2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
June 14, 2005 - Introduced by Senators A. Lasee, Harsdorf, Kapanke and Cowles,
cosponsored by Representatives Ott, Hahn, Freese, Montgomery and
Gronemus. Referred to Committee on Senate Organization.
SJR28,1,3 1Relating to: proclaiming an annual Renewable Energy Awareness Week (the week
2of the summer solstice) and an annual Renewable Energy Awareness Day (June
SJR28,1,74 Whereas, nationally, the cost of energy is constantly increasing, our energy
5needs are growing faster than our domestic sources are able to provide, demand for
6electricity has grown more than 17 percent in the past decade, and we continue to
7import more than one-half of our domestic oil supply; and
SJR28,1,108 Whereas, over the past 3 years, America's energy consumption has increased
9by roughly 4 percent, while domestic energy production has decreased by roughly 1
10percent; and
SJR28,1,1111 Whereas, increasingly, our energy supply is coming from other countries; and
SJR28,1,1312 Whereas, to meet our energy needs and strengthen our national security, we
13must become less dependent on foreign oil; and
SJR28,1,1514 Whereas, our nation's present level of dependence on foreign sources of energy
15negatively impacts the nation's trade balance; and
1Whereas, development of renewable energy sources has a positive effect on our
2nation's balance of trade; and
SJR28,2,73 Whereas, the President's agenda includes an energy bill which targets four
4important objectives, namely encouraging the use of technology to improve
5conservation, encouraging more production at home in environmentally sensitive
6ways, diversifying our energy supply by developing alternative sources of energy,
7and finding better, more reliable ways to deliver energy to consumers; and
SJR28,2,98 Whereas, in Wisconsin, sun, wind, water, and forests are plentiful and can be
9harnessed to supply energy; and
SJR28,2,1110 Whereas, Wisconsin is recognized as a leading state for its protection of our
11nation's precious natural resources; and
SJR28,2,1312 Whereas, in Wisconsin, 16 million acres out of 32 million acres are covered with
13woodland; and
SJR28,2,1514 Whereas, wood and switchgrass are renewable resources and can be used for
15fuel and energy; and
SJR28,2,1716 Whereas, harvesting wood for fuel and energy will help Wisconsin landowners
17achieve sustainable forestry goals; and
SJR28,2,1918 Whereas, technology to convert farm waste, also in plentiful supply in
19Wisconsin, into energy is being developed; and
SJR28,2,2120 Whereas, Wisconsin's vast farmlands can grow crops, such as soybeans, which
21can be converted into biodiesel to fuel our nation's vehicles; and
SJR28,2,2422 Whereas, our current dependence upon petroleum cannot continue indefinitely,
23because oil is not a limitless supply, and therefore we must develop renewable
24sources of energy to provide an energy-secure future for generations to come; and
1Whereas, ethanol, biodiesel, biomass, biogas, solar, geothermal, and
2photovoltaic are all natural renewable resources important to Wisconsin and its
3future; now, therefore, be it
SJR28,3,6 4Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the legislature
5encourages the diversification of our energy supply through the development of
6alternative sources of energy; and, be it further
SJR28,3,9 7Resolved, That the week of the summer solstice each year be designated as
8Renewable Energy Week and June 21 (the summer solstice) each year be designated
9as Renewable Energy Day.
SJR28,3,1010 (End)