2013 - 2014 LEGISLATURE
August 23, 2013 - Introduced by Representatives Kaufert, Ballweg, Bernier,
Brooks, Thiesfeldt, Schraa, Stone, LeMahieu, A. Ott and Bies, cosponsored
by Senators Harsdorf and Erpenbach. Referred to Committee on State and
Local Finance.
1An Act to renumber 71.935 (4); to amend 71.935 (1) (a); and to create 71.935
2(4) (b) of the statutes; relating to: setoffs against tax refunds for debts related
3to providing ambulance services.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, if a person owes a debt of at least $20 to a county or
municipality, and if the debt has been reduced to a judgment or the county or
municipality has provided the debtor reasonable notice and an opportunity to be
heard with regards to the debt, the county or municipality may certify the debt to the
Department of Revenue (DOR) so that DOR may collect the debt for the county or
municipality by subtracting the amount of the debt from any tax refund owed to the
debtor. Under this bill, counties and municipalities may also certify to DOR for
collection debts owed to an ambulance service operating pursuant to a contract with
the county or municipality, if the debt relates to providing ambulance services to
individuals in that municipality or county.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
4Section 1. 71.935 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

171.935 (1) (a) "Debt" means a parking citation of at least $20 that is unpaid and
2for which there has been no court appearance by the date specified in the citation or,
3if no date is specified, that is unpaid for at least 28 days; an unpaid fine, fee,
4restitution or forfeiture of at least $20; and any other debt that is at least $20,
5including debt related to property taxes, if the debt has been reduced to a judgment
6or the municipality or county to which the debt is owed has provided the debtor
7reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard with regard to the debt. For
8purposes of this subsection, a debt owed to an ambulance service operating on behalf
9of or in service to a municipality or county, or pursuant to a contract with a
10municipality or county under s. 59.54 (1), 60.565, 61.64, or 62.133, is considered a
11debt owed to the municipality or county, if the debt relates to providing ambulance
12services to individuals in that municipality or county as a result of responding to
13requests that originate from a government-operated 911 call center.
14Section 2. 71.935 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 71.935 (4) (a).
15Section 3. 71.935 (4) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
16 71.935 (4) (b) Within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter, each
17municipality and county that has received amounts from the department during that
18calendar quarter for debts owed to an ambulance service operating pursuant to a
19contract under s. 59.54 (1), 60.565, 61.64, or 62.133 shall pay the amounts to the
20ambulance service.
21 (End)