AB588, s. 109 22Section 109. 195.50 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,40,9 23195.50 Information, papers and accounting. (1) Any officer, agent or
24employee of any railroad or water carrier who fails to fill out and return any forms
25required by this chapter, or fails to answer any question therein, or knowingly gives

1a false answer to any such question, or evades the answer to any such question where
2the fact inquired of is within his or her knowledge, or who, upon proper demand, fails
3to exhibit to the office or department or any person authorized to examine the same,
4any book, paper, account, record or memoranda of such railroad or water carrier
5which is in the possession or under control of the officer, agent or employee, or who
6fails to properly use and keep the system of accounting prescribed by the office, or
7who refuses to do any act or thing in connection with such system of accounting when
8so directed by the office or its authorized representatives, shall forfeit not less than
9$100 nor more than $1,000 for each offense.
AB588,40,13 10(2) A forfeiture of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 shall be recovered
11from the railroad or water carrier for each such offense when such officer, agent or
12employee acted in obedience to the direction, instruction or request of such railroad
13or water carrier or any general officer thereof.
AB588, s. 110 14Section 110. 195.60 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,40,16 15195.60 (title) Payment of office expenses by railroads and water
AB588, s. 111 17Section 111. 195.60 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,41,1818 195.60 (1) Whenever the office in a proceeding upon its own motion, on
19complaint, or upon an application to it deems it necessary in order to carry out the
20duties imposed upon it by law to investigate the books, accounts, practices and
21activities of, or make appraisals of the property of any railroad or water carrier or
22to render any engineering or accounting services to any railroad or water carrier, the
23railroad or water carrier shall pay the expenses attributable to such investigation,
24appraisal or service. The office shall ascertain such expenses, including all expenses
25incurred by the department at the request or direction of the office and shall render

1a bill therefor, by mail, to the railroad or water carrier, either at the conclusion of the
2investigation, appraisal or services, or during its progress. The bill shall constitute
3notice of assessment and demand of payment thereof. The railroad or water carrier
4shall, within 30 days after the mailing thereof, pay to the office the amount of the
5special expense for which it is billed. Ninety percent of the payment shall be credited
6to the appropriation account under s. 20.155 (2) (g). The total amount, in any one
7calendar year, for which any railroad or water carrier becomes liable, by reason of
8costs incurred by the office within such calendar year, shall not exceed four-fifths of
9one percent of its gross operating revenues derived from intrastate operations in the
10last preceding calendar year. Where, under this subsection, costs are incurred
11within any calendar year, which are in excess of four-fifths of one percent of such
12gross operating revenues, the excess costs shall not be chargeable as part of the
13remainder under sub. (2) but shall be paid out of the general appropriation to the
14office. Nothing in this subsection shall prevent the office from rendering bills in one
15calendar year for costs incurred within a previous year. For the purpose of
16calculating the costs of investigations, appraisals and other services under this
17subsection, 90% 90 percent of the costs determined shall be costs of the office and 10%
1810 percent of the costs determined shall be costs of state government operations.
AB588, s. 112 19Section 112. 195.60 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,42,1320 195.60 (2) The office shall annually, within 90 days after the close of each fiscal
21year, ascertain the total of its expenditures during such year which are reasonably
22attributable to the performance of its duties relating to railroads and water carriers.
23For purposes of such calculation, 90% 90 percent of the expenditures so determined
24shall be expenditures of the office and 10% 10 percent of the expenditures so
25determined shall be expenditures for state government operations. The office shall

1deduct therefrom all amounts chargeable to railroads and water carriers under sub.
2(1) and s. 201.10 (3). A sum equal to the remainder plus 10% 10 percent of the
3remainder shall be assessed by the office to the several railroads and water carriers
4in proportion to their respective gross operating revenues during the last calendar
5year, derived from intrastate operations. Such assessment shall be paid within 30
6days after the bill has been mailed to the several railroads and water carriers, which
7bill shall constitute notice of assessment and demand of payment thereof. The total
8amount which may be assessed to the railroads and water carriers under authority
9of this subsection shall not exceed 1.85% 1.85 percent of the total gross operating
10revenues of such railroads and water carriers, during such calendar year, derived
11from intrastate operations. Ninety percent of the payment shall be credited to the
12appropriation account under s. 20.155 (2) (g). The railroads and water carriers shall
13furnish such financial information as the office requires for purposes of this section.
AB588, s. 113 14Section 113. 195.60 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,43,415 195.60 (3) If any railroad or water carrier against which a bill has been
16rendered under sub. (1) or (2) within 30 days after the rendering of such bill neglects
17or refuses to pay the same or fails to file objections to the bill with the office, the office
18shall transmit to the secretary of administration a certified copy of the bill, together
19with notice of neglect or refusal to pay the bill, and on the same day the office shall
20mail to the railroad or water carrier against which the bill has been rendered a copy
21of the notice which it has transmitted to the secretary of administration. Within 10
22days after the receipt of such notice and certified copy of such bill, the secretary of
23administration shall levy the amount stated on such bill to be due, with interest, by
24distress and sale of any goods and chattels, including stocks, securities, bank
25accounts, evidences of debt, and accounts receivable belonging to such delinquent

1railroad or water carrier. Such levy by distress and sale shall be governed by the
2provisions of s. 74.10, 1985 stats., except that it shall be made by the secretary of
3administration and that said goods and chattels anywhere within the state may be
4levied upon.
AB588, s. 114 5Section 114. 195.60 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,43,156 195.60 (4) (a) Within 30 days after the date of the mailing of any bill as provided
7by subs. (1) and (2), the railroad or water carrier against which such bill has been
8rendered may file with the office objections setting out in detail the grounds upon
9which the objector regards the bill to be excessive, erroneous, unlawful or invalid.
10The office, after notice to the objector, shall hold a hearing upon such objections, not
11less than 5 nor more than 10 days after such notice. If after such hearing the office
12finds any part of the bill to be excessive, erroneous, unlawful or invalid it shall record
13its findings upon its minutes and transmit to the objector an amended bill, in
14accordance with such findings. The amended bill shall have in all ways the same
15force and effect under this section as an original bill rendered under subs. (1) and (2).
AB588, s. 115 16Section 115. 195.60 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,44,317 195.60 (5) No suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any court for the
18purpose of restraining or in any way delaying the collection or payment of any bill
19rendered under subs. (1) and (2). Every railroad or water carrier against which a bill
20is rendered shall pay the amount thereof, and after such payment may in the manner
21herein provided, at any time within 2 years from the date the payment was made,
22sue the state in an action at law to recover the amount paid with legal interest
23thereon from the date of payment, upon the ground that the assessment was
24excessive, erroneous, unlawful, or invalid in whole or in part. If it is finally
25determined in such action that any part of the bill for which payment was made was

1excessive, erroneous, unlawful, or invalid, the secretary of administration shall
2make a refund to the claimant as directed by the court, which shall be charged to the
3appropriations to the office.
AB588, s. 116 4Section 116. 197.10 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,44,235 197.10 (4) Insofar as the use, operation, service, management, control, sale,
6lease, purchase, extension, improvement, rates, value or earnings of the properties
7of the public utility or provisions looking toward the ultimate acquisition of the same
8are made subject to the terms of any contract provided for in sub. (1), and so long as
9said contract remains in force, the following sections of the statutes shall be
10inapplicable to the same: ss. 195.05, 195.10, 196.02 (1) and (2), 196.05, 196.09,
11196.10, 196.11, 196.15, 196.16, 196.19 (6), 196.20, 196.21, 196.22, 196.26, 196.28,
12196.30, 196.37, 196.39, 196.40, 196.58, 196.70, 197.01 (2) to (4), 197.02, 197.03,
13197.04, 197.05, 197.06, 197.08 and 197.09; provided that nothing in any contract
14made hereunder shall operate to prevent an appeal to the public service commission
15by any person, other than a party to said contract, upon any complaint alleging that
16any rate, fare, charge or classification, or any joint rate, or any regulation, act or
17practice relating to the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of gas, heat,
18light or power, or any service in connection therewith, is unjustly discriminatory, or
19that any such service is inadequate or cannot be obtained. Upon said appeal the
20commission shall, as provided by law, determine and by order fix a rate, fare, charge,
21classification, joint rate or regulation, act or practice or service to be imposed,
22observed or followed in the future in lieu of that found to be unjustly discriminatory
23or inadequate.
AB588, s. 117 24Section 117. 201.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1201.01 (1) "Commission" means the office of the commissioner of railroads in
2the case of railroads water carriers and the public service commission in the case of
3other public service corporations.
AB588, s. 118 4Section 118. 201.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,45,235 201.01 (2) "Public service corporation" means and embraces every corporation,
6except municipalities and other political subdivisions, which is a public utility as
7defined in s. 196.01, and every corporation which is a railroad water carrier as
8defined in s. 195.02, but shall not include a public utility corporation receiving an
9annual gross revenue of less than $1,000 for the calendar year next preceding the
10issuance of any securities by it. "Public service corporation" includes a holding
11company, as defined under s. 196.795 (1) (h), which is a public utility, as defined
12under s. 196.01 (5). "Public service corporation" does not include a
13telecommunications utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (10). "Public service corporation"
14does not include any other holding company unless the holding company was formed
15after November 28, 1985, and unless the commission has determined, under s.
16196.795 (7) (a), that each nonutility affiliate, as defined under s. 196.795 (1) (j), does
17not and cannot reasonably be expected to do at least one of the items specified in s.
18196.795 (7) (a). "Public service corporation" does not include a company, as defined
19in s. 196.795 (1) (f), which owns, operates, manages or controls a telecommunications
20utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (10), unless such company also owns, operates,
21manages or controls a public utility which is not a telecommunications utility.
22"Public service corporation" does not include a transmission company, as defined in
23s. 196.485 (1) (ge).
AB588, s. 119 24Section 119. 201.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
1201.13 Stock. Subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the commission under
2this chapter and to all other applicable provisions of law relating to railroad water
or other special types of corporations, all classes and series of stock of a public
4service corporation shall be governed by the provisions of ch. 180.
AB588, s. 120 5Section 120. 706.05 (2m) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,46,106 706.05 (2m) (b) 2. Descriptions of property that is subject to liens granted on
7property thereafter acquired by a rural electric cooperative, or a telephone
8cooperative, organized under ch. 185, by a pipeline company under s. 76.02 (5), by
9a public utility under s. 196.01 (5) or by a railroad under s. 195.02 (1) or a water
10carrier under s. 195.02
AB588, s. 121 11Section 121. 706.09 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB588,46,1912 706.09 (3) (a) Public service corporations, railroads, electric cooperatives,
13trustees, governmental units.
While owned, occupied or used by any public service
14corporation, any railroad corporation as defined in s. 195.02 (1), any water carrier
15as defined in s. 195.02 (5)
, any electric cooperative organized and operating on a
16nonprofit basis under ch. 185, or any trustee or receiver of any such corporation or
17electric cooperative, or any mortgagee or trust deed trustee or receiver thereof; nor
18any such interest while held by the United States, the state or any political
19subdivision or municipal corporation thereof; or
AB588, s. 122 20Section 122. Initial applicability.
AB588,46,2221 (1) This act first applies to railroad activities and operations occurring on the
22effective date of this subsection.
AB588,46,2323 (End)