SB568,78 25Section 78. 146.81 (1) (hp) of the statutes is amended to read:
1146.81 (1) (hp) A massage therapist or bodywork therapist licensed under
2subch. IV of ch. 460 464.
SB568,79 3Section 79. 146.89 (1) (r) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,23,84 146.89 (1) (r) 1. Licensed as a physician under ch. 448, a dentist or dental
5hygienist under ch. 447, a registered nurse, practical nurse, or nurse-midwife under
6ch. 441, an optometrist under ch. 449, a physician assistant under ch. 448, a
7pharmacist under ch. 450, a chiropractor under ch. 446, a podiatrist under subch. IV
8of ch. 448, or a physical therapist under subch. III I of ch. 448 464.
SB568,80 9Section 80. 146.997 (1) (d) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,23,1110 146.997 (1) (d) 4. A physician, podiatrist, or perfusionist, physical therapist,
11or physical therapist assistant
licensed under ch. 448.
SB568,81 12Section 81. 146.997 (1) (d) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,23,1413 146.997 (1) (d) 5. An occupational therapist, occupational therapy assistant,
14A physician assistant or respiratory care practitioner certified under ch. 448.
SB568,82 15Section 82. 146.997 (1) (d) 13. of the statutes is renumbered 146.997 (1) (d) 13s.
16and amended to read:
SB568,23,1817 146.997 (1) (d) 13s. A massage therapist or bodywork therapist licensed under
18subch. IV of ch. 460 464.
SB568,83 19Section 83. 146.997 (1) (d) 13e. of the statutes is created to read:
SB568,23,2120 146.997 (1) (d) 13e. A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant
21licensed under subch. I of ch. 464.
SB568,84 22Section 84. 146.997 (1) (d) 13m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB568,23,2423 146.997 (1) (d) 13m. An occupational therapist or occupational therapist
24assistant licensed under subch. II of ch. 464.
SB568,85 25Section 85. 154.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1154.01 (3) "Health care professional" means a person licensed, certified or
2registered under ch. 441, 448 or, 455 , or 464.
SB568,86 3Section 86. 155.01 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,24,154 155.01 (7) "Health care provider" means a nurse licensed or permitted under
5ch. 441, a chiropractor licensed under ch. 446, a dentist licensed under ch. 447, a
6physician, physician assistant, perfusionist, or podiatrist, physical therapist,
7physical therapist assistant, occupational therapist, or occupational therapy
licensed under ch. 448, a person practicing Christian Science treatment,
9an optometrist licensed under ch. 449, a psychologist licensed under ch. 455, a
10physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, occupational therapist, or
11occupational therapist assistant licensed under ch. 464,
a partnership thereof, a
12corporation or limited liability company thereof that provides health care services,
13a cooperative health care association organized under s. 185.981 that directly
14provides services through salaried employees in its own facility, or a home health
15agency, as defined in s. 50.49 (1) (a).
SB568,87 16Section 87. 157.061 (2g) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,88 17Section 88. 157.08 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,25,1118 157.08 (2) (b) Before a cemetery authority sells or encumbers any cemetery
19land, except for a sale described in par. (a), the cemetery authority shall notify the
20cemetery board department in writing of the proposed sale or encumbrance. If
21within 60 days after the cemetery board department is notified of the proposed sale
22or encumbrance the cemetery board department notifies the cemetery authority in
23writing that the cemetery board department objects to the sale or encumbrance the
24cemetery authority may not sell or encumber the cemetery land unless the cemetery
department subsequently notifies the cemetery authority in writing that the

1objection is withdrawn. The cemetery board department may object to a sale or
2encumbrance only if it determines that the cemetery authority will not be financially
3solvent or that the rights and interests of owners of cemetery lots and mausoleum
4spaces will not be adequately protected if the sale or encumbrance occurs. The
5cemetery board department may, before the expiration of the 60-day period, notify
6the cemetery authority in writing that the cemetery board department approves of
7the sale or encumbrance. Upon receipt of the cemetery board's department's written
8approval, the cemetery authority may sell or encumber the cemetery land and is
9released of any liability under this paragraph. The cemetery board department shall
10make every effort to make determinations under this paragraph in an expeditious
SB568,89 12Section 89. 157.11 (9g) (a) 1. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,25,1613 157.11 (9g) (a) 1. c. If not invested as provided in subd. 1. a. or b., otherwise
14deposited by the cemetery authority in an investment approved by the cemetery
department if the care funds are segregated and invested separately from all
16other moneys held by the cemetery authority.
SB568,90 17Section 90. 157.19 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,25,2218 157.19 (2) (b) The cemetery authority may not change the trustee of a care fund
19under s. 157.11 (9g) that is deposited under this section or of a care fund under s.
20157.12 (3), and the financial institution may not release any portion of the principal
21amount of the care fund, without the cemetery board's department's written
SB568,91 23Section 91. 157.19 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,26,1124 157.19 (2) (c) Upon request of the financial institution, the preneed seller, as
25defined in s. 440.90 (8), shall furnish the financial institution with a copy of the

1preneed sales contract. Except as provided in s. 440.92 (2) (c), (f), and (j) and (5),
2preneed trust funds, and any interest or dividends that have accumulated on the
3preneed trust funds, may not be withdrawn until all obligations under the preneed
4sales contract have been fulfilled. The financial institution is not responsible for the
5fulfillment of any part of the preneed sales contract, except that the financial
6institution shall release the preneed trust funds, and any interest or dividends that
7have accumulated on the preneed trust funds, as provided by the terms of the
8preneed sales contract. The trustee of a preneed trust fund may not be changed
9without the cemetery board's department's written approval. If the trustee or
10account number of a preneed trust fund is changed, the cemetery authority shall
11notify the cemetery board department in writing within 30 days after the change.
SB568,92 12Section 92. 157.19 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,26,2013 157.19 (2) (d) The cemetery board department shall promulgate rules
14establishing reasonable requirements and standards for the approval of changes
15under pars. (b) and (c). For approval of changes under par. (b), the rules shall require
16the cemetery authority to submit evidence that the rights and interests of the
17beneficiary of the care fund will be adequately protected if the change is approved.
18For approval of changes under par. (c), the rules shall require the trustee to submit
19evidence that the rights and interests of the purchaser under the preneed sales
20contract will be adequately protected if the change is approved.
SB568,93 21Section 93. 157.19 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,26,2422 157.19 (4) The cemetery board department may promulgate rules allowing
23funds invested under this section to be deposited with a financial institution located
24outside this state.
SB568,94 25Section 94. 157.19 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1157.19 (5) (b) If the cemetery board department determines that care funds
2under s. 157.11 (9g) that have not been deposited with a city or county as provided
3in s. 157.11 (9g) (a) are not being properly segregated from other moneys held by the
4cemetery authority or that those care funds are not being properly invested as
5required in s. 157.11 (9g) (a), the cemetery board department may require the
6cemetery authority to deposit those care funds with a financial institution for
7investment under this section.
SB568,95 8Section 95. 157.62 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,27,149 157.62 (2) (a) Except as provided in ss. 157.625 and 157.63 (1), every cemetery
10authority shall file an annual report with the cemetery board department. The
11report shall be made on a form prescribed and furnished by the cemetery board
12department. The report shall be made on a calendar-year basis unless the cemetery
department, by rule, provides for other reporting periods. The report is due
14on the 60th day after the last day of the reporting period.
SB568,96 15Section 96. 157.62 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,27,1816 157.62 (2) (c) All records relating to accountings of trust funds described under
17par. (b) 3. to 7. and maintained by the department and by the cemetery board are
18confidential and are not available for inspection or copying under s. 19.35 (1).
SB568,97 19Section 97. 157.65 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,28,520 157.65 (2) The department of justice or any district attorney, upon informing
21the department of justice, may commence an action in circuit court in the name of
22the state to restrain by temporary or permanent injunction any violation of this
23subchapter. The court may, prior to entry of final judgment, make such orders or
24judgments as may be necessary to restore to any person any pecuniary loss suffered
25because of the acts or practices involved in the action, if proof of such loss is submitted

1to the satisfaction of the court. The department of justice may subpoena persons and
2require the production of books and other documents, and may request the board
3described in s. 15.405 (3m) or
the department of safety and professional services to
4exercise its authority under sub. (1) to aid in the investigation of alleged violations
5of this subchapter.
SB568,98 6Section 98. 180.1901 (1m) (ag) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,99 7Section 99. 180.1901 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,28,88 180.1901 (1m) (b) Medical examining board under subch. II or IV of ch. 448.
SB568,100 9Section 100. 180.1901 (1m) (bg) of the statutes is renumbered 180.1901 (1m)
10(h) and amended to read:
SB568,28,1211 180.1901 (1m) (h) Physical Medical therapy examining board under subch. III
ch. 448 464.
SB568,101 13Section 101. 180.1901 (1m) (bk) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,102 14Section 102. 180.1901 (1m) (br) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,28,1615 180.1901 (1m) (br) Dietitians affiliated credentialing board Department of
16safety and professional services
under subch. V of ch. 448.
SB568,103 17Section 103. 180.1901 (1m) (bs) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,104 18Section 104. 180.1901 (1m) (bu) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,105 19Section 105. 231.01 (7) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,28,2120 231.01 (7) (d) 2. Any office or clinic of a person licensed under ch. 446, 447, 448,
21449, or 455, or 464, or the substantially equivalent laws or rules of another state.
SB568,106 22Section 106. 252.14 (1) (ar) 4e. of the statutes is renumbered 252.14 (1) (ar)
238e. and amended to read:
SB568,28,2524 252.14 (1) (ar) 8e. A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant licensed
25under subch. III I of ch. 448 464.
1Section 107. 252.14 (1) (ar) 4p. of the statutes is renumbered 252.14 (1) (ar)
28m. and amended to read:
SB568,29,43 252.14 (1) (ar) 8m. An occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant
4licensed under subch. VII II of ch. 448 464.
SB568,108 5Section 108. 252.14 (1) (ar) 4q. of the statutes is renumbered 252.14 (1) (ar)
68s. and amended to read:
SB568,29,77 252.14 (1) (ar) 8s. An athletic trainer licensed under subch. VI III of ch. 448 464.
SB568,109 8Section 109. 252.14 (1) (ar) 9. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,29,109 252.14 (1) (ar) 9. An employee or agent of any provider specified under subds.
101. to 8. 8s.
SB568,110 11Section 110. 252.14 (1) (ar) 10. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,29,1312 252.14 (1) (ar) 10. A partnership of any provider specified under subds. 1. to
138. 8s.
SB568,111 14Section 111. 252.14 (1) (ar) 11. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,29,1615 252.14 (1) (ar) 11. A corporation of any provider specified under subds. 1. to 8.
168s. that provides health care services.
SB568,112 17Section 112. 255.40 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,29,2018 255.40 (2) (a) (intro.) Any person licensed, certified or registered by the state
19under ch. 441, 448 or, 455, or 464 who treats a patient suffering from any of the
20following shall report in accordance with par. (b):
SB568,113 21Section 113. 440.03 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,29,2522 440.03 (3) If the secretary reorganizes the department, no modification may
23be made in the powers and responsibilities of the examining boards or affiliated
24credentialing boards attached to the department or an examining board under s.
2515.405 or 15.406.
1Section 114. 440.03 (9) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB568,30,52 440.03 (9) (a) (intro.) Subject to pars. par. (b) and (c), the department shall,
3biennially, determine each fee for an initial credential for which no examination is
4required, for a reciprocal credential, and for a credential renewal by doing all of the
SB568,115 6Section 115. 440.03 (9) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,116 7Section 116. 440.032 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,117 8Section 117. 440.032 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 459.40 (intro.)
9and amended to read:
SB568,30,10 10459.40 Definitions. (intro.) In this section subchapter:
SB568,118 11Section 118. 440.032 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 459.40 (1).
SB568,119 12Section 119. 440.032 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB568,120 13Section 120. 440.032 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 459.40 (3).
SB568,121 14Section 121. 440.032 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 459.40 (4) and
15amended to read:
SB568,30,2216 459.40 (4) "Wisconsin interpreting and transliterating assessment" means a
17program administered by the department of health services to determine and verify
18the level of competence of communication access services providers who are not
19certified by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., or its successor, the
20National Association of the Deaf or its successor, or other another similar nationally
21recognized certification organization, or a successor program administered by the
22department of health services.
SB568,122 23Section 122. 440.032 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 459.41, and 459.41 (1),
24(2) (intro.) and (c) and (3), as renumbered, are amended to read:
1459.41 (1) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c) subs. (2) and (3), no person
2may, for compensation, provide sign language interpretation services for a client
3unless the person is licensed by the department examining board under sub. (3) s.
SB568,31,6 5(2) (intro.) No license is required under this subsection sub. (1) for any of the
SB568,31,117 (c) A person interpreting at a religious service or at a religious function,
8including educational or social events sponsored by a religious organization. This
9subdivision paragraph does not apply to a person interpreting for a religious
10organization at a professional service provided or sponsored by the religious
SB568,31,18 12(3) (a) The council examining board may grant a temporary exemption from the
13requirement under sub. (1)
to an individual who is not a resident of this state that
14authorizes the individual to provide interpretation services for a period not to exceed
1520 days, if the individual is certified by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc.,
16or its successor, or the National Association of the Deaf or its successor. The council
17examining board may not grant an individual more than 2 temporary exemptions
18under this subdivision paragraph per year.
SB568,31,2319 (b) The council examining board may grant a temporary or permanent
20exemption from the requirement under sub. (1) to an individual who is a resident of
21this state that authorizes the individual to provide interpretation services for a
22period specified by the council examining board or for persons specified by the council
23examining board.
1Section 123. 440.032 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 459.42, and 459.42 (1)
2(a) (intro.) and 3., (b) and (c) and (2) (a) (intro.), (b) (intro.) and (c), as renumbered,
3are amended to read:
SB568,32,104 459.42 (1) (a) (intro.) The department examining board shall grant a license
5as a sign language interpreter to an applicant who submits an application on a form
6provided by the department, pays the fee determined by the department under s.
7440.03 (9) (a), and submits evidence satisfactory to the department examining board
8that the applicant has received an associate degree in sign language interpretation
9or has received a certificate of completion of an education and training program
10regarding such interpretation, and the applicant has one of the following:
SB568,32,1311 3. Any valid certification granted by any other organization that the
12department examining board determines is substantially equivalent to a
13certification specified in subd. 1. a. or b. or 2.
SB568,32,1914 (b) The department examining board shall grant a license as a sign language
15interpreter to an applicant who submits an application on a form provided by the
16department and pays the fee determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a),
17if the applicant has a certification specified in subd. 1. a. par. (a) 1. and if the
18applicant provides to the department examining board satisfactory evidence of a
19diagnosis by a physician that the applicant is deaf or hard of hearing.
SB568,33,420 (c) The department examining board shall grant a license as a sign language
21interpreter to an applicant who has not received an associate degree in sign language
22interpretation or a certificate of completion of an education and training program
23regarding such interpretation, but who otherwise satisfies the requirements in subd.
par. (a) (intro.), if, within 24 months after establishing residency in the state, the
25applicant provides evidence satisfactory to the department examining board that the

1applicant holds one of the certifications specified in subd. 1. a., b., or c. par. (a) 1., 2.,
2or 3.
, that the applicant obtained the certification prior to establishing residency in
3the state, and that the applicant held the certification at the time the applicant
4established residency in the state.