AB157,12,1918 (m) Rely upon the department's assessment of existing and projected
19technological capabilities.
AB157,12,2220 (n) Consult with the public service commission concerning the rules that affect
21providers of electricity and natural gas in order to minimize duplicative or
22inconsistent regulatory requirements.
AB157,12,25 23(3) Market-based compliance mechanisms. (a) Subject to pars. (b) to (d) and
24sub. (2), in the rules promulgated under this section, the department may authorize
25the use of market-based compliance mechanisms.
1(b) Before including market-based compliance mechanisms in the rules
2promulgated under this section, the department shall to the extent feasible do all of
3the following:
AB157,13,64 1. Consider the potential for direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts on
5emissions from using market-based compliance mechanisms, including localized
6impacts in communities already adversely affected by air pollution.
AB157,13,97 2. Design the market-based compliance mechanisms to prevent any increase
8in emissions of hazardous air contaminants or pollutants for which ambient air
9quality standards have been established under s. 285.21.
AB157,13,1110 3. Maximize additional environmental benefits and economic benefits in this
11state, as the department determines is appropriate.
AB157,13,1612 (c) If the department provides for the use of market-based compliance
13mechanisms in the rules promulgated under this section, the department shall
14specify in the rules how the market-based compliance mechanisms may be used by
15entities subject to greenhouse gas emission limits and mandatory emission reporting
16requirements to achieve compliance with their greenhouse gas emission limits.
AB157,14,217 (d) In furtherance of achieving the statewide emission limit, the department
18may promulgate a rule that establishes a system of market-based declining annual
19aggregate greenhouse gas emission limits for significant sources or categories of
20significant sources, applicable from January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2020, that the
21department determines will achieve the maximum reduction in greenhouse gas
22emissions that is technologically feasible and cost-effective, in the aggregate, from
23those significant sources or categories of significant sources, but only if the
24department complies with pars. (b) and (c) and ensures that the reduction is in

1addition to any greenhouse gas emission reduction otherwise required by law and
2any greenhouse gas emission reduction that would otherwise occur.
AB157,14,6 3286.25 Voluntary reductions. (1) The department shall adopt
4methodologies for the quantification of greenhouse gas emission reductions from
5voluntary actions. Notwithstanding s. 227.10 (1), the department is not required to
6adopt the methodologies by rule.
AB157,14,9 7(2) The department shall promulgate rules for verifying and enforcing
8greenhouse gas emission reductions from voluntary actions that the department
9authorizes to be used to comply with greenhouse gas emission limits.
AB157,14,15 10286.27 Authority of the governor. (1) Notwithstanding the dates specified
11in ss. 286.09 (1) (intro.) and (3), 286.15 (1), 286.20 (1), and 286.23 (1) in the event of
12extraordinary circumstances, catastrophic events, or threat of significant economic
13harm, the governor may adjust a deadline in s. 286.09 (1), 286.15 (1), 286.20 (1), or
14286.23 (1), or in a rule promulgated under this chapter, to the earliest feasible date
15after the deadline, subject to sub. (2).
AB157,14,18 16(2) The governor may not adjust a deadline by more than one year at a time,
17but the governor may make successive adjustments of the same deadline as long as
18the adjustments comply with sub. (1).
AB157,14,22 19(3) No more than 10 days after making an adjustment under sub. (1), the
20governor shall provide written notification of the adjustment to the chief clerk of each
21house of the legislature and to the revisor of statutes for publication in the Wisconsin
22administrative register.
AB157,14,25 23286.31 Councils. (1) The greenhouse gas management environmental justice
24council shall advise the department in developing the plan under s. 286.20 and in any
25other matter in the implementation of this chapter.
1(2) The greenhouse gas management economic and technology advancement
2council shall advise the department on activities that will facilitate investment in
3and implementation of technological research and development opportunities,
4including identifying new technologies; research; demonstration projects; funding
5opportunities; developing state, national, and international partnerships and
6technology transfer opportunities; and identifying and assessing research and
7advanced technology investment and incentive opportunities that will assist in the
8reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The council may also advise the department
9on state, regional, national, and international economic and technological
10developments related to greenhouse gas emission reductions.
AB157,15,15 11286.35 Fees. (1) The department may promulgate rules establishing a
12schedule of fees for greenhouse gas emission sources regulated under this chapter.
13The department shall design the fee schedule to ensure that the amount of the fees
14is not more than is reasonably necessary to fund the operation of the program under
15this chapter.
AB157,15,17 16(2) Any fees collected under sub. (1) shall be credited to the appropriation
17account under s. 20.370 (2) (cj).
AB157,15,21 18286.37 Other duties of the department. (1) The department shall
19determine the carbon dioxide equivalents of greenhouse gases based on the best
20available scientific information, including information from the Intergovernmental
21Panel on Climate Change.
AB157,16,2 22(2) The department shall consult with other states, the federal government,
23and other countries to identify the most effective strategies and methods to reduce
24greenhouse gas emissions, manage greenhouse gas control programs, and facilitate

1the development of integrated and cost-effective regional, national, and
2international greenhouse gas emission reduction programs.
AB157,16,9 3(3) The department shall ensure, to the extent feasible, that the rules,
4programs, mechanisms, and incentives under its jurisdiction for the reduction of
5greenhouse gas emissions direct public and private investment toward communities
6with the most disadvantaged populations. The department shall provide the
7opportunity for small businesses, schools, organizations that provide affordable
8housing, and other community institutions to participate in and benefit from
9statewide efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
AB157,16,14 10286.39 Duty of other state agencies. Each state agency, as defined in s.
1120.001 (1), and the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the
12Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, and the Wisconsin Health
13and Educational Facilities Authority shall take actions to reduce their greenhouse
14gas emissions.
AB157,16,18 15286.50 Penalties. (1) Any person who violates this chapter or any rule
16promulgated, permit issued, or order issued under this chapter shall forfeit not less
17than $10 or more than $25,000 for each violation. Each day of continued violation
18is a separate offense.
AB157,16,23 19(2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), any person who intentionally commits an
20act that violates, or fails to perform an act required by, this chapter or any rule
21promulgated, permit issued, or order issued under this chapter shall be fined not
22more than $25,000 per day of violation or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or
AB157,17,224 (b) If the conviction under par. (a) is for a violation committed after another
25conviction under par. (a), the person is guilty of a Class I felony, except that,

1notwithstanding the maximum fine specified in s. 939.50 (3) (i), the person may be
2fined not more than $50,000 per day of violation.
AB157, s. 6 3Section 6. 299.95 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB157,17,20 4299.95 Enforcement; duty of department of justice; expenses. The
5attorney general shall enforce chs. 281 to 285 286 and 289 to 295 and this chapter,
6except ss. 285.57, 285.59, and 299.64, and all rules, special orders, licenses, plan
7approvals, permits, and water quality certifications of the department, except those
8promulgated or issued under ss. 285.57, 285.59, and 299.64 and except as provided
9in ss. 285.86 and 299.85 (7) (am). The circuit court for Dane county or for any other
10county where a violation occurred in whole or in part has jurisdiction to enforce chs.
11281 to 285 286 and 289 to 295 or this chapter or the rule, special order, license, plan
12approval, permit, or certification by injunctional and other relief appropriate for
13enforcement. For purposes of this proceeding where chs. 281 to 285 286 and 289 to
14295 or this chapter or the rule, special order, license, plan approval, permit or
15certification prohibits in whole or in part any pollution, a violation is considered a
16public nuisance. The department of natural resources may enter into agreements
17with the department of justice to assist with the administration of chs. 281 to 285 286
18and 289 to 295 and this chapter. Any funds paid to the department of justice under
19these agreements shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.455 (1)
AB157, s. 7 21Section 7. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB157,18,222 (1) Submission of proposed rules. The department of natural resources shall
23submit in proposed form the rules required under section 286.05 (1) of the statutes,

1as created by this act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the
2statutes no later than June 30, 2008.
AB157,18,33 (End)