SB442, s. 36 12Section 36. 111.02 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB442,17,2013 111.02 (7) The term "employer" means a person who engages the services of an
14employe, and includes any person acting on behalf of an employer within the scope
15of his or her authority, express or implied, but shall not include the state or any
16political subdivision thereof, or any labor organization or anyone acting in behalf of
17such organization other than when it is acting as an employer in fact. For purposes
18of this subsection, a person who engages the services of an employe includes the
19University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority and a local cultural arts
20district created under subch. V of ch. 229
SB442, s. 37 21Section 37. 111.70 (1) (j) of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act 9,
22is amended to read:
SB442,18,323 111.70 (1) (j) "Municipal employer" means any city, county, village, town,
24metropolitan sewerage district, school district, family care district or any other
25political subdivision of the state that engages the services of an employe and includes

1any person acting on behalf of a municipal employer within the scope of the person's
2authority, express or implied, but specifically does not include a local cultural arts
3district created under subch. V of ch. 229
SB442, s. 38 4Section 38. 219.09 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB442,18,65 219.09 (1) (e) The Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority
6under ch. 231, with respect to a local cultural arts district under subch. V of ch. 229.
SB442, s. 39 7Section 39. 219.09 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB442,18,98 219.09 (1) (f) Bonds issued by a local cultural arts district under subch. V of ch.
SB442, s. 40 10Section 40. Subchapter V of chapter 229 [precedes 229.840] of the statutes is
11created to read:
SB442,18,1212 chapter 229
SB442,18,1513 Subchapter V
14 Local cultural
15 arts districts
SB442,18,22 16229.840 Legislative declaration. (1) The legislature determines that this
17subchapter serves a statewide public purpose by assisting the development of
18cultural arts facilities in the state, which provide educational and recreational
19opportunities for Wisconsin residents, by enhancing the appreciation of the arts
20among the states' residents, by encouraging economic development and tourism, by
21reducing unemployment and by bringing needed capital into the state for the benefit
22and welfare of people throughout the state.
SB442,19,3 23(2) The legislature determines that cultural arts districts in populous cities
24serve a public purpose in those cities by providing educational and recreational
25opportunities for residents of those cities, by enhancing the appreciation of the arts

1among the residents of those cities, by encouraging economic development and
2tourism, by reducing unemployment and by bringing needed capital into those cities
3for the benefit and welfare of people in those cities.
SB442,19,4 4229.841 Definitions. In this subchapter:
SB442,19,6 5(1) "Bond" means any bond, note or other obligation issued under s. 66.066 by
6a district.
SB442,19,10 7(2) "Bond resolution" means a resolution of the district board authorizing the
8issuance of, or providing terms and conditions related to, bonds and includes, where
9appropriate, any trust agreement, trust indenture, indenture of mortgage or deed of
10trust providing terms and conditions for bonds.
SB442,19,16 11(3) "County executive" means the county executive or, if the county does not
12have a county executive, the chairperson of the county board of supervisors, of the
13county in which the sponsoring city is located. If a sponsoring city is located in more
14than one county, the city shall be considered to be located solely in the county in
15which the greatest percentage of its territory is located at the time a district is
SB442,19,19 17(4) "Cultural arts activity" means any performance, program, concert, exhibit,
18show, broadcast or other activity with any artistic or cultural significance, or any
19related or incidental activity.
SB442,19,25 20(5) "Cultural arts facilities" means district property, tangible or intangible,
21owned in whole or in part, operated or leased by a district that is principally for a
22cultural arts activity including auditoriums, music halls, exhibit halls, theaters,
23practice facilities, dressing rooms, parking lots, garages, restaurants, concession
24facilities, entertainment facilities, transportation facilities and other functionally
25related or auxiliary facilities or structures.
1(6) "District" means a district created under this subchapter.
SB442,20,2 2(7) "District board" means the governing board of a district.
SB442,20,3 3(8) "Mayor" means the mayor of a sponsoring city.
SB442,20,4 4(9) "Populous city" means any city with a population of more than 150,000.
SB442,20,6 5(10) "Sponsoring city" means a populous city that creates a district under this
SB442,20,11 7229.842 Creation and organization. (1) A sponsoring city may create a
8special purpose district that is a local governmental unit, that is a body corporate and
9politic, that is separate and distinct from, and independent of, the state and the
10sponsoring city, that has the powers under s. 229.844 and the name of which includes
11"Cultural Arts District", if all of the following occur:
SB442,20,1312 (a) The mayor issues a written proclamation declaring the need for establishing
13a district.
SB442,20,1714 (b) The sponsoring city's common council adopts a resolution that approves the
15mayor's proclamation, and delivers a copy of the resolution to the governor. The
16resolution under this paragraph may contain a procedure that the mayor must follow
17in appointing persons to the board under sub. (2) (c).
SB442,20,2018 (c) If the sponsoring city is not a 1st class city, the resolution under par. (b)
19specifies the area of the district's jurisdiction, as described in s. 229.843 (1), within
20which the district board may exercise its power of eminent domain.
SB442,20,25 21(2) A district is governed by its district board. If the sponsoring city is a 1st class
22city, sub. (4) applies but pars. (a) to (d) and sub. (3) do not apply and the 1st class city's
23common council shall determine the membership, structure, qualifications and
24selection procedures for the district board. If the sponsoring city is not a 1st class city,
25the district board shall consist of the following members, subject to sub. (4):
1(a) The following persons, or their designees, shall be ex-officio members of the
2board, except that a designee serves at the pleasure of his or her appointing
SB442,21,44 1. The governor.
SB442,21,55 2. The mayor.
SB442,21,66 3. The county executive.
SB442,21,137 (b) Three persons appointed by the governor, one of whom shall be selected from
8a list of 3 to 5 names that is submitted by the Board of Regents of the University of
9Wisconsin System. Of the remaining 2 appointees under this paragraph, at least one
10of the appointees shall have a demonstrated interest in cultural arts activities and
11one of the appointees may be an elective state official. A person appointed under this
12paragraph may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment and
SB442,21,2214 (c) Subject to sub. (1) (b), 6 persons appointed by the mayor, one of whom shall
15be selected from a list of 3 to 5 names that is submitted by the school board of the
16school district in which the greatest percentage of the sponsoring city's territory is
17located. Of the remaining 5 appointees under this paragraph, at least 2 of the
18appointees shall have a demonstrated interest in cultural arts activities and not
19more than 3 of the appointees may be elective city officials. A person appointed under
20this paragraph may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment and
21qualification, subject to any procedures specified by the common council under sub.
22(1) (b).
SB442,21,2523 (d) One person appointed by the county executive, who may not be a county
24official. A person appointed under this paragraph may take his or her seat
25immediately upon appointment and qualification.
1(3) (a) The persons appointed under sub. (2) (b) to (d) shall serve staggered
2terms of 4 years expiring on July 1, except that:
SB442,22,43 1. The initial term of the director appointed by the county executive shall expire
4on July 1 of the 3rd year beginning after the year of creation of a district.
SB442,22,75 2. The initial term of one director appointed by the governor and 2 directors
6appointed by the mayor shall expire on July 1 of the 4th year beginning after the year
7of creation of a district.
SB442,22,108 3. The initial term of one director appointed by the governor and 2 directors
9appointed by the mayor shall expire on July 1 of the 5th year beginning after the year
10of creation of a district.
SB442,22,1311 4. The initial term of one director appointed by the governor and 2 directors
12appointed by the mayor shall expire on July 1 of the 6th year beginning after the year
13of creation of a district.
SB442,22,1514 (b) The governor and mayor shall each designate with their initial
15appointments the terms to which directors have been appointed.
SB442,22,2516 (c) Persons appointed under sub. (2) (b) to (d) must have resided within 25 miles
17of the sponsoring city's city hall for at least one year before their appointment.
18Persons appointed under sub. (2) (b) to (d) may be removed from the district board
19before the expiration of their terms by the appointing authority but only for cause,
20as defined in s. 17.16 (2). Vacancies shall be filled by the appointing authority who
21appointed the person whose office is vacant. A person appointed to fill a vacancy
22under sub. (2) (b) to (d) shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term to which
23he or she is appointed. The appointing authorities shall confer with one another
24regarding their appointments with a view toward achieving diversity on the district
1(4) If the sponsoring city's common council determines that another city or a
2village or town having territory located within 25 miles of the sponsoring city's city
3hall provides substantial support to the district, the council may increase the size of
4the district board to include as a member the mayor, village president or town board
5chair of that city, village or town, or the designee of such a mayor, village president
6or town board chair. If the sponsoring city's common council subsequently
7determines that the other city or the village or town no longer provides substantial
8support to the district, the council may decrease the size of the district board to
9exclude that member.
