The joint committee consists of the assembly cochairperson of the joint
committee on finance, or a member of that committee who is designated by its
assembly cochairperson; the senate cochairperson of the joint committee on finance,
or a member of that committee who is designated by its senate cochairperson; and
two other majority party and two minority party senators and two other majority and
two minority party representatives to the assembly, appointed as are the members
of standing committees in their respective houses. This bill deletes the requirement
that two members of the joint committee on finance be members and requires that
three, rather than two, members in each house be from the majority party.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB44, s. 1
1. 13.101 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:
(14) With the concurrence of the joint committee on information policy
3and technology, direct the department of administration to report to the committee
4concerning any specific information technology system project in accordance with s.
513.58 (5) (b) 4.
AB44, s. 2
2. 13.58 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
713.58 (title)
Joint committee on information policy and technology.
AB44, s. 3
3. 13.58 (1) (intro.) and (b) of the statutes are consolidated,
9renumbered 13.58 (1) and amended to read:
(1) Creation. There is created a joint standing committee on information
and technology composed of
the following members: (b) Two other 3 majority
12party and 2 minority party senators and
2 other 3 majority and 2 minority party
13representatives to the assembly, appointed as are the members of standing
14committees in their respective houses.
AB44, s. 4
4. 13.58 (1) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
AB44, s. 5
5. 13.58 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Officers. In making appointments of the members of each house,
18other than the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance, each house shall
19designate a cochairperson.
AB44, s. 6
6. 13.90 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) The joint committee on legislative organization shall adopt, revise
2biennially and submit to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information
and technology, the governor and the secretary of administration, no later
4than September 15 of each even-numbered year, a strategic plan for the utilization
5of information technology to carry out the functions of the legislature and legislative
6service agencies, as defined in s. 16.70 (6). The plan shall address the business needs
7of the legislature and legislative service agencies and shall identify all resources
8relating to information technology which the legislature and legislative service
9agencies desire to acquire, contingent upon funding availability, the priority for such
10acquisitions and the justification for such acquisitions. The plan shall also identify
11any changes in the functioning of the legislature and legislative service agencies
12under the plan.
AB44, s. 7
7. 14.28 (8) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (a) (intro) Before January 1, 1997, and biennially thereafter, the
15foundation shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance and the joint
16committee on information policy
and technology. The report shall include
17information about all of the following:
AB44, s. 8
8. 14.28 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (b) If the foundation determines that it cannot capitalize the
20endowment fund as required under sub. (2) (h), the foundation shall submit a report
21to the joint committee on finance and the joint committee on information policy
22technology before January 1, 2002. The report shall identify recommendations,
23including suggested legislation, for assisting the foundation in reaching its
24endowment fund capitalization level. In the report, the foundation shall consider the
1use of the universal service fund contribution collection mechanism under s. 196.218
2(3) to reach the required capitalization level.
AB44, s. 9
9. 16.971 (2) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (L) Require each executive branch agency to adopt, revise biennially,
5and submit for its approval, a strategic plan for the utilization of information
6technology to carry out the functions of the agency. As a part of each plan, the division
7shall require each executive branch agency to address the business needs of the
8agency and to identify all proposed information technology development projects
9that serve those business needs, the priority for undertaking such projects and the
10justification for each project, including the anticipated benefits of the project. Each
11plan shall identify any changes in the functioning of the agency under the plan. The
12division shall consult with the joint committee on information policy
and technology 13in providing guidance for and scheduling of planning by executive branch agencies.
AB44, s. 10
10. 16.971 (2) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (m) Assist in coordination and integration of the plans of executive
16branch agencies relating to information technology approved under par. (L) and,
17using these plans and the statewide long-range telecommunications plan under s.
1816.99 (2) (a), formulate and revise biennially a consistent statewide strategic plan
19for the use and application of information technology. The division shall, no later
20than September 15 of each even-numbered year, submit the statewide strategic plan
21to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information
policy and technology
22and the governor.
AB44, s. 11
11. 16.971 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (b) The department shall award grants under par. (a) once during
25each fiscal year. Grants shall be awarded in accordance with criteria developed
1annually by the department prior to awarding of grants. No later than September
215 of each year, the department shall submit its proposed criteria for the award of
3grants in the following fiscal year to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on
4information policy
and technology. The department shall not award any grant under
5the criteria until the criteria are approved by the committee.
AB44, s. 12
12. 16.971 (5) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (f) No later than September 30 annually, each agency which
8conducted an information technology development project during the preceding
9fiscal year, whether individually or in cooperation with another agency, that was
10funded in whole or in part from the appropriation under s. 20.870 (1) (q), (r) or (s) or
11(2) (a) shall file a report, in a form prescribed by the secretary, with the secretary and
12the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy
and technology. The
13report shall describe the purpose of each project and the status of the project as of
14the end of the preceding fiscal year. No later than 13 months following the
15completion of such a project, each such agency shall file a report, on a form prescribed
16by the secretary, with the secretary and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on
17information policy
and technology. The report shall describe the purpose of the
18project and the effect of the project on agency business operations as of the end of the
1912-month period following completion of the project.
(5) (f) No later than September 30 annually, each agency which
23conducted an information technology development project during the preceding
24fiscal year, whether individually or in cooperation with another agency, that was
25funded in whole or in part from the appropriation under s. 20.870 (1) (q), (r) or (s)
1shall file a report, in a form prescribed by the secretary, with the secretary and the
2cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy
and technology. The
3report shall describe the purpose of each project and the status of the project as of
4the end of the preceding fiscal year. No later than 13 months following the
5completion of such a project, each such agency shall file a report, on a form prescribed
6by the secretary, with the secretary and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on
7information policy
and technology. The report shall describe the purpose of the
8project and the effect of the project on agency business operations as of the end of the
912-month period following completion of the project.
AB44, s. 14
14. 36.11 (30) of the statutes is amended to read:
(30) Information technology reports. The board shall prepare and
12submit reports to the joint committee on information policy
and technology upon
13request of the committee under s. 13.58 (5) (b) 3.
AB44, s. 15
15. 196.196 (5) (f) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (f) 1. (intro.) Before January 1, 1996, and biennially thereafter, the
16commission shall submit a report to the joint committee on information policy
17technology describing the status of investments in advanced telecommunications
18infrastructure in this state. The report shall include information on the progress
19made in all of the following areas:
AB44, s. 16
16. 196.218 (5r) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5r) (a) (intro.) Annually, the commission shall submit a universal
22service fund report to the joint committee on information policy
and technology. The
23report shall include information about all of the following:
AB44, s. 17
17. 196.218 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
(9) Emergency telephone service study. The commission shall
2conduct a study to determine if emergency telephone services should be supported
3by the universal service fund. The commission shall report its findings and
4recommendations, including any recommendations for statutory changes no later
5than January 1, 1997, to the joint committee on information policy
and technology.
AB44, s. 18
18. 758.19 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) The director of state courts shall adopt, revise biennially and submit
8to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy
and technology, the
9governor and the secretary of administration, no later than September 15 of each
10even-numbered year, a strategic plan for the utilization of information technology
11to carry out the functions of the courts and judicial branch agencies, as defined in s.
1216.70 (5). The plan shall address the business needs of the courts and judicial branch
13agencies and shall identify all resources relating to information technology which the
14courts and judicial branch agencies desire to acquire, contingent upon funding
15availability, the priority for such acquisitions and the justification for such
16acquisitions. The plan shall also identify any changes in the functioning of the courts
17and judicial branch agencies under the plan.
AB44, s. 19
Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
19except as follows:
The treatment of section 16.971 (5) (f) (by
) of the statutes takes
21effect on July 1, 1999, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.