AB925, s. 57
57. 346.63 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is renumbered 346.63 (2) (am) and
8amended to read:
(2) (am) A person may be charged with and a prosecutor may proceed
10upon a complaint based upon a violation of
par. (a) 1. or 2. or both for acts
11arising out of the same incident or occurrence. If the person is charged with violating
12both subds. par. (a) 1. and 2. in the complaint, the crimes shall be joined under s.
13971.12. If the person is found guilty of
both subds.
par. (a) 1. and 2. for acts arising
14out of the same incident or occurrence, there shall be a single conviction for purposes
15of sentencing and for purposes of counting convictions under ss. 343.30 (1q) and
Subdivisions Paragraph (a) 1. and 2. each require proof of a fact for
17conviction which the other does not require.
Note: The subject matter of this paragraph does not fit within the series under s.
343.63 (2) (a) (intro.) and is grammatically incompatible with sub. (2) (a) (intro.).
Changes cross-references to accommodate renumbering.
AB925, s. 58
58. 347.02 (1) (a) to (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
(1) (a) Farm tractors and self-propelled farm implements
(b) Implements of husbandry
(c) Vehicles drawn by animals
1(d) Road machinery
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and consistency with current
AB925, s. 59
. 347.43 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 347.43 (1s) and amended
3to read:
(1s) No person may operate upon a highway any motor vehicle
5manufactured after January 1, 1936, unless
such the motor vehicle is equipped with
6safety glass wherever glass is used
thereon on the motor vehicle in partitions, doors,
7windows or windshields.
Note: Renumbers provision to accommodate the renumbering of s. 347.43 (3) by
Section 61 of this bill and replaces disfavored term for consistency with current style.
AB925, s. 60
60. 347.43 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) No person
shall may sell any new motor vehicle unless such vehicle
10is equipped with safety glass in accordance with the requirements of sub.
(1) (1s).
Note: Changes cross-reference to accommodate the renumbering of s. 347.43 (1)
by Section 59 of this bill. Replaces improperly used "shall" in the negation.
AB925, s. 61
. 347.43 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 347.43 (1g).
Note: Renumbers definition to the beginning of the section consistent with current
AB925, s. 62
62. 347.45 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) Farm tractors, self-propelled farm implements, implements of
14husbandry, animal-drawn vehicles and road machinery may be operated with metal
15tires or tires having protuberances
which that will not injure the highway
; and.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and consistency with current
AB925, s. 63
63. 347.485 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 347.485 (2) (a) (intro.)
17and amended to read:
(2) (a) (intro.) No person may operate a motorcycle on any highway
2unless such person is without wearing
any of the following eye protection
as follows: 3(a) protective:
41. A protective face shield attached to the headgear
, or (b) glasses or (c) goggles.
5(b) Except for photosensitive corrective glasses prescribed by an
6ophthalmologist, physician, oculist or optometrist, eye protection worn during hours
7of darkness may not be tinted or darkened.
8(c) Notwithstanding par. (a), if the
vehicle motorcycle is a Type 2 motorcycle
9equipped with a windshield or a Type 1 motorcycle equipped with a windshield
which 10that rises a minimum of 15 inches above the handlebar, the use of other eye protective
11devices is not mandatory.
12(d) This subsection shall not apply to persons operating a motorcycle in a parade
13sanctioned by the local municipality.
Note: Subdivides provision to eliminate numbering that does not conform with
current style. Amends subsection (intro.) for conformity with current style for (intro.)
provisions. Replaces "vehicle" with "motorcycle" as motorcycles are the only vehicles
subject to this section. See also the next section of this bill.
AB925, s. 64
64. 347.485 (2) (a) 2. and 3. of the statutes are created to read:
(2) (a) 2. Glasses.
3. Goggles.
Note: The treatment of s. 347.485 (2) by the previous section of this bill requires
the creation of these provisions.
AB925, s. 65
65. 348.01 (2) (av) of the statutes is created to read:
348.01 (2) (av) "Fender line", in the case of motor trucks, means the outermost
19limits of the rear fenders, flare boards or floor of the body, whichever projects outward
20the farthest.
Note: Moves definition applicable to ss. 348.05 and 348.09 to the chapter definition
section in conformity with current style and to improve the readability of those sections.
AB925, s. 66
66. 348.05 (2) (a) to (f) and (k) of the statutes are amended to read:
(2) (a) No limitation for implements of husbandry temporarily operated
3upon a highway in the course of performance of its work
(b) No limitation for snowplows operated by or for a governmental agency
(c) Twelve feet for farm tractors, except that the total outside width of a farm
6tractor shall not exceed 9 feet when operated on any Wisconsin highway, other than
7that portion of USH 51 between Wausau and STH 78 and that portion of STH 78
8between USH 51 and the I 90/94 interchange near Portage upon their federal
9designation as I 39,
which that is a part of the national system of interstate and
10defense highways
(d) Ten feet 6 inches for snowplows attached to motor vehicles normally used
12for the transportation of milk
(f) Eight feet 8 inches for urban passenger buses
(k) Nine feet for loads of tie logs, tie slabs and veneer logs, provided that no part
15of the load shall extend more than 6 inches beyond the fender line on the left side of
16the vehicle or extend more than 10 inches beyond the fender line on the right side
17of the vehicle.
The term "fender line" as used herein means as defined in s. 348.09. 18This paragraph
shall not be applicable does not apply to transport on highways
19designated as parts of the national system of interstate and defense highways
20pursuant to under s. 84.29.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and consistency with current
style. Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar. Replaces disfavored term in
conformity with current style. The definition of "fender line" is moved to s. 348.01 and
is made applicable to the entire chapter. See the creation of s. 348.01 (2) (av) and the
treatment of s. 348.09 (1) by this bill.
AB925, s. 67
67. 348.05 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: No other subsections in s. 348.05 have titles.
AB925, s. 68
68. 348.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) No Except as provided in sub. (2), no person, without a permit
shall may operate on a highway any motor vehicle, mobile home, trailer or
4semitrailer having an overall height in excess of 13 1/2 feet
, except as otherwise
5provided in sub. (2).
Note: Replaces improperly used "shall" in the negation and reorders in conformity
with current style.
AB925, s. 69
69. 348.06 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 348.06 (2) and
7amended to read:
(2) The following vehicles
Implements of husbandry of any height may
temporarily operated
upon a highway without a permit for excessive height
if the
10overall height does not exceed the indicated limitations:.
Note: The contents of s. 348.06 (2) (intro.) and (a) are combined into a single
provision as there is only one paragraph under the (intro.). See the next section of this
AB925, s. 70
70. 348.06 (2) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The content of this provision is combined with that of s. 348.06 (2) (intro.)
by the previous section of this bill.
AB925, s. 71
71. 348.07 (2) (c) and (e) of the statutes are amended to read:
(2) (c) Forty five feet for mobile homes and motor buses
(e) No limitation for implements of husbandry temporarily operated upon a
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current
AB925, s. 72
72. 348.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) No person, without a permit therefor,
shall may operate on a
18highway any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer carrying any load extending
19beyond the fender line on the left side or extending more than 6 inches beyond the
1fender line on the right side of the vehicle.
In the case of motor trucks, "fender line"
2means the outermost limits of the rear fenders, flare boards or floor of the body,
3whichever projects outward the farthest.
Note: The definition of "fender line" is applicable to ss. 348.05 and 348.09 and is
moved to the s. 348.01 chapter definition section in conformity with current style and to
improve the readability of this section and s. 348.05. See the creation of s. 348.01 (2) (av)
by this bill.
AB925, s. 73
. 348.15 (1) (intro.) and (b) of the statutes are consolidated,
5renumbered 348.15 (1) and amended to read:
(1) In this section
: (b) "Class "class `A' highway" includes all state trunk
7highways and connecting highways and those county trunk highways, town
8highways and city and village streets, or portions thereof,
which that have not been
9designated as class "B" highways pursuant to s. 349.15.
Note: Eliminates unnecessary paragraph designation. Section 348.15 (1) is not
divided into multiple paragraphs. Replaces "which" with "that" to correct grammar.
AB925, s. 74
74. 348.15 (8) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 348.15 (8).
Note: Eliminates unnecessary paragraph designation. Section 348.15 (8) is not
divided into multiple paragraphs.
AB925, s. 75
75. 348.27 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) Pole and pipe permits. Except as further provided in this subsection,
13the department may issue an annual or consecutive month permit to pipeline
14companies or operators or public service corporations for transportation of poles,
15pipe, girders and similar materials and to companies and individuals hauling peeled
16or unpeeled pole-length forest products used in its business. Such permits issued
17to companies and individuals hauling peeled or unpeeled pole-length forest products
18shall limit the length of vehicle and load to a maximum of 10 feet in excess of the
19limitations in s. 348.07 (1) and shall be valid only on a class "A" highway as defined
20in s. 348.15 (1)
(b). Permits issued to companies or individuals hauling pole-length
1forest products may not exempt such companies or individuals from the maximum
2limitations on vehicle load imposed by this chapter.
Note: Changes cross-reference to accommodate the renumbering of s. 348.15 (1)
(b) by Section 73 of the bill.
AB925, s. 76
76. 349.11 (2) (b) and (3) (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
(2) (b) Modify the limits stated in s. 346.57 (4) (c) or 346.58
5(3) (b) Modify the limits stated in s. 346.57 (4) (c) or 346.58
(1); or
Note: Changes cross-references to accommodate the renumbering of s. 346.58 by
Section 55 of the bill.
AB925, s. 77
77. 349.13 (1e) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 349.13 (1e) (c) 1. and
7amended to read:
(1e) (c) 1. The authority granted by this subsection may be delegated
9to a traffic officer or to the officer in charge of the maintenance of the highway in
10question, but
, except as provided in subd. 2., no prohibition, limitation or restriction
11on parking imposed under this section is effective unless official traffic signs or
12markers or parking meters have been placed or erected indicating the particular
13prohibition, limitation or restriction
except that parking
142. Parking regulations
which that prohibit, limit or restrict the parking of
15vehicles for any period longer than 24 consecutive hours, during any hours between
1612 midnight and 7 a.m., or any portion thereof or during a snow emergency as
17determined by
the city, village or town a municipality, shall be effective in
18villages and towns the municipality upon a two-thirds vote of
their its respective
bodies body notwithstanding this subsection and s. 346.02 (7) when
20official traffic signs have been placed or erected at or reasonably near the corporate
21limits of
such city, village or town the municipality on all state and county trunk
22highways and connecting highways
, as the latter are defined in s. 86.32, informing
1motorists that 24-hour parking limitations, night parking regulations or snow
2emergency regulations are in effect in
such city, village or town the municipality.
Note: Breaks up long sentence. For purposes of ch. 349, s. 340.01 (36m) defines
"municipality" as a city, village or town and s. 340.01 (9) defines "connecting highway" as
a highway designated as such under s. 86.32.
AB925, s. 78
78. 349.13 (2) (intro.), (a) to (d) and (f) of the statutes are amended to
(2) (intro.) Except as provided in this subsection, neither the
6department nor local authorities may extend stopping, standing or parking
7privileges to areas where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited by ch. 346. The
8department and local authorities, with respect to highways under their respective
9jurisdictions as described in sub. (1e) may
do any of the following:
(a) Permit parking on sidewalk areas when such parking will not unduly
11interfere with pedestrian traffic
(b) Permit parking on the roadway side of other parked vehicles when such
13double parking will not unduly interfere with the flow of vehicular traffic
(c) Permit parking closer than 15 feet to the end of a safety zone when such
15parking will not unduly interfere with the flow of vehicular traffic
(d) Designate parking upon the left side of a one-way street or roadway instead
17of the right side or permit parking on both sides
(f) Permit
the parking of any vehicle or of school buses only on the near side of
19specified highways adjacent to schoolhouses
in villages, towns or cities during
20specified hours
when if the
village or town board or common council governing body 21of
any such village, town or city the municipality where the schoolhouse is located
22directs by ordinance
so directs.
Note: Replaces punctuation for internal consistency and conformity with current
style. Section 340.01 (36m) defines "municipality" as a city, village or town for purposes
of ch. 349. The term "governing body of a municipality" is used throughout the chapter
to refer to village boards, town boards and common councils. "When" is replaced by "if",
consistent with current style, to reflect that the condition referred to need not occur.
AB925, s. 79
79. 422.204 (7) (intro.) and (a) to (d) of the statutes are renumbered
2422.204 (7) (am) (intro.) and 1. to 4. and amended to read:
(7) (am) (intro.) In addition to any requirements of form established
4by the administrator, a deferral agreement shall
meet all of the following
Be The agreement shall be in writing and signed by the customer
Incorporate The agreement shall incorporate by reference the transaction
8to which the deferral applies
State The agreement shall state each instalment or part thereof in the
10amount to be deferred, the date or dates originally payable and either the date or
11dates agreed to become payable for the payment of the amounts deferred or the
12periods of deferral
; and.
Clearly The agreement shall clearly set forth the dollar amount of the charge
14for each instalment to be deferred and the total dollar amount to be paid by the
15customer for the deferral.