AB400, s. 28 23Section 28. 21.025 (7) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 29 24Section 29. 21.025 (11m) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 321.51 (9) (title).
AB400, s. 30
1Section 30. 21.025 (11m) (a) and (b) of the statutes are consolidated,
2renumbered 321.51 (9) and amended to read:
AB400,23,143 321.51 (9) Officers and enlistees of the "Wisconsin State Defense Force" state
4defense force
who have served honorably therein for a period of at least one year and
5are active members of their respective units at the time of its demobilization shall

6may, upon application to the unit commander, be permitted to retain the items of
7their uniform prescribed by the governor by rule. (b) The. If retained, the uniform
8prescribed under par. (a) may be worn only on occasions of ceremony. "Occasions of
9ceremony" means occasions
essentially of a military character at which the uniform
10is more appropriate than civilian clothing, such as memorial services, military
11weddings, military funerals, military balls, military parades, military reunions, and
12meetings or functions of associations formed for military purposes, the membership
13of which is composed largely or entirely of honorably discharged veterans of the
members of the U.S. military, national guard, and state defense force.
AB400, s. 31 15Section 31. 21.025 (13) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 32 16Section 32. 21.03 of the statutes is renumbered 321.20 and amended to read:
AB400,23,21 17321.20 Distribution of arms military property. The governor may receive
18and distribute, according to law, the quota of arms and military equipment which
19property that the state may receive receives from the U.S. government of the United
under the provisions of any acts of congress federal laws providing for arming
21and equipping of the national guard and the state defense force.
AB400, s. 33 22Section 33. 21.04 of the statutes is renumbered 321.22 and amended to read:
AB400,24,3 23321.22 Camp Williams. (1) The state camp grounds facility near Camp
24Douglas, Juneau County, shall be known as "Camp Williams". The officer in charge
25of Camp Williams shall have at said camp the police powers possessed by officials at

1state hospitals, as provided in s. 46.058 (2)
may arrest a person for a violation that
2occurs at Camp Williams of a state law, local ordinance, or provision of the Wisconsin
3code of military justice
AB400,24,6 4(2) The adjutant general may grant to the federal government the right to use
5any area of Camp Williams upon such conditions as that the adjutant general deems
AB400,24,11 7(3) In memory of 1st lieutenant Jerome A. Volk, the first Wisconsin air national
8guard pilot killed in combat during the Korean conflict, so much of Camp Williams
9as is under lease to the federal government for use of the air national guard shall be
10known as "Volk Field" during the time the property remains under lease to the U.S.
11government of the United States.
AB400, s. 34 12Section 34. 21.05 of the statutes is renumbered 321.32 and amended to read:
AB400,24,18 13321.32 Term of enlistment; requirements and discharge. Every person
14who enlists or receives a commission in the national guard shall serve for the term
15prescribed and satisfy the physical, educational and training requirements
16prescribed by the U.S. national guard bureau. Enlistees in the national guard shall
17be discharged as provided in the laws and regulations of the U.S. national guard
AB400, s. 35 19Section 35. 21.06 of the statutes is renumbered 321.44 and amended to read:
AB400,24,23 20321.44 Exemptions from certain county duties. Every member of the
21national guard or state military forces shall be defense force is exempt from service
22on any body of county residents summoned by the sheriff to assist in preserving the
AB400, s. 36 24Section 36. 21.07 of the statutes is renumbered 321.38 and amended to read:
1321.38 Decorations and awards. The adjutant general may prescribe
2decorations and awards for the national guard and the state defense force, the. The
3adjutant general shall adopt policies establishing the form and issue thereof made
4under rules adopted by the adjutant general and approved by the governor
5of those decorations and awards
AB400, s. 37 6Section 37. 21.09 of the statutes is renumbered 321.41 and amended to read:
AB400,25,17 7321.41 Training; special schools; pay and allowances. The governor or
8adjutant general
may order the national guard or state defense force to assemble for
9training at any military establishment within or without the state specified and
10approved by the department of defense
and fix the dates and places thereof, and the
11of that training. The governor or adjutant general may order members of the
12national guard or state defense force, at their option, to attend such special schools
13for military training as may be that are authorized by the state or federal
14government. For such training and attendance at special schools, members The
15governor or adjutant general shall determine the amount that the members
of the
16national guard or state defense force shall receive such as pay and allowances as the
17federal government or the governor may authorize
for the training.
