SB119,60,1211 85.25 (2) (c) 1m. b. It is currently performing a useful business function as
12defined in s. 16.287 203.07 (1) (h).
SB119,251 13Section 251. 89.02 (3d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB119,60,1514 89.02 (3d) "Department" means the department of agriculture, trade and
15consumer protection.
SB119,252 16Section 252. 89.063 of the statutes is created to read:
SB119,60,20 1789.063 Fees. The department shall determine by rule the fees for each initial
18license, certification, and permit issued under ss. 89.06 and 89.072, and, if
19applicable, for renewal of the license, certification, or permit, including late fees,
20based on the department's administrative and enforcement costs under this chapter.
SB119,253 21Section 253. 89.085 of the statutes is created to read:
SB119,60,24 2289.085 Unauthorized practice. (1) The department may conduct
23investigations, hold hearings, and make findings as to whether a person has engaged
24in a practice or used a title without a credential required under this chapter.
1(2) If, after holding a public hearing, the department determines that a person
2has engaged in a practice or used a title without a required credential, the
3department may issue a special order enjoining the person from continuing the
4practice or use of the title.
SB119,61,8 5(3) In lieu of holding a public hearing, if the department has reason to believe
6that a person has engaged in a practice or used a title without a required credential,
7the department may petition the circuit court for a temporary restraining order or
8an injunction as provided in ch. 813.
SB119,61,13 9(4) (a) Any person who violates a special order issued under sub. (2) may be
10required to forfeit not more than $10,000 for each offense. Each day of continued
11violation constitutes a separate offense. The attorney general or any district
12attorney may commence an action in the name of the state to recover a forfeiture
13under this paragraph.
SB119,61,1614 (b) Any person who violates a temporary restraining order or an injunction
15issued by a court upon a petition under sub. (3) may be fined not less than $25 nor
16more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year in the county jail or both.
SB119,254 17Section 254. 93.135 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 93.135 (1) (ag).
SB119,255 18Section 255. 93.135 (1) (ab) of the statutes is created to read:
SB119,61,1919 93.135 (1) (ab) A license, certification, or permit under ch. 89.
SB119,256 20Section 256. 93.20 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,61,2321 93.20 (1) Definition. In this section, "action" means an action that is
22commenced in court by, or on behalf of, the department of agriculture, trade and
23consumer protection to enforce chs. 88, 89, 91 to 100, or 126.
SB119,257 24Section 257. 93.22 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
193.22 (1) In cases arising under chs. 88, 89, and 93 to 100, the department may
2be represented by its attorney.
SB119,258 3Section 258. 93.22 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,62,74 93.22 (2) The department may, with the approval of the governor, appoint
5special counsel to prosecute or assist in the prosecution of any case arising under chs.
688, 89, and 93 to 100. The cost of such special counsel shall be charged to the
7appropriation for the department.
SB119,259 8Section 259. 93.22 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,62,149 93.22 (3) In any criminal or civil action under chs. 88, 89, and 93 to 100, any
10exception, exemption, proviso, excuse, or qualification contained in any of said
11chapters, or in any order, standard, or regulation thereunder, may be proved by the
12defendant, but need not be specified or negatived in the information or complaint,
13and, if so specified or negatived, no proof in relation to the matters so specified or
14negatived, shall be required of the plaintiff.
SB119,260 15Section 260. 94.67 (33m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,62,1716 94.67 (33m) "Veterinarian" means an individual who is licensed as a
17veterinarian under ch. 453 89.
SB119,261 18Section 261. 94.67 (33t) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,62,2019 94.67 (33t) "Veterinary technician" means an individual who is certified as a
20veterinary technician under ch. 453 89.
SB119,262 21Section 262. 95.21 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,62,2322 95.21 (1) (e) "Veterinarian" has the meaning designated under s. 453.02 89.02
SB119,263 24Section 263. 95.21 (1) (em) of the statutes is amended to read:
195.21 (1) (em) "Veterinary technician" has the meaning designated under s.
2453.02 89.02 (12).
SB119,264 3Section 264. 95.21 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,63,184 95.21 (2) (a) Requirement for vaccination. Except as provided in s. 174.054 or
5sub. (9) (d), the owner of a dog shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies by a
6veterinarian or, if a veterinarian is physically present at the location the vaccine is
7administered, by a veterinary technician, pursuant to s. 453.05 89.05 (2) (d), at no
8later than 5 months of age and revaccinated within one year after the initial
9vaccination. If the owner obtains the dog or brings the dog into this state after the
10dog has reached 5 months of age, the owner shall have the dog vaccinated against
11rabies within 30 days after the dog is obtained or brought into the state unless the
12dog has been vaccinated as evidenced by a current certificate of rabies vaccination
13from this state or another state. The owner of a dog shall have the dog revaccinated
14against rabies by a veterinarian or, if a veterinarian is physically present at the
15location the vaccine is administered, by a veterinary technician, pursuant to s.
16453.05 89.05 (2) (d), before the date that the immunization expires as stated on the
17certificate of vaccination or, if no date is specified, within 3 years after the previous
SB119,265 19Section 265. 100.67 of the statutes is created to read:
SB119,63,21 20100.67 Private trade, business, technical, and other schools. (1)
21Definitions. In this section, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
SB119,63,2222 (b) "Course" has the meaning given in s. 440.52 (1) (b).
SB119,63,2323 (c) "Course of instruction" has the meaning given in s. 440.52 (1) (c).
SB119,63,2424 (d) "Person" has the meaning given in s. 440.52 (1) (d).
SB119,63,2525 (e) "School" has the meaning given in s. 440.52 (1) (e).
1(2) Responsibilities. The department shall protect the general public by
2investigating complaints and potential violations related to this section.
SB119,64,4 3(3) Rule-making power. The department may promulgate rules necessary to
4administer this section.
SB119,266 5Section 266. 101.02 (20) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,64,166 101.02 (20) (b) Except as provided in par. (e), the department of safety and
7professional services
may not issue or renew a license unless each applicant who is
8an individual provides the department of safety and professional services with his
9or her social security number and each applicant that is not an individual provides
10the department of safety and professional services with its federal employer
11identification number. The department of safety and professional services may not
12disclose the social security number or the federal employer identification number of
13an applicant for a license or license renewal except to the department of revenue for
14the sole purpose of requesting certifications under s. 73.0301 and to the department
15of workforce development for the sole purpose of requesting certifications under s.
SB119,267 17Section 267. 101.02 (20) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,64,2218 101.02 (20) (c) The department of safety and professional services may not
19issue or renew a license if the department of revenue certifies under s. 73.0301 that
20the applicant or licensee is liable for delinquent taxes or if the department of
21workforce development certifies under s. 108.227 that the applicant or licensee is
22liable for delinquent unemployment insurance contributions.
SB119,268 23Section 268. 101.02 (20) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,65,324 101.02 (20) (d) The department of safety and professional services shall revoke
25a license if the department of revenue certifies under s. 73.0301 that the licensee is

1liable for delinquent taxes or if the department of workforce development certifies
2under s. 108.227 that the licensee is liable for delinquent unemployment insurance
SB119,269 4Section 269. 101.02 (20) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,65,105 101.02 (20) (e) 1. If an applicant who is an individual does not have a social
6security number, the applicant, as a condition of applying for or applying to renew
7a license shall submit a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation to
8the department of safety and professional services that the applicant does not have
9a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the
10department of children and families.
SB119,270 11Section 270. 101.02 (21) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,65,2012 101.02 (21) (b) As provided in the memorandum of understanding under s.
1349.857 and except as provided in par. (e), the department of safety and professional
may not issue or renew a license unless the applicant provides the
15department of safety and professional services with his or her social security number.
16The department of safety and professional services may not disclose the social
17security number except that the department of safety and professional services may
18disclose the social security number of an applicant for a license under par. (a) or a
19renewal of a license under par. (a) to the department of children and families for the
20sole purpose of administering s. 49.22.
SB119,271 21Section 271. 101.02 (21) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,66,222 101.02 (21) (e) 1. If an applicant who is an individual does not have a social
23security number, the applicant, as a condition of applying for or applying to renew
24a license shall submit a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation to
25the department of safety and professional services that the applicant does not have

1a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the
2department of children and families.
SB119,272 3Section 272. 101.12 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,66,84 101.12 (1) (intro.) Except for plans that are reviewed by the department of
5health services under ss. 50.02 (2) (b) and, 50.025, 50.36 (2), or 50.92 (3m), the
6department shall require the submission of essential drawings, calculations and
7specifications for public buildings, public structures and places of employment
8including the following components:
SB119,273 9Section 273. 101.149 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,66,2010 101.149 (6) (b) The department shall promulgate rules, in consultation with
11the department of health services, under which the department of safety and
12professional services
shall authorize certified heating, ventilating, and air
13conditioning inspectors to conduct regular inspections of sealed combustion units, as
14required under sub. (5) (c), for carbon monoxide emissions in residential buildings
15other than hotels, tourist rooming houses, and bed and breakfast establishments.
16The rules shall specify conditions under which it may issue orders as specified under
17sub. (8) (a). The rules may not require the department of safety and professional
to authorize inspection of sealed combustion units during the period in
19which the sealed combustion units are covered by a manufacturer's warranty against
SB119,274 21Section 274. 101.149 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,67,522 101.149 (8) (a) If the department of safety and professional services or the
23department of health services determines after an inspection of a building under this
24section or s. 254.74 (1g) that the owner of the building has violated sub. (2) or (3), the
25respective department shall issue an order requiring the person to correct the

1violation within 5 days or within such shorter period as the respective department
2determines is necessary to protect public health and safety. If the person does not
3correct the violation within the time required, he or she shall forfeit $50 for each day
4of violation occurring after the date on which the respective department finds that
5the violation was not corrected.
SB119,275 6Section 275. 101.31 of the statutes is repealed.
SB119,276 7Section 276. 101.573 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,67,158 101.573 (3) (a) On or before May 1 in each year, the department shall compile
9the fire department dues paid by all insurers under s. 601.93 and the dues paid by
10the state fire fund under sub. (1) and funds remaining under par. (b), withhold .5%
11and certify to the secretary of administration the proper amount to be paid from the
12appropriation under s. 20.165 (2) 20.142 (4) (L) to each city, village, or town entitled
13to fire department dues under s. 101.575. Annually, on or before August 1, the
14secretary of administration shall pay the amounts certified by the department to the
15cities, villages and towns eligible under s. 101.575.
SB119,277 16Section 277. 101.573 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,67,1817 101.573 (5) The department shall promulgate a rule defining "administrative
18expenses" for purposes of s. 20.165 (2) 20.142 (4) (La).
SB119,278 19Section 278. 101.654 (1m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,67,2320 101.654 (1m) (e) The continuing education approved by the department under
21par. (b) 1. shall include courses offered by private organizations with whom the
22department contracts under s. 101.657.
The department may approve continuing
courses that are offered by other states.
SB119,279 24Section 279. 101.657 of the statutes is repealed.
SB119,280 25Section 280. 101.935 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
1101.935 (2) (e) Section 254.69 (2), as it applies to an agent for the department
2of health services in the administration of s. 254.47, applies to an agent for the
3department of safety and professional services in the administration of this section.
SB119,281 4Section 281. 101.951 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,68,125 101.951 (7) (a) The department of safety and professional services may, without
6notice, deny the application for a license within 60 days after receipt thereof by
7written notice to the applicant, stating the grounds for the denial. Within 30 days
8after such notice, the applicant may petition the department of administration to
9conduct a hearing to review the denial, and a hearing shall be scheduled with
10reasonable promptness. The division of hearings and appeals shall conduct the
11hearing. This paragraph does not apply to denials of applications for licenses under
12s. 101.02 (21).
SB119,282 13Section 282. 101.951 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,69,214 101.951 (7) (b) No license may be suspended or revoked except after a hearing
15thereon. The department of safety and professional services shall give the licensee
16at least 5 days' notice of the time and place of the hearing. The order suspending or
17revoking such license shall not be effective until after 10 days' written notice thereof
18to the licensee, after such hearing has been had; except that the department of safety
19and professional services
, when in its opinion the best interest of the public or the
20trade demands it, may suspend a license upon not less than 24 hours' notice of
21hearing and with not less than 24 hours' notice of the suspension of the license.
22Matters involving suspensions and revocations brought before the department of
23safety and professional services
shall be heard and decided upon by the department
24of administration. The division of hearings and appeals shall conduct the hearing.

1This paragraph does not apply to licenses that are suspended or revoked under s.
2101.02 (21).
SB119,283 3Section 283. 101.951 (7) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,69,84 101.951 (7) (c) The department of safety and professional services may inspect
5the pertinent books, records, letters and contracts of a licensee. The actual cost of
6each such examination shall be paid by such licensee so examined within 30 days
7after demand therefor by the department, and the department may maintain an
8action for the recovery of such costs in any court of competent jurisdiction.
SB119,284 9Section 284. 101.953 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,69,1310 101.953 (1) (a) A statement that the manufactured home meets those
11standards prescribed by law or administrative rule of the department of
12administration or of the department of safety and professional services that are in
13effect at the time of the manufacture of the manufactured home.
SB119,285 14Section 285. 101.973 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,69,1615 101.973 (8) Deposit the moneys received from the fees under sub. (7) in the
16appropriation under s. 20.165 (2) 20.142 (4) (j).
SB119,286 17Section 286. 107.30 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,69,1918 107.30 (10) "Mining damage appropriation" means the appropriation under s.
1920.165 (2) 20.142 (4) (a).
SB119,287 20Section 287. 107.31 (5) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,69,2421 107.31 (5) (a) Calculation. (intro.) The mining damage reserve accumulation
22is calculated by subtracting the total amount of all mining damages awards paid
23from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (4) (a), 2001 stats., beginning on May 22, 1980
24or paid from the appropriation under s. 20.165 (2) 20.142 (4) (a) from the sum of:
SB119,288 25Section 288. 108.227 (1) (e) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
1108.227 (1) (e) 3. A license, certificate of approval, provisional license,
2conditional license, certification, certification card, registration, permit, training
3permit or approval specified in s. 50.35, 50.49 (6) (a) or (10), 51.038, 51.04, 51.42 (7)
4(b) 11., 51.421 (3) (a), 51.45 (8), 146.40 (3), (3g), or (3m), 252.23 (2), 252.24 (2),
5254.176, 254.20 (3), 255.08 (2) (a), 256.15 (5) (a) or (b), (6g) (a), (7), or (8) (a) or (f) or
6343.305 (6) (a) or a permit for operation of a campground specified in s. 254.47 (1).
SB119,289 7Section 289. 108.227 (1) (e) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,70,118 108.227 (1) (e) 6. A license or certificate of registration issued by the
9department of financial institutions, or a division of it,
under ss. 138.09, 138.12,
10138.14, 202.12 to 202.14, 202.22, 217.06, 218.0101 to 218.0163, 218.02, 218.04,
11218.05, 224.72, 224.725, 224.93 or under subch. IV of ch. 551.
SB119,290 12Section 290. 108.227 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB119,70,2013 108.227 (1) (f) "Licensing department" means the department of
14administration; the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection; the
15board of commissioners of public lands; the department of children and families; the
16government accountability board; the department of financial institutions and
17professional standards
; the department of health services; the department of natural
18resources; the department of public instruction; the department of revenue; the
19department of safety and professional services;
the office of the commissioner of
20insurance; or the department of transportation.
SB119,291 21Section 291. 111.335 (1) (cx) of the statutes is amended to read: