(h) A report on the water quality data collected under the baseline monitoring
8program under sub. (4) (h) to establish baseline water quality.
(i) A land use map, using the existing site conditions plan under par. (c) as a
10base, showing plant communities, wildlife habitat, places where rare and
11endangered species have been sighted, archaeological or historic sites, buildings,
12and areas of social importance.
(j) A table showing existing water quality of all potentially affected surface
14waters, indicating important aquatic habitat.
(k) Local climatological data for seasonal precipitation, evaporation, air
16temperature, and wind velocity and direction. The applicant may use an annual
17record on the proposed mining waste site or adequate data to correlate the proposed
18mining waste site conditions to an existing observation station as the basis for this
(L) A discussion of regional conditions, supplemented with maps or
21cross-sections where appropriate, addressing all of the following:
1. Topography.
2. Hydrology, including surface water drainage patterns and important
24hydrologic features such as navigable waters, springs, drainage divides, and
13. Geology, including the nature and distribution of bedrock and
2unconsolidated deposits.
4. Hydrogeology, including depth of groundwater, flow directions, recharge and
4discharge areas, groundwater divides, aquifers, and the identification of the aquifers
5used by all public and private wells within at least 1,200 feet of the proposed mining
6waste site.
5. Groundwater and surface water quality and precipitation chemistry.
6. Climatology.
7. Identification of owners of land adjacent to the proposed mining waste site.
9. Existing land uses with particular emphasis on known recreational, historic,
12archaeological, scientific, cultural, or scenic significance.
10. Existing or proposed access roads and weight restrictions on those roads.
11. Identification of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems such as stream orders
15and classifications.
(m) A discussion of alternative methods of disposing of mining waste materials,
17including an analysis of the practicability of the reuse, sale, recovery, or processing
18of the mining wastes for other purposes.
(n) An analysis of the results of the mining waste characterizations under sub.
20(3), the site specific information under sub. (4) and this subsection, and the regional
21information under par. (L) in relation to the approach for locating the mining waste
22site and developing appropriate design, construction, operation, monitoring, and
23long-term care requirements for each type of mining waste.
1(o) A proposed mining waste site design, based on conclusions resulting from
2analysis of the mining waste characterizations under sub. (3) and the site data under
3sub. (4), that includes all of the following:
1. A map, using the existing site conditions plan under par. (c) as a base, that
5shows proposed access, lateral extent of filling, and phases of mining waste site
2. A series of cross-sections, using the geologic cross-sections under par. (d) as
8the base, that show existing topography, proposed base grades, and final grades.
3. Preliminary earthwork balance calculations, showing amounts of materials
10expected to be moved on the mining waste site prior to the disposal of mining waste.
4. Proposed methods for leachate control.
5. Proposed methods of mining waste site development, phasing, access control,
13and other special design features.
6. Expected material balances showing the quantities of each type of mining
15waste identified in par. (a) showing the amounts generated, disposed of on site, and
16taken off site, including all of the following:
a. The projected conditions existing at the end of a typical year of production.
b. The projected conditions existing at the end of operations.
c. The projected conditions existing at the end of reclamation.
7. A discussion of the reasoning behind the design of the major features of the
21mining waste site, such as traffic routing, base grade and relationships to subsurface
22conditions, anticipated waste types and characteristics, phases of development,
23mining waste site monitoring, and similar design features.
8. A proposed monitoring program, based on potential variations in the quality
25and quantity of mining waste and methods of processing, transport and disposal, and
1on the variability of important environmental conditions, designed to monitor the
2proposed mining waste site for compliance with all environmental standards that
3are applicable under this subchapter.
9. The results of engineering and hydrologic modeling to assess mining waste
5site performance relative to compliance with applicable groundwater quality
6standards to a depth of not more than 1,000 feet into the Precambrian bedrock or to
7the final depth of the mining excavation, whichever is greater, and to compliance
8with applicable surface water quality standards, examining a period equal to the
9proposed period in which the mining waste site is proposed to operate plus 100 years
10after closure of the mining waste site. The applicant may also include information
11from other mining operations and operations for the extraction of nonferrous
12metallic minerals to substantiate that the proposed mining waste site design,
13including associated contingency plans and monitoring and response plans, will
14allow for the operation and closure of the mining waste site in a manner that will not
15substantially adversely affect groundwater and surface water quality in accordance
16with applicable standards.
10. If the applicant proposes to expand an existing mining waste site, an
18evaluation of the existing mining waste site design and operation.
(p) Preliminary water budgets for the periods before construction, during
20construction, and after closure of the mining waste site, each addressing
21climatological situations depicting dry, wet, and average precipitation and
22evaporation conditions, based on climatological records. In preparing the water
23budget, the applicant shall consider precipitation, slurry water input and return,
24evaporation, surface runoff, evapotranspiration, the moisture holding capacity of
25soil and mining waste, and the velocities and volumes of groundwater flow. In the
1water budget, the applicant shall describe the estimated amount and quality of
2seepage and discharge to surface water and groundwater.
(q) An analysis of the impact of the mining waste site on aesthetics and how
4any impact can be minimized or offset to the extent practicable.
(r) Data regarding the safety factors of tailings basin embankments,
6considering the following, on a case-by-case basis:
1. Geology of the mining waste site including type and homogeneity of the
2. Materials and methods to be used for embankment construction.
3. Physical and chemical characteristics of the mining waste as deposited and
11predicted changes through time.
4. The potential area to be affected in case of failure, considering land use and
13the surrounding environment.
5. Requirements of the mine safety and health administration of the federal
15department of labor.
(s) An economic analysis, including an engineer's cost estimate, for mining
17waste site closure and long-term care.
(t) Identification and analysis of alternatives to the design and location of any
19new proposed mining waste site and discussion of operation alternatives to the
20extent they have a significant impact on design and location alternatives.
(u) An appendix that includes all of the following:
1. Boring logs, soil tests, well construction data, and water level
2. A description of the methods and equations used in the analysis of the raw
13. References.
2(6) Contents relating to operation. An applicant for a mining permit shall
3submit as part of the mining waste site feasibility study and plan of operation
4provisions relating to operation of the mining waste site including all of the following:
(a) Engineering plans consisting of all of the following:
1. An existing site conditions plan sheet indicating site conditions before
7development to the extent not provided under sub. (5).
2. A base grade plan sheet indicating mining waste site base grades or the
9appearance of the mining waste site if it were excavated in its entirety to the base
10elevation, before installation of any engineering modifications and before disposal
11of any mining wastes.
3. An engineering modifications plan sheet indicating the appearance of the
13mining waste site after installation of engineering modifications.
4. A final site topography plan sheet indicating the appearance of the site at
15closing including the details necessary to prepare the mining waste site for
16reclamation and long-term care.
5. A series of phasing plan sheets showing initial mining waste site
18preparations for each subsequent major phase or new area where substantial mining
19waste site preparation must be performed, along with a list of construction items and
20quantities projected to be necessary to prepare the phase indicated.
6. A site monitoring plan sheet showing the location of all devices for the
22monitoring of leachate quality, leachate production, and groundwater quality and
23levels in both the natural zone of saturation and that developed within the mining
24waste site, along with a table indicating the parameters to be monitored for and the
25frequency of monitoring before and during mining waste site development.
17. A long-term care plan sheet showing the completion of closure and
2indicating those items anticipated to be performed during the period of long-term
3care for the mining waste site, along with a discussion of the procedures to be used
4for the inspection and maintenance of runoff control structures, settlement, erosion
5damage, leachate control facilities, and leachate and groundwater monitoring and
6a table listing those items and the anticipated schedule for monitoring and
8. If applicable, the following information on the plan sheets under subds. 1.
9to 7.:
a. A survey grid with baselines and monuments to be used for field control.
b. Limits of filling for each major mining waste type or fill area.
c. All drainage patterns and surface water drainage control structures both
13within the actual fill area and at the perimeter of the mining waste site, including
14any berms, ditches, sedimentation basins, pumps, sumps, culverts, pipes, inlets,
15velocity breaks, sodding, erosion matting, vegetation, or other methods of erosion
d. The method of placing mining waste within each phase.
e. Ground surface contours at the time represented by the drawing, indicating
19spot elevations for key features.
f. Areas to be cleared, grubbed, and stripped of topsoil.
g. Borrow areas for liner materials, granular materials for filter beds, berms,
22roadway construction, and cover materials.
h. All soil stockpiles, including soils to be used for cover, topsoil, liner materials,
24filter bed materials, and other excavation.
i. Access roads and traffic flow patterns to and within the active fill area.
1j. All temporary and permanent fencing.
k. The methods of screening such as berms, vegetation, or special fencing.
L. Leachate collection, control, and treatment systems, including any pipes,
4manholes, trenches, berms, collection sumps or basins, pumps, risers, liners, and
5liner splices.
m. Leachate and groundwater monitoring devices and systems.
n. Disposal areas for severe weather operations.
o. Support buildings, utilities, gates, and signs.
p. Handling areas for the segregation of various types of mining waste.
q. Construction notes and references to details.
r. On the appropriate plan sheet, the location of each cross-section under subd.
129., with the section labeled using the mining waste site grid system.
9. A series of mining waste site cross-sections, drawn perpendicular and
14parallel to the mining waste site baseline at a maximum distance of 500 feet between
15cross-sections and at points of important construction features, each cross-section
16showing, where applicable: existing and proposed base and final grades; soil borings
17and monitoring wells that the section passes through or is adjacent to; soil types,
18bedrock, and water table; leachate control, collection, and monitoring systems;
19quantity of mining waste and area filled by each major mining waste type; drainage
20control structures; access roads and ramps on the mining waste site perimeter and
21within the active fill area; the filling sequence or phases; and other appropriate site
10. Drawings and typical sections for, as appropriate, drainage control
24structures, tailings distribution systems, access roads, fencing, leachate control
25systems and monitoring devices, buildings, signs, and other construction details.
1(b) A plan for initial site preparations, including a discussion of the field
2measurements, photographs to be taken, and sampling and testing procedures to be
3used to verify that the in-field conditions encountered were the same as those
4defined in the mining waste site feasibility study and plan of operation and to
5document that the mining waste site was constructed according to the engineering
6plans and specifications submitted for department approval.
(c) A description of typical daily operations, including a discussion of the
8timetable for development; methods for determining mining waste types disposed of
9or excluded; typical mining waste handling techniques; hours of operation; traffic
10routing; drainage and erosion control; windy, wet, and cold weather operations; fire
11protection equipment; methods for dust control; method of placing mining waste
12materials; monitoring; closure of filled areas; leachate control methods; and critical
13backup equipment.
(d) An analysis of the financial responsibility for closure and long-term care
15from the time of closing of the mining waste site to termination of the obligation to
16maintain proof of financial responsibility for long-term care.
(e) A description of procedures for backfilling all soil borings and monitoring
18wells when they are abandoned.
(f) A contingency plan to prevent or minimize damage to human health or the
20environment in the event of an accidental or emergency discharge or other condition
21that does not comply with conditions of the mining permit or other applicable
22standards. The applicant shall ensure that the plan does all of the following:
1. Follows the spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plan in
24regulations promulgated under
33 USC 1321.
12. Indicates, for the monitoring programs required under sub. (5) (o) 8., the
2levels of substances that if exceeded require the operator to activate the contingency
3. Includes a provision for more concentrated and frequent monitoring in the
5area of any excessive measurement.
4. Describes possible accidental or emergency discharges or other unplanned
7events and identifies the corresponding corrective action or alternative action to be
8implemented should the criteria for action be exceeded.
5. Specifies the action to be taken if an analysis of groundwater samples
10requires a response.
(g) A list of the groundwater and surface water quality parameters for which
12the applicant will monitor under s. 295.643 and a description of the methods for
13groundwater and surface water sample collection, preservation, and analysis that
14will be used.
15(7) Required demonstrations. Through the mining waste site feasibility study
16and plan of operation, the applicant shall demonstrate that all of the following apply
17or will apply with respect to the operation of the mining waste site, excluding the area
18from which ferrous minerals will be extracted and that is backfilled with mining
(a) No mining waste will be deposited in such a way that the mining waste or
21leachate from the mining waste will result in a violation of any applicable surface
22water quality criteria or standards, applicable wetland water quality standards, or
23applicable groundwater quality standards.