AB720, s. 56 25Section 56. 979.03 of the statutes is repealed.
AB720, s. 57
1Section 57. 979.032 of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,28,4 2979.032 Coroner or medical examiner investigation records. (1) The
3coroner or medical examiner shall create and maintain for each investigation
4conducted under s. 979.01 a record that contains all of the following:
AB720,28,55 (a) The full name of the deceased and any known alias used by the deceased.
AB720,28,66 (b) A coroner or medical examiner case number.
AB720,28,77 (c) A case activity log.
AB720,28,148 (d) An investigation report containing any personal information regarding the
9deceased that is relevant to determining the cause and manner of death, the medical
10history of the deceased, information relevant to the circumstances of the death, death
11scene observations, findings regarding the body of the deceased that are relevant to
12determining the cause of death, notation of evidence recovered, including any visual
13documentation, a list of other persons or agencies involved in the investigation, and
14a list of persons interviewed by the coroner or medical examiner regarding the case.
AB720,28,1515 (e) A written autopsy report, if an autopsy is conducted.
AB720,28,1816 (f) Documentation of the chain of custody of all evidence and property obtained
17by the coroner or medical examiner, including an inventory sheet of prescription
18medications, described under s. 979.036 (2), if applicable.
AB720,28,21 19(2) The coroner or medical examiner shall maintain investigation records
20created under sub. (1) in an office that is owned or leased by the county, maintained
21by the county, and designated as the office of the county coroner or medical examiner.
AB720,28,24 22(3) Subject to s. 979.034, the coroner or medical examiner shall maintain
23written policies regarding access to investigation records created or maintained
24under this section.
AB720, s. 58 25Section 58. 979.034 of the statutes is created to read:
1979.034 Confidentiality of coroner or medical examiner investigation
2records and information.
(1) The coroner or medical examiner shall keep
3confidential all records obtained under s. 51.30 (4) (b) 29. or 146.82 (2) (a) 18., all
4confidential documents obtained by subpoena under s. 979.015, and any information
5contained in such records or documents, except that the coroner or medical examiner
6may divulge such information as necessary to complete a medical certification under
7s. 69.18 (2).
AB720,29,15 8(2) The coroner or medical examiner shall keep records of autopsies and other
9diagnostic procedures, including any photographs or other pictorial images of the
10deceased made in connection with an autopsy, and information learned from an
11autopsy or other diagnostic procedure confidential. The coroner or medical examiner
12may not release such records or information except to persons to whom the deceased's
13patient health care records may be released under s. 146.82 (2) without informed
14consent, to a representative of the deceased or his or her designee, or for educational
AB720,29,20 16(3) If a law enforcement agency, or a district attorney, investigating a death
17requests that the coroner or medical examiner keep investigation records under s.
18979.032 and information related to an investigation confidential, the coroner or
19medical examiner shall keep such records and information confidential for as long
20as the law enforcement agency or district attorney requests.
AB720, s. 59 21Section 59. 979.036 of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,30,4 22979.036 Handling of personal property of deceased. (1) Each coroner or
23medical examiner shall keep an inventory of any money or other property that the
24coroner or medical examiner takes from a death scene or from a deceased and does
25not immediately provide to a law enforcement agency as evidence. The coroner or

1medical examiner shall release any such property, other than prescription
2medication, that belonged to the deceased to a representative of the deceased unless
3the property is needed as evidence or unless a court has issued an order to hold the
4property for payment of fees associated with the disposal of the body.
AB720,30,15 5(2) If the coroner or medical examiner takes prescription medications from a
6death scene or from the body of a deceased, the coroner or medical examiner shall list
7them on an inventory sheet and sign the inventory sheet. If the coroner or medical
8examiner does not provide the prescription medications to a law enforcement agency
9as evidence, the coroner or medical examiner shall destroy them in accordance with
10applicable county evidence retention policies and appropriate standards for disposal
11of medications, except that the coroner or medical examiner shall donate those
12prescription medications that satisfy the requirements under s. 255.056 (3) to the
13drug repository program under s. 255.056 or to another similar drug repository
14program. The coroner or medical examiner shall indicate on the inventory sheet the
15disposition of the prescription medications.
AB720, s. 60 16Section 60. 979.09 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,31,6 17979.09 Burial Disposition of an unidentified or unclaimed body. If any
18judge or circuit court commissioner conducts an inquest as to the death of a stranger
19or of a person whose identity is unknown or whose body is unclaimed or if the district
20attorney determines that no inquest into the death of such a person is necessary and
21the circuit judge has not ordered an inquest under s. 979.04 (2),
a coroner or medical
22examiner has custody of an unidentified or unclaimed body of an individual whose
23death was investigated under s. 979.01, and the coroner or medical examiner has
24made reasonable efforts to identify the body or locate a representative of the
the coroner or medical examiner shall cause the body to be decently buried

1or cremated and shall certify to all the charges incurred in taking any inquest by him
2or her and to
the expenses of burial or cremation of the dead body. The charges and
3expenses shall be audited by the county board of the proper county and paid out of
4the county treasury
with funds other than funds appropriated for the operation of
5the coroner's or medical examiner's office. The immunity provisions under s. 157.02
6(2m) (b) and (c) apply to a coroner's or medical examiner's actions under this section
AB720, s. 61 7Section 61. 979.10 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,31,118 979.10 (1) (a) (intro.) No person may cremate the corpse body of a deceased
9person within 48 hours after the pronouncement of death, or the discovery of the
10death, of the deceased person
unless the death was caused by a contagious or
11infectious disease. and one of the following conditions applies:
AB720,31,13 12(ag) No person may cremate a corpse body unless the person has received a
13cremation permit release from one of the following:
AB720, s. 62 14Section 62. 979.10 (1) (a) 1., 2. and 3. of the statutes are renumbered 979.10
15(1) (ag) 1., 2. and 3. and amended to read:
AB720,31,1816 979.10 (1) (ag) 1. The coroner or medical examiner in the county where the
17death occurred was pronounced if the death occurred was pronounced in this state;
18and the death was not subject to an investigation under s. 979.01.
AB720,31,2219 2. The coroner or medical examiner in the county where the event which caused
20the death occurred if the death occurred in this state and
who investigated the death
21if the death was pronounced in this state and is the subject of to an investigation
22under s. 979.01; or.
AB720,32,223 3. The coroner or medical examiner of the county where the corpse body is to
24be cremated if the death occurred was pronounced outside this state. A cremation

1permit issued under this subdivision may not be used in any county except the county
2in which the cremation permit is issued.
AB720, s. 63 3Section 63. 979.10 (1) (a) 1m. and 2m. of the statutes are created to read:
AB720,32,54 979.10 (1) (a) 1m. The person determines that the body must be cremated
5immediately to effectively contain the disease.
AB720,32,76 2m. A public health authority orders sooner disposal of the body under s.
7157.055 (2) (c) during a state of emergency related to public health.
AB720, s. 64 8Section 64. 979.10 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,32,149 979.10 (1) (b) A coroner or medical examiner shall include in any cremation
10permit release issued under par. (a) (ag) a statement that he or she has viewed the
11corpse body which is the subject of the permit release and made personal inquiry into
12the cause and manner of death under sub. (2) and is of the opinion that no further
13examination or judicial inquiry is necessary. The release shall also specify the
14earliest date and time that the cremation may occur.
AB720, s. 65 15Section 65. 979.10 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 157.113 and amended
16to read:
AB720,32,19 17157.113 Permission required to deposit cremated remains in cemetery.
18No person may deposit any cremated remains of a corpse in any cemetery without
19the permission of the person who owns or is in charge of the cemetery authority.
AB720, s. 66 20Section 66. 979.10 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,33,421 979.10 (1) (d) If the medical certification of the cause and manner of death of
22a deceased is completed by a physician under s. 69.18 (2) (b) or (c), the coroner or
23medical examiner shall review the medical certification before issuing a cremation
24release for the deceased. It is not a violation of s. 69.24 for a coroner or medical
25examiner to make or receive a copy of a death certificate, that has not been filed

1under s. 69.18 (1), for purposes of this paragraph. A coroner or medical examiner
2may not release such a copy of a death certificate to any other person or use the copy
3for a purpose other than complying with the review requirement under this
AB720, s. 67 5Section 67. 979.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,33,196 979.10 (2) If a corpse is to be cremated person requests a cremation release, the
7coroner or medical examiner shall view the body, make a careful personal inquiry
8into the cause and manner of death, and conduct an autopsy or order the conducting
9of an autopsy
, if in his or her or the coroner, medical examiner, or district attorney's
attorney determines that it is necessary to determine the cause and manner
11of death, perform or order an autopsy performed on the body. If the coroner or
12medical examiner determines that no further examination or judicial inquiry is
13necessary, he or she shall certify that fact and issue a cremation release. Upon
14written request by the district attorney the coroner or medical examiner shall obtain
15the concurrence of the district attorney before issuing the certification cremation
. If the coroner or medical examiner determines that further examination or
17judicial inquiry is necessary, he or she shall notify the district attorney under s.
18979.04 (2) and refuse to issue a cremation release until the examination or judicial
19inquiry is concluded
AB720, s. 68 20Section 68. 979.10 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB720, s. 69 21Section 69. 979.10 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,34,222 979.10 (4) Whoever accepts, receives, or takes any corpse body of a deceased
23person with intent to destroy the corpse body by means of cremation, or who cremates
24or aids and assists in the cremation of any corpse body of a deceased person without

1having presented the permit release specified in sub. (1) (ag) shall be fined not more
2than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 9 months or both.
AB720, s. 70 3Section 70. 979.10 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,34,74 979.10 (5) If a coroner or medical examiner issues an authorization under s.
5979.105 for a body but refuses to issue a cremation release for the body under sub.
6(2), the coroner or medical examiner and the county are not liable for the cost of
7storing the body.
AB720, s. 71 8Section 71. 979.10 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,34,139 979.10 (6) A person receiving a body under s. 157.02 (1m) (c) or 157.06 for the
10purpose of medical research or education shall request a cremation release from the
11coroner or medical examiner who has jurisdiction to issue a cremation release under
12sub. (1) (ag) before moving the body out of the county served by the coroner or medical
AB720, s. 72 14Section 72. 979.22 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,34,21 15979.22 Autopsies Fees for other autopsy and toxicological services
16other diagnostic procedures by coroners or medical examiners. A coroner
medical examiner may perform autopsies and toxicological services other
18diagnostic procedures
not required under this chapter and may charge a fee
19established by the county board for such autopsies and services procedures. The fee
20may not exceed an amount reasonably related to the actual and necessary cost of
21providing the service autopsy and procedures.
AB720, s. 73 22Section 73. Initial applicability.
AB720,35,923 (1) Death investigations; authorization to embalm or dispose of a body;
24cremation release; disposition of bodies.
The treatment of sections 69.01 (12), 69.18
25(2) (d) 1., 2., and 3., and (3) (a), (b), and (d), 157.02 (1), (1m) (title), (2), (2m), (3), (4),

1and (5), 157.03 (1) and (2), 157.055 (2) (intro.), 346.71 (2), 440.78 (1) (b), 979.001,
2979.01 (title), (1), (1d), (1g), (1i), (1k), (1p), (1r), (3), (3m), and (4), 979.017, 979.025
3(title), (1), (2), and (3), 979.03, 979.032, 979.034, 979.036, 979.09, 979.10 (1) (a)
4(intro.), 1., 1m., 2., 2m., and 3., (b), (c), and (d), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6), and 979.22
5of the statutes, and the renumbering and amendment of sections 979.01 (1m) and (2)
6and 979.02 of the statutes, the amendment of section 979.02 (title) of the statutes,
7and the creation of sections 979.01 (1m) (b) and (2) (b) and 979.02 (2), (3), (4), (5), (6),
8and (7) of the statutes first apply to deaths occurring on the effective date of this
AB720,35,1210 (2) Disinterment permits. The treatment of sections 69.18 (4) (a) (intro.) and
111g. to 6., (am) (intro.), (b), (bm), (d), (e), and (f) and 157.112 (3) (intro.) of the statutes
12first applies to disinterments performed on the effective date of this subsection.
AB720,35,1313 (End)