Under current law, DVA administers a grant program for a grant of $500,000
to VETransfer, Inc. (VETransfer), an organization that provides training and other
assistance to veterans engaged in entrepreneurship. Of those moneys, VETransfer
is required to use at least $300,000 to make grants to Wisconsin veterans or their
businesses to cover costs associated with the start-up of veteran-owned businesses
located in Wisconsin, and VETransfer is authorized to use up to $200,000 to provide
entrepreneurial training and related services to Wisconsin veterans. VETransfer
must repay to the state any moneys not used by June 30, 2017.
This bill transfers that grant program to the Forward Wisconsin Development
Under current law, DVA subsistence payments and health care assistance to
certain veterans and their dependents and a person may be eligible for those benefits
only if the person is a resident of and living in Wisconsin at the time the person
applies for the benefits. This bill eliminates that residency requirement for such
subsistence payments and health care assistance.
Also under current law, the parent of a veteran may be eligible for admission
as a resident in a veterans home in Wisconsin. The bill limits that eligibility to a
parent of a person who died while serving in the U.S. armed forces.
Because this bill relates to an exemption from state or local taxes, it may be
referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions for a report to be printed
as an appendix to the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB21,1 1Section 1. 1.12 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,50,22 1.12 (1) (b) "State agency" means an office, department, agency, institution of
3higher education, the legislature, a legislative service agency, the courts, a judicial
4branch agency, an association, society, or other body in state government that is
5created or authorized to be created by the constitution or by law, for which

1appropriations are made by law, excluding the Wisconsin Economic Development
Forward Wisconsin Development Authority.
AB21,2 3Section 2. 5.15 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,50,174 5.15 (1) (c) The wards established by municipal governing bodies in a division
5ordinance or resolution enacted or adopted under this section shall govern the
6adjustment of supervisory districts under s. 59.10 (2) (a) and (3) (b) and of aldermanic
7districts under s. 62.08 (1) for the purpose of local elections beginning on January 1
8of the 2nd year commencing after the year of the census until revised under this
9section on the basis of the results of the next decennial census of population unless
10adjusted under sub. (2) (f) 4. or 5., (6) (a), or (7), or unless a division is required to
11effect an act of the legislature redistricting legislative districts under article IV,
12section 3, of the constitution or redistricting congressional districts. The populations
13of wards under each decennial ward division shall be determined on the basis of the
14federal decennial census and any official corrections to the census issued on or before
15the date of adoption of the division ordinance or resolution to reflect the correct
16populations of the municipality and the blocks within the municipality on April 1 of
17the year of the census.
AB21,3 18Section 3. 5.15 (2) (f) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB21,50,2319 5.15 (2) (f) 5. Territory that lies between an actual municipal boundary that
20existed on April 1 of the year of a federal decennial census and an intersecting
21municipal boundary that deviates from the actual municipal boundary on that date
22if the deviating boundary was used by the U.S. bureau of the census to enumerate
23the population of the municipality in that census.
AB21,4 24Section 4. 5.15 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
15.15 (4) (b) Within 5 days after adoption or enactment of an ordinance or
2resolution under this section or any amendment thereto, the municipal clerk shall
3transmit one copy of the ordinance or resolution or the amendment to the county
4clerk of each county in which the municipality is contained, accompanied by the list
5and map specified in par. (a). If the population of the municipality exceeds 10,000,
6the municipal clerk shall furnish one copy to the legislative reference bureau at the
7same time.
Each copy shall identify the name of the municipality and the county or
8counties in which it is located.
AB21,5 9Section 5. 5.15 (4) (bg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB21,51,1910 5.15 (4) (bg) No later than October 15 of each year following the year of a federal
11decennial census, each municipal clerk shall file a report with the county clerk of
12each county in which the municipality is contained confirming the boundaries of the
13municipality and of all wards in the municipality. The report shall be accompanied
14by a map of the municipality and a list of the block numbers of which the municipality
15and each ward within the municipality are comprised. Within 5 days after notice to
16the municipal clerk of a judgment that has the effect of changing the municipal
17boundaries, the clerk shall file the same report. Each report filed under this
18paragraph shall identify the name of the municipality and the county or counties in
19which it is located.
AB21,6 20Section 6. 5.15 (4) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
AB21,52,221 5.15 (4) (br) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., no later than January 15 and July
2215 of each year, the county clerk shall transmit to the legislative technology services
23bureau a report confirming the boundaries of each municipality, ward, and
24supervisory district in the county together with a map of the county, in an electronic

1format approved by the legislative technology services bureau. Each report shall be
2current to the nearest January 1 or July 1 preceding the date of the report.
