AB785,124,1311 d. Whether the individual's condition for which psychotropic medication has
12been prescribed has been improved by psychotropic medication and the individual
13has responded positively to psychotropic medication.
AB785,124,1614 e. If the petitioner alleged under s. 55.14 (3) (e) 2. that the individual met one
15of the dangerousness criteria set forth in s. 51.20 (1) (a) 2. a. to e., whether the
16individual continues to meet the criterion.
AB785,124,1917 f. The comments of the individual and the individual's guardian during the
18performance of the review, as summarized by the county department, and the
19response of the county department to the comments.
AB785,124,2220 g. The comments, if any, of a staff member at the facility at which the individual
21is placed or receives services or at which psychotropic medication is administered to
22the individual that are relevant to the review of the continued need for the order.
AB785,124,2423 2. File with the court under subd. 1. a petition for annual review by the court
24of the order.
13. Provide the report under subd. 1. to the individual and the guardian of the
AB785,125,93 (b) If, following an annual review of an individual's status under par. (a), the
4individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem requests termination of
5the order and a hearing under the requirements of s. 55.10 (4) is provided, or if a
6hearing under the requirements of s. 55.10 (4) is provided pursuant to a petition for
7modification or termination of the order, the county department is not required to
8initiate a subsequent review under par. (a) until the first day of the 11th month after
9the date that the court issues a final order after the hearing.
AB785,125,1210 (bm) If the individual is subject to a protective placement order, the review
11under par. (a) shall be conducted simultaneously with the review under s. 55.18 of
12the individual's protective placement.
AB785,125,1513 (c) The review under par. (a) may not be conducted by a person who is an
14employee of a facility in which the individual resides or from which the individual
15receives services.
AB785,125,20 16(1m) County agreement. The county of residence of an individual who is
17subject to an order under s. 55.14 and is provided protective placement in a different
18county may enter into an agreement with that county under which the county of the
19individual's placement performs all or part of the duties of the county of residence
20under this section.
AB785,125,24 21(2) Guardian ad litem appointment and report. After a county department has
22filed a report with a court under sub. (1) (a) 1., the court shall appoint a guardian ad
23litem in accordance with s. 757.48 (1). The guardian ad litem shall do all of the
1(a) Review the report filed under sub. (1) (a) 1., and any other relevant reports
2on the individual's condition and continued need for the order under s. 55.14.
AB785,126,43 (b) Meet with the individual and contact the individual's guardian and orally
4explain to the individual and guardian all of the following:
AB785,126,65 1. The procedure for review of an order for involuntary administration of
6psychotropic medication.
AB785,126,77 2. The right of the individual to appointment of legal counsel under sub. (3) (c).
AB785,126,88 3. The right to an evaluation under sub. (3) (b).
AB785,126,99 4. The contents of the report under sub. (1) (a) 1.
AB785,126,1210 5. That a termination or modification of the order or modification of the
11treatment plan for involuntary administration of psychotropic medication may be
12ordered by the court.
AB785,126,1513 6. The right to a hearing under sub. (3) (d) and an explanation that the
14individual or the individual's guardian may request a hearing that meets the
15requirements under s. 55.10 (4).
AB785,126,1716 (c) Provide the information required under par. (b) to the individual and to the
17individual's guardian in writing.
AB785,126,1818 (d) Review the individual's condition and rights with the individual's guardian.
AB785,126,2019 (e) Ascertain whether the individual wishes to exercise any of his or her rights
20under sub. (3) (b), (c), or (d).
AB785,126,2521 (f) Within 30 days after appointment, file with the court a written report based
22on information obtained under this subsection and any other evaluations or records
23of the individual. The report shall discuss whether the individual appears to
24continue to meet the standards for an order under s. 55.14. The report shall also state
25whether any of the following apply:
11. An evaluation under sub. (3) (b) is requested by the guardian ad litem, the
2individual, or the individual's guardian.
AB785,127,43 2. The individual or the individual's guardian requests termination of the order
4under s. 55.14.
AB785,127,65 3. The individual or the individual's guardian requests or the guardian ad litem
6recommends that legal counsel be appointed for the individual.
AB785,127,87 4. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem requests a
8full due process hearing under this section for the individual.
AB785,127,109 (g) Certify to the court that he or she has complied with the requirements of
10pars. (a) to (e).
AB785,127,13 11(3) Court review of reports; hearing; order. (a) The court that issued the
12order under s. 55.14 shall review the report of the guardian ad litem under sub. (2)
13(f) and the report filed under sub. (1) (a) 1.
AB785,127,1814 (b) The court shall order an evaluation, by a person who is not an employee of
15the county department, of the physical, mental, and social condition of the individual
16that is relevant to the issue of the continued need for the order under s. 55.14 and
17that is independent of the review performed under sub. (1) (a) if any of the following
AB785,127,2019 1. The report required under sub. (1) (a) 1. is not timely filed, or the court
20determines that the report fails to meet the requirements of sub. (1) (c).
AB785,127,2221 2. Following review of the guardian ad litem's report under sub. (2) (f), the court
22determines that an independent evaluation for the individual is necessary.
AB785,127,2323 3. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
1(bm) If an evaluation is ordered under par. (b), it shall be performed at the
2expense of the individual or, if the individual is indigent, at the expense of the county
3under sub. (1) (a).
AB785,128,54 (br) The court shall order that the county department obtain any other
5necessary information with respect to the individual.
AB785,128,86 (c) The court shall order legal counsel for an individual and, if the individual
7appears to be indigent, refer him or her to the authority for indigency determinations
8under s. 977.07 (1) if any of the following apply:
AB785,128,109 1. Following review of the guardian ad litem's report under sub. (2) (f), the court
10determines that legal counsel for the individual is necessary.
AB785,128,1111 2. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
AB785,128,1712 (d) The court shall order either a summary hearing or a hearing under the
13requirements of s. 55.10 (4). A summary hearing shall be held on the record, may
14be held in court or by other means, including by telephone or videoconference, is not
15an evidentiary hearing, and does not require attendance by the individual. The court
16shall hold a hearing under the requirements of s. 55.10 (4) if any of the following
AB785,128,1818 1. The individual or the individual's guardian or guardian ad litem so requests.
AB785,128,2019 2. The report under sub. (2) (f) indicates that the individual no longer meets the
20standards for an order under s. 55.14 (8).
AB785,128,2121 3. The report under sub. (2) (f) indicates that the individual objects to the order.
AB785,128,2222 (e) Following the hearing under par. (d), the court shall do one of the following:
AB785,129,223 1. If the court finds that the individual continues to meet the standards for an
24order under s. 55.14 (8), the court shall order the continuation of the order. The court
25shall include in the order the information relied upon as a basis for the order and

1shall make findings based on the requirements for allegations of a petition under s.
255.14 (3) in support of the need for continuation of the order.
AB785,129,113 2. If the court finds that the individual continues to meet the standards for an
4order under s. 55.14 (8) but that modification of the order or the treatment plan would
5be in the best interests of the individual, the court shall modify the order, order
6modifications to the individual's treatment plan, or both. Any modifications to the
7treatment plan are subject to the approval of the guardian. The court shall include
8in the order the information relied upon as a basis for its order and shall make
9findings based on the requirements for allegations of a petition under s. 55.14 (3) in
10support of the need for authorizing the guardian to consent to involuntary
11administration of psychotropic medication.
AB785,129,1712 3. If the court finds that the individual no longer meets the standards for an
13order under s. 55.14 (8), the court shall terminate the order. If the order is
14terminated, the court shall review the needs of the individual with respect to other
15protective services. If the court determines that the individual meets the standards
16for other protective services under s. 55.08 (2) that are not currently being provided
17to the individual, the court may order those protective services for the individual.
AB785,129,1918 (f) The court shall provide a copy of the order made under par. (e) to all of the
AB785,129,2020 1. The individual.
AB785,129,2121 2. The individual's guardian, guardian ad litem, and legal counsel, if any.
AB785,129,2322 3. The facility in which the individual resided, if any, when the petition for
23annual review was filed.
AB785,129,2424 4. The county department under sub. (1) (a) and, if relevant, sub. (1m).

Note: Requires annual court review of all orders authorizing involuntary
administration of psychotropic medication, as described in detail in the prefatory note.
AB785, s. 171 1Section 171. 165.85 (4) (b) 1d. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,130,92 165.85 (4) (b) 1d. b. Training on emergency detention standards and
3procedures under s. 51.15, emergency protective placement standards and
4procedures under s. 55.06 (11) 55.135, and information on mental health and
5developmental disabilities agencies and other resources that may be available to
6assist the officer in interpreting the emergency detention and emergency protective
7placement standards, making emergency detentions and emergency protective
8placements, and locating appropriate facilities for the emergency detentions and
9emergency protective placements of persons.
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law specifying required elements of
law enforcement training programs to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55.
AB785, s. 172 10Section 172. 165.86 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,131,311 165.86 (2) (b) Organize a program of training, which shall encourage
12utilization of existing facilities and programs through cooperation with federal,
13state, and local agencies and institutions presently active in this field. Priority shall
14be given to the establishment of the statewide preparatory and recertification
15training programs described in sub. (1), but the department shall cooperate in the
16creation and operation of other advanced and special courses, including courses
17relating to emergency detention of persons under s. 51.15 and emergency protective
18placement under s. 55.06 (11) 55.135, that meet the curriculum standards
19recommended by the board. The department may satisfy the requirement for
20cooperating in the development of special courses relating to emergency detention
21and emergency protective placement by cooperating with county departments of
22community programs in the development of these courses under s. 51.42 (3) (ar) 4.

1d. The department shall keep appropriate records of all such training courses given
2in the state and the results thereof in terms of persons attending, agencies
3represented, and, where applicable, individual grades given.
AB785, s. 173 4Section 173. 301.01 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,131,95 301.01 (2) (intro.) "Prisoner" means any person who is either arrested,
6incarcerated, imprisoned, or otherwise detained in excess of 12 hours by any law
7enforcement agency of this state, except when detention is pursuant to s. 55.06 (11)
8(a), 2003 stats., or
s. 51.15, 51.20, 51.45 (11) (b), or 55.06 (11) (a) 55.135 or ch. 980.
9"Prisoner" does not include any of the following:
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law defining "prisoner" in chapter 301
of the statutes, pertaining to the department of corrections, to reflect renumbering and
amending of ch. 55.
AB785, s. 174 10Section 174 . 560.9811 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB785,131,1312 560.9811 (1) In this section, "chronic mental illness serious and persistent" has
13the meaning given in s. 51.01 (3g) (14t).
AB785, s. 175 14Section 175 . 560.9811 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB785,131,2316 560.9811 (2) From the appropriation under s. 20.143 (2) (fr), the department
17may not award more than $45,000 in each fiscal year to applying public or nonprofit
18private entities for the costs of providing certain mental health services to homeless
19individuals with chronic serious and persistent mental illness. Entities that receive
20funds awarded by the department under this subsection shall provide the mental
21health services required under 42 USC 290cc-24. The amount that the department
22awards to an applying entity may not exceed 50% of the amount of matching funds
23required under 42 USC 290cc-23.

Note: Sections 174 and 175 delete the word "chronic" and replace it with the term
"serious and persistent" to modify the term "mental illness", which is more up-to-date
AB785, s. 176 1Section 176. 609.65 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,132,102 609.65 (1) (intro.) If an enrollee of a limited service health organization,
3preferred provider plan, or defined network plan is examined, evaluated, or treated
4for a nervous or mental disorder pursuant to a court order under s. 880.33 (4m) or
5(4r), 2003 stats.,
an emergency detention under s. 51.15, a commitment or a court
6order under s. 51.20 or 880.33 (4m) or (4r), an order under s. 55.14 or 55.19 (3) (e),
7or an order under ch. 980, then, notwithstanding the limitations regarding
8participating providers, primary providers, and referrals under ss. 609.01 (2) to (4)
9and 609.05 (3), the limited service health organization, preferred provider plan, or
10defined network plan shall do all of the following:
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law regarding insurance coverage for
court-ordered services for the mentally ill, to reflect renumbering and amending of ch.
AB785, s. 177 11Section 177. 757.69 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,132,2012 757.69 (1) (h) Hear petitions for commitment and conduct probable cause
13hearings under ss. 51.20, 51.45, 55.13, and 55.06 (11) 55.135, conduct reviews of
14guardianships and protective placements and protective services under chs. 55 and
15880, advise a person alleged to be mentally ill of his or her rights under the United
16States and Wisconsin constitutions, and, if the person claims or appears to be unable
17to afford counsel, refer the person to the authority for indigency determinations
18specified under s. 977.07 (1) or, if the person is a child, refer that child to the state
19public defender who shall appoint counsel for the child without a determination of
20indigency, as provided in s. 48.23 (4).
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law authorizing circuit court
commissioners to conduct probable cause hearings on emergency protective placements,

to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55 and authorizes commissioners to conduct
probable cause hearings for emergency protective services, which are created in the bill.
AB785, s. 178 1Section 178. 767.24 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,133,62 767.24 (7) (b) A parent who has been denied periods of physical placement with
3a child under this section is subject to s. 118.125 (2) (m) with respect to that child's
4school records, s. 51.30 (5) (bm) with respect to the child's court or treatment records,
5s. 55.07 55.23 with respect to the child's records relating to protective services, and
6s. 146.835 with respect to the child's patient health care records.
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law regarding access to a child's
records relating to protective services by a parent who has been denied periods of physical
placement with a child, to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55.
AB785, s. 179 7Section 179. 808.075 (4) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,133,108 808.075 (4) (c) 1. Review Protective placement review under s. 55.18,
9modification under s. 55.16, or termination of protective placement under s. 55.06
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law regarding permitted court actions
pending appeal, to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55.
AB785, s. 180 11Section 180. 808.075 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,133,1212 808.075 (4) (c) 2. Hearing required upon transfer under s. 55.06 (9) 55.15.
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law regarding permitted court actions
pending appeal, to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55.
AB785, s. 181 13Section 181. 808.075 (4) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,133,1414 808.075 (4) (c) 3. Enforcement of patient's rights under s. 55.07 55.23.
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law regarding permitted court actions
pending appeal, to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55.
AB785, s. 182 15Section 182. 809.30 (1) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,133,1716 809.30 (1) (b) 5. Any other person who may appeal under ss. 51.13 (5), 51.20
17(15), or 55.06 (18) 55.20.
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law regarding appeal procedures in
cases under ch. 55, to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55.
AB785, s. 183
1Section 183. 809.30 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB785,134,82 809.30 (3) Appeals by state or other party; appointment of counsel. In a case
3in which the state of Wisconsin, the representative of the public, any other party, or
4any person who may appeal under s. 51.13 (5), 51.20 (15), or 55.06 (18) 55.20 appeals
5and the person who is the subject of the case or proceeding is a child or claims to be
6indigent, the court shall refer the person who is the subject of the case or proceeding
7to the state public defender for the determination of indigency and the appointment
8of legal counsel under ch. 977.
Note: Changes a cross-reference in current law regarding appeal procedures in
cases under ch. 55, to reflect renumbering and amending of ch. 55.