AB445, s. 54
54. 767.265 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (c) No employer may use an assignment under this section or s.
9767.23 (1) (L)
, or 767.25 (4m) (c)
, 767.51 (3m) (c) or 767.62 (4) (b) 3. as a basis for the
10denial of employment to a person, the discharge of an employe or any disciplinary
11action against an employe. An employer who denies employment or discharges or
12disciplines an employe in violation of this paragraph may be fined not more than
13$500 and may be required to make full restitution to the aggrieved person, including
14reinstatement and back pay. Except as provided in this paragraph, restitution shall
15be in accordance with s. 973.20. An aggrieved person may apply to the district
16attorney or to the department for enforcement of this paragraph.
(1) If the court or the family court commissioner determines that
20income withholding under s. 767.265 is inapplicable, ineffective or insufficient to
21ensure payment under an order or stipulation specified in s. 767.265 (1), or that
22income withholding under s. 767.25 (4m) (c)
or 767.51 (3m) (c) is inapplicable,
23ineffective or insufficient to ensure payment of a child's health care expenses,
24including payment of health insurance premiums, ordered under s. 767.25 (4m) or
25767.51 (3m), the court or family court commissioner may require the payer to identify
1or establish a deposit account, owned in whole or in part by the payer, that allows for
2periodic transfers of funds and to file with the financial institution at which the
3account is located an authorization for transfer from the account to the department
4or its designee, whichever is appropriate. The authorization shall be provided on a
5standard form approved by the court and shall specify the frequency and the amount
6of transfer, sufficient to meet the payer's obligation under the order or stipulation,
7as required by the court or family court commissioner. The authorization shall
8include the payer's consent for the financial institution or an officer, employe or agent
9of the financial institution to disclose information to the court, family court
10commissioner, county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), department or
11department's designee regarding the account for which the payer has executed the
12authorization for transfer.
(1m) (intro.) Notwithstanding ss. 767.25 (6)
, and 767.261
, 767.51 (5p)
16and 767.62 (4) (g), if the department or its designee receives support or maintenance
17money that exceeds the amount due in the month in which it is received and that the
18department or its designee determines is for support or maintenance due in a
19succeeding month, the department or its designee may hold the amount of
20overpayment that does not exceed the amount due in the next month for
21disbursement in the next month if any of the following applies:
AB445, s. 57
57. 767.295 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) (intro.) In an action for modification of a child support order
24under s. 767.32, an action in which an order for child support is required under s.
25767.25 (1), 767.51 (3) or 767.62 (4)
(a) or a contempt of court proceeding to enforce a
1child support or family support order in a county that contracts under s. 49.36 (2),
2the court may order a parent who is not a custodial parent to register for a work
3experience and job training program under s. 49.36 if all of the following conditions
4are met:
AB445, s. 58
58. 767.295 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (c) If the court enters an order under par. (a), it shall order the
7parent to pay child support equal to the amount determined by applying the
8percentage standard established under s. 49.22 (9) to the income a person would earn
9by working 40 hours per week for the federal minimum hourly wage under
29 USC
10206 (a) (1) or equal to the amount of child support that the parent was ordered to pay
11in the most recent determination of support under this chapter. The child support
12obligation ordered under this paragraph continues until the parent makes timely
13payment in full for 3 consecutive months or until the person participates in the
14program under s. 49.36 for 16 weeks, whichever comes first. The court shall provide
15in its order that the parent must make child support payments calculated under s.
16767.25 (1j) or (1m)
, 767.51 (4m) or (5) or 767.62 (4) (d) 1. or (e) after the obligation to
17make payments ordered under this paragraph ceases.
AB445, s. 59
. 767.303 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) If a person fails to pay a payment ordered for support under s.
20767.077, support under s. 767.08, child support or family support under s. 767.23,
21child support under s. 767.25, family support under s. 767.261, revised child or
22family support under s. 767.32, child support under s. 767.458 (3), child support
23under s. 767.458 (3), child support under s. 767.51, child support under s. 767.62 (4)
24(a), child support under ch. 769 or child support under s. 948.22 (7), the payment is
2590 or more days past due and the court finds that the person has the ability to pay
1the amount ordered, the court may suspend the person's operating privilege, as
2defined in s. 340.01 (40), until the person pays all arrearages in full or makes
3payment arrangements that are satisfactory to the court, except that the suspension
4period may not exceed 5 years. If otherwise eligible, the person is eligible for an
5occupational license under s. 343.10 at any time.
(1) If a person fails to pay a payment ordered for support under s.
9767.077, support under s. 767.08, child support or family support under s. 767.23,
10child support under s. 767.25, family support under s. 767.261, revised child or
11family support under s. 767.32, child support under s. 767.458 (3), child support
12under s. 767.477, child support under s. 767.51, child support under s. 767.62 (4)
13child support under ch. 769 or child support under s. 948.22 (7), the payment is 90
14or more days past due and the court finds that the person has the ability to pay the
15amount ordered, the court may suspend the person's operating privilege, as defined
16in s. 340.01 (40), until the person pays all arrearages in full or makes payment
17arrangements that are satisfactory to the court, except that the suspension period
18may not exceed 2 years. If otherwise eligible, the person is eligible for an
19occupational license under s. 343.10 at any time.
AB445, s. 61
61. 767.32 (1) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (b) 4. A difference between the amount of child support ordered by
22the court to be paid by the payer and the amount that the payer would have been
23required to pay based on the percentage standard established by the department
24under s. 49.22 (9) if the court did not use the percentage standard in determining the
25child support payments and did not provide the information required under s. 46.10
1(14) (d), 301.12 (14) (d)
, or 767.25 (1n)
, 767.51 (5d) or 767.62 (4) (f), whichever is
AB445, s. 62
62. 767.32 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2m) Upon request by a party, the court may modify the amount of
5revised child support payments determined under sub. (2) if, after considering the
6factors listed in s. 767.25 (1m)
, 767.51 (5) or 767.62 (4) (e), as appropriate, the court
7finds, by the greater weight of the credible evidence, that the use of the percentage
8standard is unfair to the child or to any of the parties.
AB445, s. 63
63. 767.325 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
(2m) Modification of periods of physical placement for failure to
11exercise physical placement. Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (2), upon petition,
12motion or order to show cause by a party, a court may modify an order of physical
13placement at any time with respect to periods of physical placement if it finds that
14a parent has repeatedly and unreasonably failed to exercise periods of physical
15placement awarded under an order of physical placement that allocates specific
16times for the exercise of periods of physical placement.
AB445, s. 64
64. 767.325 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
(5m) Factors to consider. In all actions to modify legal custody or
19physical placement orders, the court shall consider the factors under s. 767.24 (5) and
20shall make its determination in a manner consistent with s. 767.24.
AB445, s. 65
65. 767.325 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:
(6m) Parenting plan. In any action to modify a legal custody or
23physical placement order under sub. (1), the court may require the party seeking the
24modification to file with the court a parenting plan under s. 767.24 (1m) before any
25hearing is held.
AB445, s. 66
66. 767.327 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Guardian ad litem; prompt hearing. After a petition, motion or
3order to show cause is filed under sub. (3), the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem
4unless s. 767.045 (1) (am) applies, and
shall hold a hearing as soon as possible.
AB445, s. 67
67. 767.327 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
(5m) Discretionary factors to consider. In making a determination
7under sub. (3), the court may consider the child's adjustment to the home, school,
8religion and community.
AB445, s. 68
68. 767.45 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) The clerk of court shall provide without charge, to each person
11bringing an action under this section, except to the state under sub. (1) (g) or (6m),
12a document setting forth the percentage standard established by the department
13under s. 49.22 (9) and listing the factors which a court may consider under s.
14(5) 767.25 (1m).
AB445, s. 69
69. 767.455 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Document. The summons served on the respondent shall be
17accompanied by a document, provided without charge by the clerk of court, setting
18forth the percentage standard established by the department under s. 49.22 (9) and
19listing the factors which a court may consider under s.
767.51 (5) 767.25 (1m).
AB445, s. 70
70. 767.477 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) At any time during the pendency of an action to establish the
22paternity of a child, if genetic tests show that the alleged father is not excluded and
23that the statistical probability of the alleged father's parentage is 99.0% or higher,
24on the motion of a party, the court shall make
an appropriate temporary
order orders 25for the payment of child support
and may make a temporary order, assigning
1responsibility for and directing the manner of payment of the child's health care
and for the custody and physical placement of the child.
AB445, s. 71
71. 767.477 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Before making any temporary order under sub. (1), the court shall
5consider those factors that the court is required
under s. 767.51 to consider when
6granting a final judgment on the same subject matter. If the court makes a
7temporary child support order that deviates from the amount of support that would
8be required by using the percentage standard established by the department under
9s. 49.22 (9), the court shall comply with the requirements of s.
767.51 (5d) 767.25 (1n).
AB445, s. 72
72. 767.51 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(3) A judgment or order determining paternity shall contain all of the
12following provisions:
(a) An adjudication of the paternity of the child.
(b) Orders for the legal custody of and periods of physical placement with the
15child, determined in accordance with s. 767.24.
(c) An order requiring either or both of the parents to contribute to the support
17of any child of the parties who is less than 18 years old, or any child of the parties who
18is less than 19 years old if the child is pursuing an accredited course of instruction
19leading to the acquisition of a high school diploma or its equivalent, determined in
20accordance with s. 767.25.
