AB1171, s. 32 25Section 32. Chapter 238 of the statutes is created to read:
1Chapter 238
2 Healthy Wisconsin Authority
AB1171,15,3 3238.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
AB1171,15,4 4(1) "Authority" means the Healthy Wisconsin Authority.
AB1171,15,5 5(2) "Board" means the board of directors of the authority.
AB1171,15,10 6238.05 Creation and organization of authority. (1) There is created a
7public body corporate and politic to be known as the "Healthy Wisconsin Authority."
8The board of directors of the authority shall consist of the commissioner of insurance,
9or his or her designee, as a nonvoting member, and the following 13 members, who
10shall serve 4-year terms:
AB1171,15,1111 (a) One majority party senator appointed by the senate majority leader.
AB1171,15,1212 (b) One minority party senator appointed by the senate minority leader.
AB1171,15,1413 (c) One majority party representative to the assembly appointed by the speaker
14of the assembly.
AB1171,15,1615 (d) One minority party representative to the assembly appointed by the
16assembly minority leader.
AB1171,15,1817 (e) Nine nominees of the governor, appointed with the advice and consent of the
18senate, consisting of all of the following:
AB1171,15,1919 1. One health care provider.
AB1171,15,2020 2. One representative of a Wisconsin health insurance company.
AB1171,15,2121 3. One representative of a Wisconsin employer.
AB1171,15,2222 4. One representative of Wisconsin labor unions.
AB1171,15,2323 5. Five other members who represent the public interest.
AB1171,16,5 24(2) Each member of the board shall hold office until a successor is appointed
25and qualified unless the member vacates or is removed from his or her office. A

1member who serves as a result of holding another office or position vacates his or her
2office as a member when he or she vacates the other office or position. A member who
3ceases to qualify for office vacates his or her office. A vacancy on the board shall be
4filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the board for the remainder
5of the unexpired term, if any.
AB1171,16,7 6(3) Annually, the governor shall appoint one member as chairperson, and the
7members of the board may elect other officers as they consider appropriate.
AB1171,16,20 8(4) The board shall appoint an executive director, but only after legislation
9specified in s. 238.15 (3) is enacted. The executive director shall not be a member of
10the board and shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The authority may delegate
11by resolution to one or more of its members or its executive director any powers and
12duties that it considers proper. The executive director shall receive such
13compensation as may be determined by the board. The executive director or other
14person designated by resolution of the board shall keep a record of the proceedings
15of the authority and shall be custodian of all books, documents, and papers filed with
16the authority, the minute book or journal of the authority, and its official seal. The
17executive director or other person may cause copies to be made of all minutes and
18other records and documents of the authority and may give certificates under the
19official seal of the authority to the effect that such copies are true copies, and all
20persons dealing with the authority may rely upon such certificates.
AB1171,16,25 21(5) A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the purpose
22of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes,
23notwithstanding the existence of any vacancies. Action may be taken by the board
24upon a vote of a majority of the members present. Meetings of the members of the
25board may be held anywhere within or without the state.
1(6) A member of the board may not be compensated for his or her services but
2shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance
3of his or her duties, including travel expenses, subject to uniform travel schedule
4amounts approved under s. 20.916 (8).
AB1171,17,8 5(7) No cause of action may arise against and no civil liability may be imposed
6upon a member or executive director of the authority for any act or omission in the
7performance of his or her powers and duties under this chapter, unless the person
8asserting liability proves that the act or omission constitutes willful misconduct.
AB1171,17,12 9238.10 Powers of authority. (1) Except as restricted under sub. (2), the
10authority shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes
11and provisions of this chapter. In addition to all other powers granted by this chapter,
12the authority may:
AB1171,17,1413 (a) Adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws and policies and procedures for the
14regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business.
AB1171,17,1515 (b) Have a seal and alter the seal at pleasure.
AB1171,17,1616 (c) Maintain an office.
AB1171,17,1717 (d) Sue and be sued.
AB1171,17,1918 (e) Accept gifts, grants, loans, or other contributions from private or public
AB1171,17,2120 (f) Establish the authority's annual budget and monitor the fiscal management
21of the authority.
AB1171,17,2322 (g) Execute contracts and other instruments, including contracts for any
23professional services required for the authority.
AB1171,17,2524 (h) Employ any officers, agents, and employees that it may require and
25determine their qualifications and compensation.
1(i) Procure liability insurance.
AB1171,18,2 2(2) The authority may not issue bonds.
AB1171,18,4 3238.15 Duties of authority. In addition to all other duties imposed under this
4chapter, the authority shall do all of the following:
AB1171,18,7 5(1) Study options for implementing a program to provide reinsurance to groups
6and individuals in this state for catastrophic claims under group and individual
7health insurance policies.
AB1171,18,10 8(2) No later than November 15, 2006, submit to the secretary of administration
9a report with its recommendations for implementing a reinsurance program
10described in par. (a).
AB1171,18,12 11(3) Develop and administer a reinsurance program in accordance with any
12legislation enacted that requires or authorizes the authority to do so.
AB1171, s. 33 13Section 33. 285.59 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1171,18,2114 285.59 (1) (b) "State agency" means any office, department, agency, institution
15of higher education, association, society, or other body in state government created
16or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law which that is entitled to
17expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the courts, the
18Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, the Bradley Center
19Sports and Entertainment Corporation, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
20Clinics Authority, the Fox River Navigational System Authority, and the Wisconsin
21Health and Educational Facilities Authority, and the Healthy Wisconsin Authority.
AB1171, s. 34 22Section 34. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB1171,19,223 (1) Initial terms of board members. Notwithstanding the lengths of terms of
24the members of the board of directors of the Healthy Wisconsin Authority specified

1in section 238.05 (1) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by this act, the initial members
2shall be appointed for the following terms:
AB1171,19,43 (a) The 4 members specified under section 238.05 (1) (a) to (d) of the statutes,
4as created by this act, for terms that expire on July 1, 2008.
AB1171,19,65 (b) Four members specified under section 238.05 (1) (e) of the statutes, as
6created by this act, for terms that expire on July 1, 2009.
AB1171,19,87 (c) Five members specified under section 238.05 (1) (e) of the statutes, as
8created by this act, for terms that expire on July 1, 2010.
AB1171,19,229 (2) Provisional appointments of board members. Notwithstanding the
10requirement for senate confirmation of the appointment of the members of the board
11of directors of the Healthy Wisconsin Authority under section 238.05 (1) (e) of the
12statutes, as created by this act, the initial members may be provisionally appointed
13by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate. Any such appointment shall
14be in full force until acted upon by the senate, and when confirmed by the senate shall
15continue for the remainder of the term, or until a successor is chosen and qualifies.
16A provisional appointee may exercise all of the powers and duties of the office to
17which such person is appointed during the time in which the appointee qualifies.
18Any appointment made under this subsection that is withdrawn or rejected by the
19senate shall lapse. When a provisional appointment lapses, a vacancy occurs.
20Whenever a new legislature is organized, any appointments then pending before the
21senate shall be referred by the president to the appropriate standing committee of
22the newly organized senate.
AB1171,19,2323 (End)