Current law also provides that, with certain exceptions, a person wishing to
remove material from the bed of a lake or stream must obtain a permit from DNR.
Under one of the exceptions, the drainage board for the Duck Creek Drainage
District may remove material from a drain that the board operates if the removal is
required by DATCP in order to conform the drain to specifications imposed by
DATCP in consultation with DNR. This bill extends this exception to all drainage
districts operated by drainage boards.
Current law requires DNR to confer with the drainage commissioners in each
drainage district, except the Duck Creek Drainage District, on the formation of
policies for the operation and maintenance of dams. This bill eliminates this
requirement for all drainage districts operated by drainage boards.
Current law also requires that the drainage board for the Duck Creek Drainage
District operate, repair and maintain dams and other structures in compliance with
the statutes regulating the drainage of lands and any rules promulgated by DATCP
under those statutes. Current law provides that if the board fails to perform its
duties, DNR may do so in the interest of drainage and conservation. This bill extends
the application of these provisions to all drainage boards.
In addition to the current law requirements for obtaining permits to place a
structure or deposit in navigable waters or to remove material from the bed of a lake
or stream, current law requires that a drainage board obtain a separate permit from
DNR to acquire and remove any dam or obstruction or to clean out, widen, deepen
or straighten any navigable stream. Under current law, only the Duck Creek
Drainage District is exempt from this permitting requirement. This bill eliminates
the permitting requirement for all drainage districts operated by drainage boards.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB785, s. 1
1Section 1. 30.01 (1nm) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
AB785, s. 2 3Section 2. 30.10 (4) (d) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
4amended to read:
AB785,3,95 30.10 (4) (d) A drainage district drain located in the Duck Creek Drainage
6District and operated by the board for that district
operated by a drainage board
7under ch. 88
is not navigable unless it is shown, by means of a U.S. geological survey
8map or other similarly reliable scientific evidence, that the drain was a navigable
9stream before it became a drainage district drain.
AB785, s. 3 10Section 3. 30.12 (4m) (title) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB785,3,1312 30.12 (4m) (title) Duck Creek Drainage District district structures and
AB785, s. 4 14Section 4. 30.12 (4m) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB785,3,1916 30.12 (4m) (intro.) Subsection (1) does not apply to a structure or deposit that
17the a drainage board for the Duck Creek Drainage District places in a drain that the
18board operates in the Duck Creek Drainage District within a drainage district under
19ch. 88
if either of the following applies:
AB785, s. 5 20Section 5. 30.20 (1) (d) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
21amended to read:
AB785,4,322 30.20 (1) (d) The A drainage board for the Duck Creek Drainage District may
23without a permit under sub. (2) (c) remove material from a drain that the drainage
24board operates in the Duck Creek Drainage District a drainage district under ch. 88
25if the removal is required, under rules promulgated by the department of

1agriculture, trade and consumer protection, in order to conform the drain to
2specifications imposed by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
3protection after consulting with the department of natural resources.
AB785, s. 6 4Section 6. 31.02 (7) of the statutes, as amended by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
AB785, s. 7 6Section 7. 31.02 (7m) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
7amended to read:
AB785,4,148 31.02 (7m) The A drainage board for the Duck Creek Drainage District shall
9operate, repair and maintain dams, dikes and other structures in district drains that
10the board operates in the Duck Creek Drainage District a drainage district in
11compliance with ch. 88 and any rules promulgated by the department of agriculture,
12trade and consumer protection under ch. 88. If a county drainage board fails to
13perform its duties under this subsection, the department of natural resources may
14exercise its authority under subs. sub. (6), (8) and (9).
AB785, s. 8 15Section 8. 31.02 (8) and (9) of the statutes are repealed.
AB785, s. 9 16Section 9. 88.01 (8m) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
AB785, s. 10 18Section 10. 88.31 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,4,20 1988.31 (title) Special procedure in cases affecting Drainage work in
20navigable waters.
AB785, s. 11 21Section 11. 88.31 (1) to (7) of the statutes are repealed.
AB785, s. 12 22Section 12. 88.31 (7m) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
AB785, s. 13 24Section 13. 88.31 (8) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
188.31 (8) (intro.) Subject to other restrictions imposed by this chapter, a
2drainage board which has obtained all of the permits as required under this chapter
ch. 30 may:
AB785, s. 14 4Section 14. 88.35 (5m) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
AB785, s. 15 6Section 15. 88.35 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,5,107 88.35 (6) (intro.) Upon the completion of its duties under subs. (1) to (5m) (5),
8the board shall prepare a written report, including a copy of any maps, plans or
9profiles that it has prepared. The assessment of benefits and awards of damages
10shall be set forth in substantially the following form:
AB785, s. 16 11Section 16. 88.62 (3) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
12is renumbered 88.62 (3) and amended to read:
AB785,5,1613 88.62 (3) If drainage work is undertaken in navigable waters, the drainage
14board shall obtain a permit under s. 30.20 or 88.31 or ch. 31, as directed by the
15department of natural resources, except as provided in par. (b)
any permit that is
16required under ch. 30 or 31
AB785, s. 17 17Section 17. 88.62 (3) (b) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
18is repealed.
AB785, s. 18 19Section 18. 88.72 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
20amended to read:
AB785,6,221 88.72 (3) At the hearing on the petition, any interested person may appear and
22contest its sufficiency and the necessity for the work. If the drainage board finds that
23the petition has the proper number of signers and that to afford an adequate outlet
24it is necessary to remove dams or other obstructions from waters and streams which
25may be navigable, or to straighten, clean out, deepen or widen any waters or streams

1either within or beyond the limits of the district, the board shall obtain any permit
2that is required under this chapter or ch. 30 or 31.
AB785, s. 19 3Section 19. 88.72 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, is
4amended to read:
AB785,6,115 88.72 (4) Within 30 days after the department of natural resources has issued
6all of the permits as required under this chapter and chs. 30 and 31, the board shall
7proceed to estimate the cost of the work, including the expenses of the proceeding
8together with the damages that will result from the work, and shall, within a
9reasonable time, award damages to all lands damaged by the work and assess the
10cost of the work against the lands in the district in proportion to the assessment of
11benefits then in force.
AB785,6,1212 (End)