(d) A determination as to which parent, if eligible, shall have the right to claim
22the child as an exemption for federal tax purposes under
26 USC 151 (c) (1) (B), or
23as an exemption for state tax purposes under s. 71.07 (8) (b).
1(e) An order requiring the father to pay or contribute to the reasonable expenses
2of the mother's pregnancy and the child's birth, based on the father's ability to pay
3or contribute to those expenses.
(f) An order requiring either or both parties to pay or contribute to the costs of
5the guardian ad litem fees, genetic tests as provided in s. 767.48 (5) and other costs.
(g) An order requiring either party to pay or contribute to the attorney fees of
7the other party.
AB445, s. 74
74. 767.51 (3r) of the statutes is repealed.
AB445, s. 75
75. 767.51 (4) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(4) (a) Subject to par. (b), liability for past support of the child shall be
13limited to support for the period after the day on which the action is commenced
14under s. 767.45, unless a party shows, to the satisfaction of the court, all of the
1. That he or she was induced to delay commencing the action by any of the
a. Duress or threats.
b. Actions, promises or representations by the other party upon which the party
c. Actions taken by the other party to evade paternity proceedings.
2. That, after the inducement ceased to operate, he or she did not unreasonably
23delay in commencing the action.
(b) In no event may liability for past support of the child be imposed for any
25period before the birth of the child.
AB445, s. 76
76. 767.51 (4g) of the statutes is repealed.
AB445, s. 77
77. 767.51 (4m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB445, s. 78
78. 767.51 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB445, s. 79
79. 767.51 (5d) of the statutes is repealed.
AB445, s. 81
81. 767.53 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
8767.53 Paternity hearings and records; confidentiality. (intro.) Any
9hearing, discovery proceeding or trial relating to paternity determination shall be
10closed to any person other than those necessary to the action or proceeding. Any
11record of
the pending proceedings shall be placed in a closed file, except that:
AB445, s. 82
82. 767.53 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (intro.) Access to the record of any pending
or past proceeding
14involving the paternity of the same child shall be allowed to all of the following:
AB445, s. 83
83. 767.53 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) Subject to s. 767.19, the records of any past proceeding in which
17paternity was established are open to public inspection.
(4) Orders when paternity acknowledged. In an action under sub. (3)
21(a), if the persons who signed and filed the statement acknowledging paternity as
22parents of the child had notice of the hearing, the court or family court commissioner
23shall make an order that contains all of the following provisions:
(a) Orders for the legal custody of and periods of physical placement with the
25child, determined in accordance with s. 767.24.
1(b) An order requiring either or both of the parents to contribute to the support
2of any child of the parties who is less than 18 years old, or any child of the parties who
3is less than 19 years old if the child is pursuing an accredited course of instruction
4leading to the acquisition of a high school diploma or its equivalent, determined in
5accordance with s. 767.25.
(c) A determination as to which parent, if eligible, shall have the right to claim
7the child as an exemption for federal tax purposes under
26 USC 151 (c) (1) (B), or
8as an exemption for state tax purposes under s. 71.07 (8) (b).
(d) An order requiring the father to pay or contribute to the reasonable
10expenses of the mother's pregnancy and the child's birth, based on the father's ability
11to pay or contribute to those expenses.
(e) An order requiring either or both parties to pay or contribute to the costs
13of the guardian ad litem fees and other costs.
(f) An order requiring either party to pay or contribute to the attorney fees of
15the other party.
AB445, s. 85
85. 767.62 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
(4m) Liability for past support. (a) Subject to par. (b), liability for past
18support of the child shall be limited to support for the period after the day on which
19the action is commenced under sub. (3) (a), unless a party shows, to the satisfaction
20of the court, all of the following:
1. That he or she was induced to delay commencing the action by any of the
a. Duress or threats.
b. Actions, promises or representations by the other party upon which the party
1c. Actions taken by the other party to evade proceedings under sub. (3) (a).
2. That, after the inducement ceased to operate, he or she did not unreasonably
3delay in commencing the action.
(b) In no event may liability for past support of the child be imposed for any
5period before the birth of the child.
AB445, s. 86
86. 802.12 (3) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (d) 1. Custody and physical placement under s. 767.24, 767.458 (3),
8767.51 (3) or 767.62 (4)
AB445, s. 87
87. 802.12 (3) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (d) 3. Child support under s. 767.25, 767.458 (3), 767.51 or 767.62
AB445, s. 88
88. 808.075 (4) (d) 11. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (d) 11. Enforcement or modification of assignments under s. 767.25
, or 767.265
, 767.51 (3m) or 767.62 (4) (b) 3.
AB445, s. 89
89. 948.22 (7) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read: