AB596,3,1110 (b) The veteran is not eligible for any federal or state health care programs or
AB596,3,1412 (c) The veteran has not been covered under any private health care coverage,
13and has not had access to any employer-provided health care coverage, for at least
1490 days before application.
AB596,3,1515 (d) The veteran is over the age of 18 and under the age of 65.
AB596,3,1916 (e) The annual income of the veteran and his or her spouse exceeds, but does
17not exceed 200 percent of, the Geographic Means Test Income Threshold established
18by the federal department of veterans affairs for the year of his or her application and
19the county of his or her residence.
AB596,3,22 20(3) Monthly premiums. The veteran shall pay a monthly premium of $50 to the
21department for the provision of the health care benefits. Amounts received under
22this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (hv).
AB596,3,23 23(4) Copayments. The veteran shall pay the following amounts as copayments:
AB596,3,2424 (a) Doctor visit — $15.
AB596,3,2525 (b) Generic prescription drug — $6.
1(c) Brand name prescription drug — $14.
AB596,4,22 (d) Hospital emergency room visit — $50.
AB596,4,33 (e) Hospital admission — $150.
AB596,4,44 (f) Outpatient hospital or clinic services — 10 percent of covered services.
AB596,4,55 (g) Dental visit — $15.
AB596,4,9 6(5) Disqualifying factors. No health care benefits may be provided under this
7section to a veteran who has received those benefits for a cumulative period of 24
8months during his or her lifetime. No health care benefits may be provided under
9this section to a veteran who has not paid the monthly premium under sub. (3).
AB596,4,10 10(6) Subrogation. (a) In this subsection:
AB596,4,1211 1. "Beneficiary" means a veteran who received or is receiving benefits under
12this section.
AB596,4,1413 2. "Insurer" includes a sponsor, other than an insurer, that contracts to provide
14health care services to members of a group.
AB596,4,2015 (b) If the department provides benefits under this section, as a result of the
16occurrence of an injury, sickness, or death that creates a claim or cause of action,
17whether in tort or contract, on the part of a beneficiary or the estate of a beneficiary
18against a 3rd party, including an insurer, the department is subrogated to the rights
19of the beneficiary or estate and may make a claim or maintain an action or intervene
20in a claim or action by the beneficiary or estate against the 3rd party.
AB596,4,2521 (c) By applying for benefits under this section a veteran assigns to the
22department the right to make a claim to recover an indemnity from a 3rd party,
23including an insurer, if the benefits are provided as a result of the occurrence of
24injury, sickness, or death that results in a possible recovery of an indemnity from the
253rd party.
1(d) An attorney retained to represent a beneficiary, or the beneficiary's estate,
2in asserting a claim that is subrogated under par. (b) or assigned under par. (c) shall
3provide notice under par. (f). If no attorney is retained to represent a beneficiary, or
4the beneficiary's estate, in asserting a claim that is subrogated under par. (b) or
5assigned under par. (c), the beneficiary or his or her guardian or, if the beneficiary
6is deceased, the personal representative of the beneficiary's estate, shall provide
7notice under par. (f).
AB596,5,118 (e) A person against whom a claim that is subrogated under par. (b) or assigned
9under par. (c) is made, or that person's attorney or insurer, shall provide notice under
10par. (f), if that person, attorney, or insurer knows, or could reasonably determine,
11that the claimant is a beneficiary, or is the estate of a beneficiary.
AB596,5,1412 (f) If a person is required to provide notice under this paragraph, the person
13shall provide notice by certified mail to the department as soon as practicable after
14the occurrence of each of the following events for a claim under par. (d):
AB596,5,1515 1. The filing of the action asserting the claim.
AB596,5,1616 2. Intervention in the action asserting the claim.
AB596,5,1717 3. Consolidation of the action asserting the claim.
AB596,5,1818 4. An award or settlement of all or part of the claim.
AB596,5,2219 (g) The beneficiary or any party having a right under this subsection may make
20a claim against the 3rd party or may commence an action and shall join the other
21party as provided under s. 803.03 (2). Each shall have an equal voice in the
22prosecution of such claim or action.
AB596,6,223 (h) Reasonable costs of collection including attorney fees shall be deducted first
24from any recovery under this subsection. The amount of benefits paid as a result of
25the occurrence of the injury, sickness, or death shall be deducted next from any

1recovery and the remainder shall be paid to the beneficiary or other party entitled
2to payment.
AB596,6,53 (i) The department shall enforce its rights under this subsection and may
4contract for the recovery of any claim or right of indemnity arising under this
AB596,6,116 (j) No person who has or may have a claim or cause of action in tort or contract
7and who has received benefits under this section as a result of the occurrence that
8creates the claim or cause of action may release the liable party or the liable party's
9insurer from liability to the department. Any payment to a beneficiary in
10consideration of a release from liability is evidence of the payer's liability to the
AB596,6,1412 (k) Liability under par. (j) is to the extent of benefits provided under this section
13resulting from the occurrence creating the claim or cause of action, but not in excess
14of any insurance policy limits, counting payments made to the injured person.
AB596,6,1815 (L) A health maintenance organization or other prepaid health care plan has
16the powers of the department under pars. (b) to (h) to recover the costs that the
17organization or plan incurs in treating an individual if all of the following
18circumstances are present:
AB596,6,2019 1. The costs result from an occurrence of an injury or sickness of an individual
20who is a beneficiary.
AB596,6,2221 2. The occurrence of the injury or sickness creates a claim or cause of action on
22the part of the beneficiary or the estate of the beneficiary.
AB596,6,2423 3. The medical costs are incurred during a period for which the department
24pays a capitation or enrollment fee for the beneficiary.
1(7) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules for the administration of
2the health care benefit program under this section.
AB596,7,5 3(8) Application for grants. The department shall seek to obtain any federal
4or private funds that may be available to pay for the health care benefits provided
5under this section and for the administrative costs incurred under this section.
AB596, s. 5 6Section 5. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB596,7,137 (1) The department of health and family services may promulgate emergency
8rules under section 227.24 of the statutes implementing section 146.10 of the
9statutes, as created by this act. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the
10statutes, the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule
11under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of public
12peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of an
13emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
AB596, s. 6 14Section 6. Fiscal changes.
AB596,7,2115 (1) Veterans interim health care. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of
16the statutes for the appropriation to the department of health and family services
17under section 20.435 (4) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2007, the dollar
18amount is increased by $-0- for fiscal year 2007-08 and the dollar amount is
19increased by $-0- for fiscal year 2008-09 to pay for the costs of administering the
20veterans interim health care program under section 146.10 of the statutes, as created
21by this act.
AB596,7,2222 (End)