SB442,23,14 10(5) The district board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, a vice
11chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer. A majority of the current membership of
12the district board constitutes a quorum to do business. The district may take action
13based on the affirmative vote of a majority of those members of the district board who
14are present at a meeting of the district board.
SB442,23,16 15(6) The members of the district board shall be reimbursed by the district for
16their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
SB442,23,19 17(7) Upon the appointment and qualification of at least 7 of the members of a
18district board, the district board may exercise the powers and duties of a district
19board under this subchapter.
SB442,23,21 20(8) At its first meeting, the district board shall name the district, and the name
21shall include "Cultural Arts District".
SB442,23,23 22229.843 Jurisdiction. (1) Except as provided under s. 229.844 (4) (c), a
23district's jurisdiction shall be the boundaries of the sponsoring city.
SB442,23,25 24(2) A district's jurisdiction and powers remain in effect even if the sponsoring
25city, after the creation of the district, is no longer a populous city.
1229.844 Powers of a district. A district has all of the powers necessary or
2convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this subchapter. In addition
3to all other powers granted by this subchapter, a district may do all of the following:
SB442,24,4 4(1) Adopt bylaws to govern the district's activities, subject to this subchapter.
SB442,24,5 5(2) Sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded.
SB442,24,6 6(3) Maintain an office.
SB442,24,8 7(4) In connection with cultural arts facilities or in support of any cultural arts
SB442,24,119 (a) Acquire, construct, equip, maintain, improve, operate and manage the
10cultural arts facilities as a revenue-generating enterprise or otherwise, or engage
11other persons to do these things.
SB442,24,1312 (b) Acquire; lease, as lessor or lessee; use; or transfer property within or outside
13of the district's jurisdiction.
SB442,24,1614 (c) 1. If the district's sponsoring city is not a 1st class city, acquire property by
15condemnation, subject to the limits specified in the resolution under s. 229.842 (1)
16(c) or the ordinance or resolution under s. 229.846 (6).
SB442,24,1917 2. If the district's sponsoring city is a 1st class city, request the 1st class city's
18redevelopment authority, created under s. 66.431 (3) (a) 3., to condemn property on
19behalf of the district.
SB442,24,2420 (d) Enter into contracts, subject to such standards as may be established by the
21district board. The district board may award any such contract for any combination
22or division of work it designates and may consider any factors in awarding a contract,
23including price, time for completion of work and qualifications and past performance
24of a contractor.
SB442,24,2525 (e) Grant concessions.
1(5) Employ personnel, and fix and regulate their compensation; and provide,
2either directly or subject to an agreement under s. 66.30 as a participant in a benefit
3plan of another governmental entity, other than a benefit plan provided under ch. 40,
4any employe benefits, including an employe pension plan.
SB442,25,8 5(6) Purchase insurance, establish and administer a plan of self-insurance or,
6subject to an agreement with another governmental entity under s. 66.30,
7participate in a governmental plan of insurance or self-insurance, other than a plan
8provided under ch. 40.
SB442,25,10 9(7) Mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber the district's revenue, property or
SB442,25,17 11(8) (a) Issue revenue bonds under s. 66.066, subject to ss. 229.849 to 229.853,
12and enter into agreements related to the issuance of bonds by the district or, for
13purposes related to the district, by the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities
14Authority or a community development authority created under s. 66.4325,
15including liquidity and credit facilities, remarketing agreements, insurance policies,
16guaranty agreements, letter of credit or reimbursement agreements, indexing
17agreements, interest exchange agreements and currency exchange agreements.
SB442,25,1918 (b) Contract short term obligations, and pledge the full faith and credit of the
19district for repayment of those obligations.
SB442,25,2320 (c) No director, employe of the district nor any other person executing any
21agreements with respect to any bonds or other obligations under this subsection is
22personally liable on the obligations subject to any personal liability or accountability
23by reason of the issuance of such obligations.
SB442,25,25 24(9) Maintain funds and invest the funds in any investment that the district
25board considers appropriate.
1(10) Promote, advertise and publicize its cultural arts facilities and related
2cultural arts activities.
SB442,26,5 3(11) Set standards governing the use of, and the conduct within, its cultural
4arts facilities in order to promote public safety and convenience and to maintain
SB442,26,8 6(12) Establish and collect fees, and establish shared revenue arrangements or
7other charges for the use of its cultural arts facilities or for services rendered by the
SB442,26,10 9(13) Enter into partnerships, joint ventures, common ownership or other
10arrangements with other persons to further the district's purposes.
SB442,26,12 11(14) Solicit and accept gifts, loans, grants of land or other property and other
12aid, and agree to conditions with respect to such gifts, loans, grants or other aid.
SB442,26,14 13(15) Administer the receipt of revenues, and oversee the repayment of debt
14contracted by the district.
SB442,26,15 15(16) Adopt and alter an official seal.
SB442,27,4 16(17) Direct its agents or employes, if properly identified in writing, to enter
17upon any real property, that the district has the authority to condemn or that the
18redevelopment authority has the authority to condemn on behalf of the district, to
19make surveys and examinations before locating or constructing cultural arts
20facilities, without incurring liability by the district, its agents or employes except for
21actual damage done. Before directing anyone to enter real property under this
22subsection, the district shall give the owner and occupant of the property at least 5
23days' written notice. If the owner or occupant does not consent to the entry, the
24district may petition the circuit court for the county in which the property is located
25for an order permitting entry upon the property. The district shall serve a copy of the

1petition upon the owner and occupant. Before issuing an order, the court shall
2require the district to demonstrate the necessity of the entry and shall examine the
3reasonableness of the proposed scope, time, place and manner of the entry. The court
4may impose appropriate limitations upon the entry in its order.
SB442,27,6 5(18) Provide money or other property, by sale, loan, lease, grant, gift or other
6form of transfer, to any other person.
SB442,27,7 7229.845 Minority contracting goals. (1) In this section:
SB442,27,88 (a) "Minority business" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e).
SB442,27,119 (b) "Women's business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture,
10limited liability company or corporation that is at least 51% owned, controlled and
11actively managed by women.
SB442,27,16 12(2) It shall be a goal of the district, in awarding construction work and
13professional services contracts related to cultural arts facilities, that at least 5% of
14the aggregate dollar value of such contracts awarded by the district shall be awarded
15to minority businesses and at least 5% of the aggregate dollar value of such contracts
16awarded by the district shall be awarded to women's businesses.
SB442,27,18 17229.846 Powers granted to a sponsoring city. In addition to any powers
18that it may otherwise have, a sponsoring city may do any of the following:
SB442,27,20 19(1) Make grants, gifts or loans of any kind of property, or provide any other form
20of assistance, to a district upon terms that the sponsoring city considers appropriate.
SB442,27,21 21(2) Expend public funds to subsidize a district.
SB442,27,23 22(3) Borrow money under ss. 67.04 and 67.12 (12) for cultural arts facilities or
23to fund grants, loans or subsidies to a district.
SB442,27,25 24(4) Audit the financial records of a district. The sponsoring city may conduct
25the audit itself or may contract for the audit to be performed by any other person.
1(5) Fix and collect a sum to be paid annually, in lieu of property taxes, by the
2district except that the sum may not exceed the amount that would be levied by the
3city as a property tax on the property that is exempted under s. 70.11 (40).
SB442,28,8 4(6) If the district's sponsoring city is not a 1st class city, enact an ordinance or
5adopt a resolution that expands or contracts the area within the district's jurisdiction
6in which the district board may exercise its power of eminent domain, except that a
7sponsoring city may not remove from that area any property that was included in the
8resolution under s. 229.842 (1) (c).
SB442,28,12 9229.847 Dissolution of a district. Subject to providing for the payment of
10its bonds or other debts that it has incurred, including interest on the bonds or other
11debts, and the performance of its other contractual obligations, a district may be
12dissolved by one of the following methods: