SB568,287 25Section 287. 448.655 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1448.655 (3) The affiliated credentialing board may suspend, revoke, or refuse
2to issue or renew the license of a podiatrist who fails to procure or to submit proof of
3the malpractice liability insurance coverage required under sub. (1).
SB568,288 4Section 288. 448.665 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,72,15 5448.665 Continuing education. The affiliated credentialing board shall
6promulgate rules establishing requirements and procedures for licensees to
7complete continuing education programs or courses of study in order to qualify for
8renewal of a license granted under this subchapter. The rules shall require a licensee
9to complete at least 30 hours of continuing education programs or courses of study
10within each 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal date specified under
11s. 440.08 (2) (a). The affiliated credentialing board may waive all or part of these
12requirements for the completion of continuing education programs or courses of
13study if the affiliated credentialing board determines that prolonged illness,
14disability or other exceptional circumstances have prevented a licensee from
15completing the requirements.
SB568,289 16Section 289. 448.675 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,73,317 448.675 (1) (a) The affiliated credentialing board shall investigate allegations
18of unprofessional conduct and negligence in treatment by a licensee. Information
19contained in reports filed with the affiliated credentialing board under s. 49.45 (2)
20(a) 12r., 50.36 (3) (b), 609.17, or 632.715, or under 42 CFR 1001.2005, shall be
21investigated by the affiliated credentialing board. Information contained in a report
22filed with the affiliated credentialing board under s. 50.36 (3) (c) may, within the
23discretion of the affiliated credentialing board, be used as the basis of an
24investigation of a person named in the report. The affiliated credentialing board may
25require a licensee to undergo and may consider the results of a physical, mental, or

1professional competency examination if the affiliated credentialing board believes
2that the results of the examination may be useful to the affiliated credentialing board
3in conducting its investigation.
SB568,290 4Section 290. 448.675 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,73,185 448.675 (1) (b) After an investigation, if the affiliated credentialing board finds
6that there is probable cause to believe that the person is guilty of unprofessional
7conduct or negligence in treatment, the affiliated credentialing board shall hold a
8hearing on such conduct. The affiliated credentialing board may require a licensee
9to undergo and may consider the results of a physical, mental, or professional
10competency examination if the affiliated credentialing board believes that the
11results of the examination may be useful to the affiliated credentialing board in
12conducting its hearing. A finding by a court that a podiatrist has acted negligently
13in treating a patient is conclusive evidence that the podiatrist is guilty of negligence
14in treatment. A certified copy of the order of a court is presumptive evidence that the
15finding of negligence in treatment was made. The affiliated credentialing board
16shall render a decision within 90 days after the date on which the hearing is held or,
17if subsequent proceedings are conducted under s. 227.46 (2), within 90 days after the
18date on which those proceedings are completed.
SB568,291 19Section 291. 448.675 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,74,620 448.675 (1) (c) After a disciplinary hearing, the affiliated credentialing board
21may, when it determines that a court has found that a person has been negligent in
22treating a patient or when it finds a person guilty of unprofessional conduct or
23negligence in treatment, do one or more of the following: warn or reprimand that
24person, or limit, suspend, or revoke a license granted by the affiliated credentialing
under this subchapter to that person. The affiliated credentialing board may

1condition the removal of limitations on a license, or the restoration of a suspended
2or revoked license, upon obtaining minimum results specified by the affiliated
board on a physical, mental, or professional competency examination
4if the affiliated credentialing board believes that obtaining the minimum results is
5related to correcting one or more of the bases upon which the limitation, suspension,
6or revocation was imposed.
SB568,292 7Section 292. 448.675 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,74,98 448.675 (1) (d) 2. Appear before the affiliated credentialing board or its officers
9or agents at such times and places designated by the affiliated credentialing board.
SB568,293 10Section 293. 448.675 (1) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,74,1211 448.675 (1) (d) 3. Fully disclose to the affiliated credentialing board or its
12officers or agents the nature of the person's practice and conduct.
SB568,294 13Section 294. 448.675 (1) (d) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,74,1514 448.675 (1) (d) 4. Fully comply with the limits placed on his or her practice and
15conduct by the affiliated credentialing board.
SB568,295 16Section 295. 448.675 (1) (d) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,74,1817 448.675 (1) (d) 5. Obtain additional training, education , or supervision
18required by the affiliated credentialing board.
SB568,296 19Section 296. 448.675 (1) (d) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,74,2020 448.675 (1) (d) 6. Cooperate with the affiliated credentialing board.
SB568,297 21Section 297. 448.675 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,75,222 448.675 (1) (e) Unless a suspended license is revoked during the period of
23suspension, upon expiration of the period of suspension the affiliated credentialing
24board shall reinstate the person's license, except that the affiliated credentialing

1board may, as a condition precedent to the reinstatement of the license, require the
2person to pass the examinations required for the original grant of the license.
SB568,298 3Section 298. 448.675 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,75,64 448.675 (1) (f) The affiliated credentialing board shall comply with rules of
5procedure for the investigation, hearing, and action promulgated by the department
6under s. 440.03 (1).
SB568,299 7Section 299. 448.675 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,75,118 448.675 (1) (g) Nothing in this subsection prohibits the affiliated credentialing
9board, in its discretion, from investigating and conducting disciplinary proceedings
10on allegations of unprofessional conduct by a licensee when the allegations of
11unprofessional conduct may also constitute allegations of negligence in treatment.
SB568,300 12Section 300. 448.675 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,76,413 448.675 (2) Suspension pending hearing. The affiliated credentialing board
14may summarily suspend a license granted by the affiliated credentialing board
15under this subchapter for a period not to exceed 30 days pending hearing if the
16affiliated credentialing board has in its possession evidence establishing probable
17cause to believe that the licensee has violated the provisions of this subchapter and
18that it is necessary to suspend the license immediately to protect the public health,
19safety, or welfare. The licensee shall be granted an opportunity to be heard during
20the determination of whether or not probable cause exists. The affiliated
board may designate any of its officers to exercise the authority
22granted by this subsection to suspend summarily a license, for a period not exceeding
2372 hours. If a license has been summarily suspended by the affiliated credentialing
24board or any of its officers, the affiliated credentialing board may, while the hearing
25is in progress, extend the initial period of suspension for not more than an additional

130 days. If the licensee has caused a delay in the hearing process, the affiliated
board may subsequently suspend the license from the time the hearing
3is commenced until a final decision is issued or may delegate such authority to the
4hearing examiner.
SB568,301 5Section 301. 448.675 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,76,116 448.675 (3) Voluntary surrender. A licensee may voluntarily surrender his
7or her license to the secretary of the affiliated credentialing board, but the secretary
8board may refuse to accept the surrender if the affiliated credentialing board has
9received an allegation of unprofessional conduct against the licensee. The affiliated
board may negotiate stipulations in consideration for accepting the
11surrender of a license.
SB568,302 12Section 302. 448.675 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,76,1613 448.675 (4) Restoration of license, certificate or limited permit. The
14affiliated credentialing board may restore a license which that has been voluntarily
15surrendered or revoked under this subchapter on such terms and conditions as it
16considers appropriate.
SB568,303 17Section 303. 448.68 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,76,2418 448.68 (1) Within 30 days after receipt of a report under s. 50.36 (3) (c), the
19affiliated credentialing board shall notify the licensee, in writing, of the substance
20of the report. The licensee and the licensee's authorized representative may examine
21the report and may place into the record a statement, of reasonable length, of the
22licensee's view of the correctness or relevance of any information in the report. The
23licensee may institute an action in circuit court to amend or expunge any part of the
24licensee's record related to the report.
SB568,304 25Section 304. 448.68 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1448.68 (2) If the affiliated credentialing board determines that a report
2submitted under s. 50.36 (3) (c) is without merit or that the licensee has sufficiently
3improved his or her conduct, the affiliated credentialing board shall remove the
4report from the licensee's record. If no report about a licensee is filed under s. 50.36
5(3) (c) for 2 consecutive years, the licensee may petition the affiliated credentialing
6board to remove any prior reports, which did not result in disciplinary action, from
7his or her record.
SB568,305 8Section 305. 448.68 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,77,139 448.68 (3) Upon the request of a hospital, the affiliated credentialing board
10shall provide the hospital with all information relating to a licensee's loss, reduction
11or suspension of staff privileges from other hospitals and all information relating to
12the licensee's being found guilty of unprofessional conduct. In this subsection,
13"hospital" has the meaning specified under s. 50.33 (2).
SB568,306 14Section 306. 448.685 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,77,20 15448.685 Injunctive relief. If the affiliated credentialing board has reason to
16believe that a person is violating this subchapter or a rule promulgated under this
17subchapter, the affiliated credentialing board, the department, the attorney general,
18or the district attorney of the proper county may investigate and may, in addition to
19any other remedies, bring an action in the name and on behalf of this state to enjoin
20the person from the violation.
SB568,307 21Section 307. 448.69 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,78,222 448.69 (2) Appeal. A person aggrieved by an action taken under this
23subchapter by the affiliated credentialing board, or its officers or its agents may
24apply for judicial review as provided in ch. 227, and shall file notice of such appeal
25with the secretary of the affiliated credentialing board within 30 days. No court of

1this state may enter an ex parte stay of an action taken by the affiliated credentialing
2board under this subchapter.
SB568,308 3Section 308. 448.695 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,78,54 448.695 (1) (intro.) The affiliated credentialing board shall promulgate all of
5the following rules:
SB568,309 6Section 309. 448.695 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,78,87 448.695 (2) The affiliated credentialing board may promulgate rules to carry
8out the purposes of this subchapter.
SB568,310 9Section 310. 448.695 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,78,1610 448.695 (3) The affiliated credentialing board shall promulgate rules
11specifying the requirements for a course of instruction related to X-ray examinations
12by persons under the direct supervision of a podiatrist under s. 462.02 (2) (f). In
13promulgating the rules, the affiliated credentialing board shall consult with the
14radiography examining board and
shall examine laws and rules in other states. The
15affiliated credentialing board shall approve courses that meet the requirements set
16forth in the rules.
SB568,311 17Section 311. Subchapter V (title) of chapter 448 [precedes 448.70] of the
18statutes is amended to read:
SB568,78,1919 CHAPTER 448
SB568,78,2020 SUBCHAPTER V
SB568,312 23Section 312. 448.70 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,313 24Section 313. 448.72 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1448.72 (1) (c) A person pursuing a supervised course of study, including
2internships, leading to a degree or certificate in dietetics from an accredited
3educational program or an educational program approved by the affiliated
4credentialing board
SB568,314 5Section 314. 448.72 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,79,106 448.72 (6) Prohibit an individual from using the title "dietitian", "dietitian,"
7"licensed dietitian" dietitian," or "certified dietitian" if the person is licensed or
8certified as a dietitian under the laws of another state which that has licensure or
9certification requirements that the affiliated credentialing board department
10determines to be substantially equivalent to the requirements under s. 448.78.
SB568,315 11Section 315. 448.74 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,79,14 12448.74 Duties of affiliated credentialing board the department. (intro.)
13The affiliated credentialing board department shall promulgate rules that do all of
14the following:
SB568,316 15Section 316. 448.78 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,79,18 16448.78 Certification of dietitians. (intro.) The affiliated credentialing
department shall grant a certificate as a dietitian to an individual who does
18all of the following:
SB568,317 19Section 317. 448.78 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,79,2120 448.78 (3) (intro.) Submits evidence satisfactory to the affiliated credentialing
department that he or she has done any of the following:
SB568,318 22Section 318. 448.78 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,80,223 448.78 (3) (a) Received a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in human
24nutrition, nutrition education, food and nutrition, dietetics   , or food systems
25management from a program at a college or university that is regionally accredited,

1as determined by the affiliated credentialing board department, and that is located
2in a state or territory of the United States.
SB568,319 3Section 319. 448.78 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,80,84 448.78 (3) (b) Received a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in human
5nutrition, nutrition education, food and nutrition, dietetics, or food systems
6management from a program at a college or university that is not located in a state
7or territory of the United States if the affiliated credentialing board department
8determines that the program is substantially equivalent to a program under par. (a).
SB568,320 9Section 320. 448.78 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,80,1310 448.78 (3) (c) Received a degree from or otherwise successfully completed a
11program in human nutrition, nutrition education, food and nutrition, dietetics, or
12food systems management that is approved by the affiliated credentialing board
SB568,321 14Section 321. 448.78 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,80,1815 448.78 (4) (intro.) Submits evidence satisfactory to the affiliated credentialing
department that he or she has completed at least 900 hours of dietetics practice
17in any state or territory of the United States under the supervision of any of the
SB568,322 19Section 322. 448.78 (4) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,80,2220 448.78 (4) (c) 1. A program at a college or university that is regionally
21accredited, as determined by the affiliated credentialing board department, and that
22is located in a state or territory of the United States.
SB568,323 23Section 323. 448.78 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,81,224 448.78 (4) (c) 2. A program at a college or university that is not located in a state
25or territory of the United States if the affiliated credentialing board department

1determines that the program is substantially equivalent to a program under subd.
SB568,324 3Section 324. 448.78 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,81,74 448.78 (5) Passes the registration examination for dietitians established by the
5commission on dietetic registration of the American dietetic association, or passes
6an equivalent examination approved by the affiliated credentialing board
7department, and held under s. 448.84, to determine fitness to practice dietetics.
SB568,325 8Section 325. 448.80 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,81,15 9448.80 Temporary certificate. Upon application and payment of the fee
10specified in s. 440.05 (6), the affiliated credentialing board department may grant a
11temporary dietitian certificate to an individual who satisfies the requirements under
12s. 448.78 (1) to (4) and has submitted an application to take the next available
13examination under s. 448.84. A temporary certificate granted under this section is
14valid for a period designated by the affiliated credentialing board department, not
15to exceed 9 months, and may be renewed once by the affiliated credentialing board.
SB568,326 16Section 326. 448.82 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,81,23 17448.82 Reciprocal certificate. Upon application and payment of the fee
18specified in s. 440.05 (2), the affiliated credentialing board department shall grant
19a dietitian certificate to an individual who holds a similar certificate or license in
20another state or territory of the United States if the affiliated credentialing board
21department determines that the requirements for receiving the certificate in the
22other state or territory are substantially equivalent to the requirements under s.
SB568,327 24Section 327. 448.84 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1448.84 (1) The affiliated credentialing board department shall conduct or
2arrange for examinations for dietitian certification at least semiannually and at
3times and places determined by the affiliated credentialing board department, and
4shall provide public notice of each examination at least 90 days before the date of the
SB568,328 6Section 328. 448.87 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,82,107 448.87 (1) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the affiliated
8credentialing board
department may make investigations and conduct hearings to
9determine whether a violation of this subchapter or any rule promulgated under this
10subchapter has occurred.
SB568,329 11Section 329. 448.87 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,82,1512 448.87 (2) (intro.) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the
13affiliated credentialing board department may reprimand a certified dietitian or
14deny, limit, suspend, or revoke a certificate granted under this subchapter if it finds
15that the applicant or certified dietitian has done any of the following:
SB568,330 16Section 330. Subchapter VI (title) of chapter 448 [precedes 448.95] of the
17statutes is renumbered subchapter III (title) of chapter 464 [precedes 464.40] and
18amended to read:
SB568,82,1919 Chapter 464