2017 - 2018 LEGISLATURE
October 19, 2017 - Introduced by Representatives Skowronski, Pronschinske,
Gannon, Edming, Kremer, Hintz, E. Brooks, Krug, Horlacher, Born,
Sinicki, Spiros and R. Brooks, cosponsored by Senators Testin, L. Taylor,
Wanggaard, Marklein, Nass and Vukmir. Referred to Committee on
Financial Institutions.
1An Act to amend 188.13 (title) and 188.13 (1) of the statutes; relating to:
2incorporation of Red Arrow Clubs.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill modifies the membership requirements for incorporation of a Red
Arrow Club.
Current law allows various state organizations of veterans' clubs or societies to
incorporate by filing for incorporation with the Department of Financial
Institutions. A Red Arrow Club organized in this state, composed exclusively of the
following persons, upon filing a statement of intent and list of its officers with DFI
without fee, becomes a body corporate with corporate powers to transact business in
this state: 1) members of the 32nd Division at any time during World War I; 2)
members who served in the 32nd Division of the U.S. Army at any time in the period
from October 10, 1940, to the termination of World War II; or 3) members who served
in the 32nd Division in federal service at any time in the period from October 15,
1961, to August 10, 1962, during the Berlin Crisis.
This bill modifies the membership requirements for a Red Arrow Club to be
eligible for incorporation as described above. Under the bill, the Red Arrow Club
must be composed of the following persons: 1) members of the 32nd Division who
served at any time from World War II; 2) members who served in the 32nd Division
in the U.S. Army; or 3) members who served with the 32nd Infantry Brigade or the
32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Wisconsin Army National Guard, in any
conflict, deployment, peacekeeping operation, or domestic response if the member

was deployed in a federal or state status or conducted training to carry out such
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1. 188.13 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
2188.13 (title) Corporate powers of 32nd Division Red Arrow Clubs.
3Section 2. 188.13 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 188.13 (1) Any Red Arrow Club, organized in this state and composed
5exclusively of persons who were of members of the 32nd Division who served at any
6time during from World War I, members II, who served in the 32nd Division of in the
7United States Army at any time in the period from October 10, 1940, to the
8termination of World War II as proclaimed by the President or the Congress, or
9members who served in the 32nd Division in Federal Service at any time in the period
10from October 15, 1961, to August 10, 1962, during the Berlin Crisis, organized in this
, or who served with the 32nd Infantry Brigade or the 32nd Infantry Brigade
12Combat Team, Wisconsin army national guard, in any conflict, deployment,
13peacekeeping operation, or domestic response if the member was deployed in a
14federal or state status or conducted training to carry out such missions,
shall have
15full corporate power to transact business in this state and to take over the assets and
16liabilities of the existing clubs in this state, upon filing with the department of
17financial institutions a statement of its intent so to do, and a full and complete list
18of its duly elected officers, and shall by so doing become a body corporate. No filing
19fee shall be charged by the department of financial institutions for so doing.
20 (End)