AB669,24,7 6(4) Each achievement guarantee contract under this section shall include all
7of the following:
AB669,24,108 (a) A description of how the school will implement each of the elements under
9sub. (3), including any alternative class configurations for specific educational
10activities that may be used to meet the class size requirement under sub. (3) (a).
AB669,24,1211 (b) A description of the method that the board will use to evaluate the academic
12achievement of the 9th grade pupils enrolled in the school.
AB669,24,1613 (c) A description of the school's performance objectives for the academic
14achievement of the 9th grade pupils enrolled in the school and the means that will
15be used to evaluate success in attaining the objectives. Performance objectives shall
16include all of the following:
AB669,24,1717 1. The attainment of any educational goals adopted by the board.
AB669,24,1918 2. Professional development with the objective of improving pupil academic
AB669,24,2120 3. Methods by which the school involves pupils, parents or guardians of pupils,
21and other residents of the school attendance area in decisions affecting the school.
AB669,24,2322 (d) A description of any statute or rule that is waived under s. 118.38 if the
23waiver is related to the contract.
AB669,24,2524 (e) A description of the means by which the department will monitor
25compliance with the terms of the contract.
AB669, s. 45
1Section 45. 119.315 of the statutes is created to read:
AB669,25,9 2119.315 Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics pilot
3programs for pupils in grades kindergarten to 5.
If the board determines that
4state or federal aid is available, any school in the city that enrolls pupils in grades
5kindergarten to 5 is eligible to apply to the board for funding to participate in a pilot
6program designed to develop innovative instructional programs in science,
7technology, engineering, and mathematics; support pupils who are typically
8under-represented in these subjects; and increase the academic achievement of
9pupils in those subjects.
AB669, s. 46 10Section 46. 119.32 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB669,25,1611 119.32 (1) (a) There is established a superintendent search advisory committee
12consisting of the mayor or his or her designee; the president of the common council
13or his or her designee; a representative of businesses located in the city, appointed
14by the mayor; and a member of the labor organization that represents public school
15teachers in the school district operating under this chapter, appointed by the head
16of that labor organization. All committee members shall be residents of the city.
AB669,25,1917 (b) The board shall conduct a search for a superintendent of schools whenever
18that office becomes vacant. The board shall keep the committee under par. (a) fully
19informed about all applicants for the position.
AB669,25,2120 (c) 1. From the pool of applicants, the committee under par. (a) shall select one
21to recommend to the mayor.
AB669,25,2322 2. From the pool of applicants, the board shall select 3 to recommend to the
23mayor. The mayor may interview the 3 candidates.
AB669,25,2524 3. The mayor shall select a candidate from the 3 recommended by the board
25under subd. 2. to recommend to the board.
1(d) The board shall by roll call vote select a superintendent of schools from the
23 candidates recommended by the board under par. (c) 2. and notify the mayor of its
3selection. The mayor may veto the board's selection. If he or she does so, the board
4may override the veto by a two-thirds vote of the membership.
AB669,26,75 (e) If the board fails to override the mayor's veto, the board shall by roll call vote
6select another candidate from those recommended under par. (c) 2. and notify the
7mayor under par. (d), or begin another search under par. (b).
AB669, s. 47 8Section 47. 119.32 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB669,26,119 119.32 (8) The superintendent of schools may require a principal employed by
10the board to attend the professional development and training program established
11under s. 119.16 (12).
AB669, s. 48 12Section 48. 119.43 of the statutes is created to read:
AB669,26,23 13119.43 Principal tenure; performance reviews. (1) (a) Except as provided
14in sub. (2), a principal of a public school in a city of the 1st class appointed after the
15effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], shall be initially employed
16under a 3-year contract with the board and on probation. The superintendent of
17schools may recommend that the board renew the contract of the principal after the
18successful completion of a continuous 3-year contract term. After the successful
19completion of a 2nd consecutive continuous 3-year contract term with the board, the
20superintendent of schools may recommend that the board make the employment of
21the principal permanent. The board may accept or reject the recommendation of the
22superintendent of schools. A principal for whom permanent employment is rejected
23may appeal the rejection to the board.
AB669,27,824 (b) No principal who has become permanently employed under this section may
25be refused employment, dismissed, removed, or discharged, except for inefficiency

1or immorality, for willful and persistent violation of reasonable regulations of the
2board, or for other good cause, upon written charges based on fact proffered by the
3board or other proper officer of the board or school in which the principal is employed.
4Upon the principal's written request and no fewer than 10 nor more than 30 days
5after receipt of notice by the principal, the charges shall be heard and determined by
6the board. Hearings shall be public when requested by the principal and all
7proceedings at the hearing shall be taken by a court reporter. All parties shall be
8entitled to be represented by counsel at the hearing. The action of the board is final.
AB669,27,13 9(2) A principal whose employment is permanent under an agreement entered
10into before the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], between the
11board and an organization that is not a labor organization, as defined in s. 111.70 (1)
12(h), shall retain all of the rights and privileges of permanent employment obtained
13under that agreement.
AB669,27,15 14(3) A principal who is under a 3-year contract with the board is subject to
15annual performance reviews.
AB669, s. 49 16Section 49. 119.475 of the statutes is created to read:
AB669,27,19 17119.475 Veto of operating budget. (1) Immediately upon receipt of the
18school budget under s. 119.16 (8) (b), the common council shall transmit it to the
AB669,27,25 20(2) (a) Notwithstanding ss. 119.46 (1) and 119.47 (1), if the state
21superintendent has determined that the school district was in need of improvement
22for the 4 previous school years, the mayor may veto the board's budget for school
23operations in whole or in part. In vetoing the budget in part, the mayor may not
24create a new word by rejecting individual letters in the words of the budget, and may
25not create a new sentence by combining parts of 2 or more sentences of the budget.
1(b) The state superintendent shall promulgate rules establishing criteria and
2a procedure for determining whether the school district is in need of improvement
3under par. (a).
AB669,28,8 4(3) The mayor shall transmit the part approved to the common council for
5implementation and return the part vetoed to the board with his or her objections in
6writing. If two-thirds of the board's members agree to adopt the part vetoed
7notwithstanding the mayor's objection, the board shall transmit the part to the
8common council for implementation.
AB669, s. 50 9Section 50. 119.76 of the statutes is created to read:
AB669,28,12 10119.76 Pupil ACT testing. (1) Subject to sub. (2), the board shall provide each
11pupil enrolled in the 11th grade in the school district operating under this chapter
12with the opportunity to take the ACT test.
AB669,28,17 13(2) The board shall comply with all standards for administering the ACT test
14established by ACT, Inc., including providing reasonable accommodations for a pupil
15who is a child with a disability, as defined in s. 115.76 (5), if the pupil complies with
16the process for requesting accommodations and submits sufficient documentation of
17his or her disability.
AB669, s. 51 18Section 51. 119.77 of the statutes is created to read:
AB669,28,23 19119.77 Promise neighborhoods. (1) The board shall work with the common
20council, community agencies, public agencies, and nonprofit charitable
21organizations to plan for the establishment of promise neighborhoods in the city in
22which the following services would be integrated and provided to residents of the
23neighborhoods at no charge:
AB669,28,2424 (a) Counseling and training for new parents.
AB669,28,2525 (b) Early childhood education.
1(c) High-quality child care.
AB669,29,22 (d) After-school programming involving children and parents.
AB669,29,33 (e) Crime-prevention support programs.
AB669,29,44 (f) Youth job training and internship opportunities.
AB669,29,55 (g) Local community health centers.
AB669,29,66 (h) Financial counseling.
AB669,29,87 (i) Increased broadband internet access for low-income community members
8who lack such access.
AB669, s. 52 9Section 52. 121.02 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB669,29,2010 121.02 (3) Prior to any finding that a school district is not in compliance with
11the standards under sub. (1), the state superintendent shall, upon request of the
12school board or upon receipt of a petition signed by the maximum number of electors
13allowed for nomination papers of school district officers under s. 8.10 (3) (i), (km) or
14(ks) or 8.15 (6) (f), conduct a public hearing in the school district. If the state
15superintendent, after the hearing, finds that the district is not in compliance with
16the standards, the state superintendent may develop with the school board a plan
17which describes methods of achieving compliance. The plan shall specify the time
18within which compliance shall be achieved. The state superintendent shall withhold
19up to 25% of state aid from any school district that fails to achieve compliance within
20the specified period.
AB669, s. 53 21Section 53. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB669,30,222 (1) Promise neighborhoods. No later than 365 days after the effective date of
23this subsection, the partnership for success committee under section 119.11 of the
24statutes, as created by this act, shall communicate in writing with the federal office

1of urban affairs to identify sources of federal funding for establishing a pilot promise
2neighborhood under section 119.77 of the statutes, as created by this act.
AB669,30,83 (2) Unfunded liability. By the 1st day of the 12th month beginning after the
4effective date of this subsection, the partnership for success committee under section
5119.11 of the statutes, as created by this act, working with school administrators,
6teachers' collective bargaining representatives, and an independent 3rd party, shall
7develop a plan for addressing the unfunded liability of the school district operating
8under chapter 119 of the statutes.
AB669, s. 54 9Section 54. Initial applicability.
AB669,30,1210 (1) The treatment of section 119.08 (1) (a) and (b) of the statutes first applies
11with respect to election district apportionment plans that are adopted following
12adjustment of ward boundaries in response to the 2010 federal decennial census.
AB669, s. 55 13Section 55. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
14except as follows:
AB669,30,2015 (1) Method of election of 1st class city school directors. The treatment of
16sections 5.58 (1g) (b) and (c), (2) and (3), 5.60 (4) (b), 5.62 (4m), 5.64 (4) (title), 8.10
17(3) (i), 8.11 (2m), 8.15 (5) (a) and (6) (f), 119.06 (2), (3) (intro.), (a) and (b), (4) (b), (c)
18and (d), (5) and (6), 119.08 (2), (3), and (4), 119.10 (1) and (2) and 121.02 (3) of the
19statutes and the creation of section 119.07 of the statutes take effect on November
201, 2011.
AB669,30,2221 (2) First class city school election transitional provisions. The repeal of
22section 119.07 of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 2015.
AB669,30,2323 (End)