AB227,395 22Section 395. 234.19 of the statutes is renumbered 235.026.
AB227,396 23Section 396. 234.20 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0265.
AB227,397 24Section 397. 234.21 of the statutes is renumbered 235.027 and amended to
1235.027 Trustee; additional powers. The trustee, in addition to the powers
2granted in s. 234.20 235.0265 shall have all of the powers necessary or appropriate
3for the exercise of any functions specifically set forth in this chapter or incident to
4the general representation of noteholders or bondholders in the enforcement and
5protection of their rights.
AB227,398 6Section 398. 234.22 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0271 and amended to
AB227,125,10 8235.0271 Venue. The venue of any action or proceeding by the trustee under
9ss. 234.19, 234.20 and 234.21 235.026, 235.0265, and 235.027 shall be in Dane
AB227,399 11Section 399. 234.23 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0273.
AB227,400 12Section 400. 234.24 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0275.
AB227,401 13Section 401. 234.25 of the statutes is repealed.
AB227,402 14Section 402. 234.255 of the statutes is repealed.
AB227,403 15Section 403. 234.26 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0277.
AB227,404 16Section 404. 234.265 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0279 and amended to
AB227,125,20 18235.0279 Records of the authority. All records of the authority or any
19corporation established by the authority shall be open to the public as provided in
20s. 19.35 (1)
, except:
AB227,125,24 21(1) Those records relating to pending grants, economic development loans,
22economic development projects,
or housing projects which that, in the opinion of the
23authority, must remain confidential to protect the competitive nature of the grant,
24loan, or project.
1(2) Records or portions of records consisting of personal or financial
2information provided by a person seeking a grant or, loan under s. 234.63, 2007
3stats., or s. 234.04, 234.08, 234.49, 234.59, 234.592, 234.605, 234.61, 234.65, 234.67,
4234.83, 234.84, 234.90, 234.905, 234.907, or 234.91, seeking a loan under ss. 234.621
5to 234.626, seeking financial assistance under s. 234.66, 2005 stats., seeking
6mortgage loan refinancing from a lender under s. 234.605, seeking investment of
7funds under s. 234.03 (18m), or in which the authority has invested funds under s.
8234.03 (18m), unless the person consents to disclosure of the information
, tax credit,
9or other assistance from the authority
AB227,405 10Section 405. 234.28 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0281 and amended to
AB227,126,19 12235.0281 Notes and bonds; exemption from taxation. The state covenants
13with the purchasers and all subsequent holders and transferees of notes and bonds
14issued by the authority or by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development
15Authority under ch. 234, 2013 stats.
, in consideration of the acceptance of any
16payment for the notes and bonds, that its fees, charges, gifts, grants, revenues,
17receipts, and other moneys received or to be received, pledged to pay or secure the
18payment of such notes or bonds shall at all times be free and exempt from all state,
19city, county, or other taxation provided by the laws of the state.
AB227,406 20Section 406. 234.29 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0283.
AB227,407 21Section 407. 234.30 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0285.
AB227,408 22Section 408. 234.31 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0287.
AB227,409 23Section 409. 234.32 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0289.
AB227,410 24Section 410. 234.35 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0291.
AB227,411 25Section 411. 234.36 of the statutes is renumbered 235.0293.
1Section 412. 234.40 of the statutes is renumbered 235.409, and 235.409 (2),
2(3) and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,127,103 235.409 (2) Bonds issued under the authority of this section are payable out
4of revenues or moneys received from the repayment of veterans housing loans and
5related funds made available in ss. 234.42 235.42 and 234.43 235.43. All assets and
6liabilities created through the issuance of bonds to purchase mortgage loans
7representing veterans housing loans are to be separate from all other assets and
8liabilities of the authority. No funds of the veterans housing loan program may be
9commingled with any other funds of the authority, including the Wisconsin housing
10finance fund
AB227,127,15 11(3) It is the intent of the legislature that the authority be used to finance the
12veterans housing program. Nothing in this chapter subchapter shall be construed
13to supersede the powers vested by subch. III of ch. 45 in the department of veterans
14affairs for carrying out program responsibilities for which debt has been incurred by
15the authority.
AB227,127,20 16(4) The limitations established in ss. 234.18, 234.50, 234.60, 234.61, and 234.65
17235.0255, 235.50, 235.60, and 235.61 are not applicable to bonds issued under the
18authority of this section. The authority may not have outstanding at any one time
19bonds for veterans housing loans in an aggregate principal amount exceeding
20$61,945,000, excluding bonds being issued to refund outstanding bonds.
AB227,413 21Section 413. 234.41 of the statutes is renumbered 235.41, and 235.41 (3), as
22renumbered, is amended to read:
AB227,128,323 235.41 (3) Moneys of the veterans housing loan fund may be invested as
24provided in s. 234.03 (18) 235.012 (19). All such investments shall be the exclusive
25property of the fund. All earnings on or income from such investments shall be

1credited to the fund, paid over to the department of veterans affairs and deposited
2in the veterans trust fund after payment or repayment of any deficits arising in the
3veterans capital reserve fund and after payment of expenses contained in sub. (4).
AB227,414 4Section 414. 234.42 of the statutes is renumbered 235.42, and 235.42 (1g), (1s)
5and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,128,176 235.42 (1g) In this section "veterans capital reserve fund requirement" means
7an amount equal to the maximum amount, in any succeeding year, of principal and
8interest, other than principal and interest for which sinking fund payments are
9specified in any resolution of the authority board authorizing veterans housing
10bonds of the authority then outstanding, maturing, and becoming due in that
11succeeding year on all veterans housing bonds of the authority then outstanding,
12except veterans housing bonds due in that succeeding year issued to provide funds
13for mortgage loans through the purchase of mortgages or mortgage-backed
14securities guaranteed by the United States or an agency or instrumentality of the
15United States, plus all amounts specified in any resolution of the authority board
16authorizing veterans housing bonds of the authority then outstanding as payable as
17a sinking fund payment in such year.
AB227,128,24 18(1s) The authority shall establish the veterans capital reserve fund to secure
19the veterans housing bonds sold pursuant to s. 234.40 235.409, and shall pay into the
20veterans capital reserve fund any moneys appropriated and made available by the
21state for the purposes of such fund, any proceeds of sale of bonds, to the extent
22provided in the resolution of the authority board authorizing the issuance thereof
23and any other moneys which are made available to the authority for the purpose of
24such fund from any other source.
1(4) To assure the continued operation and solvency of the authority for the
2carrying out of the veterans housing loan program of this chapter subchapter, the
3authority shall accumulate in the veterans capital reserve fund an amount equal to
4the veterans capital reserve fund requirement. If at any time the veterans capital
5reserve fund requirement exceeds the amount of the veterans capital reserve fund,
6the chairperson of the authority board shall certify to the secretary of
7administration, the governor and the joint committee on finance, the amount
8necessary to restore the veterans capital reserve fund to an amount equal to the
9veterans capital reserve fund requirement. If such certification is received by the
10secretary of administration in an even-numbered year prior to the completion of the
11budget compilation under s. 16.43, the secretary shall include the certified amount
12in the budget compilation. In any case, the joint committee on finance shall introduce
13in either house, in bill form, an appropriation of the amount so certified to the
14veterans capital reserve fund of the authority. Recognizing its moral obligation to
15do so, the legislature hereby expresses its expectation and aspiration that, if ever
16called upon to do so, it shall make such appropriation.
AB227,415 17Section 415. 234.43 of the statutes is renumbered 235.43, and 235.43 (1), as
18renumbered, is amended to read:
AB227,129,2419 235.43 (1) The authority shall establish the veterans housing bond redemption
20fund. All mortgages purchased with moneys from the veterans housing loan fund
21shall be the exclusive property of the bond redemption fund. All moneys received by
22the authority from the repayment of veterans housing loans shall be deposited into
23such fund to be used for the repayment of veterans housing bonds issued pursuant
24to s. 234.40 235.409.
1Section 416. 234.44 of the statutes is renumbered 235.44 and amended to
AB227,130,18 3235.44 Validation of certain obligations and proceedings.
4Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or any other law, in the absence of
5fraud, all obligations issued prior to May 4, 1976 the effective date of this section ....
6[LRB inserts date],
purportedly pursuant to this chapter ch. 234, 2013 stats., and all
7proceedings prior to such time taken purportedly pursuant to this chapter ch. 234,
82013 stats.,
for the authorization and issuance of such obligations or of obligations
9not yet issued, and the sale, execution, and delivery of such obligations issued prior
10to May 4, 1976 the effective date of this section .... [LRB inserts date], are hereby
11validated, ratified, approved, and confirmed, notwithstanding any lack of power,
12however patent, other than constitutional, of the issuing authority or the governing
13body or officer thereof, to authorize such obligations, or to sell, execute, or deliver the
14same, and notwithstanding any defects or irregularities, however patent, other than
15constitutional, in such proceeding or in such sale, execution, or delivery of such
16obligations. All such obligations issued prior to May 4, 1976 the effective date of this
17section .... [LRB inserts date],
are binding, legal obligations in accordance with their
AB227,417 19Section 417. 234.49 of the statutes is renumbered 235.49, and 235.49 (1)
20(intro.) and (2) (a) (intro.), 6. and 8., as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,130,2121 235.49 (1) Definitions. (intro.) In ss. 234.49 235.49 to 234.55 235.55:
AB227,130,24 22(2) (a) (intro.) The authority has the following powers for the purpose of
23implementing this section, in addition to all other powers granted by this chapter
16. To enter into contracts or agreements with authorized lenders and sponsors
2providing for the maximum and minimum acceptable rates of interest to be charged
3for various classifications of housing rehabilitation loans. In no event may the stated
4rate of interest on any housing rehabilitation loan under this section exceed the
5greater of 8% per year or 3% plus the rate necessary to fully repay interest and
6principal on housing rehabilitation loan program bonds issued pursuant to s. 234.50
AB227,131,98 8. To adopt procedures and forms necessary to effectuate the rehabilitation
9program or to facilitate the marketing of bonds issued under s. 234.50 235.50.
AB227,418 10Section 418. 234.50 of the statutes is renumbered 235.50, and 235.50 (1), (2)
11and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,131,2212 235.50 (1) The authority may issue its negotiable bonds in such principal
13amount and of such length of maturity as, in the opinion of the authority, is necessary
14to provide sufficient funds for purchasing for its housing rehabilitation loans or for
15funding commitments for loans to lenders for housing rehabilitation loans; for
16purchasing property tax deferral loans under s. 234.49 (2) (a) 10.; for the
17establishment of reserves to secure such bonds; and for all other expenditures of the
18authority incident to or necessary and convenient in connection therewith. The
19authority may, whenever it deems refunding expedient, refund any bonds by the
20issuance of new bonds whether the bonds to be refunded have or have not matured,
21and issue bonds partly to refund bonds then outstanding and partly for the purpose
22authorized by this section
loan programs.
AB227,132,7 23(2) Bonds issued under the authority of this section shall be special obligations
24of the authority payable solely out of revenues, moneys or other property received in
25connection with the housing rehabilitation loan program, including, without

1limitation, repayments of housing rehabilitation loans, federal insurance or
2guarantee payments, the proceeds of bonds issued under the authority of this
3section, and the amounts made available under ss. 234.54 235.54 and 234.55 235.55.
4All assets and liabilities created through the issuance of bonds to purchase housing
5rehabilitation loans shall be separate from all other assets and liabilities of the
6authority. No funds of the housing rehabilitation loan program may be commingled
7with any other funds of the authority including the Wisconsin housing finance board.
AB227,132,14 8(4) The limitations established in ss. 234.18, 234.40, 234.60, 234.61, and 234.65
9235.0255, 235.409, 235.60, and 235.61 are not applicable to bonds issued under the
10authority of this section. The authority may not have outstanding at any one time
11bonds for housing rehabilitation loans in an aggregate principal amount exceeding
12$100,000,000, excluding bonds being issued to refund outstanding bonds. The
13authority shall consult with and coordinate the issuance of bonds with the building
14commission prior to the issuance of bonds.
AB227,419 15Section 419. 234.51 of the statutes is renumbered 235.51, and 235.51 (1), (2)
16(a) and (3), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,132,2217 235.51 (1) There is established under the jurisdiction of the authority a housing
18rehabilitation loan program administration fund. There shall be paid into such fund
19the amounts appropriated under s. 20.490 20.885 (2) (a) (ad), the amounts provided
20in s. 234.55 235.55, any amounts transferred by the authority to such fund from other
21funds or sources and any other moneys which may be available to the authority for
22the purpose of such fund from any other source.
AB227,133,2 23(2) (a) To pay all administrative costs, expenses, and charges, including
24origination fees and servicing fees, incurred in conducting the housing rehabilitation

1loan program other than those described in ss. 234.53 235.53 (4) and 234.55 235.55
2(2) (b).
AB227,133,5 3(3) Moneys of the fund may be invested as provided in s. 234.03 (18) 235.012
. All such investments shall be the exclusive property of the fund. All earnings
5on or income from such investments shall be credited to the fund.
AB227,420 6Section 420. 234.52 of the statutes is renumbered 235.52, and 235.52 (1), (2)
7and (3), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,133,138 235.52 (1) There is established under the jurisdiction of the authority a housing
9rehabilitation loan program loan-loss reserve fund. There shall be paid into such
10fund the amounts appropriated under s. 20.490 20.885 (2) (q), the amounts provided
11under s. 234.55 235.55, any amounts transferred by the authority to such fund from
12other funds or sources and any other moneys which may be available to the authority
13for the purposes of such fund from any other source.
AB227,133,21 14(2) Subject to agreements with bondholders, the authority shall use moneys in
15the fund solely for transfer to the housing rehabilitation loan program bond
16redemption fund in amounts equal to losses on housing rehabilitation loans owned
17by that fund which are not made good by federal insurance or guarantee payments,
18and solely for the purposes described in s. 234.55 235.55 (2) (a). Any balance
19remaining after payment or due provision for payment of all outstanding bonds
20issued under the authority of s. 234.50 235.50 shall be transferred to the housing
21rehabilitation loan program administration fund.
AB227,133,24 22(3) Moneys of the fund may be invested as provided in s. 234.03 (18) 235.012
. All such investments shall be the exclusive property of the fund. All earnings
24on or income from such investments shall be credited to the fund.
1Section 421. 234.53 of the statutes is renumbered 235.53, and 235.53 (1), (2)
2and (3), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,134,73 235.53 (1) The authority shall establish the housing rehabilitation loan fund.
4All moneys resulting from the sale of bonds issued under the authority of s. 234.50
5235.50, not including bonds issued to refund outstanding bonds, and unless credited
6to the housing rehabilitation loan program capital reserve or bond redemption funds,
7shall be credited to such fund.
AB227,134,12 8(2) The authority shall use moneys in the fund for the purpose of purchasing
9housing rehabilitation loans or for funding commitments for loans to lenders for
10housing rehabilitation loans. All disbursements of funds under this section for
11purchasing such loans shall be made payable to an authorized lender as defined in
12s. 234.49 235.49 (1) (b) or a duly authorized agent thereof.
AB227,134,15 13(3) Moneys of the fund may be invested as provided in s. 234.03 (18) 235.012
. All such investments shall be the exclusive property of the fund. All earnings
15on or income from such investments shall be credited to the fund.
AB227,422 16Section 422. 234.54 of the statutes is renumbered 235.54, and 235.54 (1r), (3)
17(a) 3. and (b) and (4) (a) and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,134,2418 235.54 (1r) The authority shall establish the housing rehabilitation loan
19program capital reserve fund to secure the bonds issued under the authority of s.
20234.50 235.50, and shall pay into such fund any moneys appropriated and made
21available by the state for the purposes of such fund, any proceeds of sale of housing
22rehabilitation bonds to the extent provided in the resolution of the authority board
23authorizing the issuance thereof and any other moneys which are made available to
24the authority for the purpose of such fund from any other source.
1(3) (a) 3. All amounts specified in any resolution of the authority board
2authorizing any of the bonds described in subd. 1. as payable during the calendar
3year as a sinking fund payment with respect to any of the bonds which mature after
4the calendar year.
AB227,135,135 (b) The annual debt service calculation made under par. (a) shall be calculated
6on the assumption that the bonds will after the date of computation cease to be
7outstanding by reason, but only by reason, of the payment of bonds when due, and
8the payment when due and application in accordance with the resolution authorizing
9those bonds, of all of the sinking fund payments payable at or after the date of
10computation. However, in computing the annual debt service for any calendar year,
11bonds considered to have been paid in accordance with the defeasance provisions of
12the resolution of the authority board authorizing the issuance thereof may not be
13included in bonds outstanding on the date of computation.
AB227,135,17 14(4) (a) To assure the continued operation and solvency of the authority for the
15carrying out of the public purposes of this chapter subchapter, the authority shall
16accumulate in the capital reserve fund an amount equal to the capital reserve fund
17requirement for such fund.
AB227,136,418 (b) If at any time the capital reserve fund requirement for the capital reserve
19fund exceeds the amount of such capital reserve fund, the chairperson of the
20authority board shall certify to the secretary of administration, the governor, and the
21joint committee on finance the amount necessary to restore such capital reserve fund
22to an amount equal to the capital reserve fund requirement in respect thereto. If
23such certification is received by the secretary of administration in an
24even-numbered year prior to the completion of the budget compilation under s.
2516.43, the secretary shall include the certified amount in the budget compilation. In

1any case, the joint committee on finance shall introduce in either house, in bill form,
2an appropriation of the amount so certified to the capital reserve fund. Recognizing
3its moral obligation to do so, the legislature hereby expresses its expectation and
4aspiration that, if ever called upon to do so, it shall make such appropriation.
AB227,423 5Section 423. 234.55 of the statutes is renumbered 235.55, and 235.55 (1) and
6(4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,136,197 235.55 (1) The authority shall establish the housing rehabilitation loan
8program bond redemption fund. All housing rehabilitation loans purchased with
9moneys from the housing rehabilitation loan fund or notes evidencing loans to
10lenders from such fund for housing rehabilitation loans shall be the exclusive
11property of such redemption fund. All moneys received from the repayment of such
12loans, any amounts transferred by the authority to such fund pursuant to s. 234.52
13235.52 or from other funds or sources, any federal insurance or guarantee payments
14with respect to such loans, all moneys resulting from the sale of bonds for the purpose
15of refunding outstanding housing rehabilitation bonds unless credited to the housing
16rehabilitation loan program capital reserve fund, and any other moneys which may
17be available to the authority for the purpose of such fund, shall be deposited into such
18fund to be used for the repayment of housing rehabilitation bonds issued under the
19authority of s. 234.50 235.50.
AB227,136,22 20(4) Moneys of the fund may be invested as provided in s. 234.03 (18) 235.012
. All such investments shall be the exclusive property of the fund. All earnings
22on or income from such investments shall be credited to the fund.
AB227,424 23Section 424. 234.59 of the statutes is renumbered 235.59, and 235.59 (2) (e)
24and (3) (bc) 3., as renumbered, are amended to read:
1235.59 (2) (e) May enter into agreements to insure or provide additional
2security for homeownership mortgage loans or bonds or notes issued under s. 234.60
AB227,137,8 4(3) (bc) 3. If the authority sets aside at least 20% of the proceeds of a bond or
5note issuance under s. 234.60 235.60 to fund home ownership mortgage loans for
6eligible properties that are targeted area residences, the authority may apply up to
733% of the proceeds that are set aside for that purpose without regard to the income
8of the applicant.
AB227,425 9Section 425. 234.592 of the statutes is renumbered 235.592, and 235.592 (1)
10(a), (b) and (c) and (2) (c), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,137,1211 235.592 (1) (a) "Authorized lender" has the meaning given in s. 234.59 235.59
12(1) (a).
AB227,137,1313 (b) "Eligible property" has the meaning given in s. 234.59 235.59 (1) (d) 1.
AB227,137,1414 (c) "Principal residence" has the meaning given in. s. 234.59 235.59 (1) (j).
AB227,137,16 15(2) (c) May enter into agreements to insure or provide additional security for
16loans or bonds or notes issued under s. 234.60 235.60.
AB227,426 17Section 426. 234.60 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 235.60 (title).
AB227,427 18Section 427. 234.60 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 235.60 (1) and amended
19to read:
AB227,137,2220 235.60 (1) The authority may issue its bonds or notes to fund homeownership
21mortgage loans or the refinancing of qualified subprime loans under s. 234.592
AB227,428 23Section 428. 234.60 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 235.60 (2) and amended
24to read:
1235.60 (2) The limitations in ss. 234.18, 234.40, 234.50, 234.61, and 234.65
2235.0255, 235.409, 235.50, and 235.61 do not apply to bonds or notes issued under
3this section.
AB227,429 4Section 429. 234.60 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 235.60 (3).
AB227,430 5Section 430. 234.60 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB227,431 6Section 431. 234.60 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 235.60 (5), and 235.60
7(5) (c), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB227,138,108 235.60 (5) (c) The secretary of administration shall determine the date after
9which no bond or note may be issued under this section for the purpose of financing
10the acquisition or replacement of an existing mortgage under s. 234.592 235.592.
AB227,432 11Section 432. 234.60 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 235.60 (9) and amended
12to read:
AB227,138,1513 235.60 (9) The executive director of the authority shall make every effort to
14encourage participation in the homeownership mortgage loan program and the
15qualified subprime loan refinancing program by women and minorities.
AB227,433 16Section 433. 234.605 of the statutes is renumbered 235.605, and 235.605 (1)
17(a) and (2), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB227,138,1918 235.605 (1) (a) "Eligible property" has the meaning given in s. 234.59 235.59
19(1) (d) 1.
AB227,138,23 20(2) Subject to the approval of all members of the authority board, the authority
21may establish and administer a homeowner eviction and lien protection program to
22encourage the refinancing of mortgage loans by lenders in order to facilitate the
23retention of eligible property by persons and families.