The bill requires the department of public instruction (DPI) to disseminate the
informational materials prepared by DHFS to appropriate public school staff.
AB193, s. 1 1Section 1. 115.357 of the statutes is created to read:
AB193,3,6 2115.357 Information on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The
3department shall disseminate to appropriate public school staff the information
4regarding the diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and
5prescription drugs used to treat the disorder prepared by the department of health
6and family services under s. 448.35 (2).
Note: Requires the DPI to distribute the informational materials prepared by
DHFS to appropriate public school staff.
AB193, s. 2
1Section 2. 448.02 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB193,4,202 448.02 (3) (a) The board shall investigate allegations of unprofessional conduct
3and negligence in treatment by persons holding a license, certificate or limited
4permit granted by the board. An allegation that a physician has violated s. 253.10
5(3), 448.30, 448.35 (3), or 450.13 (2) or has failed to mail or present a medical
6certification required under s. 69.18 (2) within 21 days after the pronouncement of
7death of the person who is the subject of the required certificate or that a physician
8has failed at least 6 times within a 6-month period to mail or present a medical
9certificate required under s. 69.18 (2) within 6 days after the pronouncement of death
10of the person who is the subject of the required certificate is an allegation of
11unprofessional conduct. Information contained in reports filed with the board under
12s. 49.45 (2) (a) 12r., 50.36 (3) (b), 609.17 or 632.715, or under 42 CFR 1001.2005, shall
13be investigated by the board. Information contained in a report filed with the board
14under s. 655.045 (1), as created by 1985 Wisconsin Act 29, which is not a finding of
15negligence or in a report filed with the board under s. 50.36 (3) (c) may, within the
16discretion of the board, be used as the basis of an investigation of a person named in
17the report. The board may require a person holding a license, certificate or limited
18permit to undergo and may consider the results of one or more physical, mental or
19professional competency examinations if the board believes that the results of any
20such examinations may be useful to the board in conducting its investigation.
Note: Amends the statute which authorizes the medical examining board to
investigate allegations of unprofessional conduct and impose penalties against a
physician who is found guilty of unprofessional conduct. Specifically, provides that an
allegation that a physician violated s. 448.35 (3), stats., requiring physicians to provide
certain informational materials, as created in Section 3 of the bill, is an allegation of
unprofessional conduct. Section 3 of the bill also creates an exemption which provides
that a physician is not guilty of unprofessional conduct for failure to provide the
informational materials prepared by DHFS if the physician made a reasonably diligent
effort to obtain the materials from DHFS and DHFS did not make the materials available.
AB193, s. 3
1Section 3. 448.35 of the statutes is created to read:
AB193,5,3 2448.35 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (1) Definitions. In this
AB193,5,44 (a) "Child" means a person under 18 years of age.
AB193,5,55 (b) "Department" means the department of health and family services.
AB193,5,66 (c) "Prescription drug" has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (20).
AB193,5,77 (d) "Prescription order" has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (21).
AB193,5,98 (e) "Schedule II controlled substance" means any substance included under s.
AB193,5,11 10(2) Informational materials. (a) The department shall prepare informational
11materials which contain the following:
AB193,5,1412 1. A summary of the practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of
13children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder published by
14the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
AB193,5,1615 2. A statement that a parent or guardian may seek treatment other than
16prescription drugs for a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
AB193,5,2117 (b) The department shall, in consultation with the State Medical Society of
18Wisconsin, determine which Schedule II controlled substances are commonly
19prescribed by physicians in this state to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
20and shall prepare informational materials pertaining to each of those substances
21containing the following information:
AB193,5,2222 1. A statement that the substance is a Schedule II controlled substance.
AB193,6,223 2. A summary of the information included in the labeling of the substance
24under 21 USC 352 (f) which relates to the safety and effectiveness of the substance

1when used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and the
2potential for abuse or development of dependence upon the substance.
AB193,6,53 3. A statement that use of the substance to treat attention deficit hyperactivity
4disorder may affect a person's eligibility to serve in the U.S. armed forces, if the
5department so finds.
AB193,6,76 4. A statement that a person's use of the substance to treat attention deficit
7hyperactivity disorder may affect the cost of health insurance for that person.
AB193,6,118 (c) The materials prepared under pars. (a) and (b) shall be made available to
9physicians and to the public on the department's Internet site. Upon the request of
10a physician, the materials under pars. (a) and (b) shall be provided to the physician
11in printed form.
AB193,6,1412 (d) The materials under pars. (a) and (b) shall be made available to physicians
13and to the public no later than the first day of the 6th month beginning after the
14effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
AB193,6,1715 (e) The department shall periodically review the materials under pars. (a) and
16(b) and shall exercise reasonable diligence in providing materials that are accurate
17and current.
AB193,6,21 18(3) Requirements for physicians. (a) Except in an emergency and as provided
19under par. (e), a physician who diagnoses a child with attention deficit hyperactivity
20disorder and issues a prescription order for treatment of the disorder shall provide
21the following information to the persons specified in par. (c):
AB193,6,2322 1. An explanation of the method of diagnosis used, including the results of any
23tests or evaluations.
AB193,6,2424 2. Information on alternative modes of treatment, as provided in s. 448.30.
AB193,6,2525 3. A printed copy of the materials prepared under sub. (2) (a).
1(b) In addition to the information required under par. (a), except in an
2emergency and as provided under par. (e), a physician who diagnoses a child with
3attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and issues a prescription order for a Schedule
4II controlled substance for treatment of the disorder shall provide a printed copy of
5any materials pertaining to the prescribed substance which have been prepared by
6the department under sub. (2) (b) to the persons specified in par. (c).
AB193,7,137 (c) A physician required to provide information under this section shall provide
8the information to the parent or guardian of the child if the parent or guardian of the
9child is present when the prescription order is issued. If the child is 14 years of age
10or older, the physician shall also provide the information to the child. If the child's
11parent or guardian is not present at the time the prescription order is issued, the
12physician shall provide the information to an adult who is with the child at the time
13the prescription order is issued, if any.
AB193,7,1614 (d) A physician shall obtain from the parent or guardian of the child, or the
15adult to whom the information is provided, if any, certification in writing that the
16physician has provided the information required under this section.
AB193,7,2317 (e) A physician who treats a child for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
18on a long-term basis with the same prescription drug shall provide the information
19and obtain the certification required under this section when issuing the initial
20prescription order for that prescription drug and at least once every 2 years
21thereafter. A physician is not required to provide the information described under
22sub. (2) if the physician reasonably believes that another physician has issued a
23prescription order for the child for the same prescription drug within the past year.
AB193,8,3 24(4) Exemption. It is not unprofessional conduct under s. 448.02 (3) (a) for a
25physician to fail to provide the materials required under this section if the physician

1made a reasonably diligent effort to obtain the materials from the department and
2the department did not make the materials available at the time that the physician
3was required to provide them.
Note: Creates the requirements for physicians to provide certain information
when issuing a prescription order to treat ADHD in a child, and for DHFS to prepare
those informational materials, as described above in the prefatory note.
Also creates an exemption to an allegation of unprofessional conduct as described
in the note following Section 2.
AB193, s. 4 4Section 4. Initial applicability.
AB193,8,75 (1) The treatment of sections 448.02 (3) (a) and 448.35 (3) of the statutes first
6applies to prescription orders that are issued on the first day of the 10th month
7beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
Note: Provides that the requirements pertaining to physicians do not take effect
until the first day of the 10th month after the effective date of the bill.
AB193,8,88 (End)