AB21,52,73 2. In each year following the year of a federal decennial census, the July report
4shall instead be transmitted no later than November 1 and shall be current to the
5date of the report. The November 1 report shall be accompanied by a list of the block
6numbers of which the county and each municipality and ward within the county are
AB21,7 8Section 7. 5.15 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,52,249 5.15 (7) If a new town municipality is created or if part of a town municipality
10is annexed to a city or village during a decennial period after April 1 of the year of
11the federal decennial census, the town board governing body of any town
12municipality to which territory is attached or from which territory is detached,
13without regard to the time provisions of sub. (1) (b), may, by ordinance or resolution,
14create new wards or adjust the existing wards in that town municipality to the extent
15required to reflect the change. If a municipality is consolidated with another
16municipality during a decennial period after April 1 of the year of the federal
17decennial census, the governing body of the consolidated municipality, without
18regard to the time provisions under sub. (1) (b), may, by ordinance or resolution,
19create new wards or adjust the existing wards of the municipality to the extent
20required to reflect the change. No ward line adjustment under this subsection may
21cross the boundary of a congressional, assembly, or supervisory district. The Within
225 days after adoption of the ordinance or resolution, the
municipal clerk shall
23transmit copies of the ordinance or resolution making the adjustment to the county
in compliance with sub. (4) (b).
AB21,8 25Section 8. 7.33 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
17.33 (1) (c) "State agency" has the meaning given under s. 20.001 (1) and
2includes an authority created under subch. II of ch. 114 or ch. 36, 231, 232, 233, 234,
3or 237.
AB21,9 4Section 9. 11.36 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,53,145 11.36 (1) No person may solicit or receive from any state officer or employee or
6from any officer or employee of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
7Authority or the University of Wisconsin System Authority any contribution or
8service for any political purpose while the officer or employee is engaged in his or her
9official duties, except that an elected state official may solicit and receive services not
10constituting a contribution from a state officer or employee or an officer or employee
11of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority or the University of
12Wisconsin System Authority
with respect to a referendum only. Agreement to
13perform services authorized under this subsection may not be a condition of
14employment for any such officer or employee.
AB21,10 15Section 10. 11.36 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,53,2016 11.36 (3) Every person who has charge or control in a building, office or room
17occupied for any purpose by this state, by any political subdivision thereof or by the
18University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority or the University of
19Wisconsin System Authority
shall prohibit the entry of any person into that building,
20office or room for the purpose of making or receiving a contribution.
AB21,11 21Section 11. 11.36 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,54,222 11.36 (4) No person may enter or remain in any building, office or room
23occupied for any purpose by the state, by any political subdivision thereof or by the
24University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority or the University of

1Wisconsin System Authority
or send or direct a letter or other notice thereto for the
2purpose of requesting or collecting a contribution.
AB21,12 3Section 12. 13.101 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,54,224 13.101 (6) (a) As an emergency measure necessitated by decreased state
5revenues and to prevent the necessity for a state tax on general property, the
6committee may reduce any appropriation made to any board, commission,
7department, or the University of Wisconsin System, or to any other state agency or
8activity, by such amount as it deems feasible, not exceeding 25% of the
9appropriations, except appropriations made by ss. 20.255 (2) (ac), (bc), (bh), (cg), and
10(cr), 20.395 (1), (2) (cq), (eq) to (ex) and (gq) to (gx), (3), (4) (aq) to (ax), and (6) (af),
11(aq), (ar), and (au), 20.435 (7) (4) (a) and (5) (da), and 20.437 (2) (a) and (dz) or for
12forestry purposes under s. 20.370 (1), or any other moneys distributed to any county,
13city, village, town, or school district. Appropriations of receipts and of a sum
14sufficient shall for the purposes of this section be regarded as equivalent to the
15amounts expended under such appropriations in the prior fiscal year which ended
16June 30. All functions of said state agencies shall be continued in an efficient
17manner, but because of the uncertainties of the existing situation no public funds
18should be expended or obligations incurred unless there shall be adequate revenues
19to meet the expenditures therefor. For such reason the committee may make
20reductions of such appropriations as in its judgment will secure sound financial
21operations of the administration for said state agencies and at the same time
22interfere least with their services and activities.
AB21,13 23Section 13 . 13.101 (6) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act ....
24(this act), is amended to read:
113.101 (6) (a) As an emergency measure necessitated by decreased state
2revenues and to prevent the necessity for a state tax on general property, the
3committee may reduce any appropriation made to any board, commission, or
4department, or the University of Wisconsin System, or to any other state agency or
5activity, or to the University of Wisconsin System Authority, by such amount as it
6deems feasible, not exceeding 25% of the appropriations, except appropriations made
7by ss. 20.255 (2) (ac), (bc), (bh), (cg), and (cr), 20.395 (1), (2) (cq), (eq) to (ex) and (gq)
8to (gx), (3), (4) (aq) to (ax), and (6) (af), (aq), (ar), and (au), 20.435 (4) (a) and (5) (da),
9and 20.437 (2) (a) and (dz) or for forestry purposes under s. 20.370 (1), or any other
10moneys distributed to any county, city, village, town, or school district.
11Appropriations of receipts and of a sum sufficient shall for the purposes of this
12section be regarded as equivalent to the amounts expended under such
13appropriations in the prior fiscal year which ended June 30. All functions of said
14state agencies shall be continued in an efficient manner, but because of the
15uncertainties of the existing situation no public funds should be expended or
16obligations incurred unless there shall be adequate revenues to meet the
17expenditures therefor. For such reason the committee may make reductions of such
18appropriations as in its judgment will secure sound financial operations of the
19administration for said state agencies and at the same time interfere least with their
20services and activities.
AB21,14 21Section 14. 13.121 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,56,522 13.121 (4) Insurance. For the purpose of premium determinations under s.
2340.05 (4) and (5) each member of the legislature shall accrue sick leave at a rate
24equivalent to a percentage of time worked recommended for such positions by the
25director of the office administrator of the division of state employment relations

1personnel management in the department of administration and approved by the
2joint committee on employment relations in the same manner as compensation for
3such positions is determined under s. 20.923. This percentage of time worked shall
4be applied to the sick leave accrual rate established under s. 230.35 (2). The approved
5percentage shall be incorporated into the compensation plan under s. 230.12 (1).
AB21,15 6Section 15. 13.123 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,56,247 13.123 (1) (a) 1. Any member of the legislature who has signified, by affidavit
8filed with the department of administration, the necessity of establishing a
9temporary residence at the state capital for the period of any regular or special
10legislative session shall be entitled to an allowance for expenses incurred for food and
11lodging for each day that he or she is in Madison on legislative business, but not
12including any Saturday or Sunday unless the legislator is in actual attendance on
13such day at a session of the legislature or a meeting of a standing committee of which
14the legislator is a member. The amount of the allowance for each biennial session
15shall be 90% of the per diem rate for travel for federal government business within
16the city of Madison, as established by the federal general services administration.
17For the purpose of determining the amount of the allowance, the director of the office
18administrator of the division of state employment relations personnel management
19in the department of administration
shall certify to the chief clerk of each house the
20federal per diem rate in effect on December 1, or the first business day thereafter if
21December 1 is not a business day, in each even-numbered year. Each legislator shall
22file an affidavit with the chief clerk of his or her house certifying the specific dollar
23amount within the authorized allowance the member wishes to receive. Such
24affidavit, when filed, shall remain in effect for the biennial session.
AB21,16 25Section 16. 13.172 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
113.172 (1) In this section, "agency" means an office, department, agency,
2institution of higher education, association, society, or other body in state
3government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, that
4is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the
5courts, and any authority created in subch. II of ch. 114 or in ch. 36, 231, 233, 234,
235, or 279.
AB21,17 7Section 17. 13.20 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,57,198 13.20 (2) Pay ranges; duration of employment. All legislative employees shall
9be paid in accordance with the compensation and classification plan for employees
10in the classified civil service within ranges approved by the joint committee on
11legislative organization. The director of the office of state employment relations
12administrator of the division of personnel management in the department of
shall make recommendations concerning a compensation and
14classification schedule for legislative employees if requested to do so by the joint
15committee on legislative organization or by the committee on organization of either
16house. If the joint committee does not approve pay ranges for legislative employees,
17the committee on organization of either house may approve pay ranges for its
18employees. Appointments shall be made for the legislative session, unless earlier
19terminated by the appointing officer.
AB21,18 20Section 18. 13.48 (2) (ad) of the statutes is created to read:
AB21,57,2321 13.48 (2) (ad) At the first meeting of the building commission following the
22enactment of the biennial budget act, the commission may take any of the following
AB21,58,424 1. Authorize the department of administration to contract public debt or
25obligations under subch. II of ch. 18 in an amount not to exceed the amount that the

1building commission is authorized by the laws of this state to contract. If
2authorization is granted under this subdivision, the department of administration
3shall provide periodic reports regarding the contracting of debt or obligations under
4this subdivision to the commission.
AB21,58,65 2. Release an amount not to exceed the amount of state building trust fund
6moneys to the department of administration for planning for enumerated projects.
AB21,58,87 3. Authorize the department of administration to issue revenue-obligation
8refunding obligations under s. 18.60.
AB21,19 9Section 19. 13.48 (2) (ah) of the statutes is created to read:
AB21,58,1310 13.48 (2) (ah) After the first meeting of the building commission following the
11enactment of the biennial budget act, the department of administration shall report
12quarterly to the commission regarding the status of projects under the state building
AB21,20 14Section 20. 13.48 (2) (ap) of the statutes is created to read:
AB21,58,2115 13.48 (2) (ap) After the enactment of the biennial budget act in any biennium,
16any request for approval from the building commission of a project budget increase
17or of a substantial change in an enumerated project shall be submitted in writing to
18the commission. If, within 14 working days after the date of that written request,
19a majority of the members of the commission do not request that the commission
20schedule a meeting to review the request under this paragraph, the request is
AB21,21 22Section 21. 13.48 (2) (at) of the statutes is created to read:
AB21,59,423 13.48 (2) (at) Any request for an approval required to be made by the building
24commission, other than a request for approval of a project budget increase or of a
25substantial change in an enumerated project, shall be submitted in writing to the

1commission. If, within 14 working days after the date of that written request, a
2majority of the members of the commission do not request that the commission
3schedule a meeting to review the request under this paragraph, the request is
AB21,22 5Section 22. 13.48 (2) (b) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,59,106 13.48 (2) (b) 1m. The University of Wisconsin System may not accept any gift,
7grant or bequest of real property with a value in excess of $150,000 or any gift, grant
8or bequest of a building or structure that is constructed for the benefit of the system
9or any institution thereof without the approval under par. (at) of the building
AB21,23 11Section 23 . 13.48 (2) (b) 1m. of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act
12.... (this act), is repealed.
AB21,24 13Section 24. 13.48 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,59,2214 13.48 (2) (b) 2. In the construction of all new buildings or additions to existing
15buildings used for housing state offices and constructed for general state purposes
16and not specially for the use of any particular state agency, the building commission
17shall function with respect to such construction in the same manner as other state
18agencies function with respect to buildings constructed for such agencies. The
19building commission shall under par. (at) fix the rental for all space in such buildings,
20and, notwithstanding any other statute, may remove to any building any
21department housed in the state capitol. After the completion of such buildings, they
22shall be in the charge of the department of administration as provided by s. 16.84.
AB21,25 23Section 25. 13.48 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
AB21,26 24Section 26. 13.48 (2) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
AB21,27 25Section 27. 13.48 (2) (f) of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 28. 13.48 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,60,32 13.48 (2) (g) The building commission shall under par. (at) review assessments
3on property of the state under s. 66.0703 (6).
AB21,29 4Section 29. 13.48 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,60,245 13.48 (3) State building trust fund. In the interest of the continuity of the
6program, the moneys appropriated to the state building trust fund under s. 20.867
7(2) (f) shall be retained as a nonlapsing building depreciation reserve. Such moneys
8shall be deposited into the state building trust fund. At such times as the building
9commission directs, or in emergency situations under s. 16.855 (16) (b), the governor
10shall authorize releases from this fund to become available for projects and shall
11direct the department of administration to allocate from this fund such amounts as
12are approved for these projects. In issuing such directions, the building commission
13shall consider the cash balance in the state building trust fund, the necessity and
14urgency of the proposed improvement, employment conditions and availability of
15materials in the locality in which the improvement is to be made. The building
16commission may authorize any project costing $760,000 $3,000,000 or less in
17accordance with priorities to be established by the building commission and may
18adjust the priorities by deleting, substituting or adding new projects as needed to
19reflect changing program needs and unforeseen circumstances. The building
20commission may enter into contracts for the construction of buildings for any state
21agency, except a project authorized under sub. (10) (c), and shall be responsible for
22accounting for all funds released to projects. The building commission may designate
23the department of administration or the agency for which the project is constructed
24to act as its representative in such accounting.
1Section 30 . 13.48 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act .... (this
2act), is amended to read:
AB21,61,233 13.48 (3) State building trust fund. In the interest of the continuity of the
4program, the moneys appropriated to the state building trust fund under s. 20.867
5(2) (f) shall be retained as a nonlapsing building depreciation reserve. Such moneys
6shall be deposited into the state building trust fund. At such times as the building
7commission directs, or in emergency situations under s. 16.855 (16) (b), the governor
8shall authorize releases from this fund to become available for projects and shall
9direct the department of administration to allocate from this fund such amounts as
10are approved for these projects. In issuing such directions, the building commission
11shall consider the cash balance in the state building trust fund, the necessity and
12urgency of the proposed improvement, employment conditions and availability of
13materials in the locality in which the improvement is to be made. The building
14commission may authorize any project costing $3,000,000 or less in accordance with
15priorities to be established by the building commission and may adjust the priorities
16by deleting, substituting or adding new projects as needed to reflect changing
17program needs and unforeseen circumstances. The building commission may enter
18into contracts for the construction of buildings for any state agency and the
19University of Wisconsin System Authority
, except a project authorized described
20under sub. (10) (c), and shall be responsible for accounting for all funds released to
21projects. The building commission may designate the department of administration
22or the agency for which the project is constructed to act as its representative in such
AB21,31 24Section 31. 13.48 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB21,32 25Section 32. 13.48 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 33. 13.48 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,62,132 13.48 (7) Biennial recommendations. The building commission shall prepare
3and formally adopt recommendations for the long-range state building program on
4a biennial basis. The building commission shall include in its report any projects
5proposed by the state fair park board involving a cost of not more than $250,000
6$760,000, together with the method of financing those projects proposed by the
7board, without recommendation. Unless a later date is requested by the building
8commission and approved by the joint committee on finance, the building
9commission shall, no later than the first Tuesday in April of each odd-numbered
10year, transmit the report prepared by the department of administration under s.
1116.40 (20) and the commission's recommendations for the succeeding fiscal biennium
12that require legislative approval to the joint committee on finance in the form of
13proposed legislation prepared in proper form.
AB21,34 14Section 34 . 13.48 (7) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act .... (this
15act), is amended to read:
AB21,63,316 13.48 (7) Biennial recommendations. The building commission shall prepare
17and formally adopt recommendations for the long-range state building program on
18a biennial basis, including projects proposed by the University of Wisconsin System
. The building commission shall include in its report any projects proposed
20by the state fair park board involving a cost of not more than $760,000, together with
21the method of financing those projects proposed by the board, without
22recommendation. Unless a later date is requested by the building commission and
23approved by the joint committee on finance, the building commission shall, no later
24than the first Tuesday in April of each odd-numbered year, transmit the report
25prepared by the department of administration under s. 16.40 (20) and the

1commission's recommendations for the succeeding fiscal biennium that require
2legislative approval to the joint committee on finance in the form of proposed
3legislation prepared in proper form.
AB21,35 4Section 35. 13.48 (10) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,63,145 13.48 (10) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), no state board, agency, officer,
6department, commission, or body corporate may enter into a contract for the
7construction, reconstruction, remodeling of, or addition to any building, structure,
8or facility, in connection with any building project which involves a cost in excess of
9$185,000 $760,000 without completion of final plans and arrangement for
10supervision of construction and prior approval by the building commission. This
11section applies to the department of transportation only in respect to buildings,
12structures, and facilities to be used for administrative or operating functions,
13including buildings, land, and equipment to be used for the motor vehicle emission
14inspection and maintenance program under s. 110.20.
AB21,36 15Section 36 . 13.48 (10) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act ....
16(this act), is amended to read:
AB21,64,217 13.48 (10) (a) Except as provided in par. (c) and subject to s. 16.85 (1), no state
18board, agency, officer, department, commission, or body corporate may enter into a
19contract for the construction, reconstruction, remodeling of, or addition to any
20building, structure, or facility, in connection with any building project which involves
21a cost in excess of $760,000 without completion of final plans and arrangement for
22supervision of construction and prior approval by the building commission. This
23section applies to the department of transportation only in respect to buildings,
24structures, and facilities to be used for administrative or operating functions,

1including buildings, land, and equipment to be used for the motor vehicle emission
2inspection and maintenance program under s. 110.20.
AB21,37 3Section 37. 13.48 (10) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB21,64,54 13.48 (10) (b) (intro.) This subsection Paragraph (a) does not apply to any of
5the following:
AB21,38 6Section 38. 13.48 (10) (b) 5. of the statutes is renumbered 13.48 (10) (d) and
7amended to read: