SB518, s. 30 13Section 30. 59.10 (3) (b) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB518,19,214 59.10 (3) (b) 2m. The populations of supervisory districts under the tentative
15plan shall be determined on the basis of the federal decennial census of population
16and any official corrections to the census issued on or before the date that the
17tentative plan is adopted to reflect the correct population of the county and
18municipalities and blocks within the county on April 1 of the year of the census. The
19populations of supervisory districts under the final plan shall be determined on the
20basis of the federal decennial census of population and any official corrections to the
21census to reflect the correct populations of the county and the municipalities and
22blocks within the county on April 1 of the year of the census, if the corrections as they
23affect any municipality are issued prior to division of the municipality into wards
24under s. 5.15, or if a municipality is not divided into wards, prior to adoption of the

1final plan. In this subdivision, an official correction does not include the substitution
2of an estimate for an actual population count.
SB518, s. 31 3Section 31. 59.10 (3) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,19,144 59.10 (3) (b) 4. The chairperson of the board shall file a certified copy of the final
5districting plan with the secretary of state. Upon receipt, the secretary of state shall
6provide the legislative reference bureau with one copy of each final districting plan
7received under this subdivision. Upon receipt, the legislative reference bureau shall
8provide the state elections board with one copy of each final districting plan received
9under this subdivision. A copy may be filed under this subdivision either in
10electronic or paper format. Unless otherwise ordered under sub. (6), a plan enacted
11and filed with the secretary of state under this paragraph, together with any
12amendment enacted and filed under par. (c), remains in effect until the plan is
13superseded by a subsequent plan enacted under this paragraph and a certified copy
14of that plan is filed with the secretary of state.
SB518, s. 32 15Section 32. 59.10 (3) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 59.10 (3) (c) 1. and
16amended to read:
SB518,19,2517 59.10 (3) (c) 1. After the enactment of a plan of supervisory districts under par.
18(b), the board may amend the plan to reflect a municipal incorporation, annexation,
19detachment or consolidation may serve as a basis for altering between federal
20decennial censuses the boundaries of supervisory districts, in the discretion of the
. The number of supervisory districts in the county shall not be changed by any
22action under this paragraph. Any plan of county supervisory districts enacted under
23par. (b) may be amended under this paragraph but shall remain in effect as amended
24until superseded by another plan enacted by the board under par. (b) and filed

13. The chairperson of the board shall file a certified copy of any amended plan
2under this paragraph
with the secretary of state. Upon receipt, the secretary of state
3shall provide the legislative reference bureau with one copy of the amended plan.
4Upon receipt, the legislative reference bureau shall provide the state elections board
5with one copy of the amended plan. A copy may be filed under this subdivision either
6in electronic or paper format.
SB518, s. 33 7Section 33. 59.10 (3) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB518,20,118 59.10 (3) (c) 2. Within 45 days after enactment or adoption of a revised division
9ordinance or resolution under s. 5.15 (4) (a), the board shall amend the county
10supervisory district plan under par. (b) to reflect any renumbering of the wards
11specified in the plan.
SB518, s. 34 12Section 34. 59.10 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,20,2413 59.10 (6) Enforcement of division requirement. If a county fails to comply
14with sub. (2) (a) or (3) (b), any municipality located in whole or in part within the
15county or any elector of the county may submit to the circuit court for the county
16within 14 days from the expiration of either 60-day 90-day period under sub. (2) (a)
17or (3) (b) a proposed tentative supervisory district plan or a final plan for creation of
18supervisory districts in compliance with this section. If the court finds that the
19existing division of the county into supervisory districts fails to comply with this
20section, it shall review the plan submitted by the petitioner and after reasonable
21notice to the county may promulgate the plan, or any other plan in compliance with
22this section, as a temporary supervisory district and the plan shall be in effect until
23superseded by a districting a plan adopted by the board in compliance with this
SB518, s. 35 25Section 35. 62.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
162.08 (1) Within 60 days after the wards have been readjusted under s. 5.15
2(1) and (2) the common council of every city, including any every 1st class city of the
3first class
, shall redistrict the boundaries of its aldermanic districts, by an ordinance
4introduced at a regular meeting of the council, published as a class 2 notice, under
5ch. 985, and thereafter adopted by a majority vote of all the members of the council,
6so that all aldermanic districts are as compact in area as possible and contain, as
7nearly as practicable by combining contiguous whole wards, an equal number of
8inhabitants according to the most recent decennial federal census of population. The
9populations of the aldermanic districts shall be determined on the basis of the federal
10decennial census of population and any official corrections to the census to reflect the
11correct populations of the municipality and the census blocks within the
12municipality on April 1 of the year of the census, if the corrections are issued prior
13to division of the municipality into wards under s. 5.15. In this subsection, an official
14correction does not include the substitution of an estimate for an actual population
15count. Within 45 days after enactment or adoption of a revised division ordinance
16or resolution under s. 5.15 (4) (a), the common council shall amend the aldermanic
17district plan to reflect any renumbering of the wards specified in the plan.
SB518, s. 36 18Section 36. 62.08 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
SB518, s. 37 19Section 37. 66.021 (7) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB518, s. 38 20Section 38. 66.021 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,22,1821 66.021 (8) (a) The clerk of a city or village which has annexed territory shall
22file immediately with the secretary of state a certified copy of the ordinance,
23certificate and plat, and shall send one copy to each company that provides any
24utility service in the area that is annexed. The clerk shall also record the ordinance
25with the register of deeds and file a signed copy of the ordinance with the clerk of any

1affected school district. Failure Except as provided in this paragraph, failure to file,
2record or send shall not invalidate the annexation and the duty to file, record or send
3shall be a continuing one. The An annexation of territory that establishes a
4municipal boundary that subdivides a census block is not valid until the clerk of the
5city or village to which the territory is annexed files with the secretary of state the
6certified copy of the ordinance, certificate and plat required under this paragraph,
7together with a certified estimate of the population of the territory on the effective
8date of the annexation, according to the latest federal decennial census of population.
ordinance that is filed, recorded or sent under this paragraph shall describe the
10annexed territory and the associated population, and shall identify the census block
11number or numbers of the annexed territory and the municipality or municipalities
12from which the annexed territory was detached
. The information filed with the
13secretary of state shall be utilized in making recommendations for adjustments to
14entitlements under the federal revenue sharing program and for distribution of
15funds under ch. 79. The clerk shall certify annually to the secretary of state and
16record with the register of deeds a legal description of the total boundaries of the
17municipality as those boundaries existed on December 1, unless there has been no
18change in the 12 months preceding.
SB518, s. 39 19Section 39. 66.021 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,23,520 66.021 (8) (b) Within 10 days of receipt of the ordinance, certificate and plat,
21the secretary of state shall forward 2 copies of the ordinance, certificate and plat to
22the department of transportation, one copy to the department of administration, one
23copy to the department of revenue, one copy to the department of public instruction,
24one copy to the department of commerce, one copy to the department of natural
25resources, one copy to the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection,

1one copy to the legislative reference bureau
and 2 copies to the clerk of the
2municipality from which the territory was annexed. The secretary of state shall
3provide the legislative reference bureau with one copy of any certified estimate of
4population received under par. (a), along with any copies required under this
SB518, s. 40 6Section 40. 66.021 (8) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB518,23,87 66.021 (8) (d) A copy may be filed under this subsection either in electronic or
8paper format.
SB518, s. 41 9Section 41. 66.021 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,24,610 66.021 (15) Annexation of town islands. Upon its own motion, a city or village
11by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of its governing body may enact an
12ordinance annexing territory which comprises a portion of a town or towns and which
13was completely surrounded by territory of the city or village on December 2, 1973.
14The ordinance shall include all surrounded town areas except those exempt by
15mutual agreement of all of the governing bodies involved. The annexation ordinance
16shall contain a legal description of the territory and the name of the town or towns
17from which the territory is detached and shall identify the census block number or
18numbers of the territory
. Upon enactment of the ordinance, the city or village clerk
19immediately shall file 6 7 certified copies of the ordinance in the office of the secretary
20of state, together with 6 7 copies of a scale map. The secretary of state shall forward
212 copies of the ordinance and scale map to the department of transportation, one copy
22to the department of natural resources, one copy to the department of revenue and
23one copy to the department of administration and one copy to the legislative
24reference bureau. A copy may be filed under this subsection in either electronic or
25paper format
. This subsection does not apply if the town island was created only by

1the annexation of a railroad right-of-way or drainage ditch. This subsection does
2not apply to land owned by a town government which has existing town government
3buildings located thereon. No town island may be annexed under this subsection if
4the island consists of over 65 acres or contains over 100 residents. After December
52, 1973, no city or village may, by annexation, create a town area which is completely
6surrounded by the city or village.
SB518, s. 42 7Section 42. 66.021 (16) of the statutes is repealed.
SB518, s. 43 8Section 43. 66.022 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
SB518, s. 44 9Section 44. 66.025 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,25,3 1066.025 Annexation of owned territory. In addition to other methods
11provided by law and subject to ss. 59.692 (7) and 66.023 (7), territory owned by and
12lying near but not necessarily contiguous to a village or city may be annexed to a
13village or city by ordinance enacted by the board of trustees of the village or the
14common council of the city, provided that in the case of noncontiguous territory the
15use of the territory by the city or village is not contrary to any town or county zoning
16regulation. The ordinance shall contain the exact description of the territory
17annexed territory and the names of the towns name of each town from which the
18territory was
detached, and shall identify the census block number or numbers of the
19annexed territory. The ordinance shall
operate to attach the territory to the village
20or city upon the filing of 6 7 certified copies thereof in the office of the secretary of
21state, together with 6 7 copies of a plat showing the boundaries of the territory
22attached and any information concerning the population of the territory required
23under s. 66.021 (8) (a)
. Two copies of the ordinance and plat shall be forwarded by
24the secretary of state to the department of transportation, one copy to the
25department of natural resources, one copy to the department of revenue and, one

1copy to the department of public instruction and one copy to the legislative reference
2bureau. A copy may be filed under this subsection in either electronic or paper
SB518, s. 45 4Section 45. 119.08 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB518,25,125 119.08 (1) (b) Within 60 days after the common council of the city enacts an
6ordinance determining the boundaries of the aldermanic districts in the city or
7adopts a resolution under s. 5.15 (1) (b) dividing the city into wards
following the
8federal decennial census under s. 62.08 (1), the board shall, by vote of a majority of
9the membership of the board, adopt an election district apportionment plan for the
10election of board members which shall be effective until the city enacts a new
11ordinance or adopts a new resolution under s. 62.08 (1) redetermining the
12aldermanic district
5.15 prescribing revised ward boundaries.
SB518,25,1313 (End)