AB533,26,65 (b) "Offender" means an individual who is, or could be, charged with or
6petitioned for having committed a crime.
AB533,26,77 (c) "Victim" has the meaning given in s. 950.02 (4).
AB533,26,12 8(2) Duties. The district attorneys of Dane and Milwaukee counties and of the
9county selected under sub. (4) shall each assign one assistant district attorney in his
10or her prosecutorial unit to be a restorative justice coordinator. An assistant district
11attorney assigned under this subsection to be the restorative justice coordinator
12shall do all the following:
AB533,26,1513 (a) Establish restorative justice programming that provides a forum where an
14offender meets with his or her victim or engages in other activities to do all of the
AB533,26,1616 1. Discuss the impact of the offender's crime on the victim or on the community.
AB533,26,1817 2. Provide support to the victim and methods for reintegrating the victim into
18community life.
AB533,26,1919 3. Explore potential restorative responses by the offender.
AB533,26,2020 4. Provide methods for reintegrating the offender into community life.
AB533,26,2221 (b) Provide assistance to the district attorney in other counties relating to the
22establishment of restorative justice programming, as described in par. (a).
AB533,26,2323 (c) Maintain a record of all of the following:
11. The amount of time spent implementing the requirements of pars. (a) and
AB533,27,43 2. The number of victims and offenders served by programming established
4under par. (a).
AB533,27,55 3. The types of offenses addressed by programming established under par. (a).
AB533,27,86 4. The rate of recidivism among offenders served by programming established
7under par. (a) compared to the rate of recidivism by offenders not served by such
AB533,27,14 9(3) Report to department of administration. Annually, on a date specified by
10the department of administration, the district attorneys of Dane and Milwaukee
11counties and of the county selected under sub. (4) shall each submit to the
12department of administration a report summarizing the records under sub. (2) (c)
13covering the preceding 12-month period. The department of administration shall
14maintain the information submitted under this subsection by the district attorney.
AB533,27,17 15(4) The attorney general, in consultation with the department of corrections,
16shall select a county other than Dane or Milwaukee in which restorative justice
17services are to be provided under sub. (2).
AB533,27,18 18(5) Expiration. This section does not apply after June 30, 2003.
Note: This Section authorizes one assistant district attorney project position each
for Dane County, Milwaukee County and a county other than Dane or Milwaukee,
selected by the attorney general in consultation with DOC, for developing and operating
restorative justice programming in these counties and for assisting district attorneys in
other counties in the development and operation of restorative justice programming in
those counties. It also requires the assistant district attorneys in these positions to
maintain records regarding restorative justice activities and requires the submission of
annual reports to DOA describing the restorative justice activities undertaken. This
Section does not apply after June 30, 2003.
AB533, s. 23 19Section 23. 978.05 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1978.05 (8) (b) Hire, employ and supervise his or her staff and, subject to s.
make appropriate assignments of the staff throughout the prosecutorial
3unit. The district attorney may request the assistance of district attorneys, deputy
4district attorneys or assistant district attorneys from other prosecutorial units or
5assistant attorneys general who then may appear and assist in the investigation and
6prosecution of any matter for which a district attorney is responsible under this
7chapter in like manner as assistants in the prosecutorial unit and with the same
8authority as the district attorney in the unit in which the action is brought. Nothing
9in this paragraph limits the authority of counties to regulate the hiring, employment
10and supervision of county employes.
Note: See the Note to Section 22.
AB533, s. 24 11Section 24 . Nonstatutory provisions; administration.
AB533,28,1912 (1) Assistant district attorneys for restorative justice services. The
13authorized FTE positions for the department of administration are increased by 3.0
14GPR project positions, to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.475 (1)
15(d) of the statutes, for the purpose of providing one assistant district attorney for
16Dane County, one assistant district attorney for Milwaukee County and one
17assistant district attorney for a county other than Dane or Milwaukee to perform
18restorative justice services under section 978.044 of the statutes, as created by this
AB533,29,220 (2) Office of government-sectarian facilitation. The authorized FTE
21positions for the department of administration are increased by 1.0 GPR project
22position to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.505 (4) (em) of the
23statutes, as created by this act, for the purpose of administering the office of

1government-sectarian facilitation under section 15.105 (26) of the statutes, as
2created by this act, beginning on November 1, 1999, and ending on November 1, 2002.
Note: See the Note to Section 22. In addition, this Section establishes a full-time
government-sectarian facilitator project position with DOA, beginning on November 1,
1999, and ending on November 1, 2002, to be funded from the appropriation created in
Sections 6 and 7.
AB533, s. 25 3Section 25 . Nonstatutory provisions; corrections.
AB533,29,94 (1) Certification regarding inmate rehabilitation program. No more than 7
5days after an inmate begins receiving services through a program established under
6section 301.047 (1) of the statutes, as created by this act, the department of
7corrections shall certify to the revisor of statutes that the program has commenced
8operations. Upon the certification, the revisor of statutes shall publish notice in the
9Wisconsin Administrative Register of that fact.
Note: See the Note to Section 17.
AB533, s. 26 10Section 26. Nonstatutory provisions; legislative audit bureau.
AB533,29,1811 (1) Evaluation and report to legislature. By October 1, 2002, the legislative
12audit bureau shall evaluate, on a quantitative and qualitative basis, the success of
13restorative justice programming in Dane and Milwaukee counties and the county
14selected under section 978.044 (4) of the statutes, as created by this act, in serving
15victims, offenders, and communities affected by crime and shall report its findings
16to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature, as determined by the
17speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate, under section 13.172 (3) of
18the statutes.
Note: This Section requires the legislative audit bureau, by October 1, 2002, to
conduct a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the success of restorative justice
programming in serving victims, offenders and communities affected by crime and to
report these findings to appropriate committees of the legislature.
AB533, s. 27 19Section 27 . Appropriation changes; administration.
AB533,29,20 20(1) Assistant district attorneys for restorative justice services.
1(a) In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation
2to the department of administration under section 20.475 (1) (d) of the statutes, as
3affected by the acts of 1999, the dollar amount is increased by $108,300 for fiscal year
41999-00 and the dollar amount is increased by $144,300 for fiscal year 2000-01 to
5fund 3.0 FTE GPR project positions authorized under Section 24 (1 ) of this act.
AB533,30,106 (b) In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation
7to the department of administration under section 20.475 (1) (d) of the statutes, as
8affected by the acts of 1999, the dollar amount is increased by $108,300 for fiscal year
91999-00 and the dollar amount is increased by $144,300 for fiscal year 2000-01 to
10fund 3.0 FTE GPR project positions authorized under Section 24 (1 ) of this act.
Note: This Section appropriates $108,300 GPR in fiscal year 1999-2000 and
$144,300 GPR in fiscal year 2000-01 to fund the assistant district attorney project
positions created under the bill to perform restorative justice services.
AB533, s. 28 11Section 28 . Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after
12publication, except as follows:
AB533,30,1513 (1) The repeal of section 301.047 of the statutes and the repeal and recreation
14of section 302.11 (1g) (b) 2. of the statutes take effect on the first day of the 25th month
15beginning after the certification described in Section 25 of this act occurs.
AB533,30,1816 (2) The treatment of section 20.005 (3) (schedule) (by Section 7) of the statutes
17and Section 27 (1) (b) of this act take effect on the day after publication of the
182001-03 biennial budget act.
Note: See the Notes to Sections 7, 17 and 25.
AB533,30,1919 (End)