,6,1715 111.70 (1) (cm) "Consensus bargaining" means a collaborative problem-solving
16system of collective bargaining that emphasizes the mutual interests of the parties
17involved in a labor dispute.
SB405, s. 6 18Section 6. 111.70 (1) (dm) of the statutes is repealed.
SB405, s. 7 19Section 7. 111.70 (1) (hm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB405,6,2520 111.70 (1) (hm) "Lockout" means the barring of any employe from his or her
21employment by a municipal employer as a part of a labor dispute, which is not
22directly subsequent to a strike or other job action of a labor organization or group of
23employes of the municipal employer, or which continues or occurs after the
24termination of a strike or other job action of a labor organization or group of employes
25of the municipal employer.
SB405, s. 8
1Section 8. 111.70 (1) (nc) of the statutes is repealed.
SB405, s. 9 2Section 9. 111.70 (3) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB405,7,43 111.70 (3) (a) 7. To refuse or otherwise fail to implement an arbitration decision
4or dispute resolution judicial decision lawfully made under sub. (4) (cm).
SB405, s. 10 5Section 10. 111.70 (3) (b) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB405,7,76 111.70 (3) (b) 6. To refuse or otherwise fail to implement an arbitration decision
7or dispute resolution judicial decision lawfully made under sub. (4) (cm).
SB405, s. 11 8Section 11. 111.70 (4) (cm) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB405,7,189 111.70 (4) (cm) Methods for peaceful settlement of disputes; other personnel. 1.
10`Notice of commencement of contract negotiations.' For the purpose of advising the
11commission of the commencement of contract negotiations, whenever either party
12requests the other to reopen negotiations under a binding collective bargaining
13agreement, or the parties otherwise commence negotiations if no such agreement
14exists, the party requesting negotiations shall immediately notify the commission in
15writing. Upon failure of the requesting party to provide such notice, the other party
16may so notify the commission. The notice shall specify the expiration date of the
17existing collective bargaining agreement, if any, and shall set forth any additional
18information the commission may require on a form provided by the commission.
SB405,7,2519 2. `Presentation of initial proposals; open meetings.' The parties shall meet for
20the purpose of submitting initial collective bargaining proposals. The meetings
21between parties to a collective bargaining agreement or proposed collective
22bargaining agreement under this subchapter which are held for the purpose of
23presenting initial collective bargaining proposals, along with supporting rationale,
24shall be open to the public. Each party shall submit its initial collective bargaining
25proposals to the other party in writing.
13. `Grievance arbitration.' Parties to a dispute pertaining to the meaning or
2application of the terms of a written collective bargaining agreement may agree in
3writing to have the commission or any other appropriate agency serve as arbitrator
4or may designate any other competent, impartial and disinterested person to so
SB405,8,106 4. `Mediation.' The commission or its designee shall function as mediator in
7labor disputes involving municipal employes upon request of one or both of the
8parties, or upon initiation of the commission. The function of the mediator shall be
9to encourage voluntary settlement by the parties. No mediator has the power of
SB405,8,2411 5. `Determination of dispute resolution procedures.' a. No later than 30 days
12after the initial meeting conducted under subd. 2., the parties shall jointly determine
13whether to use consensus bargaining under subd. 6. to settle any dispute over wages,
14hours and conditions of employment that are to be included in a new collective
15bargaining agreement. If the parties are unable to agree to use consensus bargaining
16under subd. 6. to settle the dispute, the parties shall continue to negotiate until such
17time that the commission determines that an impasse exists between the parties.
18The commission may only determine that an impasse exists upon the written request
19of one or both of the parties. No later than 30 days after the commission determines
20that an impasse exists, the parties shall jointly decide which dispute resolution
21procedure to use to settle the dispute. The parties may select only from the voluntary
22impasse resolution procedures under subd. 7., fact-finding under subd. 8., strikes
23and lockouts under subd. 9., interest arbitration under subd. 10. and the dispute
24resolution judicial process under subd. 11.
1b. After selecting a dispute resolution procedure under subd. 5. a., the parties
2shall jointly notify the commission in writing of the procedure they have selected.
3If the parties are unable to agree on which procedure to use to settle the dispute
4before the 30th day after the commission has determined that an impasse exists, the
5parties shall use the dispute resolution judicial process under subd. 11.
SB405,9,186 6. `Consensus bargaining.' a. If the parties select consensus bargaining as the
7dispute resolution procedure to settle a dispute over wages, hours and conditions of
8employment that are to be included in a new collective bargaining agreement, the
9commission shall offer to provide training in consensus bargaining methods. If after
10a reasonable period of time the parties are unable to reach agreement regarding the
11dispute using consensus bargaining, either party, or the parties jointly, may petition
12the commission in writing to determine whether an impasse exists. If the
13commission determines that an impasse exists, the parties shall jointly select a
14different dispute resolution procedure specified in subd. 5. a. no later than 30 days
15after the commission has determined that an impasse exists. If the parties are
16unable to to reach agreement as to which dispute resolution procedure they shall use
17to settle the dispute, the parties shall use the dispute resolution judicial process
18under subd. 11.
SB405,9,2319 b. If the parties, using consensus bargaining, settle their dispute over wages,
20hours and conditions of employment that are to be included in a new collective
21bargaining agreement, the commission shall reimburse the parties, from the
22appropriation account under s. 20.425 (1) (i), for the cost of all training fees and
23expenses incurred by the parties in using consensus bargaining.
SB405,9,2524 7. `Voluntary impasse resolution procedures.' In addition to the other dispute
25resolution procedures provided in this paragraph, the parties may, as a permissive

1subject of bargaining, agree in writing to a different dispute resolution procedure for
2resolving an impasse over terms of any collective bargaining agreement under this
3subchapter. The parties shall file a copy of any such agreement with the commission.
4If the parties agree to any form of binding interest arbitration, the arbitrator shall
5give weight to the factors enumerated under subds. 12., 12g. and 12r.
SB405,10,106 8. `Fact-finding.' a. If the parties select fact-finding as the dispute resolution
7procedure to settle a dispute over wages, hours and conditions of employment that
8are to be included in a new collective bargaining agreement, the parties shall jointly
9petition the commission in writing to initiate fact-finding and to make
10recommendations to resolve the dispute.
SB405,10,1311 b. Upon receipt of a petition to initiate fact-finding, the commission shall
12appoint a qualified, disinterested person or 3-member panel, when jointly requested
13by the parties, to function as a fact finder.
SB405,10,2414 c. The fact finder may establish dates and place of hearings and shall conduct
15the hearings under rules established by the commission, except that all hearings
16shall be held no later than 60 days after the fact finder's appointment. Upon request,
17the commission shall issue subpoenas for hearings conducted by the fact finder. The
18fact finder may administer oaths. Upon completion of the hearings, but not later
19than 40 days after completion of the hearings, the fact finder shall make written
20findings of fact and recommendations for solution of the dispute and shall serve the
21findings and recommendations on the parties and the commission. In making
22findings and recommendations, the fact finder shall take into consideration among
23other pertinent factors the principles vital to the public interest in efficient and
24economical governmental administration.
1d. For any hearing conducted under this subdivision, the parties shall
2exchange all exhibits, if any, at least 20 days before the scheduled date of the hearing.
3Any party that objects to an exhibit offered by the other party shall file a written
4objection with the fact finder at least 5 days before the scheduled date of the hearing.
5For any hearing conducted under this subdivision, the parties shall exchange
6hearing briefs and shall file 3 copies of the hearing briefs with the fact finder at least
75 days before the scheduled date of the hearing. The fact finder may not consider any
8briefs that are not filed in accordance with this subd. 8. d.
SB405,11,119 e. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting any fact finder from
10endeavoring to mediate the dispute at any time prior to the issuance of the fact
11finder's recommendations.
SB405,11,1612 f. Within 30 days of the receipt of the fact finder's recommendations or within
13a time period mutually agreed upon by the parties, each party shall notify the other
14in writing as to the party's acceptance or rejection, in whole or in part, of the fact
15finder's recommendations and, at the same time, send a copy of the notification to
16the commission.
SB405,11,1917 g. Cost of fact-finding proceedings shall be divided equally between the parties.
18At the time the fact finder submits a statement of his or her costs to the parties, the
19fact finder shall submit a copy of the statement to the commission.
SB405,11,2420 9. `Strikes and lockouts.' If the parties elect to engage in strikes and lockouts
21as the dispute resolution procedure to settle a dispute over wages, hours and
22conditions of employment that are to be included in a new collective bargaining
23agreement, the labor organization, after giving 10 days' written advance notice to the
24municipal employer and the commission, may strike.
110. `Interest arbitration.' a. If the parties select interest arbitration as the
2dispute resolution procedure to settle a dispute over wages, hours and conditions of
3employment that are to be included in a new collective bargaining agreement, each
4party shall submit in writing to the commission its single final offer containing its
5final proposals on all issues in dispute that are subject to interest arbitration under
6this subdivision. Such final offers shall be limited to no more than 5 issues, unless
7the parties are endeavoring to obtain an initial collective bargaining agreement, in
8which case the final offers may include any number of issues. The final offers may
9include only mandatory subjects of bargaining, except that a permissive subject of
10bargaining may be included by a party if the other party does not object and shall
11then be treated as a mandatory subject of bargaining. No later than such time, the
12parties shall also submit to the commission a written stipulation with respect to all
13matters which are agreed upon for inclusion in the new or amended collective
14bargaining agreement. The commission shall submit to the parties a list of 7
15arbitrators. Upon receipt of the list, the parties shall alternately strike names until
16a single name is left, who shall be appointed as arbitrator. The petitioning party shall
17notify the commission in writing of the identity of the arbitrator selected. Upon
18receipt of the notice, the commission shall formally appoint the arbitrator and submit
19to him or her the final offers of the parties. The final offers shall be considered public
20documents and shall be available from the commission. In lieu of a single arbitrator
21and upon request of both parties, the commission shall appoint a tripartite
22arbitration panel consisting of one member selected by each of the parties and a
23neutral person designated by the commission who shall serve as a chairperson. An
24arbitration panel has the same powers and duties as provided in this section for any
25other appointed arbitrator, and all arbitration decisions by such panel shall be

1determined by majority vote. In lieu of selection of the arbitrator by the parties and
2upon request of both parties, the commission shall establish a procedure for
3randomly selecting names of arbitrators. Under the procedure, the commission shall
4submit a list of 7 arbitrators to the parties. Each party shall strike one name from
5the list. From the remaining 5 names, the commission shall randomly appoint an
6arbitrator. Unless both parties to an arbitration proceeding otherwise agree in
7writing, every individual whose name is submitted by the commission for
8appointment as an arbitrator shall be a resident of this state at the time of
9submission and every individual who is designated as an arbitration panel
10chairperson shall be a resident of this state at the time of designation.
SB405,13,2211 b. The arbitrator shall, within 10 days of his or her appointment, establish a
12date and place for the conduct of the arbitration hearing. The arbitration hearing
13shall be held within 60 days of the arbitrator's appointment. Upon petition of at least
145 citizens of the jurisdiction served by the municipal employer, filed within 10 days
15after the date on which the arbitrator is appointed, the arbitrator shall hold a public
16hearing in the jurisdiction for the purpose of providing the opportunity to both
17parties to explain or present supporting arguments for their positions and to
18members of the public to offer their comments and suggestions. The final offers of
19the parties, as transmitted by the commission to the arbitrator, shall serve as the
20basis for continued negotiations, if any, between the parties with respect to the issues
21in dispute. At any time prior to the arbitration hearing, either party, with the consent
22of the other party, may modify its final offer in writing.
SB405,14,723 c. Prior to the arbitration hearing, either party may, within a time limit
24established by the arbitrator, withdraw its final offer and mutually agreed upon
25modifications thereof, if any, and shall immediately provide written notice of such

1withdrawal to the other party, the arbitrator and the commission. If both parties
2withdraw their final offers and mutually agreed upon modifications, the labor
3organization, after giving 10 days' written advance notice to the municipal employer
4and the commission, may strike. Unless both parties withdraw their final offers and
5mutually agreed upon modifications, the final offer of neither party shall be deemed
6withdrawn and the arbitrator shall proceed to resolve the dispute by final and
7binding arbitration as provided in this paragraph.
SB405,14,218 d. Before issuing his or her arbitration decision, the arbitrator shall, on his or
9her own motion or at the request of either party, conduct a meeting open to the public
10for the purpose of providing the opportunity to both parties to explain or present
11supporting arguments for their complete offer on all matters to be covered by the
12proposed agreement. No later than 40 days after the arbitration hearing that is
13conducted under subd. 10. b., the arbitrator shall adopt without further modification
14the final offer of one of the parties on all disputed issues submitted under subd. 10.
15a., except those items that the commission determines not to be mandatory subjects
16of bargaining and those items which have not been treated as mandatory subjects
17of collective bargaining by the parties, and including any prior modifications of such
18offer mutually agreed upon by the parties under subd. 10. b., which decision shall be
19final and binding on both parties and shall be incorporated into a written collective
20bargaining agreement. The arbitrator shall serve a copy of his or her decision on both
21parties and the commission.
SB405,15,622 e. For any hearing conducted under this subdivision, the parties shall exchange
23all exhibits, if any, at least 20 days before the scheduled date of the hearing. Any
24party that objects to an exhibit offered by the other party shall file an objection with
25the arbitrator or arbitration panel at least 5 days before the scheduled date of the

1hearing. For any hearing conducted under this subdivision, the parties shall
2exchange hearing briefs and shall either file a copy of the hearing brief with the
3arbitrator or file 3 copies of the hearing briefs with the arbitration panel, whichever
4is appropriate, at least 5 days before the scheduled date of the hearing. The
5arbitrator or arbitration panel may not consider any briefs that are not filed in
6accordance with this subd. 10. e.
SB405,15,87 f. Arbitration proceedings may not be interrupted or terminated by reason of
8any prohibited practice complaint filed by either party at any time.
SB405,15,169 g. If a question arises as to whether any proposal made in negotiations by either
10party is a mandatory, permissive or prohibited subject of bargaining, the commission
11shall determine the issue pursuant to par. (b). If either party to the dispute petitions
12the commission for a declaratory ruling under par. (b), the proceedings under subd.
1310. c. and d. shall be delayed until the commission renders a decision in the matter,
14but not during any appeal of the commission order. The arbitrator's award shall be
15made in accordance with the commission's ruling, subject to automatic amendment
16by any subsequent court reversal thereof.
SB405,15,1917 h. The costs of arbitration shall be divided equally between the parties. The
18arbitrator shall submit a statement of his or her costs to both parties and to the
SB405,16,620 11. `Dispute resolution judicial process.' a. If the parties select the dispute
21resolution judicial process as the dispute resolution procedure to settle a dispute over
22wages, hours and conditions of employment that are to be included in a new collective
23bargaining agreement, each party shall submit in writing to the commission its
24single final offer containing its final proposals on all issues in dispute. The final
25offers may include only mandatory subjects of bargaining, except that a permissive

1subject of bargaining may be included by a party if the other party does not object
2and shall then be treated as a mandatory subject of bargaining. The final offers shall
3be considered public documents and shall be available from the commission. No later
4than such time, the parties shall also submit to the commission a written stipulation
5with respect to all matters which are agreed upon for inclusion in the new or
6amended collective bargaining agreement.
SB405,16,247 b. Unless otherwise provided in subd. 11. c., the commission shall randomly
8select a dispute resolution judge to conduct the dispute resolution judicial process
9under this subdivision. If no party objects to the dispute resolution judge who is
10selected by the commission within 5 days after his or her selection, the commission
11shall appoint the dispute resolution judge to conduct the dispute resolution
12proceedings. If one party objects to the dispute resolution judge who is selected by
13the commission, the party shall file a written objection with the commission no later
14than 5 days after his or her selection. Upon receipt of the objection, the commission
15shall randomly select another dispute resolution judge. If the other party does not
16object to the selection of this dispute resolution judge within 5 days after his or her
17selection, the commission shall appoint this dispute resolution judge to conduct the
18dispute resolution proceedings. If the other party objects to the selection of this
19dispute resolution judge, the party shall file a written objection with the commission
20no later than 5 days after his or her selection. Upon receipt of the objection, the
21commission shall randomly select yet another dispute resolution judge to conduct the
22dispute resolution proceedings. The commission shall then appoint this dispute
23resolution judge to conduct the dispute resolution proceedings and shall submit to
24him or her the final offers of the parties.
1c. The parties may mutually agree to a dispute resolution judge selection
2process that is different from the process specified in subd. 11. b. Any such
3agreement shall be filed in writing with the commission.
SB405,17,94 d. After the commission has appointed a dispute resolution judge, each party
5shall designate a person to serve as advocate no later than 3 days after the
6appointment of the dispute resolution judge. At the time each party designates its
7advocate, the party shall notify, in writing, the other party, the dispute resolution
8judge and the commission. The dispute resolution judge and the 2 advocates shall
9constitute the dispute resolution tripartite panel.
SB405,17,2210 e. The dispute resolution judge may establish dates and place of hearings and
11shall conduct the hearings under rules established by the commission, except that
12all hearings shall be held no later than 60 days after the dispute resolution judge's
13appointment under subd. 11. b. or c. Upon request, the commission shall issue
14subpoenas for hearings conducted by the dispute resolution judge. The dispute
15resolution judge may administer oaths. Upon completion of the hearings, but not
16later than 40 days after completion of the hearings, the dispute resolution tripartite
17panel, by majority vote, shall make written findings of fact and recommendations for
18solution of the dispute and shall serve the findings and recommendations on the
19parties and the commission. In making findings and recommendations, the dispute
20resolution tripartite panel shall take into consideration among other pertinent
21factors the principles vital to the public interest in efficient and economical
22governmental administration.
SB405,18,923 f. Subject to subd. 11. g., if the parties have not resolved the dispute within 30
24days after service of the dispute resolution tripartite panel's written findings of fact
25and recommendations for resolving the dispute, the dispute resolution judge, within

110 days, shall reconvene the dispute resolution tripartite panel. The dispute
2resolution tripartite panel, by majority vote, shall adopt without further
3modification the final offer of one of the parties on all disputed issues submitted
4under subd. 11. a., except those items that the commission determines not to be
5mandatory subjects of bargaining and those items which have not been treated as
6mandatory subjects of collective bargaining by the parties, which decision shall be
7final and binding on both parties and shall be incorporated into a written collective
8bargaining agreement. The dispute resolution judge shall serve a copy of the
9decision on both parties and the commission.
SB405,18,1310 g. The dispute resolution tripartite panel, by a unanimous vote, may extend
11any time limit specified in subd. 11. f. only upon a showing by one or both of the
12parties of exceptional need. A stipulation by the parties to agree to extend any time
13limit specified in subd. 11. f. does not, in itself, constitute exceptional need.
SB405,18,2214 h. For any hearing conducted under this subdivision, the parties shall
15exchange all exhibits, if any, at least 20 days before the scheduled date of the hearing.
16Any party that objects to an exhibit offered by the other party shall file a written
17objection with the dispute resolution judge at least 5 days before the scheduled date
18of the hearing. For any hearing conducted under this subdivision, the parties shall
19exchange hearing briefs and shall file 3 copies of the hearing briefs with the dispute
20resolution tripartite panel at least 5 days before the scheduled date of the hearing.
21The dispute resolution tripartite panel may not consider any briefs that are not filed
22in accordance with this subd. 11. h.
SB405,18,2523 i. Dispute resolution tripartite proceedings may not be interrupted or
24terminated by reason of any prohibited practice complaint filed by either party at any
1j. If a question arises as to whether any proposal made in negotiations by either
2party is a mandatory, permissive or prohibited subject of bargaining, the commission
3shall determine the issue pursuant to par. (b). If either party to the dispute petitions
4the commission for a declaratory ruling under par. (b), the proceedings under subd.
511. e. and f. shall be delayed until the commission renders a decision in the matter,
6but not during any appeal of the commission order. The dispute resolution tripartite
7panel's award shall be made in accordance with the commission's ruling, subject to
8automatic amendment by any subsequent court reversal thereof.
SB405,19,109 k. The costs of the dispute resolution tripartite process shall be divided equally
10between the parties.
SB405,19,1811 12. `Factor given greatest weight.' In making any decision under the
12arbitration procedures authorized by this paragraph, the arbitrator, arbitration
13panel or dispute resolution tripartite panel shall consider and shall give the greatest
14weight to any state law or directive lawfully issued by a state legislative or
15administrative officer, body or agency which places limitations on expenditures that
16may be made or revenues that may be collected by a municipal employer. The
17arbitrator, arbitration panel or dispute resolution tripartite panel shall give an
18accounting of the consideration of this factor in the decision.
SB405,19,2319 12g. `Factor given greater weight.' In making any decision under the
20arbitration procedures authorized by this paragraph, the arbitrator, arbitration
21panel or dispute resolution tripartite panel shall consider and shall give greater
22weight to economic conditions in the jurisdiction of the municipal employer than to
23any of the factors specified in subd. 12r.
112r. `Other factors considered.' In making any decision under the arbitration
2procedures authorized by this paragraph, the arbitrator, arbitration panel or dispute
3resolution tripartite panel shall also give weight to the following factors:
SB405,20,84 a. Comparison of wages, hours and conditions of employment of the municipal
5employes involved in the arbitration proceedings with the wages, hours and
6conditions of employment of other municipal employes of the municipal employer
7and other employes in public and private employment who perform similar services
8in the same community and comparable communities.
SB405,20,129 b. In addition to the factors specified in subd. 12r. a., such other factors that are
10normally or traditionally taken into consideration in the determination of wages,
11hours and conditions of employment through collective bargaining in the public
12service or in private employment.
SB405,20,1513 13. `Rule making; interest arbitration.' The commission shall adopt rules for
14the conduct of all arbitration proceedings under subd. 10., including, but not limited
15to, rules for:
SB405,20,1716 a. The appointment of tripartite arbitration panels when requested by the
SB405,20,1918 b. The expeditious rendering of arbitration decisions, such as waivers of briefs
19and transcripts.
SB405,20,2120 c. The removal of individuals who have repeatedly failed to issue timely
21decisions from the commission's list of qualified arbitrators.
SB405,20,2222 d. Proceedings for the enforcement of arbitration decisions.
SB405,20,2523 14. `Rule making; dispute resolution judicial process.' The commission shall
24adopt rules for the conduct of all dispute resolution judicial proceedings under subd.
115. `Term of agreement; reopening of negotiations.' a. Except for the initial
2collective bargaining agreement between the parties and except as the parties
3otherwise agree, every collective bargaining agreement covering municipal
4employes subject to this paragraph other than school district professional employes
5shall be for a term of 2 years. No collective bargaining agreement for any collective
6bargaining unit consisting of municipal employes subject to this paragraph other
7than school district professional employes shall be for a term exceeding 3 years.
SB405,21,148 b. Except for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the parties,
9every collective bargaining agreement covering municipal employes who are school
10district professional employes shall be for a term of 2 years expiring on June 30 of
11the odd-numbered year. An initial collective bargaining agreement between parties
12covering municipal employes who are school district professional employes shall be
13for a term ending on June 30 following the effective date of the agreement, if that date
14is in an odd-numbered year, or otherwise on June 30 of the following year.
SB405,21,2015 c. No arbitration award may contain a provision for reopening of negotiations
16during the term of a collective bargaining agreement, unless both parties agree to
17such a provision. The requirement for agreement by both parties does not apply to
18a provision for reopening of negotiations with respect to any portion of an agreement
19that is declared invalid by a court or administrative agency or rendered invalid by
20the enactment of a law or promulgation of a federal regulation.
SB405,21,2221 16. `Application.' a. Chapter 788 does not apply to arbitration proceedings
22under this paragraph.
SB405,21,2423 b. This paragraph does not apply to labor disputes involving municipal
24employes who are engaged in law enforcement or fire fighting functions.
SB405, s. 12 25Section 12. 111.70 (4) (d) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
1111.70 (4) (d) 2. a. The commission shall determine the appropriate collective
2bargaining unit for the purpose of collective bargaining and shall whenever possible,
3unless otherwise required under this subchapter, avoid fragmentation by
4maintaining as few collective bargaining units as practicable in keeping with the size
5of the total municipal work force. In making such a determination, the commission
6may decide whether, in a particular case, the municipal employes in the same or
7several departments, divisions, institutions, crafts, professions or other
8occupational groupings constitute a collective bargaining unit. Before making its
9determination, the commission may provide an opportunity for the municipal
10employes concerned to determine, by secret ballot, whether or not they desire to be
11established as a separate collective bargaining unit. The commission shall not
12decide, however, that any group of municipal employes constitutes an appropriate
13collective bargaining unit if the group includes both municipal employes who are
14school district professional employes and municipal employes who are not school
15district professional employes.
The commission shall not decide , however, that any
16other group of municipal employes constitutes an appropriate collective bargaining
17unit if the group includes both professional employes and nonprofessional employes,
18unless a majority of the professional employes vote for inclusion in the unit. The
19commission shall not decide that any group of municipal employes constitutes an
20appropriate collective bargaining unit if the group includes both craft employes and
21noncraft employes unless a majority of the craft employes vote for inclusion in the
22unit. The commission shall place the professional employes who are assigned to
23perform any services at a charter school, as defined in s. 115.001 (1), in a separate
24collective bargaining unit from a unit that includes any other professional employes
25whenever at least 30% of those professional employes request an election to be held

1to determine that issue and a majority of the professional employes at the charter
2school who cast votes in the election decide to be represented in a separate collective
3bargaining unit. Any vote taken under this subsection shall be by secret ballot.
SB405, s. 13 4Section 13. 111.70 (4) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB405,23,95 111.70 (4) (L) Strikes prohibited. Except as authorized under par. (cm) 5. and
66. c.
7., 9. and 10. c., nothing contained in this subchapter constitutes a grant of the
7right to strike by any municipal employe or labor organization, and such strikes are
8hereby expressly prohibited. Paragraph (cm) does not authorize any strike after an
9injunction has been issued against such strike under sub. (7m).
SB405, s. 14 10Section 14. 111.70 (7m) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB405,23,1611 111.70 (7m) (c) 3. `Strike in violation of award.' Any person who authorizes or
12otherwise participates in a strike after the issuance of any final and binding
13arbitration award or decision or dispute resolution judicial decision under sub. (4)
14(cm) and prior to the end of the term of the agreement which the award or decision
15amends or creates shall forfeit not less than $15. Each day of continued violation
16constitutes a separate offense.
SB405, s. 15 17Section 15. 111.70 (7m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB405,23,2318 111.70 (7m) (e) Civil liability. Any party refusing to include an arbitration
19award or decision or dispute resolution judicial decision under sub. (4) (cm) in a
20written collective bargaining agreement or failing to implement the award or
21decision, unless good cause is shown, shall be liable for attorney fees, interest on
22delayed monetary benefits, and other costs incurred in any action by the
23nonoffending party to enforce the award or decision.
SB405, s. 16 24Section 16. 111.71 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1111.71 (2) The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a
2complaint alleging that a prohibited practice has been committed under s. 111.70 (3).
3The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the
4commission determine whether a collective bargaining impasse exists under s.
5111.70 (4) (cm) 5.
The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a
6request that the commission act as an arbitrator to resolve a dispute involving the
7interpretation or application of a collective bargaining agreement under s. 111.70 (4)
8(c) 2. or (cm) 4. 3. The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a
9request that the commission initiate consensus bargaining under s. 111.70 (4) (cm)
The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the
11commission initiate fact-finding under s. 111.70 (4) (c) 3. or (cm) 8. The commission
12shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the commission act as a
13mediator under s. 111.70 (4) (c) 1. or (cm) 3. 4. The commission shall assess and collect
14a filing fee for filing a request that the commission initiate compulsory, final and
15binding arbitration under s. 111.70 (4) (cm) 6. 10. or (jm) or 111.77 (3). The
16commission shall assess and collect a fee for the commission's initiating dispute
17resolution judicial proceedings under s. 111.70 (4) (cm) 11.
For the performance of
18commission actions under ss. 111.70 (4) (c) 1., 2. and 3., (cm) 3., 4., 5., 6., 8., 10. and
196. 11. and (jm) and 111.77 (3), the commission shall require that the parties to the
20dispute equally share in the payment of the fee and, for the performance of
21commission actions involving a complaint alleging that a prohibited practice has
22been committed under s. 111.70 (3), the commission shall require that the party filing
23the complaint pay the entire fee. If any party has paid a filing fee requesting the
24commission to act as a mediator for a labor dispute and the parties do not enter into
25a voluntary settlement of the dispute, the commission may not subsequently assess

1or collect a filing fee to initiate fact-finding or arbitration to resolve the same labor
2dispute. If any request for the performance of commission actions concerns issues
3arising as a result of more than one unrelated event or occurrence, each such
4separate event or occurrence shall be treated as a separate request. The commission
5shall promulgate rules establishing a schedule of filing fees to be paid under this
6subsection. Fees required to be paid under this subsection shall be paid at the time
7of filing the complaint or the request for impasse determination, fact-finding,
8mediation or, arbitration or the dispute resolution judicial process. A complaint or
9request for impasse determination, fact-finding, mediation or, arbitration or the
10dispute resolution judicial process
is not filed until the date such fee or fees are paid,
11except that the failure of the respondent party to pay the filing fee for having the
12commission initiate compulsory, final and binding arbitration under s. 111.70 (4)
13(cm) 6. 10. or (jm) or 111.77 (3) or dispute resolution judicial proceedings under s.
14111.70 (4) (cm) 11.
shall not prohibit the commission from initiating such arbitration
15or dispute resolution judicial proceedings. The commission may initiate collection
16proceedings against the respondent party for the payment of the filing fee. Fees
17collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under
18s. 20.425 (1) (i).
SB405, s. 17 19Section 17. 111.71 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB405,25,2420 111.71 (3) (a) The council on municipal collective bargaining shall provide
21advice to the commission on the operation of this subchapter and may make
22recommendations relating to the law. The commission may refer to the council for
23its study and advice any matter having to do with collective bargaining between
24municipal employers and municipal employes under this subchapter.
1(b) The vote of 7 of the voting members of the council on municipal collective
2bargaining is required for the council to act on any matter before it.
SB405,26,73 (c) The council on municipal collective bargaining shall continuously review
4the operation of the dispute settlement procedures under s. 111.70 (4) (cm) and (7m).
5The council shall submit its recommendations with respect to any amendment to s.
6111.70 (4) (cm) or (7m) to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature under s.
713.172 (2) at the commencement of each legislative session.
SB405,26,128 (d) The council on municipal collective bargaining shall review each pending
9legislative proposal relating to the modification of the dispute settlement procedures
10under s. 111.70 (4) (cm) and (7m) and shall report its findings and recommendations
11relating to the proposal to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for referral
12to the appropriate standing committee under s. 13.172 (3).