SB281,19 10Section 19. 6.36 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,15,1811 6.36 (2) (c) The list shall contain, next to the name of each elector, an indication
12of whether proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required for the elector to be permitted
13to vote. If proof of residence is provided, the type of identifying document submitted
14by the elector and the name of the entity or institution that issued the identifying
15document shall be entered on the list in the space provided. Proof of residence is
16required if the elector is not a military elector or an overseas elector and the elector
17registers by mail or by electronic application and has not previously voted in an
18election in this state.
SB281,20 19Section 20. 6.40 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,16,720 6.40 (1) (a) 1. Any registered elector may transfer registration after a change
21of residence within the state by filing in person with the municipal clerk of the
22municipality where the elector resides or by mailing to the municipal clerk a signed
23request stating his or her present address, affirming that this will be his or her
24residence for 28 the number of consecutive days specified in s. 6.02 (1) prior to the
25election, and providing the address where he or she was last registered.

1Alternatively, the elector may transfer his or her registration at the proper polling
2place or other registration location under s. 6.02 (2) in accordance with s. 6.55 (2) (a),
3or, if the elector has a current and valid operator's license issued to the elector under
4ch. 343 or a current and valid identification card issued to the elector under s. 343.50,
5the elector may transfer his or her registration electronically under s. 6.30 (5)
. If an
6elector is voting in the ward or election district where the elector formerly resided,
7the change shall be effective for the next election.
SB281,21 8Section 21. 6.40 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,16,179 6.40 (1) (c) Name change. Whenever an elector's name is legally changed,
10including a change by marriage or divorce, the elector shall transfer his or her
11registration to his or her legal name by appearing in person or mailing to the
12municipal clerk a signed request for a transfer of registration to such name.
13Alternatively, a registered elector may make notification of a name change at his or
14her polling place under s. 6.55 (2) (d), or, if the elector has a current and valid
15operator's license issued to the elector under ch. 343 or a current and valid
16identification card issued under s. 343.50, the elector may make notification of a
17name change electronically under s. 6.30 (5)
SB281,22 18Section 22. 6.50 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,16,2319 6.50 (10) Any qualified elector whose registration is changed from eligible to
20ineligible status under this section may reregister as provided under s. 6.28 (1), 6.29
21(2), or 6.55 (2), or, if the elector has a current and valid operator's license issued to
22the elector under ch. 343 or a current and valid identification card issued under s.
23343.50, may reregister under s. 6.30 (5)
SB281,23 24Section 23. 6.55 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.55 (2) (d) A registered elector who has changed his or her name but resides
2at the same address, and has not notified the municipal clerk previously provided
3notice of the change
under s. 6.40 (1) (c), shall notify the inspector of the change
4before voting. The inspector shall then notify the municipal clerk at the time when
5materials are returned under s. 6.56 (1). If an elector has changed both a name and
6address, the elector shall register at the polling place or other registration location
7under pars. (a) and (b).
SB281,24 8Section 24. 6.86 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,18,39 6.86 (3) (c) An application under par. (a) 1. may be made and a registration form
10under par. (a) 2. may be filed in person at the office of the municipal clerk not earlier
11than 7 days before an election and not later than 5 p.m. on the day of the election.
12A list of hospitalized electors applying for ballots under par. (a) 1. shall be made by
13the municipal clerk and used to check that the electors vote only once, and by
14absentee ballot. If Except as provided in s. 6.34 (2m), if the elector is registering for
15the election after the close of registration or if the elector registered by mail or by
16electronic application
and has not voted in an election in this state, the municipal
17clerk shall inform the agent that proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required and the
18elector shall enclose proof of residence under s. 6.34 in the envelope with the ballot.
19The clerk shall verify that the name on any required proof of identification presented
20by the agent conforms to the name on the elector's application. The clerk shall then
21enter his or her initials on the carrier envelope indicating that the agent presented
22proof of identification to the clerk. The agent is not required to enter a signature on
23the registration list. The ballot shall be sealed by the elector and returned to the
24municipal clerk either by mail or by personal delivery of the agent; but if the ballot
25is returned on the day of the election, the agent shall make personal delivery to the

