AB100, s. 1397
1397. 71.42 (2) (j) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1398
1398. 71.42 (2) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (k) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 1996, and before
4January 1, 1998, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
5as amended to December 31, 1996, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
6102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-66 7and sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, and as
8amended by P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
9106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding
10section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and
11406 of P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L.
12108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
13108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910
14of P.L. 108-357, and as indirectly affected by P.L.
99-514, P.L.
100-203, P.L.
101-73, P.L.
101-140, P.L.
101-179, P.L.
101-239, P.L.
101-508, P.L.
16excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
102-227, P.L.
102-318, P.L.
102-486, P.L.
17103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
18103-66, P.L.
103-296, P.L.
103-337, P.L.
103-465, P.L.
104-7, P.L.
19excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
20104-191, P.L.
104-193, P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
21106-36, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
22excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections
23101 and 406 of P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109
24of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of
25P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and
1910 of P.L. 108-357, except that "Internal Revenue Code" does not include section
2847 of the federal Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for
3Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the
4federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 1996, do not apply to this
5paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1996, and
6before January 1, 1998, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
8excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431
9of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L.
11108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L.
12108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, 13and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made
14by P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
15excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431
16of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L.
18108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L.
19108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, 20apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.
AB100, s. 1399
1399. 71.42 (2) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (L) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 1997, and before
23January 1, 1999, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
24as amended to December 31, 1997, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
25102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
1and sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, and as
2amended by P.L.
105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding
4section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and
5406 of P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L.
6108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
7108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910
8of P.L. 108-357, and as indirectly affected by P.L.
99-514, P.L.
100-203, P.L.
101-73, P.L.
101-140, P.L.
101-179, P.L.
101-239, P.L.
101-508, P.L.
10excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
102-227, P.L.
102-318, P.L.
102-486, P.L.
11103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
12103-66, P.L.
103-296, P.L.
103-337, P.L.
103-465, P.L.
104-7, P.L.
13excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
14104-191, P.L.
104-193, P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
15105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
17107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
and P.L.
18108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306,
19307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101,
20201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, except that "Internal Revenue Code"
21does not include section 847 of the federal Internal Revenue Code. The Internal
22Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal
23purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after
24December 31, 1997, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years
25beginning after December 31, 1997, and before January 1, 1999, except that
1changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L.
105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
2105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
4107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
and P.L.
5108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306,
6307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101,
7201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and changes that indirectly affect
8the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by P.L.
105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
9105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
11107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
and P.L.
12108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306,
13307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101,
14201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the
15same time as for federal purposes.
AB100, s. 1400
1400. 71.42 (2) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (m) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 1998, and before
18January 1, 2000, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
19as amended to December 31, 1998, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
20102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-66 21and sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, and as
22amended by P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-230, P.L.
106-554, excluding
23sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
24107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121,
1P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and
2P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L.
3108-357, and as indirectly affected by P.L.
99-514, P.L.
100-203, P.L.
100-647, P.L.
4101-73, P.L.
101-140, P.L.
101-179, P.L.
101-239, P.L.
101-508, P.L.
5excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
102-227, P.L.
102-318, P.L.
102-486, P.L.
6103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
7103-66, P.L.
103-296, P.L.
103-337, P.L.
103-465, P.L.
104-7, P.L.
8excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
9104-191, P.L.
104-193, P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
10105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-230, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections
11162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
12107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
13and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311,
14excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357,
15excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, except that
16"Internal Revenue Code" does not include section 847 of the federal Internal Revenue
17Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time
18as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted
19after December 31, 1998, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years
20beginning after December 31, 1998, and before January 1, 2000, except that
21changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
22106-230, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
23excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections
24101 and 406 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding
25section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and
1403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337,
2909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and changes that indirectly affect the provisions
3applicable to this subchapter made by P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-230, P.L.
4106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding
5section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and
6406 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-121, excluding section
7109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a)
8of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909,
9and 910 of P.L. 108-357, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal
AB100, s. 1401
1401. 71.42 (2) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (n) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 1999, and before
13January 1, 2003, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
14as amended to December 31, 1999, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
15102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-66 16and sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, and as
17amended by P.L.
106-230, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
18106-554, P.L.
107-15, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-116, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
20107-147, P.L.
107-181, P.L.
107-210, P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-27,
21excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section
22109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308,
23401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244,
24336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and as indirectly affected by P.L.
99-514, P.L.
25100-203, P.L.
100-647, P.L.
101-73, P.L.
101-140, P.L.
101-179, P.L.
101-239, P.L.
1101-508, P.L.
102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
102-227, P.L.
2102-318, P.L.
102-486, P.L.
103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d),
313174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-66, P.L.
103-296, P.L.
103-337, P.L.
103-465, P.L.
4104-7, P.L.
104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605
5(d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
104-191, P.L.
104-193, P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
6105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-230, P.L.
7106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-15, P.L.
8excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-22, P.L.
107-116, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
9107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
107-181, P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202
11of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-218, P.L.
12108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L.
13108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, 14except that "Internal Revenue Code" does not include section 847 of the federal
15Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes
16at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal
17Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 1999, do not apply to this paragraph with
18respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, and before January 1,
192003, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L.
106-230, P.L.
20106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-15, P.L.
21excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-22, P.L.
107-116, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
22107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
107-181, P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202
24of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-218, P.L.
25108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L.
1108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, 2and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made
3by P.L.
106-230, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
4107-15, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-22, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding sections 101 and 406 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
6107-181, P.L.
107-210, P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-27, excluding
7sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L.
8108-121, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403
9(a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909,
10and 910 of P.L. 108-357, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal
AB100, s. 1402
1402. 71.42 (2) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (o) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2002,
and before
14January 1, 2004, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
15as amended to December 31, 2002, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
16102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
17sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
18sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
106-573, section 431 of P.L.
107-16, and
19section 101 of P.L.
and as amended by P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106,
20201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L.
21108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L.
22108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L.
23108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, 24and as indirectly affected by P.L.
99-514, P.L.
100-203, P.L.
100-647, P.L.
101-140, P.L.
101-179, P.L.
101-239, P.L.
101-508, P.L.
102-227, excluding
1sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
102-227, P.L.
102-318, P.L.
102-486, P.L.
2excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-296, P.L.
103-337, P.L.
103-465, P.L.
104-7, P.L.
104-188, excluding
4sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
104-193, P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-230, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and
7165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-15, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-22, P.L.
107-116, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding section 101 of P.L.
9107-147, P.L.
107-181, P.L.
107-210, P.L.
and P.L.
P.L. 108-27,
10excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section
11109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L.
12108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403
13(a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909,
14and 910 of P.L. 108-357, except that "Internal Revenue Code" does not include
15section 847 of the federal Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code
16applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.
17Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2002,
18do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after
19December 31, 2002
, and before January 1, 2004, except that changes to the Internal
20Revenue Code made by P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L.
21108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding
22section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding
23sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding
24sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and changes that
25indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by P.L. 108-27,
1excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section
2109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L.
3108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403
4(a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909,
5and 910 of P.L. 108-357, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal
AB100, s. 1403
1403. 71.42 (2) (p) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (p) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2003, and before
9January 1, 2005, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code
10as amended to December 31, 2003, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
11102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
12sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
13sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
106-573, section 431 of P.L.
107-16, section
14101 of P.L.
107-147, sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L.
108-27, section 109 of P.L.
15108-121, and section 1201 of P.L.
108-173, and as amended by P.L.
108-203, P.L.
16108-218, P.L.
108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
17108-311, P.L.
108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of
108-357, and P.L.
108-476, and as indirectly affected by P.L.
99-514, P.L.
19100-203, P.L.
100-647, P.L.
101-73, P.L.
101-140, P.L.
101-179, P.L.
101-239, P.L.
20101-508, P.L.
102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
102-227, P.L.
21102-318, P.L.
102-486, P.L.
103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d),
2213174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-66, P.L.
103-296, P.L.
103-337, P.L.
103-465, P.L.
23104-7, P.L.
104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605
24(d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
104-191, P.L.
104-193, P.L.
105-33, P.L.
105-34, P.L.
25105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
106-230, P.L.
1106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-15, P.L.
2excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-22, P.L.
107-116, P.L.
107-134, P.L.
3107-147, excluding section 101 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
107-181, P.L.
107-210, P.L.
4107-276, P.L.
107-358, P.L.
108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L.
5108-27, P.L.
108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L.
108-121, P.L.
108-173, excluding
6section 1201 of P.L.
108-173, P.L.
108-203, P.L.
108-218, P.L.
108-311, excluding
7sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
108-311, P.L.
108-357, excluding
8sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L.
108-357, and P.L.
9except that "Internal Revenue Code" does not include section 847 of the federal
10Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes
11at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal
12Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2003, do not apply to this paragraph with
13respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003, and before January 1,
142005, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L.
108-203, P.L.
15108-218, P.L.
108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
16108-311, P.L.
108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of
108-357, and P.L.
108-476, and changes that indirectly affect the provisions
18applicable to this subchapter made by P.L.
108-203, P.L.
108-218, P.L.
19excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
108-311, P.L.
20excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L.
108-357, and P.L.
21108-476, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.
AB100, s. 1404
1404. 71.42 (2) (q) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (q) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2004, "Internal
24Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code as amended to
25December 31, 2004, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
102-227, sections
113113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-66, sections 1123 (b),
21202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, sections 1, 3, 4, and 5 of P.L.
3106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
106-573, section 431 of P.L.
4107-16, section 101 of P.L.
107-147, sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L.
108-27, section
51201 of P.L.
108-173, sections 306, 308, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L.
108-311, and sections
6101, 201, 244, 336, 337, 909, and 910 of P.L.
108-357, and as indirectly affected by
99-514, P.L.
100-203, P.L.
100-647, P.L.
101-73, P.L.
101-140, P.L.
101-239, P.L.
101-508, P.L.
102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L.
9102-227, P.L.
102-318, P.L.
102-486, P.L.
103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150
10(d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L.
103-66, P.L.
103-296, P.L.
103-337, P.L.
11103-465, P.L.
104-7, P.L.
104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f),
121311, and 1605 (d) of P.L.
104-188, P.L.
104-191, P.L.
104-193, P.L.
105-33, P.L.
13105-34, P.L.
105-178, P.L.
105-206, P.L.
105-277, P.L.
106-36, P.L.
106-170, P.L.
14106-230, P.L.
106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L.
106-554, P.L.
107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L.
107-16, P.L.
107-22, P.L.
107-116, P.L.
16107-134, P.L.
107-147, excluding section 101 of P.L.
107-147, P.L.
107-181, P.L.
17107-210, P.L.
107-276, P.L.
107-358, P.L.
108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and
18202 of P.L.
108-27, P.L.
108-121, P.L.
108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L.
19108-173, P.L.
108-203, P.L.
108-218, P.L.
108-311, excluding sections 306, 308, 401,
20and 403 (a) of P.L.
108-311, P.L.
108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 244, 336, 337,
21909, and 910 of P.L.
108-357, and P.L.
108-476, except that "Internal Revenue Code"
22does not include section 847 of the federal Internal Revenue Code. The Internal
23Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal
24purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after
1December 31, 2004, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years
2beginning after December 31, 2004.
AB100, s. 1405
1405. 71.42 (3d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3d) "Member" does not include a member of a limited liability company
5treated as a corporation under s. 71.22
(1) (1k).
AB100, s. 1406
1406. 71.42 (3h) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3h) "Partner" does not include a partner of a publicly traded partnership
8treated as a corporation under s. 71.22
(1) (1k).
AB100, s. 1407
1407. 71.47 (1dd) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dd) (a) 1. "Day care center benefits" means benefits provided at a day
11care facility that is licensed under s.
48.65 or 48.69
49.98 or 49.99 and that for
12compensation provides care for at least 6 children or benefits provided at a facility
13for persons who are physically incapable of caring for themselves.
AB100, s. 1408
1408. 71.47 (1di) (b) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1409
1409. 71.47 (1dL) (c) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1410
1410. 71.47 (1dL) (c) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 71.47 (1dL) (c).
AB100, s. 1411
1411. 71.47 (1dL) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dL) (d) Except as provided in par. (c)
2., the carry-over provisions of
19sub. (4) (e) and (f) as they relate to the credit under that subsection relate to the credit
20under this subsection and apply as if the development zone continued to exist.
AB100, s. 1412
1412. 71.47 (1dm) (hm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dm) (hm)
Credits claimed
A claimant may claim the credit under this
23subsection, including any credits carried over,
may be offset only against the amount
24of the tax otherwise due under this subchapter
attributable to income from the
25business operations of the claimant in the development zone; except that a claimant
1in a development zone under s. 560.795 (1) (e) may offset credits, including any
2credits carried over, against the amount of the tax otherwise due under this
3subchapter attributable to all of the claimant's income; and against the tax
4attributable to income from directly related business operations of the claimant.
AB100, s. 1413
1413. 71.47 (1dx) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dx) (a) 5. "Member of a targeted group" means a person who resides
7in an
empowerment zone, or an enterprise community, that the U.S. government
8designates area designated by the federal government as an economic revitalization
9area, a person who is employed in an unsubsidized job but meets the eligibility
10requirements under s. 49.145 (2) and (3) for a Wisconsin
works Works employment
11position, a person who is employed in a trial job, as defined in s. 49.141 (1) (n), a
12person who is eligible for child care assistance under s. 49.155, a person who is a
13vocational rehabilitation referral, an economically disadvantaged youth, an
14economically disadvantaged veteran, a supplemental security income recipient, a
15general assistance recipient, an economically disadvantaged ex-convict, a qualified
16summer youth employee, as defined in
26 USC 51 (d) (7), a dislocated worker, as
17defined in
29 USC 2801 (9), or a food stamp recipient
, if the person has been certified
18in the manner under sub. (1dj) (am) 3. by a designated local agency, as defined in sub.
19(1dj) (am) 2.
AB100, s. 1414
1414. 71.47 (1dx) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dx) (b)
Credit. (intro.) Except
or as provided in pars. (be) and (bg) and
22in s. 73.03 (35), and subject to s. 560.785, for any taxable year for which the person
23is entitled under s. 560.795 (3) to claim tax benefits or certified under s. 560.765 (3),
24560.797 (4) or 560.798 (3), any person may claim as a credit against
the taxes
1 on the person's income from the person's business activities in a development zone 2otherwise due under this chapter the following amounts:
AB100, s. 1415
1415. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dx) (b) 2. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
5determined under s. 560.785 (1) (b) by the number of full-time jobs created in a
6development zone and filled by a member of a targeted group and by then subtracting
7the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a)
or the subsidies and reimbursements paid
8under s. 49.147 (3) (d) 5. for those jobs.
AB100, s. 1416
1416. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dx) (b) 3. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
11determined under s. 560.785 (1) (c) by the number of full-time jobs created in a
12development zone and not filled by a member of a targeted group and by then
13subtracting the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a)
or the subsidies and
14reimbursements paid under s. 49.147 (3) (d) 5. for those jobs.
AB100, s. 1417
1417. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dx) (b) 4. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
17determined under s. 560.785 (1) (bm) by the number of full-time jobs retained, as
18provided in the rules under s. 560.785, excluding jobs for which a credit has been
19claimed under sub. (1dj), in an enterprise development zone under s. 560.797 and for
20which significant capital investment was made and by then subtracting the
21subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a)
or the subsidies and reimbursements paid
22under s. 49.147 (3) (d) 5. for those jobs.
AB100, s. 1418
1418. 71.47 (1dx) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1dx) (b) 5. The amount determined by multiplying the amount
25determined under s. 560.785 (1) (c) by the number of full-time jobs retained, as
1provided in the rules under s. 560.785, excluding jobs for which a credit has been
2claimed under sub. (1dj), in a development zone and not filled by a member of a
3targeted group and by then subtracting the subsidies paid under s. 49.147 (3) (a)
4the subsidies and reimbursements paid under s. 49.147 (3) (d) 5. for those jobs.
AB100, s. 1419
1419. 71.47 (2m) (a) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2m) (a) 1. b. For partnerships, except publicly traded partnerships
7treated as corporations under s. 71.22
(1) (1k), or limited liability companies, except
8limited liability companies treated as corporations under s. 71.22
(1) (1k), "claimant"
9means each individual partner or member.
AB100, s. 1420
1420. 71.47 (3n) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (title)
Livestock farm investment credit.
AB100, s. 1421
1421. 71.47 (3n) (a) 1m. of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1422
1422. 71.47 (3n) (a) 1n. of the statutes is created to read:
(3n) (a) 1n. "Livestock" means domestic animals used in this state in the
15production of food, fiber, or other animal products and includes bovine animals,
16swine, poultry, fish, sheep, and goats. "Livestock" does not include equine animals,
17deer, ratites, camelidae, or mink.
AB100, s. 1423
1423. 71.47 (3n) (a) 1p. of the statutes is repealed.
AB100, s. 1424
1424. 71.47 (3n) (a) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (a) 2. (intro.)
"Livestock farm modernization or expansion"
21means the construction, the improvement, or the acquisition of buildings or facilities,
22or the acquisition of equipment, for
dairy animal
livestock housing,
livestock 23confinement,
animal livestock feeding, milk production, or waste management,
24including the following, if used exclusively related to
dairy animals livestock:
AB100, s. 1425
1425. 71.47 (3n) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3n) (b) Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, for taxable
2years that begin after December 31, 2003, and before January 1, 2010, a claimant
3may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.43 an amount equal to 10%
4of the amount the claimant paid in the taxable year for
dairy livestock farm
5modernization or expansion related to the operation of the claimant's
dairy livestock 6farm.
AB100, s. 1426
1426. 71.47 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (a)
Credit. Any corporation may credit against taxes otherwise due
9under this chapter an amount equal to 5% of the amount obtained by subtracting
10from the corporation's qualified research expenses, as defined in section
41 of the
11internal revenue code, except that "qualified research expenses" includes only
12expenses incurred by the claimant, incurred for research conducted in this state for
13the taxable year, except that a taxpayer may elect the alternative computation under
41 (c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code and that election applies until the
15department permits its revocation and except that "qualified research expenses"
16does not include compensation used in computing the credit under subs. (1dj) and
17(1dx), the corporation's base amount, as defined in section
41 (c) of the internal
18revenue code, except that gross receipts used in calculating the base amount means
19gross receipts from sales attributable to Wisconsin under s. 71.25 (9) (b) 1. and 2.
20(d), (db), (dd), (df), (dg), (dh), and (dm). Section
41 (h) of the internal revenue code
21does not apply to the credit under this paragraph.
AB100, s. 1427
1427. 71.47 (4) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (am)
Development zone additional research credit. In addition to the
24credit under par. (a), any corporation may credit against taxes otherwise due under
25this chapter an amount equal to 5% of the amount obtained by subtracting from the
1corporation's qualified research expenses, as defined in section
41 of the internal
2revenue code, except that "qualified research expenses" include only expenses
3incurred by the claimant in a development zone under subch. VI of ch. 560, except
4that a taxpayer may elect the alternative computation under section
41 (c) (4) of the
5Internal Revenue Code and that election applies until the department permits its
6revocation and except that "qualified research expenses" do not include
7compensation used in computing the credit under sub. (1dj) nor research expenses
8incurred before the claimant is certified for tax benefits under s. 560.765 (3), the
9corporation's base amount, as defined in section
41 (c) of the internal revenue code,
10in a development zone, except that gross receipts used in calculating the base amount
11means gross receipts from sales attributable to Wisconsin under s. 71.25 (9) (b) 1. and
and (d), (db), (dd), (df), (dg), (dh), and (dm) and research expenses used in
13calculating the base amount include research expenses incurred before the claimant
14is certified for tax benefits under s. 560.765 (3), in a development zone, if the claimant
15submits with the claimant's return a copy of the claimant's certification for tax
16benefits under s. 560.765 (3) and a statement from the department of commerce
17verifying the claimant's qualified research expenses for research conducted
18exclusively in a development zone. The rules under s. 73.03 (35) apply to the credit
19under this paragraph. The rules under sub. (1di) (f) and (g) as they apply to the credit
20under that subsection apply to claims under this paragraph. Section
41 (h) of the
21internal revenue code does not apply to the credit under this paragraph. No credit
22may be claimed under this paragraph for taxable years that begin on January 1,
231998, or thereafter. Credits under this paragraph for taxable years that begin before
24January 1, 1998, may be carried forward to taxable years that begin on January 1,
251998, or thereafter.
AB100, s. 1428
1428. 71.47 (4) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (i)
Nonclaimants. The credits under this subsection may not be
3claimed by a partnership, except a publicly traded partnership treated as a
4corporation under s. 71.22
(1) (1k), limited liability company, except a limited
5liability company treated as a corporation under s. 71.22
(1) (1k), or tax-option
6corporation or by partners, including partners of a publicly traded partnership,
7members of a limited liability company or shareholders of a tax-option corporation.
AB100, s. 1429
1429. 71.58 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) For partnerships except publicly traded partnerships treated as
10corporations under s. 71.22
(1) (1k), "claimant" means each individual partner.
AB100, s. 1430
1430. 71.58 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (cm) For limited liability companies, except limited liability
13companies treated as corporations under s. 71.22
(1k), "claimant" means each
14individual member.
AB100, s. 1431
1431. 71.775 of the statutes is created to read:
1671.775 Withholding from nonresident members of pass-through
17entities. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Nonresident" includes an individual who is not domiciled in this state; a
19partnership, limited liability company, or corporation whose commercial domicile is
20outside the state; and an estate or a trust that is a nonresident under s. 71.14 (1) to
(b) "Pass-through entity" means a partnership, a limited liability company, a
23tax-option corporation, an estate, or a trust that is treated as a pass-through entity
24for federal income tax purposes.
1(2) Withholding tax imposed. (a) For the privilege of doing business in this
2state or deriving income from property located in this state, a pass-through entity
3that has Wisconsin income for the taxable year that is allocable to a nonresident
4partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary shall pay a withholding tax. The
5amount of the tax imposed under this subsection to be withheld from the income
6distributable to each nonresident partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary is
7equal to the nonresident partner's, member's, shareholder's, or beneficiary's share
8of income attributable to this state, multiplied by the following:
1. For an individual, an estate, or a trust that is a pass-through entity, the
10highest tax rate for a single individual for the taxable year under s. 71.06.
2. For a partnership, a limited liability company, or a tax-option corporation
12that is a pass-through entity, the highest tax rate for the taxable year under s. 71.27.
(b) A pass-through entity that is also a member of another pass-through entity
14is subject to withholding under this subsection and shall pay the tax based on the
15share of income that is distributable to each of the entity's nonresident partners,
16members, shareholders, or beneficiaries.
17(3) Exemptions. (a) A nonresident partner's, member's, shareholder's, or
18beneficiary's share of income from the pass-through entity that is attributable to this
19state shall not be included in determining the withholding under sub. (2) if any of the
20following applies:
1. The partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary is exempt from taxation
22under this chapter. For purposes of this subdivision, the pass-through entity may
23rely on a written statement from the partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary
24claiming to be exempt from taxation under this chapter, if the pass-through entity
25attaches a copy of the statement to its return for the taxable year and if the statement
1specifies the name, address, federal employer identification number, and reason for
2claiming an exemption for each partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary
3claiming to be exempt from taxation under this chapter.
2. The partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary has no Wisconsin income
5other than his or her share of income from the pass-through entity that is
6attributable to this state and his or her share of such income is less than $1,000.
(b) A pass-through entity that is a joint venture is not subject to the
8withholding under sub. (2), if the pass-through entity has elected not to be treated
9as a partnership under section
761 of the Internal Revenue Code.
10(4) Administration. (a) Each pass-through entity that is subject to the
11withholding under sub. (2) shall pay the amount of the tax withheld to the
12department no later than:
1. For tax-option corporations, the 15th day of the 3rd month following the
14close of the taxable year.
2. For partnerships, limited liability companies, estates, and trusts, the 15th
16day of the 4th month following the close of the taxable year.
(b) 1. If the pass-through entity has an extension of time to file its return, the
18tax withheld under sub. (2) is due on the unextended due date of the entity's return
19as provided under s. 71.13 (1), 71.20 (1), or 71.24 (1).
2. A pass-through entity that pays the tax withheld under sub. (2) as provided
21under subd. 1. is not subject to an underpayment of estimated tax under s. 71.09 or
2271.29, if 90 percent of the tax that is due for the current taxable year is paid by the
23unextended due date or if 100 percent of the tax that is due for the taxable year
24immediately preceding the current taxable year is paid by the unextended due date
25and the taxable year immediately preceding the current taxable year was a
112-month period. Interest at the rate 12 percent shall be imposed on the unpaid
2amount of the tax withheld under sub. (2) during any extension period and interest
3at the rate of 18 percent shall be imposed on the unpaid amount of the tax withheld
4under sub. (2) for the period beginning with the extended due date and ending with
5the date that the unpaid amount is paid in full.
(c) On or before the due date, including extensions, of the entity's return, a
7pass-through entity that withholds tax under sub. (2) shall annually notify each of
8its nonresident partners, members, shareholders, or beneficiaries of the amount of
9the tax withheld under sub. (2) that the pass-through entity paid on the nonresident
10partner's, member's, shareholder's, or beneficiary's behalf. The pass-through entity
11shall provide a copy of the notice to the department with the return that it files for
12the taxable year.
(d) A nonresident partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary of a
14pass-through entity may claim a credit, as prescribed by the department, on his or
15her Wisconsin income or franchise tax return for the amount withheld under sub. (2)
16on his or her behalf. For purposes of this paragraph, the amount withheld under sub.
17(2) is considered to be paid on the last day of the pass-through entity's taxable year
18for which the tax is paid.
(e) Any tax withheld under this section shall be held in trust for this state, and
20a pass-through entity subject to withholding under this section shall be liable to the
21department for the payment of the tax withheld. No partner, member, shareholder,
22or beneficiary of a pass-through entity shall have any right of action against the
23pass-through entity with respect to any amount withheld and paid in compliance
24with this section.
1(f) If a pass-through entity subject to withholding under this section fails to
2withhold tax as required by this section, the pass-through entity shall be liable for
3any tax, interest, and penalties. If a nonresident partner, member, shareholder, or
4beneficiary of the pass-through entity files a return and pays the tax due, the
5pass-through entity shall not be liable for the tax, but shall be liable for any interest
6and penalties otherwise applicable for failure to withhold, as provided under ss.
771.82 (2) (d) and 71.83.
AB100, s. 1432
1432. 71.78 (4) (r) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (r) The secretary of revenue and employees of that department for the
10purposes of preparing and maintaining the list of persons with unpaid tax
11obligations as described in s. 71.91 (8) so that the list of such persons is available for
12public inspection.
AB100, s. 1433
1433. 71.91 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
(8) Internet listing of delinquent taxpayers. The department may
15prepare and maintain a list of all persons who owe delinquent taxes of any type
16administered by the department, including interest, penalties, fees, and costs, to the
17department, in excess of $25,000, which are unpaid for more than 90 days after all
18appeal rights have expired, and may post the names of persons from this list on the
19Internet at a site the department creates and maintains for this purpose. If the
20department places such a posting, the Internet site shall list the names, addresses,
21type of tax due, and amount of tax due, including interest, penalties, fees, and costs
22for each person who has one of the delinquent taxpayer accounts. If a listed person
23is a corporation, the Internet site shall also contain the name and address of each of
24the corporation's officers, if known. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,
25the department shall update the Internet site on a quarterly basis. The department
1may not post on the Internet the name of any person who has reached an agreement
2or compromise with the department, or the department of justice, under s. 71.92 and
3is in compliance with that agreement, regarding the payment of delinquent taxes,
4or the name of any person who is protected by a stay that is in effect under the federal
5Bankruptcy Code; and the Internet posting shall be updated each business day, as
6defined in s. 562.01 (3m), to comply with these prohibitions.
AB100, s. 1434
1434. 71.93 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 1. An amount owed to a state agency
that, if the amount has been
9reduced to a judgment
or if the state agency has provided the debtor reasonable
10notice and an opportunity to be heard with regards to the amount owed.