SB448,13,2524 2. A vote is held of the units' owners to which at least a majority of the votes
25of the members of the association are allocated.
13. The full board of directors of the association and the contractor have met in
2person and conferred in a good faith attempt to resolve the association's claim, or the
3contractor has definitively declined or ignored the requests to meet with the board
4of directors of the association.
SB448,14,65 4. The association has otherwise satisfied all of the pre-action requirements
6for a claimant to commence an action under this section.
SB448,14,117 (f) At least 3 working days in advance of any vote to commence an action by an
8association to recover damages resulting from construction defects in any of the
9common elements or limited common elements of a condominium, the attorney
10representing the association shall provide to each unit's owner a written statement
11that includes, in reasonable detail all of the following:
SB448,14,1312 1. The construction defects and damages or injuries to the common elements
13or limited common elements.
SB448,14,1414 2. The cause of the construction defects, if the cause is known.
SB448,14,1615 3. The nature and the extent that is known of the damage or injury resulting
16from the construction defects.
SB448,14,1817 4. The location of each construction defect within the common elements or
18limited common elements, if known.
SB448,14,2019 5. A reasonable estimate of the cost of the action, including reasonable attorney
20fees and costs, expert fees, and the costs of testing.
SB448,14,2221 6. All disclosure that the unit owner is required to make upon the sale of the
SB448,15,223 (g) An association or an attorney for an association may not employ a person
24to perform destructive tests to determine any damage or injury to a unit, common

1element, or limited common element caused by a construction defect unless all of the
2following are true:
SB448,15,33 1. The person has expertise in the testing.
SB448,15,64 2. The association has obtained the prior written approval of each unit's owner
5whose unit or interest in the common element or limited common element will be
6affected by the testing.
SB448,15,77 3. The person performing the tests has provided a written schedule for repairs.
SB448,15,98 4. The person performing the tests is required to repair all damage resulting
9from the tests in accordance with state laws and applicable local ordinances.
SB448,15,1110 5. The association or the person so employed obtains all permits required to
11conduct the tests and to repair any damage resulting from the tests.
SB448,15,1312 6. Reasonable prior notice and opportunity to observe the tests is given to the
13contractor against whom an action may be brought as a result of the tests.
SB448,15,1914 (h) An association may commence an action only upon a vote or written
15agreement of the owners of the units to which at least a majority of the votes of the
16members of the association are allocated. In such a case, the association shall
17provide written notice to the owner of each unit of the meeting at which the
18commencement of an action is to be considered or action is to be taken at least 15
19working days before the meeting.
SB448,15,2320 (i) The board of directors of an association may, without giving notice to the
21units' owners, employ a contractor and other persons necessary to make immediate
22repairs to a unit or common element within the condominium as are required to
23protect the health and safety of the units' owners.
SB448,16,12 24(9) Contribution. (a) A contractor may not seek contribution from a supplier
25for a claim that a claimant makes against the contractor unless the contractor

1provides the supplier with a written notice of the claimant's claim and the
2contribution claim within 5 working days after the contractor's receipt of the claim.
3The contractor shall explain the contribution claim in sufficient detail to explain the
4nature and results of the alleged construction defect. The contractor shall provide
5the supplier all evidence the contractor knows or possesses, including expert reports,
6photographs, electronic mail, and videotapes that depict the nature and cause of the
7alleged construction defect. In addition, the contractor shall provide to the supplier
8any evidence discoverable under ch. 804 that depicts the nature and cause of the
9alleged construction defect, including expert reports, photographs, and videotapes.
10The evidence provided to the supplier shall include all of the evidence provided to the
11contractor by the claimant. The contractor may not later use evidence in an action
12under this section that the contractor withholds or fails to produce.
SB448,16,1913 (b) Within 15 working days after a supplier has received notice that a contractor
14is seeking contribution under par. (a), the supplier may serve the contractor with a
15written response that offers to settle the contribution claim by payment, by repair,
16or by both payment and repair without inspection or that offers to inspect the
17dwelling that is the subject of the contribution claim. The contractor shall forward
18the supplier's response to the claimant. The supplier and contractor shall use their
19best efforts to coordinate their responses to claims and contribution claims.
SB448,16,2420 (c) If the supplier wholly rejects the contribution claim and will neither remedy
21the alleged construction defect nor settle the claim, or does not respond to the
22contractor's notice of contribution claim within the time under par. (b), the contractor
23may bring an action against the supplier for the claims described in the notice of
24contribution claim without further notice.
1(d) If the contractor rejects a settlement offer made by the supplier, the
2contractor shall provide written notice of the contractor's rejection to the supplier
3and, if the supplier is represented by legal counsel, the supplier's attorney. The
4notice shall include the specific factual and, if known, legal reasons for the
5contractor's rejection of the supplier's proposal or offer. If the contractor believes that
6the settlement offer omits reference to any portion of the claim, or was unreasonable,
7the contractor shall in its written notice include those items that the contractor
8believes were omitted and set forth in detail all reasons why the contractor believes
9the settlement offer is unreasonable. In any subsequent action in which the
10contractor asserts that the settlement offer was unreasonable, the contractor may
11not raise any reasons that were not included in its response to the supplier.
SB448,18,812 (e) If a supplier proposes to inspect the dwelling that is the subject of the
13contribution claim, the contractor and claimant shall, within 15 working days after
14receiving the supplier's proposal, provide the supplier and its agents, experts, and
15consultants prompt and complete access to the dwelling to inspect the dwelling,
16document any alleged construction defects, and perform any testing required to
17evaluate fully the nature, extent, and cause of the claimed construction defects and
18the nature and extent of any repairs or replacements that may be necessary to
19remedy them. If destructive testing is required, the supplier shall give the contractor
20and claimant and all persons on whom a notice of claim or contribution claim has
21been served advance notice of the testing at least 5 working days before
22commencement of the testing and shall, after completion of the testing, return the
23dwelling to its pre-testing condition. If any inspection or testing reveals a condition
24that requires additional testing to allow the supplier to evaluate fully the nature,
25cause, and extent of the construction defect, the supplier shall provide notice to the

1contractor and claimant and all persons on whom a notice of claim or contribution
2claim has been served of the need for the additional testing and the contractor and
3claimant shall provide access under this paragraph. If a claim is asserted on behalf
4of the contractor of multiple dwellings, or multiple owners of units within a
5multifamily complex, then the supplier shall be entitled to inspect each of the
6dwellings or units. The contractor and claimant shall either provide a specific day
7for the inspection upon reasonable notice for an inspection or require the supplier to
8request in writing a day, at least 3 working days before the inspection.
SB448,18,119 (f) Within 10 working days following completion of the inspection and receipt
10of all testing results under par. (e), the supplier may serve on the contractor any of
11the following:
SB448,18,1512 1. A written offer to remedy fully or partially the construction defect at no cost
13to the contractor. The offer shall include a description of any additional construction
14necessary to remedy the construction defect and an anticipated timetable for the
15completion of the construction.
SB448,18,1616 2. A written offer to settle the claim by monetary payment.
SB448,18,1717 3. A written offer including a combination of repairs and monetary payment.
SB448,18,1918 4. A written statement that the supplier will not proceed further to remedy the
19construction defect.
SB448,19,320 (g) If a contractor accepts a supplier's offer made under par. (f) within 15
21working days after receipt of the offer, or if the offer is deemed accepted under par.
22(m), and the supplier does not proceed to make the monetary payment or remedy the
23construction defect within the agreed timetable, the contractor may bring an action
24against the supplier for the claim described in the notice of claim without further
25notice. The claimant may also file the supplier's offer and contractor's acceptance

1in the circuit court action, and the offer and acceptance creates a rebuttable
2presumption that a binding and valid settlement agreement has been created and
3should be enforced by the court.
SB448,19,74 (h) If a contractor receives a written statement that the supplier will not
5proceed further to remedy the construction defect, the contractor may bring an action
6against the supplier for the claim described in the notice of claim without further
SB448,19,178 (i) If the contractor rejects the offer made by the supplier to remedy the
9construction defect or to settle the claim by monetary payment or a combination of
10each, the contractor shall serve written notice of the contractor's rejection on the
11supplier. The notice shall include the specific factual and, if known, legal reasons for
12the contractors rejection of the supplier's offer. If the contractor believes the
13supplier's settlement offer is unreasonable, the contractor shall set forth in detail all
14reasons why the claimant believes the settlement offer is unreasonable. In any
15subsequent action in which the contractor asserts that the settlement offer was
16unreasonable, the contractor may not raise any new reasons unless the contractor
17later discovers significant information.
SB448,19,2018 (j) Upon receipt of a contractor's rejection and the reasons for the rejection, the
19supplier may, within 10 working days of receiving the rejection, make a
20supplemental offer of repair or monetary payment to the contractor.
SB448,20,621 (k) If the contractor rejects the supplemental offer made by the supplier to
22remedy the construction defect or to settle the claim by monetary payment or a
23combination of each, the contractor shall serve written notice of the contractor's
24rejection on the supplier. The notice shall include the specific factual and, if known,
25legal reasons for the contractor's rejection of the supplier's supplemental settlement

1offer. If the contractor believes the supplier's supplemental settlement offer is
2unreasonable, the contractor shall set forth in detail all reasons why the contractor
3believes the supplemental settlement offer is unreasonable. In any subsequent
4action in which the contractor asserts that the settlement offer was unreasonable,
5the contractor may not raise any reasons that were not included in its response to
6the supplier.
SB448,20,167 (L) If a contractor rejects a reasonable offer, including any reasonable
8supplemental offer, made as provided under this subsection or does not permit the
9supplier to repair the construction defect pursuant to an accepted offer of settlement,
10the contractor may not recover an amount in excess of the fair market value of the
11offer of settlement, or the actual cost of the repairs made, whichever is less, or the
12amount of a monetary offer of settlement. For purposes of this paragraph, the trier
13of fact shall determine the reasonableness of an offer of settlement. If the contractor
14has rejected a reasonable offer, including any reasonable supplemental offer, and any
15other law allows the contractor to recover costs and attorney fees, then the contractor
16may recover no costs or attorney fees incurred after the date of its rejection.
SB448,20,2117 (m) A contractor accepting the offer of the supplier to remedy a construction
18defect shall do so by serving the supplier with a written notice of acceptance within
19a reasonable period of time after receipt of the supplier's settlement offer, but no later
20than 15 working days after receipt of the offer. If no response is served upon the
21supplier within the 15-working day period, then the offer shall be deemed accepted.
SB448,20,2522 (n) If a contractor accepts a supplier's offer to repair a construction defect
23described in a notice of claim, the contractor shall provide the supplier and its agents,
24experts, and consultants prompt and unfettered access to the dwelling to perform
25and complete the construction by the timetable stated in the settlement offer.
1(o) A person who is seeking contribution from a supplier and who elects to
2inspect a dwelling under sub. (3) shall send to the supplier written notice by certified
3mail of the inspection date and dwelling address, and whether destruction testing
4is contemplated, at least 5 working days before the inspection.
SB448,21,7 5(10) This section does not apply to a contractor's or supplier's right to seek
6contribution, indemnity, or recovery against any party other than a supplier for a
7claim made against a contractor or supplier.
SB448,21,10 8(11) Homeowner repairs. Without giving notice under this section, a
9homeowner may make immediate repairs to a dwelling to protect the health or safety
10of its occupants.
SB448,21,15 11(12) The department of commerce shall prepare a draft of a brochure
12explaining the process under this section and shall provide that draft to contractors.
13Contractors shall provide a copy of this brochure to any person who purchases a
14dwelling from the contractor or who has a contractor remodel a dwelling or
15manufactured home.
SB448, s. 3 16Section 3. Initial applicability.
SB448,21,1817 (1) This act first applies to actions commenced on the effective date of this
SB448, s. 4 19Section 4. Effective date.
SB448,21,2120 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 6th month beginning after
SB448,21,2222 (End)