1polling place serving the hospitalized elector's residence before the closing hour or,
2in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, to the
3municipal clerk no later than 8 p.m. on election day.
SB281,25 4Section 25. 6.87 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,19,75 6.87 (4) (b) 1. Except as otherwise provided in s. ss. 6.34 (2m) and 6.875, the
6elector voting absentee shall make and subscribe to the certification before one
7witness who is an adult U.S. citizen. The absent elector, in the presence of the
8witness, shall mark the ballot in a manner that will not disclose how the elector's vote
9is cast. The elector shall then, still in the presence of the witness, fold the ballots so
10each is separate and so that the elector conceals the markings thereon and deposit
11them in the proper envelope. If a consolidated ballot under s. 5.655 is used, the
12elector shall fold the ballot so that the elector conceals the markings thereon and
13deposit the ballot in the proper envelope. If proof of residence under s. 6.34 is
14required and the document enclosed by the elector under this subdivision does not
15constitute proof of residence under s. 6.34, the elector shall also enclose proof of
16residence under s. 6.34 in the envelope. Proof Except as authorized in s. 6.34 (2m),
of residence is required if the elector is not a military elector or an overseas
18elector and the elector registered by mail or by electronic application and has not
19voted in an election in this state. If the elector requested a ballot by means of
20facsimile transmission or electronic mail under s. 6.86 (1) (ac), the elector shall
21enclose in the envelope a copy of the request which bears an original signature of the
22elector. The elector may receive assistance under sub. (5). The return envelope shall
23then be sealed. The witness may not be a candidate. The envelope shall be mailed
24by the elector, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk issuing the ballot or
25ballots. If the envelope is mailed from a location outside the United States, the

1elector shall affix sufficient postage unless the ballot qualifies for delivery free of
2postage under federal law. Failure to return an unused ballot in a primary does not
3invalidate the ballot on which the elector's votes are cast. Return of more than one
4marked ballot in a primary or return of a ballot prepared under s. 5.655 or a ballot
5used with an electronic voting system in a primary which is marked for candidates
6of more than one party invalidates all votes cast by the elector for candidates in the
SB281,26 8Section 26. 7.08 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,19,139 7.08 (1) (c) Prescribe forms required by ss. 6.24 (3) and (4), 6.30 (4) and (5), 6.33
10(1), 6.40 (1) (a), 6.47 (1) (am) 2. and (3), 6.55 (2), and 6.86 (2) to (3). All such forms
11shall contain a statement of the penalty applicable to false or fraudulent registration
12or voting through use of the form. Forms are not required to be furnished by the
SB281,27 14Section 27. 7.08 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB281,19,1715 7.08 (1) (cm) Prescribe the form required by s. 6.30 (5). The form shall contain
16a statement of the penalty applicable to false or fraudulent registration or voting
17through use of the form.
SB281,28 18Section 28. 85.61 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,20,719 85.61 (1) The secretary of transportation and the administrator of the elections
20division of the government accountability board shall enter into an agreement to
21match personally identifiable information on the official registration list maintained
22by the government accountability board under s. 6.36 (1) and the information
23specified in s. 6.34 (2m) and other information specified in s. 6.256 (2)
with personally
24identifiable information in the operating record file database under ch. 343 and
25vehicle registration records under ch. 341, notwithstanding ss. 110.09 (2), 342.06 (1)

1(eg), and 343.14 (2j),
to the extent required to enable the secretary of transportation
2and the administrator of the elections division of the government accountability
3board to verify the accuracy of the information provided for the purpose of voter
4registration. Notwithstanding ss. 110.09 (2), 342.06 (1) (eg), and 343.14 (2j), but
5subject to s. 343.14 (2p) (b), the agreement shall provide for the transfer of electronic
6information under s. 6.256 (2) to the board on a continuous basis, no less often than
SB281,29 8Section 29. 343.027 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB281,20,16 9343.027 Confidentiality of signatures. Any signature collected under this
10chapter may be maintained by the department and shall be kept confidential, except
11that the department shall release a signature or a facsimile of a signature to the
12department of revenue for the purposes of administering state taxes and collecting
13debt, to the government accountability board, in electronic or digital format, for the
14purposes specified in s. 6.30 (5),
to the person to whom the signature relates, to a
15court, district attorney, county corporation counsel, city, village, or town attorney,
16law enforcement agency, or to the driver licensing agency of another jurisdiction.
SB281,30 17Section 30. 343.14 (2p) of the statutes is created to read:
SB281,20,2318 343.14 (2p) (a) The forms for application for a license or identification card or
19for renewal thereof shall inform the applicant of the department's duty to make
20available to the government accountability board the information described in s.
216.256 (2) for the purposes specified in s. 6.256 (1) and (3) and shall provide the
22applicant an opportunity to elect not to have this information made available for
23these purposes.
SB281,21,424 (b) If the applicant elects not to have the information described in s. 6.256 (2)
25made available for the purposes specified in s. 6.256 (1) and (3), the department shall

1not make this information available for these purposes. This paragraph does not
2preclude the department from making available to the government accountability
3board information for the purposes specified in s. 6.34 (2m) or for any purpose other
4than those specified in s. 6.256 (1) and (3).
SB281,31 5Section 31. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB281,21,136 (1) Progress reports on implementation. No later than the 20th day following
7the end of each calendar quarter, the government accountability board and the
8department of transportation shall each report to the appropriate standing
9committees of the legislature in the manner provided in section 13.172 (3) of the
10statutes concerning its progress in implementing an electronic voter registration
11system. The board and department shall continue to file reports under this
12subsection until the board determines that implementation is complete and the
13performance of the system is satisfactory.
SB281,21,2014 (2) Initial sharing of registration information. Notwithstanding section
1585.61 (1) of the statutes, as affected by this act, and sections 110.09 (2), 342.06 (1) (eg),
16and 343.14 (2j) of the statutes, the department of transportation shall enter into and
17begin transferring information under a revised agreement with the administrator of
18the elections division of the government accountability board pursuant to section
1985.61 (1) of the statutes, as affected by this act, no later than the first day of the 4th
20month beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
SB281,22,1021 (3) Report on voter registration information integration. No later than July
221, 2017, the government accountability board shall report to the appropriate
23standing committees of the legislature, in the manner specified in section 13.172 (3)
24of the statutes, concerning its progress in initially implementing a system to ensure
25the complete and continuous registration of all eligible electors in this state,

1specifically including the operability and utility of information integration with the
2department of transportation and the feasibility and desirability of integrating
3public information maintained by other state agencies and by technical colleges with
4the board's registration information to enhance the completeness and accuracy of the
5information. At a minimum, the report shall contain an assessment of the feasibility
6and desirability of the integration of registration information with information
7maintained by the departments of health services, children and families, workforce
8development, revenue, regulation and licensing, and natural resources, the
9University of Wisconsin System, and the technical college system board, as well as
10the technical colleges within each technical college district.
SB281,22,1111 (4) Review of expenditures made to implement this act.
SB281,23,212 (a) Notwithstanding section 20.511 of the statutes and all provisions of this act,
13the government accountability board shall not encumber or expend any amount of
14money to implement or administer this act unless the legal counsel to the board first
15notifies the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance in writing of the
16proposed encumbrance or expenditure. If the cochairpersons do not notify the legal
17counsel that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
18proposed expenditure within 14 working days after the date of the legal counsel's
19notification, the board may encumber or expend the money as proposed. If, within
2014 working days after the date of the legal counsel's notification, the cochairpersons
21notify the legal counsel that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose
22of reviewing the proposed encumbrance or expenditure, the board shall not make the
23proposed encumbrance or expenditure unless the committee approves the proposed
24encumbrance or expenditure or modifies and approves the proposed encumbrance or
25expenditure. If the committee modifies and approves the proposed encumbrance or

1expenditure, the board may make the proposed encumbrance or expenditure only as
2modified by the committee.
SB281,23,33 (b) Paragraph (a ) does not apply after June 30, 2017.
SB281,23,54 (5) Required general fund balance. Section 20.003 (4) of the statutes does not
5apply to the action of the legislature in enacting this act.
SB281,23,66 (End)