11165.80 Cooperation with other state departments the University of
12Wisconsin System Authority
. For the purpose of coordinating the work of the
13crime laboratories with the research departments located in the University of
14Wisconsin System Authority, the attorney general and the University of Wisconsin
15System Authority may agree for the use of university laboratories and university
16physical facilities and the exchange and utilization of personnel between the crime
17laboratories and the university.
18Section 3511. 165.81 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
19 165.81 (1) Whenever the department is informed by the submitting officer or
20agency that physical evidence in the possession of the laboratories is no longer
21needed the department may, except as provided in sub. (3) or unless otherwise
22provided by law, destroy the evidence, retain it in the laboratories, return it to the
23submitting officer or agency, or turn it over to the University of Wisconsin System
upon the request of the head of any department of the University of
25Wisconsin System Authority. If the department returns the evidence to the

1submitting officer or agency, any action taken by the officer or agency with respect
2to the evidence shall be in accordance with s. 968.20. Except as provided in sub. (3),
3whenever the department receives information from which it appears probable that
4the evidence is no longer needed, the department may give written notice to the
5submitting agency and the appropriate district attorney, by registered mail, of the
6intention to dispose of the evidence. If no objection is received within 20 days after
7the notice was mailed, it may dispose of the evidence.
8Section 3512. 165.825 of the statutes is amended to read:
9165.825 Information link. The department of justice shall cooperate with the
10departments of safety and professional services, health services, and financial
11institutions and professional standards in developing and maintaining a computer
12linkup to provide access to the information obtained from a criminal history search.
13Section 3513. 165.96 of the statutes is repealed.
14Section 3514. 165.986 of the statutes is repealed.
15Section 3515. 165.987 of the statutes is repealed.
16Section 3516. 167.35 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 167.35 (7) (b) The department of revenue, in the course of conducting any
18inspection or examination authorized under s. 139.39, may inspect cigarettes to
19determine if the cigarettes are marked as provided under sub. (4), and the
20department of revenue shall notify the department of safety and professional
of any unmarked cigarettes.
22Section 3517. 167.35 (7) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
23 167.35 (7) (c) Authorized personnel from the department of justice, from the
24department of safety and professional services, and from the department of revenue,
25and any sheriff, police officer, or other law enforcement personnel, within their

1respective jurisdictions, may enter and inspect any premises where cigarettes are
2made, sold, offered for sale, or stored to determine if the cigarettes comply with this
3section. An inspection under this paragraph includes examining the books, papers,
4invoices, and other records of any person who is subject to this section and who is in
5control, possession, or occupancy of the premises.
6Section 3518. 169.01 (35) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 169.01 (35) (a) A veterinarian who is licensed in this state to practice
8veterinary medicine under ch. 453 89 and who is certified under rules promulgated
9by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
10Section 3519. 173.05 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 173.05 (1) (b) A person to whom par. (a) applies who is a veterinarian licensed
12under ch. 453 89 is not required to complete a course of training approved by the
13department if he or she takes an examination given by the department and passes
14the examination on the first attempt.
15Section 3520. 173.41 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 173.41 (2) (e) A veterinarian licensed under ch. 453 89 practicing in the normal
17course of veterinary business within the scope of the license is not required to obtain
18a license under this subsection.
19Section 3521. 173.41 (12) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
20 173.41 (12) (a) 4. If persons sell or offer to sell dogs at the temporary dog market
21for 2 or more consecutive days, employ or contract with a veterinarian licensed under
22ch. 453 89 to conduct an examination of the dogs offered for sale at the temporary dog
23market on each day on which dogs are offered for sale and to review the information
24provided under par. (b).
25Section 3522. 174.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

1174.13 (2) Any officer or pound which has custody of an unclaimed dog may
2release the dog to the University of Wisconsin System Authority, the Medical College
3of Wisconsin, Inc., or to any other educational institution of higher learning
4chartered under the laws of the state and accredited to the University of Wisconsin
5System Authority, upon requisition by the institution. The requisition shall be in
6writing, shall bear the signature of an authorized agent, and shall state that the dog
7is requisitioned for scientific or educational purposes. If a requisition is made for a
8greater number of dogs than is available at a given time, the officer or pound may
9supply those immediately available and may withhold from other disposition all
10unclaimed dogs coming into the officer's or pound's custody until the requisition is
11fully discharged, excluding impounded dogs as to which ownership is established
12within a reasonable period. A dog left by its owner for disposition is not considered
13an unclaimed dog under this section. If operated by a county, city, village or town,
14the officer or pound is entitled to the payment of $1 for each dog requisitioned. An
15institution making a requisition shall provide for the transportation of the dog.
16Section 3523. 177.30 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 177.30 (2) The administrator, at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice,
18may examine the records of any person to determine whether the person has
19complied with this chapter. The administrator may designate the division of banking
20department of financial institutions and professional standards or other appropriate
21regulatory authority to examine the records of regulated institutions to determine
22if the institutions have complied with this chapter. The administrator may conduct
23the examination even if the person believes it is not in possession of any property
24reportable or deliverable under this chapter.
25Section 3524. 182.028 of the statutes is amended to read:

1182.028 School corporations. Any corporation formed for the establishment
2and maintenance of schools, academies, seminaries, colleges or universities or for the
3cultivation and practice of music shall have power to enact bylaws for the protection
4of its property, and provide fines as liquidated damages upon its members and
5patrons for violating the bylaws, and may collect the same in tort actions, and to
6prescribe and regulate the courses of instruction therein, and to confer such degrees
7and grant such diplomas as are usually conferred by similar institutions or as shall
8be appropriate to the courses of instruction prescribed, except that no corporation
9shall operate or advertise a school that is subject to s. 38.50 (10) without complying
10with the requirements of s. 38.50
. Any stockholder may transfer his or her stock to
11the corporation for its use; and if the written transfer so provides the stock shall be
12perpetually held by the board of directors with all the rights of a stockholder,
13including the right to vote.
14Section 3525. 186.098 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 186.098 (12) Loans to members. A credit union may make loans to members
16secured by assignment or transfer of stock certificates or other evidence of the
17borrower's ownership interest in a corporation formed for the cooperative ownership
18of real estate. Sections 846.10 and 846.101, as they apply to a foreclosure of a
19mortgage involving a one-family residence, apply to a proceeding to enforce the
20lender's rights in security given for a loan under this subsection. The office of credit
21unions shall promulgate joint rules with the division of banking department of
22financial institutions and professional standards
that establish procedures for
23enforcing a lender's rights in security given for a loan under this subsection.
24Section 3526. 186.235 (15) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

1186.235 (15) (b) Witness fees shall be the same as fees under s. 814.67 (1) (b)
2and (c). The fees of witnesses who are called by the office in the interests of the state
3shall be paid by the state upon presentation of proper vouchers approved by the office
4of credit unions and charged to the appropriation under s. 20.144 (1) 20.142 (2) (g).
5A witness subpoenaed by the office at the instance of a party other than the office
6shall not be entitled to payment of fees by the state unless the office certifies that the
7testimony was material to the purpose for which the subpoena was issued.
8Section 3527. 186.314 (2m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 186.314 (2m) (e) Upon approval by the credit union members of the proposition
10for conversion under par. (c), the credit union shall take all necessary action under
11ch. 214 or 221 to complete the conversion to a savings bank or state bank. Within
1290 days after receipt from the division of banking department of financial
13institutions and professional standards
of a certificate of incorporation as a savings
14bank or state bank, the credit union shall file a copy of the certificate with the office
15of credit unions and the office of credit unions shall issue to a converting credit union
16a certificate of conversion to a savings bank or state bank.
17Section 3528. 194.01 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 194.01 (11) "Private motor carrier" means any person except a common or
19contract motor carrier engaged in the
who provides transportation of property or
by commercial motor vehicle other than an automobile or trailer used
21therewith, upon the public highways
and is not a contract motor carrier.
22Section 3529. 196.218 (3) (a) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
23 196.218 (3) (a) 3. b. The amounts appropriated under ss. 20.255 (3) (q), (qm),
24and (r), 20.285 (1) (q), and 20.505 (4) (s), (t), (tm), (tu), and (tw).

1Section 3530 . 196.218 (3) (a) 3. b. of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin
2Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
3 196.218 (3) (a) 3. b. The amounts appropriated under ss. 20.255 (3) (q), (qm),
4and (r), 20.285 (1) (q), and 20.505 (4) (s).
5Section 3531. 196.218 (5) (a) 6. of the statutes is repealed.
6Section 3532. 196.218 (5) (a) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
7 196.218 (5) (a) 10. To make broadband expansion grants under s. 196.504.
8Section 3533. 196.49 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 196.49 (4) The commission may not issue a certificate under sub. (1), (2), or (3)
10for the construction of electric generating equipment and associated facilities unless
11the commission determines that brownfields, as defined in s. 238.13 235.13 (1) (a) or
12s. 560.13 (1) (a), 2009 stats., are used to the extent practicable.
13Section 3534. 196.491 (3) (a) 2m. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
14 196.491 (3) (a) 2m. b. The applicant proposes alternative construction sites for
15the facility that are contiguous or proximate, provided that at least one of the
16proposed sites is a brownfield, as defined in s. 238.13 235.13 (1) (a), or the site of a
17former or existing large electric generating facility.
18Section 3535. 196.491 (3) (d) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
19 196.491 (3) (d) 8. For a large electric generating facility, brownfields, as defined
20in s. 238.13 235.13 (1) (a), are used to the extent practicable.
21Section 3536. 196.504 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 196.504 (2) (a) To make broadband expansion grants to eligible applicants for
23the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in underserved areas
24designated under par. (d). Grants awarded under this section shall be paid from the
25appropriation appropriations under s. 20.155 (3) (g) (k), (r), and (rm).

1Section 3537. 196.504 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 196.504 (2) (c) To establish criteria for evaluating applications and awarding
3grants under this section. The criteria shall prohibit grants that have the effect of
4subsidizing the expenses of a telecommunication provider or the monthly bills of
5telecommunications customers. The criteria shall give priority to projects that
6include matching funds, that involve public-private partnerships, that affect areas
7with no broadband service providers, that are scalable, or that affect a large
8geographic area or a large number of underserved individuals or communities.
9Section 3538. 200.49 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 200.49 (1) (b) "Minority group member" has the meaning given under s. 16.287
11203.07 (1) (f).
12Section 3539. 200.57 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 200.57 (1) (a) "Disabled veteran-owned financial adviser" and "disabled
14veteran-owned investment firm" mean a financial adviser and investment firm,
15respectively, certified by the department of administration under s. 16.283 203.03
17Section 3540. 200.57 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 200.57 (1) (b) "Minority financial adviser" and "minority investment firm"
19mean a financial adviser and investment firm, respectively, certified by the
20department of administration
under s. 16.287 203.07 (2).
21Section 3541. Chapter 203 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
22 chapter 203
23 business development
24Section 3542. 203.01 of the statutes is created to read:
25203.01 Definitions. In this chapter:

1(1) "Department" means the department of financial institutions and
2professional standards.
3(2) "Secretary" means the secretary of financial institutions and professional
5Section 3543. 214.01 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
6 214.01 (1) (f) "Department" means the department of financial institutions and
7professional standards.
8Section 3544. 214.01 (1) (im) of the statutes is repealed.
9Section 3545. 214.04 (21) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 214.04 (21) (b) The rules of the division department shall provide that any
11remote service unit shall be available for use, on a nondiscriminatory basis, by any
12state or federal savings bank which has its principal place of business in this state,
13by any other state or federal savings bank obtaining the consent of a state or federal
14savings bank that has its principal place of business in this state and is using the
15terminal and by all customers designated by a savings bank using the unit. This
16paragraph does not authorize a savings bank which has its principal place of
17business outside this state to conduct business as a savings bank in this state. A
18remote service unit shall be available for use, on a nondiscriminatory basis, by any
19credit union, state or national bank or state or federal savings and loan association,
20whose home office is located in this state, if the credit union, bank or savings and loan
21association requests to share its use, subject to joint rules established by the division
22of banking,
the office of credit unions and the division department. The division
23department by order may authorize the installation and operation of a remote service
24unit in a mobile facility, after notice and hearing upon the proposed service stops of
25the mobile facility.

1Section 3546. 214.48 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 214.48 (4) (a) An independent qualified appraiser, designated by the board of
3directors, who is properly licensed and certified by the department of safety and
4professional services
or by another entity authorized to govern appraisal licensure
5and certification and who meets the requirements of title XI of the financial
6institutions reform, recovery and enforcement act of 1989, 12 USC 3331 to 3351 and
7regulations adopted pursuant to those sections.
8Section 3547. 214.715 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 214.715 (2) Employees of the division department may not be subject to any
10civil liability or penalty, or to any criminal prosecution, for any error in judgment or
11discretion made in good faith and upon reasonable grounds in any action taken or
12omitted under this chapter by the employee in an official capacity.
13Section 3548. 214.72 (1) (am) of the statutes is repealed.
14Section 3549. 214.72 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 214.72 (1) (b) "Financial regulator" means the department secretary and
16deputy secretary, and an administrator having duties related to financial
, a supervisor of data processing, legal counsel, and a financial
18institution examiner employed by the department and includes any member of a
19financial regulator's immediate family, as defined in s. 19.42 (7).
20Section 3550. 214.725 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
21 214.725 (5) Employees of the division department or other designated agents
22may administer oaths and examine and take and preserve testimony under oath as
23to anything in the affairs or ownership of the savings bank or the entity examined.
24Section 3551. 214.78 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

1214.78 (3) A person who subpoenaes a witness shall advance the fees and
2mileage of the witness. Witness fees shall be the same as fees under s. 814.67 (1) (b)
3and (c). The fees of witnesses who are called by the review board in the interests of
4the state shall be paid by the state upon presentation of proper vouchers approved
5by the chairperson of the review board and charged to the appropriation under s.
620.144 (1) 20.142 (2) (g).
7Section 3552. 215.01 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
8Section 3553. 215.01 (6f) of the statutes is created to read:
9 215.01 (6f) "Department" means the department of financial institutions and
10professional standards.
11Section 3554. 215.02 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 215.02 (4) Immunity. Employees of the division department shall not be subject
13to any civil liability or penalty, nor to any criminal prosecution, for any error in
14judgment or discretion made in good faith and upon reasonable grounds in any action
15taken or omitted under this chapter by the employee in the employee's official
17Section 3555. 215.04 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 215.04 (1) (b) Review the acts, orders, and determinations of the division
19department under this chapter.
20Section 3556. 215.04 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: