Note: The repealed provision exempts governmental agents from the noise limits
when on official duties. This provision is repealed and replaced by a general statute
applicable to all statutes and local regulations related to police, rescue, fire fighting, and
other similar official boat users. See s. 30.64 (1).
AB500, s. 262 15Section 262. 30.62 (2m) and (3) (a) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,71,316 30.62 (2m) Overpowering. No person may sell, equip, or operate, and no owner
17of a boat motorboat may allow a person to operate, a boat motorboat with any motor

1or other
propulsion machinery beyond its safe power capacity, taking into
2consideration the type and construction of such watercraft and other existing
3operating conditions
the motorboat.
Note: The definition of "motorboat" in s. 30.50 (6) is "any boat equipped with
propulsion machinery, whether or not the machinery is the principle source of
propulsion". This provision refers to a boat with a motor or propulsion machinery, which
is by definition a motorboat. This provision is redrafted accordingly. The reference to
"other existing operating conditions" is deleted on the grounds that safe power capacity
is determined by the size and design of the motorboat and not by operating conditions.
AB500,71,7 4(3) (a) Every boat, except a sailboard and except as provided in par. pars. (b)
5and (c), shall carry at least one personal flotation device prescribed by federal
33 CFR part 175 for each person on board or being attended by the boat,
7so placed as to be readily accessible and available to the persons.
AB500, s. 263 8Section 263. 30.62 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,71,119 30.62 (3) (c) 1. In this paragraph, "racing vessel" means a manually propelled
10racing shell, rowing scull, racing canoe, or racing kayak of the type that is recognized
11by a national or international racing association for use in competitive racing.
AB500,71,1512 2. Paragraph (a) does not apply to a racing vessel if all of the vessel's occupants,
13other than a coxswain, row, scull, or paddle the vessel and if the vessel is not designed
14to carry and does not carry any equipment other than equipment used solely for
15competitive racing.
Note: This provision duplicates the exemptions in current federal rules, 33 CFR
AB500, s. 264 16Section 264. 30.62 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,72,317 30.62 (4) (a) Every motorboat, except outboards of open construction, shall be
18provided with such number, size and type of fire extinguishers, capable of promptly
19and effectively extinguishing burning gasoline,
as prescribed by rules of the
20department. Such The fire extinguishers shall be at all times kept in condition for

1immediate and effective use and shall be so placed as to be readily accessible. "Open
2construction" means construction which will not permit the entrapment of explosive
3or flammable gases or vapors.
AB500, s. 265 4Section 265. 30.62 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (4) (b) (intro.)
5and amended to read:
AB500,72,66 30.62 (4) (b) (intro.) This subsection does not apply to a any of the following:
AB500,72,10 71. A motorboat while competing in a race conducted pursuant to a permit from
8a town, village or city local governmental unit that enacts an ordinance under s.
or from an authorized agency of the U.S. federal government, nor does it apply
10to a
AB500,72,13 112. A boat designed and intended solely for racing, while the boat is operated
12incidentally to the tuning up of the boat and engine for the race at the race location
13on the day of the race.
AB500, s. 266 14Section 266. 30.62 (4) (b) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,72,1715 30.62 (4) (b) 3. A motorboat that is equipped with an outboard motor and that
16is constructed in a manner that does not permit explosive or flammable gases or
17vapors to become entrapped in the motorboat.
AB500, s. 267 18Section 267. 30.62 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,72,2319 30.62 (5) Backfire flame arresters. Every boat motorboat equipped with an
20inboard motor using gasoline as a fuel shall have the carburetors of every each
21inboard gasoline motor fitted with an efficient effective device for arresting backfire
22flames. The device shall meet the specifications prescribed by comply with federal
AB500, s. 268 24Section 268. 30.62 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (6) (a) and amended
25to read:
130.62 (6) (a) Every boat, except open boats, Except as provided in par. (b), every
using as fuel any liquid of a volatile nature, liquid fuel shall be provided
3with an efficient natural or mechanical effective ventilation system which that is
4capable of removing resulting inflammable flammable or explosive gases.
AB500, s. 269 5Section 269. 30.62 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,73,86 30.62 (6) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a motorboat that is constructed
7in a manner that does not permit explosive or flammable gases or vapors to become
8entrapped in the motorboat.
AB500, s. 270 9Section 270. 30.62 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,73,1510 30.62 (8) Battery cover . Every motorboat If a boat is equipped with storage
a battery as part of the boat's electrical system, the battery shall be
12provided with suitable supports and secured against shifting with the motion of the
13boat. Such storage batteries Both battery terminals shall be equipped with a
14nonconductive shielding means
covered to prevent accidental shorting of battery
Note: Several changes are proposed for the provision on batteries. The current
statute applies only to motorboats. If a nonmotorized boat uses a battery to power an
electrical system, there does not appear to be a reason why the nonmotorized boat should
not require securing and covering the battery. The current reference to "storage
batteries" is replaced by a reference to a battery that is part of the boat's electrical system.
This will exclude from this requirement any other equipment such as depth finders,
navigation lights or global positioning system units that are typically operated by dry cell
batteries or by small, separate 12 volt lead-acid batteries.
AB500, s. 271 16Section 271. 30.62 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The current statute requires DNR to promulgate rules to conform state
requirement regulations with federal law. This provision is replaced by a general
directive in new s. 30.5005 for the DNR to propose statutory amendments, registration,
operation and equipment standards in conformity with federal regulations.
AB500, s. 272 17Section 272. 30.625 (1) (intro.) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,73,1918 30.625 (1) (intro.) No person who is engaged in the rental or leasing of rents
19or leases
personal watercraft to the public may do any of the following:
1(2) The department may shall promulgate rules to establish minimum
2standards for the instruction given under sub. (1) (a).
Note: Section 30.5005 (1) (b), as created by this bill, states the general authority
of DNR to promulgate rules under this subchapter. However, rather than repealing s.
30.625 (2), it is changed to a mandatory provision. This makes this provision consistent
with what appears to be the legislative intent of this provision — that the DNR is required
to supplement the statute with rules regarding standards for instruction on personal
watercraft operation.
AB500, s. 273 3Section 273. 30.63 of the statutes is renumbered 30.62 (10) and amended to
AB500,74,85 30.62 (10) Sale and use of certain outboard motors restricted. (a) Sale. No
6person may sell any new outboard motor for use in on the waters of this state unless
7such the motor is equipped with a crankcase effectively sealed to prevent the
8drainage of raw fuel into the waters in which the motor is operated.
AB500,74,129 (b) Use. Beginning January 1, 1990, no No person may operate an outboard
10motor in on the waters of this state unless such the motor is equipped with a
11crankcase effectively sealed to prevent the drainage of raw fuel into the waters in
12which such the motor is operated.
AB500, s. 274 13Section 274. 30.635 of the statutes is renumbered 30.66 (4) and amended to
AB500,74,2115 30.66 (4) Motorboat prohibition Slow-no-wake; lakes 50 acres or less. On
16No person may operate a motorboat in excess of slow-no-wake speed on lakes of 50
17acres or less having public access, motorboats may not be operated in excess of
18slow-no-wake speed,
except when such the lakes serve as thoroughfares between 2
19or more navigable lakes. The department by rule may modify or waive the
20requirements of this section as to particular subsection for individual lakes, if it finds
21that public safety is not impaired by such the modification or waiver.
AB500, s. 275
1Section 275. 30.64 of the statutes is renumbered 30.68 (14), and 30.68 (14) (a)
2and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB500,75,103 30.68 (14) (a) The operator of a duly authorized patrol boat, when responding
4to an emergency call or when in pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law,
5need not comply with state law or local this subchapter or ordinances fixing
6maximum speed limits
under s. 30.77 when a siren is being sounded or emergency
7light is activated
and if due regard is given to the safety of other persons in the
8vicinity. If a an emergency light is used in conjunction with a siren, it shall be the
9oscillating or flashing type and be fitted with a blue lens
of a type and design specified
10under 33 CFR 88.11 or 88.12
Note: Patrol boats are subject to exceptions from various boat operation statutes
in ss. 30.62 (2) (i), 30.68 (7) and 30.73 (2) (a). These individual exceptions are deleted in
lieu of the general exemption from all boating operation statutes and local regulations for
a "patrol boat", as defined in new s. 30.50 (9b).
A blue light is required for law enforcement patrol boats. Red and yellow lights are
required for fire and emergency patrol boats.
AB500,75,1411 (b) Upon the approach of a duly authorized patrol boat giving an audio or visual
12signal, the operator of a boat shall reduce the boat speed to that speed necessary to
13maintain steerage control
slow-no-wake and yield the right-of-way to the patrol
14boat until it has passed.
AB500, s. 276 15Section 276. 30.65 (1) (intro.), (b) and (f) and (2) of the statutes are amended
16to read:
AB500,75,2117 30.65 (1) Meeting; overtaking; right-of-way. (intro.) Every person operating
18a boat shall comply with the following traffic rules, except when deviation therefrom
19from these rules is necessary to comply with federal pilot inland navigational rules,
20under 33 USC 2001 to 2073 and 33 CFR parts 84 to 90,
while operating on the
21navigable waters of the United States:
1(b) When 2 motorboats are approaching each other obliquely or at right angles,
2the boat which that has the other on her the right shall yield the right-of-way to the
3other. "Right" means from dead ahead, clockwise to 2 points abaft the starboard
AB500,76,65 (f) A boat granted the right-of-way by this section shall maintain her course
6and speed, unless to do so would probably result in a collision.
AB500,76,10 7(2) Additional traffic rules. The department may promulgate such
8additional traffic rules as it deems necessary in the interest of public safety. Such
9rules shall
that conform as nearly as possible to the federal pilot inland navigational
10rules under 33 USC 2001 to 2073 and the regulations under 33 CFR parts 84 to 90.
AB500, s. 277 11Section 277. 30.66 (1), (2) (title) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,76,1712 30.66 (1) Speed to be reasonable and prudent. No person shall may operate
13a motorboat at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions
14and having regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing. The speed of
15a motorboat shall be so controlled as to avoid colliding with any boat, object lawfully
16in or on the water or with any
, or person, boat or other conveyance in or on the water
17in compliance with legal requirements and exercising due care.
Note: The 2nd sentence of this subsection requires the speed of a motorboat to be
controlled to avoid collision with objects "lawfully in or on the water" or with persons or
boats that are "in compliance with legal requirements and exercising due care". This
suggests that the speed of a motorboat does not need to be controlled to avoid collision
with any object, boat or person that does not meet these requirements. The amendment
to this subsection requires motorboat speed to be controlled so as to avoid collision with
any boat, object or person in or on the water, whether or not that boat, object, or person
is lawfully in or on the water or in compliance with legal requirements or exercising due
care. This change establishes a principle of "defensive driving" for motorboat operation.
A motorboat operator is required to control motorboat speed so as to avoid collision, no
matter how any other boat is operated, any object is placed in the water, or any person
uses the water.
AB500,76,18 18(2) (title) Fixed Posted limits.
1(3) Prohibited operation Slow-no-wake. (a) Except under s. 30.69 (3), no No
2person may operate a motorboat within 100 feet of any dock, raft, pier, or buoyed
3restricted area on any lake at a speed in excess of slow-no-wake speed.
Note: The cross-reference to s. 30.69 (3) relates to restrictions on operation of a
motorboat in connection with water skiing. The cross-referenced provision establishes
various restrictions on the distance that must be maintained between a motorboat or
personal watercraft towing a skier and various other objects. The restrictions in s. 30.69
(3) (a) to (c) do not overlap or contradict the restrictions above in s. 30.66 (3) (a). Therefore,
the phrase "Except under s. 30.69 (3)", is deleted. The exception in current s. 30.69 (3)
(d) remains relevant, and is duplicated below in new s. 30.66 (3) (c). See the description
in the following comment.
AB500,77,74 (b) No person may operate a personal watercraft at a speed in excess of
5slow-no-wake within 100 feet of any other boat or within 200 feet of the shoreline
6of any lake. This paragraph does not apply if s. 30.69 (3) (a), (c) or (d) applies to the
7operation of the personal watercraft.
Note: The restriction on the operation of a personal watercraft within 200 feet of
the shoreline of a lake was added by 1997 Wisconsin Act 198. The placement of that
language in the first sentence of s. 30.66 (3) (b) creates a problem in connection with the
sentence that follows. Most of the restrictions in s. 30.69 (3) (a), (c) and (d) apply to
operation of a motorboat that is towing a water skier, and the distances that must be
maintained between the motorboat and other objects. The problem is that, for example,
if a personal watercraft operator is towing a skier, the restriction on operation within 200
feet of the shoreline of the lake does not apply. This does not appear to be the intent of
the legislature. The only portion of s. 30.69 (3) (a), (c) and (d) that applies to operation
of a personal watercraft that is towing a skier in relation to the shoreline is s. 30.69 (3)
(d), which applies to pickup and drop areas that are marked with regulatory markers and
that are open to operators of personal watercraft and to motorboats engaged in water
skiing. To resolve this problem, the bill deletes the cross-reference in par. (b) and
recreates the substance of the exception for pickup and drop areas in s. 30.66 (3) (c), below.
AB500, s. 278 8Section 278. 30.66 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,77,129 30.66 (3) (c) This subsection does not apply to pickup or drop areas that are
10marked with regulatory markers and that are open to operators of personal
11watercraft and to persons and motorboats engaged in water skiing or a similar
Note: See the comment to s. 30.66 (3) (b), above.
AB500, s. 279
1Section 279. 30.67 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 30.67 (1m) and amended
2to read:
AB500,78,103 30.67 (1m) Duty to render aid. Insofar as If the operator of a boat can do so
4without serious danger to the operator's boat or to persons on board, the operator of
5a boat involved in a boating accident shall stop the operator's boat and render to other
6persons affected thereby such
to any person affected by the accident any assistance
7as that may be practicable and necessary to save them from or feasible to save the
8person or to
minimize any danger caused by the accident. The operator shall give
9the operator's name and address and identification of the operator's boat to any
10person injured and to the owner of any property damaged in the accident.
Note: "Other persons" is replaced by "any person" to clearly provide that the duty
to render aid applies to any person affected by the accident. The current statute
commences with the provision that the operator must be able to render aid without
danger to the operator's boat or to persons on board. It is possible to read the current
statute that "other persons" does not apply to the operator or to persons on board the
operator's boat.
"Practicable" is replaced by "feasible", to use a more understandable word and with
no intention of making a change to this requirement. In effect, this is a standard of
reasonableness for the effort that must be undertaken to render aid at the scene of an
accident. "Necessary" is deleted as superfluous.
AB500, s. 280 11Section 280. 30.67 (1g) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB500,78,1212 30.67 (1g) (title) Definitions.
AB500, s. 281 13Section 281. 30.67 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,79,214 30.67 (2) Duty to report. (a) If a boating accident results in death or injury
15to any person, the disappearance of any person from a boat under circumstances
16indicating death or injury, or property damage, every operator of a boat involved in
17an accident shall, without delay and by the quickest means available, give notice of
18the accident to a conservation warden or local law enforcement officer and shall file
19a written report with the department on the form prescribed by it. The department

1shall promulgate rules necessary to keep accident reporting requirements in
2conformity with rules adopted by the U.S. coast guard.
AB500,79,53 (b) If the operator of a boat is physically incapable of making the report required
4by this subsection and there was another occupant in the boat at the time of the
5accident capable of making the report, the other occupant shall make such the report.
Note: The rationale for the repeal of the last sentence of this provision is the same
as that stated in the note describing the repeal of s. 30.501 (8).
AB500, s. 282 6Section 282. 30.67 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB500, s. 283 7Section 283. 30.67 (3) (a) and (b) of the statutes are renumbered 30.67 (1g) (a)
8and (b).
AB500, s. 284 9Section 284. 30.67 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: The definition of "total property damage" is eliminated because it is not used
in s. 30.67, stats. This term was originally used in connection with a property damage
threshold of $100 for reporting under current s. 30.67 (2), but that threshold is no longer
part of the current statute.
AB500, s. 285 10Section 285. 30.67 (4), (5) and (6) (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,79,1711 30.67 (4) Reports confidential. No report required by this section to be filed
12with the department shall may be used as evidence in any trial, civil or criminal,
13arising out of an accident, except that the department shall furnish upon demand of
14any person who has or claims to have made such a report, or upon demand of any
15court, a certificate showing that a specified accident report has or has not been made
16to the department solely to prove a compliance or a failure to comply with the
17requirement that such a report be made.
AB500,80,2 18(5) Transmittal of information to federal and state authorities. If any
19request for information available on the basis of reports filed pursuant to this section
20is duly made by an authorized official or agency of the U.S. federal government or
21of the state which that registered the boat involved or the state where the accident

1occurred, the department shall compile and furnish such the information in
2accordance with such the request.
AB500,80,21 3(6) (b) In cases of death involving a boat in which the person died within 6 hours
4of the time of the accident, a blood specimen of at least 10 cc. shall be withdrawn from
5the body of the decedent within 12 hours after his or her death, by the coroner or
6medical examiner, or by a physician so designated by the coroner or medical
7examiner or by a qualified person at the direction of the physician. All morticians
8shall obtain a release from the coroner or medical examiner prior to proceeding with
9embalming any body coming under the scope that is subject to the requirements of
10this section. The blood so drawn shall be forwarded to a laboratory approved by the
11state health officer for analysis of the alcoholic alcohol content of the blood specimen.
12The laboratory shall notify the coroner or medical examiner causing the blood to be
13withdrawn shall be notified of the results of each analysis made and the coroner or
14medical examiner
shall forward the results of each analysis to the state health
15officer. The state health officer shall keep a record of all examinations to be used for
16statistical purposes only. The cumulative results of the examinations, without
17identifying the individuals involved, shall be disseminated and made public by the
18state health officer. The department shall reimburse coroners and medical
19examiners for the costs incurred in submitting reports and taking blood specimens
20and laboratories for the costs incurred in analyzing blood specimens under this
AB500, s. 286 22Section 286. 30.675 (intro.) and (1) of the statutes are renumbered 30.675 (1g)
23and (1r) and amended to read:
AB500,81,224 30.675 (1g) The display on a boat or by a person of an orange flag approximately
2518 by 30 inches in size
a visual distress signal of a type approved by the U.S. coast

1guard under 33 CFR 175.101 to 175.140
shall indicate that such boat or person is in
2need of help.
AB500,81,6 3(1r) Insofar as If it is possible without serious danger to the operator's boat or
4persons on board, the operator of a boat observing a distress signal shall render to
5the boat or person displaying the signal such assistance as may be practicable and
is feasible to save the boat or person or to minimize any danger to them.
AB500, s. 287 7Section 287. 30.675 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB500,81,108 30.675 (2) No person shall may display a flag like that distress signal described
9in under sub. (1) (1g) unless such person is in need of assistance to prevent bodily
10injury or destruction of property.
AB500, s. 288 11Section 288. 30.68 (title) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB500,81,12 1230.68 (title) Prohibited Boat operation.
AB500,81,17 13(2) Negligent operation. No person may operate or use any boat, or
14manipulate any water skis, aquaplane engage in water skiing or a similar device
activity on the waters of this state in a careless, negligent, or reckless manner
16so as to endanger that person's life, property or person or the life, or property or of
person of another.
Note: "Manipulate" is replaced by "engage in" with no intention of making any
change. "Water skiing or a similar activity" is defined in s. 30.50 by this bill. The last
phrase of this provision is simplified to refer to "the life or property of any person". The
reference to the "life" of a person refers to risks of both injury and death. The reference
to "any person" simplifies the language while continuing to refer to the person operating
or using a boat, water skis, or other device, any person on board the boat, as well as any
other person.
AB500, s. 289 18Section 289. 30.68 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 30.68 (3) and amended
19to read:
AB500,82,220 30.68 (3) Operation by incapacitated person or minor. No person in charge or
21control of a boat shall may authorize or knowingly permit the boat to be operated by

1any person who by reason of physical or mental disability incapacity is incapable of
2operating such the boat under the prevailing circumstances.
Note: This subsection is split into 2 subsections (see sub. (3m), below). Subsection
(3) applies only to persons lacking the capability of operating a boat. This provision
currently refers to physical or mental disability, but the title uses the word
"incapacitated". The title suggests that this provision is meant to be broader than a
narrow concept of physical or mental disability. This bill substitutes "incapacity" for
"disability". Incapacity is broader than "physical or mental disability", as it could include
any condition that has a bearing on the ability to operate a boat, such as physical strength
or fatigue. The last phrase, "under the prevailing circumstances", makes it clear that the
capacity to operate a boat under some conditions (e.g., in a sheltered bay) may not indicate
a capacity to operate the boat under other conditions (e.g., on a wind-swept lake).
AB500, s. 290 3Section 290. 30.68 (3) (b) to (d) of the statutes are renumbered 30.68 (3m) (a)
4to (c), and 30.68 (3m) (a) and (c), as renumbered, are amended to read: