SB292,62,76 5. A statement of totals during the reporting period of contributions received
7and contributions donated as provided in subd. 4.
SB292,62,98 6. A statement of the cash balance on hand at the beginning and end of the
9reporting period.
SB292,62,1210 7. An itemized statement of each loan of money made to the independent
11expenditure committee in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $20, together
12with all of the following:
SB292,62,1313 a. The full name and mailing address of the lender.
SB292,62,1414 b. A statement of whether the lender is a commercial lending institution.
SB292,62,1515 c. The date and amount of the loan.
SB292,62,1616 d. The full name and mailing address of each guarantor, if any.
SB292,62,1717 e. The original amount guaranteed by each guarantor.
SB292,62,1918 f. The balance of the amount guaranteed by each guarantor at the end of the
19reporting period.
SB292,62,2220 8. An itemized statement of every disbursement exceeding $20 in amount or
21value, together with the name and address of the person to whom the disbursement
22was made, and the date and specific purpose for which the disbursement was made.
SB292,63,223 9. An itemized statement of every obligation exceeding $20 in amount or value,
24together with the name of the person or business with whom the obligation was

1incurred, and the date and the specific purpose for which each such obligation was
SB292,63,53 10. A statement of totals during the reporting period of disbursements made,
4including transfers made to and received from other committees, other income, and
SB292,63,76 11. A statement of the balance of obligations incurred as of the end of the
7reporting period.
SB292,63,108 (b) The independent expenditure committee shall begin each report filed under
9this chapter with the first contribution received, disbursement made, or obligation
10incurred during the reporting period.
SB292,63,17 11(2) Reports to support or oppose candidates at spring primary. An
12independent expenditure committee that accepts, makes, or incurs contributions,
13disbursements, or obligations to support or oppose one or more candidates for office
14at a spring primary or a candidate at a special primary held to nominate nonpartisan
15candidates to be voted for at a special election held to fill a vacancy in one or more
16of the nonpartisan state or local offices voted for at the spring election, or to support
17or oppose other committees engaging in such activities, shall do all the following:
SB292,63,2218 (a) File a preprimary report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
19preceding the primary. If a candidate for a nonpartisan state office at an election is
20not required to participate in a spring primary, the independent expenditure
21committee shall file a preprimary report at the time prescribed in s. 11.0103 (4)
22preceding the date specified for the holding of the primary, were it to be required.
SB292,63,2423 (b) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
24preceding the election.
1(c) Annually in each year of an election cycle, file a report on the 15th day of
2the month in the months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,64,9 3(3) Reports to support or oppose candidates at spring election. An
4independent expenditure committee that accepts, makes, or incurs contributions,
5disbursements, or obligations to support or oppose one or more candidates for office
6at a spring election or a candidate at a special election held to fill a vacancy in one
7or more of the nonpartisan state or local offices voted for at the spring election, or to
8support or oppose other committees engaging in such activities, shall do all the
SB292,64,1110 (a) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
11preceding the election.
SB292,64,1312 (b) Annually in each year of an election cycle, file a report on the 15th day of
13the month in the months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,64,1614 (c) Unless a continuing report is required to be filed under this subsection on
15or before the 45th day after the special election, file a postelection report no earlier
16than 23 days and no later than 45 days after each special election.
SB292,64,23 17(4) Reports to support or oppose candidates at partisan primary. An
18independent expenditure committee that accepts, makes, or incurs contributions,
19disbursements, or obligations to support or oppose one or more candidates for office
20at a partisan primary or a candidate at a special primary held to nominate
21candidates to be voted for at a special election held to fill a vacancy in one or more
22of the state or local offices voted for at the general election, or to support or oppose
23other committees engaging in such activities, shall do all the following:
SB292,64,2524 (a) File a preprimary report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
25preceding the primary.
1(b) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
2preceding the election.
SB292,65,43 (c) In an odd-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
4months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,65,65 (d) In an even-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
6months of January, April, and July, and on the 4th Tuesday in September.
SB292,65,12 7(5) Reports to support or oppose candidates at general election. An
8independent expenditure committee that accepts, makes, or incurs contributions,
9disbursements, or obligations to support or oppose one or more candidates for office
10at a general election or a candidate at a special election held to fill a vacancy in one
11or more of the state or local offices voted for at the general election, or to support or
12oppose other committees engaging in such activities shall do all of the following:
SB292,65,1413 (a) File a preelection report no earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days
14preceding the election.
SB292,65,1615 (b) In an odd-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
16months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,65,1817 (c) In an even-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
18months of January, April, and July, and on the 4th Tuesday in September.
SB292,65,2119 (d) Unless a continuing report is required to be filed under this subsection on
20or before the 45th day after the special election, file a postelection report no earlier
21than 23 days and no later than 45 days after each special election.
SB292,66,2 2211.0605 Reporting; specific express advocacy. (1) Disbursements. (a) An
23independent expenditure committee spending $5,000 or more in the aggregate on
24express advocacy shall submit statements to the board under par. (b) if the express
25advocacy is made during the period beginning on the day that is 60 days prior to the

1day of the primary or election involving the candidate identified under par. (b) 5. and
2ending on the day of the primary or election involving that candidate.
SB292,66,53 (b) An independent expenditure committee required to report under this
4section shall submit statements to the board providing all of the following
SB292,66,66 1. The dates on which the committee made the disbursements.
SB292,66,77 2. The name and address of the persons who received the disbursements.
SB292,66,88 3. The purpose for making the disbursements.
SB292,66,99 4. The amount spent for each act of express advocacy.
SB292,66,1210 5. The name of any candidate affected by the disbursement, the office that the
11candidate seeks, and whether the express advocacy supports or opposes that
SB292,66,1613 6. An affirmation, made under oath, that the independent expenditure
14committee will comply with the prohibition on coordination under s. 11.1203 with
15respect to any candidate or agent or candidate committee who is supported or
16opposed by the express advocacy.
SB292,66,1817 7. The name and mailing and street address of the independent expenditure
18committee's designated agent in this state.
SB292,66,24 19(2) Exception. (a) An independent expenditure committee that is required to
20report under this section is not required to submit the information described under
21sub. (1) (b) regarding disbursements made before reaching the $5,000 threshold
22under sub. (1) (a). For purposes of this section, a disbursement for express advocacy
23is the amount spent directly on developing, producing, and disseminating the
24express advocacy.
SB292,66,2525 (b) This section does not apply to any of the following:
11. A communication, other than an advertisement, appearing in a news story,
2commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any news organization,
3unless the facilities are controlled by any committee, or candidate.
SB292,67,54 2. A communication made exclusively between an organization and its
SB292,67,8 6(3) Timing. An independent expenditure committee that is required to report
7under this section shall submit the report to the board no later than 48 hours after
8making the disbursements.
SB292,67,99 subchapter viI
SB292,67,1010 conduits
SB292,67,13 1111.0701 Registration; administrator and depositories. (1) Each conduit
12required to register under this chapter shall designate an administrator to comply
13with the registration and reporting requirements under this subchapter.
SB292,67,15 14(2) The administrator shall ensure that all funds received are deposited in the
15conduit depository account.
SB292,67,17 16(3) Except as provided in s. 11.0705, the conduit administrator may release a
17contribution to a committee only upon the contributor's direction.
SB292,67,20 18(4) The administrator shall maintain the records of the conduit in an organized
19and legible manner for not less than 3 years after the date of the election in which
20the conduit participates.
SB292,67,24 2111.0702 Registration; timing. Every conduit that accepts and releases
22contributions made to support or oppose a candidate in a calendar year shall, upon
23its inception and prior to accepting or releasing any such contribution, file a
24registration statement giving the information required by s. 11.0703.
111.0703 Registration; required information. (1) Required information.
2The conduit shall include all of the following, where applicable, on the registration
SB292,68,44 (a) The name and mailing address of the conduit.
SB292,68,105 (b) The name and mailing address of the administrator of the conduit and any
6other custodian of books and accounts. Unless otherwise directed by the
7administrator on the registration form and except as otherwise provided in this
8chapter or any rule of the board, all mailings that are required by law or by rule of
9the board shall be sent to the administrator at the administrator's address indicated
10upon the form.
SB292,68,1211 (c) The name and address of the depository account of the conduit and of any
12other institution where funds of the conduit are kept.
SB292,68,1413 (d) The name and mailing address of a sponsor, as defined in s. 11.0705 (1), to
14which contributions may be redirected as provided under s. 11.0705 (2).
SB292,68,17 15(2) Certification. The individual responsible for filing or amending a conduit's
16registration statement shall certify that all information contained in the statement
17is true, correct, and complete.
SB292,68,22 18(3) Change of information. The conduit shall report any change in information
19previously submitted in a registration statement within 10 days following the
20change. Any such change may be reported only by the individual or by the officer who
21has succeeded to the position of an individual who signed the original statement or
22by the conduit administrator.
SB292,69,2 2311.0704 Reporting. (1) Contributions. (a) Each conduit shall make full
24reports, upon a form prescribed by the board and certified by the administrator as

1required under s. 11.0103 (3) (c), providing the following information covering the
2period since the last date covered on the previous report:
SB292,69,63 1. An itemized statement giving the date, full name, and street address of each
4committee to whom contributions were released during the reporting period,
5together with the sum total of all contributions released to that committee during the
6reporting period.
SB292,69,87 2. Whether, during the reporting period, and contribution was redirected to a
8sponsor as permitted under s. 11.0705.
SB292,69,129 (b) A conduit releasing a contribution of money to the recipient shall, in writing
10at the time the contribution is released, identify itself to the recipient as a conduit
11and report to the recipient the following information about each contribution
12released by it:
SB292,69,1513 1. An itemized statement giving the date, full name, and street address of each
14person who has made a contribution to the conduit which contribution is being
15released to the recipient, together with the amount of the contribution.
SB292,69,1816 2. The name of the principal place of employment, if any, of each individual
17contributor whose cumulative contributions to the recipient for the calendar year are
18in excess of $200.
SB292,70,2 19(2) Reports to support or oppose candidates at spring primary. A conduit that
20releases a contribution of money to a recipient to support or oppose one or more
21candidates for office at a spring primary or a candidate at a special primary held to
22nominate nonpartisan candidates to be voted for at a special election held to fill a
23vacancy in one or more of the nonpartisan state or local offices voted for at the spring
24election, or to support or oppose committees engaging in such activities, shall,

1annually in each year of an election cycle, file a report on the 15th day of the month
2in the months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,70,8 3(3) Reports to support or oppose candidates at spring election. A conduit
4that releases a contribution of money to a recipient to support or oppose one or more
5candidates for office at a spring election or a candidate at a special election held to
6fill a vacancy in one or more of the nonpartisan state or local offices voted for at the
7spring election, or to support or oppose committees engaging in such activities, shall
8do all the following:
SB292,70,109 (a) Annually in each year of an election cycle, file a report on the 15th day of
10the month in the months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,70,1311 (b) Unless a continuing report is required to be filed under this subsection on
12or before the 45th day after the special election, file a postelection report no earlier
13than 23 days and no later than 45 days after each special election.
SB292,70,19 14(4) Reports to support or oppose candidates at partisan primary. A conduit
15that releases a contribution of money to a recipient to support or oppose one or more
16candidates for office at a partisan primary or a candidate at a special primary held
17to nominate candidates to be voted for at a special election held to fill a vacancy in
18one or more of the state or local offices voted for at the general election, or to support
19or oppose committees engaging in such activities, shall do all the following:
SB292,70,2120 (a) In an odd-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
21months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,70,2322 (b) In an even-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
23months of January, April, and July, and on the 4th Tuesday in September.
SB292,71,4 24(5) Reports to support or oppose candidates at general election. A conduit
25that releases a contribution of money to a recipient to support or oppose one or more

1candidates for office at a general election or a candidate at a special election held to
2fill a vacancy in one or more of the state or local offices voted for at the general
3election, or to support or oppose committees engaging in such activities shall do all
4of the following:
SB292,71,65 (a) In an odd-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
6months of January, April, July, and October.
SB292,71,87 (b) In an even-numbered year, file a report on the 15th day of the month in the
8months of January, April, and July, and on the 4th Tuesday in September.
SB292,71,119 (c) Unless a continuing report is required to be filed under this subsection on
10or before the 45th day after the special election, file a postelection report no earlier
11than 23 days and no later than 45 days after each special election.
SB292,71,14 1211.0705 Redirected contributions. (1) Definitions. In this section,
13"sponsor" means a person, other than an individual or a candidate committee, that
14is associated with a conduit.
SB292,71,17 15(2) Redirection. If all of the following apply, a conduit may redirect any
16contribution received from a person or committee to a sponsor or, if there is no
17sponsor, to an administrative fund of the conduit:
SB292,71,2118 (a) The conduit has held the contribution for at least 24 consecutive months,
19including the 24 months immediately preceding March 29, 2014, over which time the
20individual or organization that made the contribution has made no contact with the
SB292,71,2222 (b) Either of the following apply:
SB292,72,1123 1. The conduit has, over the 24-month period described in par. (a), attempted
24in good faith to contact the individual or organization that made the contribution at
25least 5 times, and has documented each such attempt, but has been unable to make

1contact with the individual or organization. A conduit may satisfy the requirement
2to contact the individual or organization by telephoning the individual or
3organization at the last-known telephone number; by sending a text message to the
4individual or organization at the last-known cellular telephone number or pager
5number capable of receiving text messages; by sending a facsimile transmission to
6the individual or organization at the last-known facsimile transmission number; by
7sending a letter or postcard to the individual or organization by U.S. mail; by sending
8a message by electronic mail; or by any combination of the foregoing. A conduit may
9not satisfy the requirement to attempt in good faith to contact the individual or
10organization at least 5 times if all 5 attempted contacts occur within a period of 30
11consecutive days.
SB292,72,1312 2. The surviving spouse or executor of the estate of a deceased individual that
13made the contribution authorizes the redirection of the contribution.
SB292,72,1414 subchapter VIII
SB292,72,1515 referendum committees
SB292,72,18 1611.0801 Registration; treasurer and depositories. (1) Each referendum
17committee required to register under this chapter shall designate a treasurer to
18comply with the registration and reporting requirements under this subchapter.
SB292,72,20 19(2) The treasurer shall ensure that all funds received are deposited in the
20referendum committee depository account.
SB292,72,23 21(3) No disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by or on behalf of a
22referendum committee without the authorization of the treasurer or a designated
1(4) The treasurer shall maintain the records of the referendum committee in
2an organized and legible manner for not less than 3 years after the date of the election
3in which the referendum committee participates.