AB400, s. 38 18Section 38. 21.11 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 321.39 (title) and
19amended to read:
AB400,25,20 20321.39 (title) Call to state active service duty.
AB400, s. 39 21Section 39. 21.11 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 321.39 (1) (a) 1. and
22amended to read:
AB400,25,2423 321.39 (1) (a) 1. In case of war, insurrection, rebellion, riot, invasion, terrorism,
24or resistance to the execution of the laws of this state or of the United States; in.
12. In the event of public disaster resulting from flood, conflagration or fire,
2tornado; in, or other natural disaster.
AB400,26,5 34. In order to assess damage or potential damage and to recommend responsive
4action as a result of natural or man-made events; or upon an event listed in subds.
51. to 3.
AB400,26,9 65. Upon application of any marshal of the United States, the president of any
7village, the mayor of any city, the chairperson of any town board, or any sheriff in this
8state, the governor may order into active service all or any portion of the national
AB400,27,2 10(b) If the governor is absent, or cannot be immediately communicated with, any
11such civil officer of the persons listed in par. (a) 5. may, if the officer deems the
12occasion so is urgent, make such application, which shall be in writing, to request
13assistance from
the commanding officers of any company, battalion or regiment, who
14may upon
commander of any national guard unit. The commander shall obtain
15approval of the adjutant general, if the danger is great and imminent, order out that
16officer's command to the aid of such civil officer. Such
before ordering the unit to
17provide assistance. If it is not feasible to obtain approval of the adjutant general, and
18the danger is great and imminent, the commander may order the unit to provide
19assistance without adjutant general approval. The
order shall be delivered to the
20commanding officer, who shall immediately communicate the order to each, and

21every subordinate officer, and every company commander receiving the same who
22shall immediately communicate the substance thereof to each member of the order
23to the members
of the company, or if any such unit. If a member cannot be found,
24a notice in writing containing the substance of such the order, in writing, shall be left

1at the last and usual member's place of residence of such member with some person
2of suitable age and discretion, to whom its the order's contents shall be explained.
AB400, s. 40 3Section 40. 21.11 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 321.39 (2) (a) and amended
4to read:
AB400,27,75 321.39 (2) (a) Any commissioned officer or enlisted member of the national
6guard who fails to carry out orders or fails to appear at the time or place ordered as
7provided in sub. (1) shall be punished under the Wisconsin code of military justice.
AB400,27,11 8(b) Any person who advises or endeavors to persuade an officer or soldier to
9refuse or neglect to appear at such place or obey such order
assists an officer or
10member of the national guard in violating par. (a)
shall forfeit be subject to a
11forfeiture of
not less than $200 nor more than $1,000.
AB400, s. 41 12Section 41. 21.11 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 321.04 (2) (e) and amended
13to read:
AB400,27,1614 321.04 (2) (e) The adjutant general may activate Activate members of the
15national guard for the purpose of serving to serve on an honors detail of military
16funeral honors for a person described under s. 45.60 (1).
AB400, s. 42 17Section 42. 21.12 of the statutes is renumbered 321.43 and amended to read:
AB400,28,2 18321.43 Exemption from civil authority. During the time the national guard
state military forces are defense force is performing military duty pursuant to
under orders issued by the governor or by the governor's authority adjutant
, all of its members thereof , while going to, remaining at, or returning from
22a place of duty shall be are exempt from arrest or service of any process issued by a
23civilian court. In any civil or criminal prosecution against any member arising out
24of the member's performing military duty, it shall be a defense that the member was

1acting in good faith or pursuant to any under a lawful military order. Any such The
2order shall be deemed prima facie considered lawful unless shown to be unlawful.
AB400, s. 43 3Section 43. 21.13 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 321.42 (title).
AB400, s. 44 4Section 44. 21.13 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 321.42 (1) (a) and amended
5to read:
AB400,28,176 321.42 (1) (a) If any state resident who is a member of a the national guard
7of any state or of the state defense force or any resident of this state who is a member
8of the national guard of another state
is prosecuted by any civil or criminal action for
9any act performed by the member while in the performance of military duty and in
10pursuance of military duty
within the scope of his or her employment as a member,
11the action against governor, upon request of the adjutant general, shall appoint
12counsel to defend
the member shall be defended by counsel, which may include the
13attorney general, appointed for that purpose by the governor upon the
14recommendation of the adjutant general
. The adjutant general shall make the
15recommendation request to appoint defense counsel if the act performed by the
16member was in the line of duty. The governor may appoint the attorney general to
17defend the member.
AB400,28,23 18(b) The costs and expenses of any such the defense under par. (a) shall be
19audited by the department of administration and paid out of the state treasury and
20charged to the appropriation under s. 20.455 (1) (b) and if. If the jury or court finds
21that the member of the national guard against whom the action is brought acted
22within the scope of his or her employment as a member, the judgment as to damages
23entered against the member shall also be paid by the state.
AB400, s. 45 24Section 45. 21.13 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 321.42 (2) and amended
25to read:
1321.42 (2) Any civil action or proceeding brought against a member of a
2national guard or the state defense force
under sub. (1) (a) is subject to ss. 893.82 and
AB400, s. 46 4Section 46. 21.15 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 47 5Section 47. 21.15 of the statutes is renumbered 321.21 (5) (a) and amended
6to read:
AB400,29,157 321.21 (5) (a) No person may retain at any time any arms, equipment or
8military stores of any kind belonging to the state or any federally owned property
9issued to the state
property or money, unless the property or money has been lawfully
10issued to the person pursuant to law and the proper authority permits the person to
11retain the property or money in the discharge of a public duty. No person may use
12any public arms, equipment, clothing or military stores belonging to the state, either
13as owner or bailee,
property or money for the person's unauthorized private use. Any
14person violating this section paragraph shall forfeit not less than $50 $100 nor more
15than $200 $1,000.
AB400, s. 48 16Section 48. 21.155 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 49 17Section 49. 21.155 of the statutes is renumbered 321.21 (5) (b) and amended
18to read:
AB400,29,2519 321.21 (5) (b) No A person who possesses under the laws of this state any arms,
20equipment or other
military property may willfully neglect or refuse or money, after
21the adjutant general makes lawful demand is made for the return of the property by
22order of the governor, to
or money shall return the property or money promptly. No
23person may knowingly resist any officer who is lawfully taking possession of such
24arms, equipment or other
the military property or money. Any person violating this
25section paragraph shall forfeit not less than $50 $100 nor more than $200 $1,000.
AB400, s. 50
1Section 50. 21.17 of the statutes is renumbered 321.24, and 321.24 (1) and (2),
2as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB400,30,73 321.24 (1) The officer in charge of any area used or to be used for military
4purposes may cause the area to be marked in such a manner so as mark the area to
5warn against encroachment by unauthorized persons, but may not to unnecessarily
6obstruct travel on any public highway. No person may encroach upon or enter upon
7the area without the consent of the officer.
AB400,30,10 8(2) No person may intercept, molest, abuse or otherwise interfere with any
9member of the national guard or any other military force organized under the laws
10of this
state defense force while the member is in the performance of military duty.
AB400, s. 51 11Section 51. 21.18 (title) and (1) (intro.) of the statutes are renumbered 321.10
12(title) and (1) (intro.).
AB400, s. 52 13Section 52. 21.18 (1) (a) to (c) of the statutes are renumbered 321.10 (1) (a) to
AB400, s. 53 15Section 53. 21.18 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (1) (d) and
16amended to read:
AB400,30,1817 321.10 (1) (d) Two assistant adjutants general for army, who may hold the
18whose rank of may not exceed brigadier general.
AB400, s. 54 19Section 54. 21.18 (1) (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of the statutes are renumbered
20321.10 (1) (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) and amended to read:
AB400,30,2221 321.10 (1) (f) An assistant adjutant general for air, who may hold the whose
22rank of may not exceed brigadier general.
AB400,30,2423 (g) A chief surgeon for army, who whose rank may be a not exceed major general
1(h) A chief surgeon for air, who whose rank may be a not exceed major general
AB400,31,43 (i) A staff judge advocate for army, who whose rank may be a not exceed major
4general officer.
AB400,31,65 (j) A staff judge advocate for air, who whose rank may be a not exceed major
6general officer.
AB400,31,87 (k) A state chaplain, either army or air, who whose rank may be a not exceed
general officer.
AB400, s. 55 9Section 55. 21.18 (1) (k) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (1) (L).
AB400, s. 56 10Section 56. 21.18 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (3) and amended
11to read:
AB400,31,1712 321.10 (3) In the event any of the a deputy adjutants adjutant general, for army
13or for air, are is appointed to a military position as a major general, the adjutant
14general shall appoint, for any periods of absence of that deputy adjutant general due
15to other military duties, an acting deputy adjutant general. The adjutant general
16may appoint one of the assistant adjutants general as an acting deputy adjutant
AB400, s. 57 18Section 57. 21.18 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (4) and amended
19to read:
AB400,31,2120 321.10 (4) No person shall may be appointed on to the governor's military staff
21who has not had previous state or U.S. military experience.
AB400, s. 58 22Section 58. 21.18 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (5) and amended
23to read:
AB400,32,424 321.10 (5) All staff officers appointed under sub. (1), except the adjutant
25general whose tenure is governed by ss. 15.31 and 17.07 (5), shall hold their positions

1unless until terminated earlier by resignation, disability, or death or for cause or
2unless federal recognition of the officer's commission under 32 USC 323 is refused
3or withdrawn. The governor shall remove an officer whose federal recognition is
4refused or withdrawn, effective on the date of the loss of federal recognition.
AB400, s. 59 5Section 59. 21.18 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (6).
AB400, s. 60 6Section 60. 21.18 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (7) and amended
7to read:
AB400,32,138 321.10 (7) The adjutant general shall appoint persons to fill vacancies in
9positions in on the military staff of the governor under sub. (1). Vacancies on the
10military staff of the governor shall be filled by appointment from officers actively
11serving in the national guard, except as provided in s. 15.31. Interim vacancies shall
12be filled by appointment by the adjutant general for the residue remainder of the
13unexpired term.
AB400, s. 61 14Section 61. 21.19 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 62 15Section 62. 21.19 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 321.04 (1) (a) and amended
16to read:
AB400,32,2517 321.04 (1) (a) The adjutant general shall be Be the military chief of staff to the
18governor. The adjutant general shall have the custody of all property, military
19records, correspondence and other documents relating to the national guard and any
20other military forces organized under the laws of this state. The adjutant general
21may appoint an assistant quartermaster general to issue and account for state
22property. The adjutant general shall be the medium of military correspondence with
23the governor and perform all other duties pertaining to the office or prescribed by
24law, including the preparation and submission to the governor of reports under s.
2515.04 (1) (d).
AB400, s. 63
1Section 63. 21.19 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 321.04 (1) (i) and
2amended to read:
AB400,33,53 321.04 (1) (i) The adjutant general shall administer Administer, with the
4approval of the governor, state-federal cooperative funding agreements related to
5the department
AB400, s. 64 6Section 64. 21.19 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 321.03 (2) (intro.) and
7amended to read:
AB400,33,98 321.03 (2) (intro.) The department of military affairs on behalf of the state may
9rent do any of the following:
AB400,33,15 10(a) Enter into an agreement to rent to appropriate organizations or individuals
11state-owned lands, buildings, and facilities used by, acquired for, or erected for the
12national guard when not required for use by the national guard. Such A rental shall
13agreement under this paragraph is not be effective unless in writing and approved
14in writing by the governor and the adjutant general or a his or her designee in
AB400, s. 65 16Section 65. 21.19 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 321.03 (2) (b) and
17amended to read:
AB400,33,2318 321.03 (2) (b) The department of military affairs on behalf of the state, upon
19Upon appraisal by the state chief engineer submitted to the governor in writing, may
20sell and convey upon such terms as the department of military affairs may
and with the written approval of the governor in writing sell and convey,
22any state-owned property acquired or erected for state military purposes, which if
property is no longer useful to the national guard.
AB400, s. 66 24Section 66. 21.19 (3) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 67
1Section 67. 21.19 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 321.04 (1) (g) and amended
2to read:
AB400,34,93 321.04 (1) (g) The adjutant general shall be the auditor of Audit all military
4accounts, and all accounts or claims payable from the treasury of the state for
5military purposes shall be regularly audited by the adjutant general before payment.
6The adjutant general shall cause to be prepared and issued all necessary books and
7forms required by the adjutant general's office for the national guard. All of the books
8and forms shall be made to conform as nearly as practicable to those in use in the
9United States army.
AB400, s. 68 10Section 68. 21.19 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 321.10 (2) and amended
11to read:
AB400,34,1412 321.10 (2) In the absence or incapacity of the adjutant general, the senior
13ranking deputy adjutant general for army or air shall have all the powers and duties
14of the adjutant general.
AB400, s. 69 15Section 69. 21.19 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 70 16Section 70. 21.19 (7) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is repealed.
AB400, s. 71 17Section 71. 21.19 (7) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 321.04 (1) (f) and
18amended to read:
AB400,34,2119 321.04 (1) (f) Have charge of control over all the military property of the state
20and shall military records and carefully preserve, repair, and account for the military
21property and records.