oint Rule 81 (1) Each biennial session
period begins and ends on the first
24Monday in January of the odd-numbered year, as follows:
1(a) The incoming legislature shall convene in the capitol at 2 p.m. to take the
2oath of office, select officers, and do all other things necessary to organize itself for
3the conduct of its business, but if the first Monday in January falls on January 1 or
42, the organizational meeting
shall be is held on January 3.
(b) Each biennial session
period shall be structured into floorperiods,
6committee work periods, and an interim committee work period, and shall include
7at least one meeting of the legislature in January of each year.
(c) Early in each biennial session, the joint committee on legislative
9organization shall introduce a joint resolution setting forth the session schedule for
biennium biennial session. The joint resolution is amendable and shall, when
11approved by both houses, constitute the session schedule for that
biennium biennial
12session unless later changed by action of the 2 houses.
(2) (b) Any extended floorperiod or extraordinary session
shall be is limited to
14the business specified in the action by which it is authorized
and to advice and
15consent on nominations for appointment.
(3) (intro.) Any day of the
legislative biennium
biennial session that is not
17reserved by the session schedule to conduct an organizational meeting or to be part
18of a scheduled floorperiod of the legislature is available for committee work, but:
(b) The committee on senate organization may designate a committee work day
20for senate advice and consent on nominations for appointment
and the committee on
21assembly organization may designate a committee work day for assembly advice and
22consent on nominations for appointment, whether or not that day was already
as a session day under par. (a).
1(4) The biennial session schedule shall specify the
final date dates on which the
2chief clerks of the 2 houses shall
submit present to the
office of the governor all bills
3approved by the 2 houses.
SJR2, s. 60
60. Joint rule 81m (2) (intro.) and (b) are amended to read:
5Joint Rule 81m (2) (intro.) The limited-business floorperiod
shall be is a
6floorperiod limited to action on:
(b) Reconciliation bills introduced by the
organization committee
8organization of either house that resolve conflicts between mutually inconsistent
9acts of the
legislative biennial session and proposals recalled for further legislative
10action under joint rule 60 (2).
SJR2, s. 61
61. Joint rule 82 (intro.) is renumbered joint rule 82 (1) and amended
12to read:
oint Rule 82 (1) The biennial session schedule shall provide for a
3-day veto
14review session no earlier than April 1 of the even-numbered year and no later than
15June 30 of the even-numbered year.
SJR2, s. 62
62. Joint rule 82 (1) is renumbered joint rule 82 (1m), and joint rule
1782 (1m) (intro.), (b) and (d), as renumbered, are amended to read:
18Joint Rule 82 (1m) (intro.) The veto review session
shall be is a floorperiod
19limited to action on:
(b) Pending nominations for appointments requiring senate
or assembly 21confirmation.
(d) Reconciliation bills introduced by the
organization committee
23organization of either house that resolve conflicts between mutually inconsistent
24acts of the
legislative biennial session and proposals recalled for further legislative
25action under joint rule 60 (2).
SJR2, s. 63
63. Joint rule 82 (1m) (g) is created to read:
2Joint Rule 82 (1m) (g) Resolutions or joint resolutions offering recognition or
3condolences introduced by any member of the legislature.
SJR2, s. 64
64. Joint rule 82 (2) (a) is amended to read:
oint Rule 82 (2) (a)
Any Unless otherwise provided by the committee on
6senate organization or the assembly committee on rules, any vetoes of regular or
7special session bills not previously on a calendar in the house of origin shall be shown
8as pending business on the calendar for the veto review session's first day.
SJR2, s. 65
65. Joint rule 82 (2) (b) is amended to read:
oint Rule 82 (2) (b) Any
pending veto
required to be scheduled under par. (a) 11that does not receive final action during the veto review session is sustained. The
12disposition shall be recorded as "failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the
SJR2, s. 66
66. Joint rule 83 (1) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (1) During any scheduled floorperiod the introduction, or
16offering, and disposition of proposals and the offering and disposition of
17amendments, and
of certificates under joint rule 7
citations, shall
, in each house
, be
18governed by the rules thereof.
SJR2, s. 67
67. Joint rule 83 (2) is repealed.
SJR2, s. 68
68. Joint rule 83 (3) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (3) Any proposal on which final action has not been taken at the
22conclusion adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod in the
23odd-numbered year
shall be is carried forward to the even-numbered year.
SJR2, s. 69
69. Joint rule 83 (4) (a) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), at the
conclusion 2adjournment of the last general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session
3schedule for the spring of the even-numbered year, any bill or joint resolution not yet
4agreed to by both houses, and any resolution not yet passed by the house of origin,
5is adversely disposed of for the biennial session and recorded as "failed to pass,"
6"failed to adopt," or "failed to concur."
SJR2, s. 70
70. Joint rule 83 (5) is amended to read:
oint Rule 83 (5) Following the
conclusion adjournment of the last
9general-business floorperiod scheduled by the session schedule for the spring of the
10even-numbered year, no further regular session proposals may be introduced
11offered for the balance of the
legislative biennium biennial session, except proposals
12under joint rule 81 (2) (c) or 82
(1) (1m); or required for the conduct of any special
13session called by the governor, of any extraordinary session called by the legislature,
14of the veto review session, or of any extended floorperiod.
SJR2, s. 71
71. Joint rule 84 (intro.) and (4) are amended to read:
oint Rule 84.
Committees continue throughout biennium biennial
17session. (intro.) Every standing committee and, unless otherwise ordered, every
18special committee of one or both houses,
shall continue continues throughout the
biennial session
biennium of the legislature creating the committee. Any such
20committee may:
Technical assistance. Request the legislative council staff, legislative
22reference bureau,
legislative technology services bureau, and legislative fiscal
23bureau for the necessary technical assistance appropriate to the completion of the
24committee's tasks. The joint committee on legislative organization shall coordinate
25the assignment of staff under this subsection. Any chairperson who determines that
1the attendance of staff is necessary to the proper conduct of any meeting scheduled
2at a location other than the capitol may, with the prior authorization of the committee
3on senate organization in the case of a senate committee chairperson or the speaker
4in the case of an assembly committee chairperson, authorize the reimbursement of
5such staff for actual and necessary expenses incurred in attending the meeting, from
6the general program operations appropriation to the senate or assembly under
7section 20.765 (1) (a) or (b) of the statutes.
SJR2, s. 72
72. Joint rule 87 (intro.) is amended to read:
oint Rule 87.
Recess duties
Duties of the chief clerk after floorperiods
10and sessions. (intro.) Following the
conclusion adjournment of any scheduled
or any special session or extraordinary session, the chief clerk of each
12house shall:
SJR2, s. 73
73. Joint rule 87 (3) (intro.) is amended to read:
oint Rule 87 (3)
Committee schedules and journals Journals and bulletins. 15(intro.) Compile and
cause to be published publish:
SJR2, s. 74
74. Joint rule 87 (3) (a) is repealed.
SJR2, s. 75
75. Joint rule 87 (3) (b) is amended to read:
oint Rule 87 (3) (b) Such journals as are necessary, showing the chief clerk's
19entries for all business received by the chief clerk's office
during the recess after the
20floorperiod or special or extraordinary session.
SJR2, s. 76
76. Joint rule 87 (3) (c) is repealed and recreated to read:
22Joint Rule 87 (3) (c) In cooperation with the legislative reference bureau, the
23bulletin of proceedings shall be published in accordance with joint rules 76 and 77.
SJR2, s. 77
77. Joint rule 96 is amended to read:
oint Rule 96.
Rescinding, amending, Changing or suspending rules. 2(1) The joint rules of the legislature may be
rescinded or changed only with the
3approval of a majority of the
actual current membership of each house. The vote
4be is taken by ayes and noes.
(2) Any proposal to
rescind or change a joint rule shall be
introduced offered 6as a joint resolution stating the proposed change. Except as authorized by
7unanimous consent or by vote of two-thirds of the members present, the joint
shall may not be acted upon in either house until the joint resolution has
9been made available to the members for 24 hours.
(3) Any joint rule may be suspended in either house by vote of two-thirds of the
11members present. The vote
shall be is determined by ayes and noes unless
12unanimous consent is given.
SJR2, s. 78
78. Joint rule 98 (3) is amended to read:
oint Rule 98 (3) The chief clerk of each house shall supervise the reproduction
15of the joint rules
for insertion into the assembly and senate manuals.
SJR2, s. 79
79. Joint rule 99 (intro.), (3), (4), (5), (14), (16), (27m), (28), (36), (38),
17(40), (50), (50m), (54), (59), (63), (66), (71), (75), (82), (83) and (89) are amended to
oint Rule 99.
Definitions. (intro.) The following are definitions of the major
20terms used in joint rules 1 to 99 or traditionally used in deliberations on the floor
21statutes governing legislative proceedings:
Adoption: Approval of a motion, amendment, substitute amendment,
23simple resolution, or joint resolution
[see also subs. (16) and (54)].
Amendment: A suggested alteration in any proposal
or amendment, often
2referred to as a simple amendment in distinction to a substitute amendment
, which
3is intended to take the place of the proposal.
Appeal: A member's challenge of a ruling on a point of order. To prevail,
5an appeal requires the support of a majority of the members present
, pursuant to the
6rules of a house.
Committee executive action: The action of a committee on any proposal
8or veto.
Concurrence: The action by which one house agrees to a proposal or action
10of the other house
[see also subs. (3) and (54)].
Extraordinary session: The convening of the legislature by the
12assembly and senate committees on organization
of each house or by petition or joint
13resolution of the legislature to accomplish the business specified in the action calling
14the session. When used to continue a floorperiod of the
regular biennial session for
15a limited purpose, the extraordinary session is referred to as an extended session.
Fiscal estimate: A memorandum
pursuant to joint rules 41 to 50 and the
17rules of each house, explaining the impact of
any proposal a bill on state or local
Introduction: The formal presentation of a bill before one of the houses
20[see also sub. (50m)].
Joint hearing: A hearing held by
a joint committee or by committees of
22both houses.
Joint rules: The common Common rules of
procedure proceedings 24adopted by both houses.
Nonconcurrence: The refusal of one house to agree to a proposal
2amendment, or action of the other.
Offer: The formal presentation of a joint resolution, resolution,
4substitute amendment, amendment, or motion before a house
[see also sub. (36)].
Passage: Final approval in the first house of a bill introduced in that house
6if referring to action of one house and final approval of both houses of a bill introduced
7in either house if referring to action of both houses [see also subs. (3) and (16)].
Privileged motions and requests: A group of motions and requests
9relating to basic questions concerning the meetings, organization, rules, rights, and
10duties of the
senate or assembly and having the highest precedence for consideration.
11Privileged motions and requests take precedence over incidental, subsidiary, and
12main questions.
Recess: A temporary suspension of business during a
roll call day
of the
Regular session: The biennial session of the legislature established by the
16constitution and by section 13.02 of the statutes. The Wisconsin legislature convenes
17in the capitol on the first Monday of January in each odd-numbered year at 2 p.m.
18to take the oath of office, to select officers, and to organize itself for the conduct of its
19business, but if the first Monday falls on January 1 or 2, the legislature organizes on
20January 3. Daily meetings begin in January of each year and continue throughout
biennium biennial session until the final adjournment of the
biennial session.
22"Session" is also often used to refer to the daily meetings of the legislature.
Resolution: A proposal
a) expressing the opinion of one of the houses;
or 24b) changing the rules of one of the houses
; or confirming a nomination for
Rules of procedure proceedings: The
legislative rules that govern
2operations of the legislature and the conduct of legislative business.
Rules of
3proceedings are found in the state constitution; the joint rules, senate rules, and
4assembly rules; custom, usage, and precedent in each house; the statutes; and
5parliamentary law.
Special committee, assembly: A committee created by
an assembly 7resolution, or a special committee or temporary special committee created by a
8written order
of the speaker under assembly rule 10
pursuant to the rules of a house,
9to investigate specific matters during a session or committee work period, and report
10to the
senate or assembly.
Special order of business, assembly: Any proposal ordered by the
12or assembly to be given consideration at a specified time and taking precedence over
13the regular orders of business at that time.
Sufficient seconds: The support of
15 assembly the requisite number of 15members necessary to initiate certain procedures
in the assembly rules, pursuant to
16the rules of each house.
SJR2, s. 80
80. Joint rule 99 (58) is repealed.