JR7 AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons.
JR7 AB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: treatment and diversion programs and making appropriations.
JR7 AB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: immunity from revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision for certain controlled substance offenses.
JR7 AB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain schedule V controlled substances from being dispensed without a prescription.
JR7 AB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prevention and control of, emergency and involuntary commitment for, and treatment programs and services for drug dependence.
JR7 AB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the director of the Office of Educational Opportunity in the University of Wisconsin System to contract for the operation of a recovery charter school, insurance coverage of mental health treatment provided by a recovery charter school, and making appropriations.
JR7 AB6: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the director of the Office of Educational Opportunity in the University of Wisconsin System to contract for the operation of a recovery charter school, insurance coverage of mental health treatment provided by a recovery charter school, and making appropriations.
JR7 AB7: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to establish and expand graduate training in an addiction specialty and making an appropriation.
JR7 AB8: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating additional opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation.
JR7 AB9: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: addiction medicine consultation program and making an appropriation.
JR7 AB10: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: position authorization for criminal investigation agents at the Department of Justice.
JR7 AB11: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mental health training program and making an appropriation.
JR7 SB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons.
JR7 SB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: treatment and diversion programs and making appropriations.
JR7 SB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: immunity from revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision for certain controlled substance offenses.
JR7 SB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain schedule V controlled substances from being dispensed without a prescription.
JR7 SB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prevention and control of, emergency and involuntary commitment for, and treatment programs and services for drug dependence.
JR7 SB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the director of the Office of Educational Opportunity in the University of Wisconsin System to contract for the operation of a recovery charter school, insurance coverage of mental health treatment provided by a recovery charter school, and making appropriations.
JR7 SB7: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to establish and expand graduate training in an addiction specialty and making an appropriation.
JR7 SB8: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating additional opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation.
JR7 SB9: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: addiction medicine consultation program and making an appropriation.
JR7 SB10: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: position authorization for criminal investigation agents at the Department of Justice.
JR7 SB11: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mental health training program and making an appropriation.
AU7 AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the creation of an electronics and information technology manufacturing zone, making changes to the enterprise zone tax credit program, authorizing limited use of the design-build construction process, granting contingent highway bonding authority, and making appropriations.
AU7 AB1: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the creation of an electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and, in connection with that zone, authorizing certain tax benefits, creating special provisions for tax incremental districts, and creating exemptions from wetland and waterway permits and Public Service Commission certificates; making changes to the enterprise zone tax credit program; authorizing limited use of the design-build construction process; authorizing certain counties to issue debt backed by sales and use tax revenue; facilitating a worker training and employment program; making changes to town incorporation procedures; granting contingent highway bonding authority; and making appropriations.
AU7 AR1: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: condemning the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 12, 2017.
AU7 SB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the creation of an electronics and information technology manufacturing zone, making changes to the enterprise zone tax credit program, authorizing limited use of the design-build construction process, granting contingent highway bonding authority, and making appropriations.
JR8 AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: required hours of participation in the FoodShare employment and training program.
JR8 AB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: statewide FoodShare employment and training program requirement for able-bodied adults.
JR8 AB2: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: statewide FoodShare employment and training program requirement for able-bodied adults and Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy for FoodShare employment and training program participants.
JR8 AB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: asset restrictions on eligibility for FoodShare, Wisconsin Works, and Wisconsin Shares.
JR8 AB3: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: asset restrictions on eligibility for FoodShare, Wisconsin Works, and Wisconsin Shares.
JR8 AB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment screening of and employability plans for residents in public housing.
JR8 AB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a pilot and permanent program for making periodic payments to eligible recipients of the earned income tax credit and making an appropriation.
JR8 AB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payments based on performance for Wisconsin Works and FoodShare employment and training program contractors.
JR8 AB6: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: payments based on performance for Wisconsin Works and FoodShare employment and training program contractors and making an appropriation.
JR8 AB7: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pay for success contracting, establishment of pay for success trust fund, and making an appropriation.
JR8 AB8: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring child support compliance in the Medical Assistance program.
JR8 AB8: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring child support compliance in the Medical Assistance program.
JR8 AB9: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of a savings account program in the Medical Assistance program.
JR8 AB9: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of a savings account program in the Medical Assistance program.
JR8 AB10: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: photo identification cards for FoodShare recipients.
JR8 SB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: required hours of participation in the FoodShare employment and training program.
JR8 SB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: statewide FoodShare employment and training program requirement for able-bodied adults.
JR8 SB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: asset restrictions on eligibility for FoodShare, Wisconsin Works, and Wisconsin Shares.
JR8 SB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment screening of and employability plans for residents in public housing.
JR8 SB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a pilot and permanent program for making periodic payments to eligible recipients of the earned income tax credit and making an appropriation.
JR8 SB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: payments based on performance for Wisconsin Works and FoodShare employment and training program contractors.
JR8 SB7: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pay for success contracting, establishment of pay for success trust fund, and making an appropriation.
JR8 SB8: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring child support compliance in the Medical Assistance program.
JR8 SB9: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of a savings account program in the Medical Assistance program.
JR8 SB10: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: photo identification cards for FoodShare recipients.
MR8 AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to schools for school safety and safety-related upgrades to school buildings, equipment, and facilities; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and making an appropriation.
MR8 AB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an office of school safety in the Department of Justice and making appropriations.
MR8 AB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory reporting of suspected intent to carry out violence involving a dangerous weapon or explosive in or targeting a school and providing a criminal penalty.
MR8 AB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Department of Public Instruction's model school policy on bullying by pupils.
MR8 AB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school safety plans.
MR8 AB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a school board to share safety camera footage with law enforcement.
AB1: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the 12 percent rule regarding the total value of taxable property included in the creation of, or amendment to, a tax incremental financing district in the village of Oostburg.
AB2: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to bingo and raffles (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Administration).
AB3: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: removing the gross income reporting requirement for wage garnishment and changing a reference to federal law (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Children and Families).
AB4: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: child care record keeping and eligibility for child care subsidies (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Children and Families).
AB5: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: maximum child care subsidy rates for part-time child care and the authorized amount of child care under Wisconsin Shares (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Children and Families).
AB6: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the waiting period for the employer's share of income continuation insurance premiums for certain teachers employed by the University of Wisconsin System (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Employee Trust Funds).
AB7: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the determination of participating employee status under the Wisconsin Retirement System (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Employee Trust Funds).
AB8: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a protective occupation participant who is at least age 50 and who is a part-time elected official to waive future Wisconsin Retirement System participation (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Employee Trust Funds).
AB9: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: accepting an application for a retirement annuity (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Employee Trust Funds).
AB10: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: cancelling coverage under the public employer group life insurance program (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Employee Trust Funds).
AB11: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: open enrollment (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Public Instruction).
AB12: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying terminology regarding limited-English proficient pupils (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Public Instruction).
AB13: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing outdated or expired reporting requirements (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Public Instruction).
AB14: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the property tax assessment freeze (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Revenue).
AB15: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changes to board of review proceedings (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Revenue).
AB16: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certain references to obsolete federal motor carrier law (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Transportation).
AB17: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: planning for certain federal highway money distribution transfers (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Transportation).
AB18: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: penalties for violations of motor vehicle mileage disclosure requirements and providing a criminal penalty (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Transportation).
AB19: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the weight limit for motorcycle and moped registrations (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Transportation).
AB20: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operation of a motor bus with an attached trailer (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Transportation).
AB21: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: description of defendant indigency for public defender fees (suggested as remedial legislation by the State Public Defender).
AB22: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recusal from juvenile justice proceedings (suggested as remedial legislation by the State Public Defender).
AB23: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the determination of indigency prior to the state public defender appointing an attorney to represent a parent in a proceeding under chapters 48 and 938 (suggested as remedial legislation by the State Public Defender).
AB24: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: project labor agreements and public contracts.
AB25: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: child labor permits and modifying references to child labor in the statutes.
AB26: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: due dates for filing income and franchise tax returns, paying estimated income and franchise tax installment payments, and filing withholding tax returns.
AB27: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: multiple jurisdiction health departments.
AB28: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expiration dates of renewed licenses to carry a concealed weapon.
AB29: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: practice requirement for licensure as a clinical social worker.
AB30: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: examinations for certification or licensure by the Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB31: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a minimum limit on the amount of chubs that may be commercially harvested from the waters of Lake Michigan.
AB32: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prosecution and venue for trial of certain offenses by certain state residents.
AB33: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring a municipal judge to be a licensed Wisconsin attorney.
AB34: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: directing school boards to provide instruction about the recent history of the Hmong people.
AB35: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the number of jurors in criminal cases.
AB36: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing district attorneys, deputy district attorneys, and assistant district attorneys to engage in the private practice of law for certain civil purposes.
AB37: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the rate paid to private attorneys for representing indigent clients.
AB38: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the authority of a law enforcement officer to arrest someone for sleeping or camping in a county park, authorizing local ordinances to prohibit overnight sleeping or camping in a county park, and providing a penalty.
AB39: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and making an appropriation.
AB40: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: entrepreneurial assistance grants and making an appropriation.
AB41: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to technical college district boards and technical college faculty, staff, and students and making appropriations.
AB42: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes regarding administrative rules and rule-making procedures and making an appropriation.
AB43: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit based on the federal tax credit for certain expenses for household and dependent care services.
AB44: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: legislative and congressional redistricting.
AB45: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state procurement of products and services from businesses located in this state and setting a goal for local government to purchase a certain percentage of products and services from businesses located in this state.
AB46: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to certain small businesses that receive federal grants.
AB47: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: material misstatements on applications for certain credentials and providing a criminal penalty.
AB48: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expanding the definition of hate crime victims to include law enforcement officers.
AB49: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: definition of tetrahydrocannabinols and the use of cannabidiol.
AB50: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: groundwater management, approval of high capacity wells, and granting rule-making authority.
AB51: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: civil cause of action for financial exploitation.
AB52: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: court proceedings for traffic violations.
AB53: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time periods for the abatement of late blight of potatoes.
AB54: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: seed potato certification and use and providing penalties.
AB55: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiver for prescription drug assistance for elderly program, use of excess moneys in prescription drug assistance for elderly program, and making an appropriation.
AB56: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: advertising motor fuel prices by the half-gallon.
AB57: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring child support compliance for FoodShare benefits.
AB58: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for law enforcement dogs that have bitten a person.
AB59: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: terminology change and corrections for emergency medical technicians and first responders.
AB60: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an employee in the classified service representing himself or herself as an engineer.
AB61: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: rules that prohibit feeding deer in certain counties.
AB62: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creditable military service under the Wisconsin Retirement System.
AB63: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting utility activities in a highway right-of-way from wetland permitting requirements.
AB64: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2017 legislature.
AB65: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales and transfers of firearms and providing a criminal penalty.
AB65: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to school districts that employ an armed school safety officer; furnishing, purchasing, or possessing a firearm for a person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm; mandatory minimum sentences for individuals who commit certain firearm violations; and providing criminal penalties.
AB66: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: leases of real property for executive agencies and a plan to relocate the Department of Children and Families headquarters.
AB67: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: penalties for violations related to the motor vehicle liability insurance requirement, proof of financial responsibility, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
AB68: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: self-insurance by religious sects for purposes of motor vehicle financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements.
AB69: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to investigational drugs, devices, and biological products and limitations on liability related to their use.
AB70: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies.
AB71: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an inventory of pupil data.
AB72: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: responsibilities of state superintendent related to privacy and security of pupil data.
AB73: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating cheese as the state dairy product.
AB74: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiting period for purchase of handguns.
AB75: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: medical use of marijuana, the regulation of marijuana distribution entities, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB76: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lead testing and disclosures for certain rental properties.
AB77: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state aid payments to school districts.
AB78: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lead service line replacements.
AB79: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect by juvenile correctional officers.
AB80: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: service-connected disability rating for disabled veteran-owned businesses.
AB81: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: technical changes to the tax incremental financing statutes.
AB82: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an exemption for resident disabled veterans and for recipients of the purple heart medal from the cumulative preference system for issuing wild turkey hunting licenses and tags.
AB83: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sale of and research on fetal body parts, final disposition of fetal body parts, cord blood banks, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB84: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating deductions for moving expenses for businesses that move out of the state or out of the United States.
AB85: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a local public official to serve as an election official.
AB86: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating certain abortion prohibitions.
AB87: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time limit on a restrictive custody sanction under the Serious Juvenile Offender Program.
AB88: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: crimes subject to a mandatory minimum sentence.
AB89: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory minimum incarceration period following illegal possession of a firearm.
AB90: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: acts for which a juvenile may be placed in correctional placement or the Serious Juvenile Offender Program.
AB91: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: undesignated felonies.
AB92: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: carjacking offenses and providing criminal penalties.
AB93: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expungement of certain offenses committed before the age of 25 and making an appropriation.
AB94: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recommendation to revoke parole, probation, and extended supervision if a person is charged with a crime.
AB95: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a school board member to refuse his or her salary.
AB96: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supply and use of epinephrine auto-injectors by certain authorized individuals.
AB97: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory period of confinement for homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle and providing a criminal penalty.
AB98: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: court orders regarding the installation of an ignition interlock device and providing a criminal penalty.
AB99: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: committing a fifth or sixth offense related to operating a vehicle while intoxicated and providing a criminal penalty.
AB100: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operating a motorboat towing a person on water skis.
AB101: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hate crime hotline.
AB102: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of a committee to study the model used by the state of Missouri to provide rehabilitation for juveniles adjudicated delinquent who are in need of restrictive custodial treatment and to prepare a plan for the development and implementation of a similar model for the rehabilitation of such juveniles in this state.
AB103: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the commencement of fall classes in public schools.
AB104: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: unattended decoys left in water.
AB105: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: replacement, reconstruction, and transfer of an approved high capacity well, recommendation of special groundwater measures by the Department of Natural Resources, and metering requirements and grants for certain high capacity wells.
AB106: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring approval by a municipal governing body before construction of highway roundabouts.
AB107: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditures relating to the operation of a rail fixed guideway transportation system in a first class city.
AB108: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a corporate income and franchise tax credit for amounts contributed by an employer into an employee's college savings account.
AB109: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying the requirements for certain towns to withdraw from county zoning.
AB110: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: surplus lines insurance policies issued by domestic insurers.
AB111: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: threat to use a firearm on school property to injure or kill a person and providing a criminal penalty.
AB112: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for treatment and diversion programs.
AB113: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the collection and sharing of information regarding an Indian child relinquished under the safe haven law and restoration of physical custody of an Indian child less than 11 days of age to a parent.
AB114: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: battery of a tribal judge, tribal prosecutor, or tribal law enforcement officer and providing criminal penalties.
AB115: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of the departments of administration, children and families, workforce development, justice, and health services to allocate federal grant money for civil legal aid.
AB116: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the creation of the Interagency Legal Aid Coordinating Council.
AB117: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing district attorneys, deputy district attorneys, and assistant district attorneys to engage in the private practice of law for certain civil purposes.
AB118: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disclosure of burial sites located on residential real estate and various changes relating to the preservation and disturbance of burial sites.
AB119: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: method of notification when a legal notice is provided electronically.
AB120: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: information required to be included in class 2 and class 3 legal notices.
AB121: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the manufacture, sale, and taxation of powdered alcohol.
AB122: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime.
AB123: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the information technology block grant program, the broadband expansion grant program, waiving certain fees and appraisals, and making appropriations.
AB124: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: marketing of employment and training opportunities to former University of Wisconsin System students and making an appropriation.
AB125: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prescription order extensions for when a refill authorization cannot be obtained.
AB126: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: continuing education program sponsors for chiropractors, chiropractic technicians, and chiropractic radiological technicians.
AB127: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting local ordinances, resolutions, and policies that prohibit immigration status inquiries and reports to, and cooperation with, other units of government about the presence of illegal aliens, authorizing a resident of this state to commence an enforcement action, and providing a reduction in shared revenue payments.
AB128: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the group insurance board from contracting for or providing abortion services.
AB129: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirement that a classified service employee take a leave of absence to run for office.
AB130: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a political subdivision to restrict the placement of certain mobile cell towers.
AB131: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an exemption from work search requirements for certain individuals claiming unemployment insurance benefits.
AB132: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an objective standard for the disqualification of a judge or justice.
AB133: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disqualification of a judge or justice.
AB134: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability.
AB135: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: judicial disqualification based on campaign financial support.
AB136: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to review a decision of a justice to deny a motion to disqualify the justice.
AB137: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notice of certain campaign finance contributions made to a judge or justice.
AB138: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the safe-ride grant program.
AB139: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing county clerks and clerks of court to copy certified birth certificates for certain purposes.
AB140: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tax administration changes, the police and fire protection fee, defining restaurant for purposes of alcohol beverage regulation, lottery ticket couriers, background investigations of persons associated with the lottery, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB141: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: family planning services and making an appropriation.
AB142: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of the construction manager-general contractor process for highway project contracting, major highway project reports, and cost-benefit analyses of certain services related to transportation.
AB143: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: student loans, the individual income tax subtract modification for tuition and student fees, creating an authority to be known as the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB144: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: removal and replacement of a vehicle or vehicle part identification number.
AB145: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notification of special meetings of the common council of a city.
AB146: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the practice of dental hygienists.
AB147: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: industrial hemp, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB148: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expiration of statements of scope for administrative rules.
AB149: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales and use tax exemption for the sale of gun safes.
AB150: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the payment of health insurance premiums, and establishing a loan program, for survivors of a law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician, or fire fighter who dies in the line of duty and making appropriations.
AB151: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: community paramedics, community emergency medical technicians, community emergency medical services providers, and services provided by emergency medical technicians.
AB152: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the transfer by affidavit option for small estates.
AB153: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: aggrieved parties petitioning for a recount and making an appropriation.
AB154: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the exemption of bona fide administrative, executive, and professional employees from the overtime pay requirements of the wage and hours laws, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB155: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prosecution decisions following deaths involving law enforcement officers.
AB156: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: investigations of officer-involved deaths.
AB157: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the appointment and term of service of the secretary of natural resources and vacancies on the Natural Resources Board.
AB158: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: production and possession of cannabidiol for treatment of a medical condition and providing a penalty.
AB159: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: policies regulating the use of electronic smoking devices on school district property.
AB160: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of aquaculture and fish farms, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB161: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a political subdivision to impose setback requirements for certain mobile service support structures.
AB162: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proceeds from special registration plates associated with professional baseball park districts and making an appropriation.
AB163: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the establishment of November 11 as a day on which the offices of the agencies of state government are closed.
AB164: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: cosmetology and barbering continuing education requirements and licensure of barbers, cosmetologists, and related professionals from jurisdictions outside Wisconsin.
AB165: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appointing delegates for a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution.
AB166: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: entrepreneurial tax credit access grants.
AB167: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: practicing barbering and cosmetology outside licensed establishments, regulating barbering and cosmetology managers, and instructor certificates for barbering, cosmetology, and related professions.
AB168: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the requirement that certain city and village officials must execute and file an official bond.
AB169: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the municipal treasurer's bond for tax distribution.
AB170: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: advertising on bus shelters located on state trunk highways.
AB171: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment by a former member of the legislature as a lobbyist.
AB172: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain taxpayers and a new top individual income tax bracket.
AB173: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring a local governmental unit to create a civil service system with a just cause standard of discipline for its employees.
AB174: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for building materials that become a part of a facility for a technical college district or for the University of Wisconsin.
AB175: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: identification and location information assigned to documents filed or recorded in the county register of deeds offices and registration of farm names by recording in the register of deeds office.
AB176: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adopting a provision of the Internal Revenue Code related to the tax-free distribution from an individual retirement account to a qualified charitable organization.
AB177: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a tax credit for hiring certain apprentices from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.
AB178: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing court commissioners to issue search warrants for certain civil violations.
AB179: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: remediation of contaminated land; air pollution control requirements for certain manufacturing facilities constructed on formerly contaminated land; reassigning tax deeds on tax delinquent brownfield properties; creating a new method for the creation of environmental remediation tax incremental financing districts; loans and repayment assistance by a political subdivision for certain brownfield revitalization projects and collection of the debt by special charge; state trust fund loans for brownfield projects; conversion of business improvement districts; and annexations to business improvement districts and neighborhood improvement districts.
AB180: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: snowmobile trail use stickers and trail aids and supplemental trail aids for snowmobile trail maintenance.
AB181: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for the all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle safety enhancement program and making an appropriation.
AB182: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to the pharmacy practice law and modifying rules promulgated by the Pharmacy Examining Board.
AB183: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: growing and processing industrial hemp, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB184: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the use of certain professional credentials and providing a criminal penalty.
AB185: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing a rule of the Department of Transportation related to the purchase of school buses for school transportation.
AB186: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prosecuting a person under the age of 18 with committing an act of prostitution.
AB187: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certain buildings used for social events.
AB188: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: educational requirements for taking the accounting examination or receiving a certified public accountant certificate; continuing education requirements for accounting license renewal; data-sharing programs related to accountants; peer reviews for certified public accounting firms; modifying various administrative rules promulgated by the Accounting Examining Board relating to accounting; and granting rule-making authority.
AB189: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for beat patrol and specialized officers.
AB190: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting local ordinances, resolutions, and policies that prohibit the enforcement of federal or state law relating to illegal aliens or immigration status, authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence an enforcement action, providing a reduction in shared revenue payments, and creating governmental liability for damages caused by illegal aliens.
AB191: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: personal delivery devices and providing a penalty.
AB192: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: career and technical education incentive grants and making an appropriation.
AB193: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring an employer to provide reasonable break time for an employee who is breast-feeding her child to express breast milk for the child.
AB194: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against underage persons being present on alcohol licensed premises.
AB195: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a refundable individual income tax credit for the parent of a stillbirth.
AB196: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of or use of a credit card scanner, providing civil immunity for sellers or distributors of fuel for scanners installed on pumps, and providing criminal penalties.
AB197: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revocation of operating privilege for certain offenses related to operating while intoxicated, operating after revocation, making an appropriation, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB198: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public service commission authority over leased generation contracts.
AB199: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: technical education equipment grants for school districts, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB200: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing certain individual income tax rates and expanding the number of brackets, increasing the personal exemption for certain individuals, and sunsetting the manufacturing and agriculture tax credit.
AB201: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: traffic violations requiring operating privilege suspension and attendance at a vehicle right-of-way course, increasing penalties for numerous traffic violations, and providing a penalty.
AB202: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfer of the unencumbered balance of certain appropriations.
AB203: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the Department of Natural Resources to establish a special wild turkey hunting program for certain disabled veterans, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB204: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: resources eligible for renewable resource credits.
AB205: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state leases for real property.
AB206: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting performance of and funding or providing property for abortions and other services by certain employees and entities.
AB207: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: insurance requirements for vehicle rental companies.
AB208: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the individual income tax deduction eligibility requirements for certain adoption-related expenses.
AB209: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring economic impact statements on certain legislative proposals.
AB210: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the state auditor to appoint an inspector general to investigate Department of Transportation programs and activities and making an appropriation.
AB211: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a property owner's right to refuse entry into his or her home for assessment purposes and conditions for appearing before the board of review.
AB212: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: actions in circuit court alleging discrimination in employment, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing.
AB213: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting an employer from relying on or inquiring about a prospective employee's current or prior compensation and from restricting an employee's right to disclose compensation information and providing a penalty.
AB214: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting certain mining and drilling activities that cause the destruction or filling in of a lake bed, reservoir, or flowage or that cause the withdrawal of water from a reservoir or flowage.
AB215: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: education about nutrition.
AB216: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting certain individuals to make requests for medication for the purpose of ending their lives and providing a criminal penalty.
AB217: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reducing the annual salary of the attorney general.
AB218: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exemptions from dog license fees.
AB219: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales by the state or a political subdivision to employees.
AB220: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reimbursement for lodging expenses for employees of the University of Wisconsin System.
AB221: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a pilot program under which certain school districts are not required to provide a minimum number of hours of direct pupil instruction.
AB222: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for creation of rural wellness facilities and programs and making an appropriation.
AB223: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: offering employment in exchange for not seeking an elective state or local office and providing a criminal penalty.
AB224: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for education and training of allied health professionals and making an appropriation.
AB225: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: placement of cigarettes, nicotine products, or tobacco products by retailers and providing a penalty.
AB226: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: local assistance for remediating contaminated wells and failing wastewater treatment systems and award limits for contaminated well grants.
AB227: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: training grants for advanced practice clinicians and making an appropriation.
AB228: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: application of the open meetings law to legislative party caucuses.
AB229: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: investment of surplus money by local units of government.
AB230: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fences on closed managed forest land.
AB231: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of a prosecutor board and a state prosecutors office and making appropriations.
AB232: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales tax holiday in August.
AB233: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: submitting a state plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
AB234: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an Interagency Council on Homelessness and making an appropriation.
AB235: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: housing grants.
AB236: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiting lists for housing choice vouchers.
AB237: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to municipalities to connect homeless individuals with permanent employment and making an appropriation.
AB238: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: work requirements for recipients of vouchers under the federal Housing Choice Voucher Program.
AB239: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a refundable individual income tax credit to provide assistance to young adults and making an appropriation.
AB240: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the school attendance requirement under Learnfare.
AB241: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mitigating the benefit drop-off in Wisconsin Shares.
AB242: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment requirements for certain work experience programs, providing an exemption from emergency rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB243: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a study regarding offering mobility grants for unemployment insurance claimants.
AB244: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an optional holiday for state employees to observe the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez.
AB245: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: applicability to private roads and driveways of certain rules of the road governing passing school buses.
AB246: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: drainage districts and regulating the removal of material from certain drainage ditches.
AB247: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: going armed with a firearm and electric weapons, licenses for carrying a concealed weapon, trespassing while armed with a firearm, and providing criminal penalties.
AB248: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring sellers to allow online cancellation of an online purchase.
AB249: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revenue limit adjustment for a school district for costs incurred to remediate lead contamination in drinking water and exceptions from local levy limits for lead pipe water service line replacement purposes.
AB250: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: alternative education grants.
AB251: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying rules related to grant programs administered by the Department of Public Instruction.
AB252: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: administration of vaccines by pharmacy students.
AB253: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: procedures related to a sale of foreclosed property by a sheriff or referee.
AB254: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: motor vehicle data recorders and providing a penalty.
AB255: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for quality improvement initiatives and making an appropriation.
AB256: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting sales or leases of municipal water or sewer utilities to investor-owned utilities.
AB257: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring candidates for president or vice president to file tax returns with the elections commission.
AB258: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: carrying a weapon on a public mass transportation system and providing a penalty.
AB259: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the length of the recognition period for built-in gains tax; the evidentiary standard for proving a transaction has economic substance; participation by the Department of Revenue in the Multistate Tax Commission Audit Program; and reliance by a taxpayer on past audits by the Department of Revenue.
AB260: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: physical examinations conducted by chiropractors; performance of medical examinations by chiropractors for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration; chiropractic acupuncture and chiropractic dry needling; delegation of certain services by a chiropractor; modifying various administrative rules promulgated by the Chiropractic Examining Board; and granting rule-making authority.
AB261: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Milwaukee County high-wide route.
AB262: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: interest restrictions between brewers and retailers, and authorized activities of brewers, in connection with a certain redevelopment project in the city of Milwaukee.
AB263: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: incentive programs for counties and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in certain public assistance programs, removing inactive FoodShare accounts, expunging unused FoodShare benefits, limiting the number of FoodShare replacement cards, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB264: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: time limits for correcting violations found by the environmental compliance audit program.
AB265: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for material used to construct a war memorial owned by a veterans organization.
AB266: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for the Technical Excellence Higher Education Scholarship Program.
AB267: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: including with the property tax bill information regarding state aid reductions to school districts.
AB268: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school board referendums to exceed revenue limit applicable to a school district.
AB269: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: scheduling of school district referendums to exceed revenue limits.
AB270: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: officer-involved deaths.
AB271: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: placement of inmates in solitary confinement.
AB272: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: weight limit exceptions for vehicles equipped with idle reduction technology or natural gas fuel systems.
AB273: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the Investment Board from making certain investments.
AB274: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing information about school district referendum revenue.
AB275: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against adults knowingly permitting or failing to take action to prevent the illegal consumption of alcohol beverages by underage persons.
AB276: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: outdated rules of the Department of Tourism and the Arts Board.
AB277: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the personal property tax and making an appropriation.
AB278: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales and use tax exemptions for beekeeping.
AB279: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing matching funds for a deposit to a long-term capital improvement trust fund and making an appropriation.
AB280: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: incorporating financial literacy into the curriculum of public schools.
AB281: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designation of a water supply service area by the Great Lakes Council.
AB282: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: consideration of resolution to issue bond by common and union high school districts and prohibiting voting on a resolution to exceed the revenue limit of a school district at a special meeting.
AB283: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing financial institutions to conduct savings promotion prize programs.
AB284: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a program for reimbursing the higher education debt of small farm operators, creating an individual income tax deduction for certain amounts received from such a program, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
AB285: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a general school aid penalty for increasing a school district's revenue limit by referendum and allowing school boards to rescind revenue limit increases that have been approved by referendum.
AB286: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to permit an employee to take family or medical leave; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty.
AB287: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sober living residences and making an appropriation.
AB288: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for a job access loan to repair or purchase a vehicle.
AB289: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from taxation the value of Olympic medals and certain payments received by Olympic athletes.
AB290: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority for counties to enter into contracts to perform child protective services functions.
AB291: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: project costs for tax incremental districts incurred for territory located within an adjacent city, village, or town.
AB292: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sale of Green Bay Correctional Institution and construction and lease with a purchase option of a correctional institution in Brown County or an adjacent county and making an appropriation.
AB293: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: communicable disease control and prevention funding.
AB294: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: burial or cremation and burial of a deceased prison inmate, cremation of an unclaimed corpse, and prohibition on cremation of an unclaimed corpse in cases of homicide.
AB295: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for the Department of Transportation and making appropriations.
AB296: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: elimination of the requirement that laborers, workers, mechanics, and truck drivers employed on the site of a project of public works be paid the prevailing wage.
AB297: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preference in state and local government contracts and procurement for materials manufactured in the United States.
AB298: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: testing for lead in drinking water in buildings used for child care and granting rule-making authority.
AB299: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: free expression within the University of Wisconsin System, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB299: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: free expression within the University of Wisconsin System, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB300: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing information about mandatory pupil examinations.
AB301: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales and use tax exemption for commercial radio and television station property.
AB302: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a veteran farmer assistance and outreach program and creating a veteran farmer logotype.
AB303: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: investments by the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands in office space for state use (at the request of the state treasurer).
AB304: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a pupil's parent or guardian to opt out of certain statewide examinations.
AB305: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for language interpretation in health care settings.
AB306: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tracking the sale of pseudoephedrine products.
AB307: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: competitive bidding thresholds and requiring school districts to utilize competitive bidding.
AB308: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the composition of the Council on Worker's Compensation.
AB309: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of a Joint Committee on State Mandates and required funding of state mandates.
AB310: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for first responder and emergency medical technician training and certification and making an appropriation.
AB311: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: upgrading service levels for ambulances in rural areas.
AB312: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: plans for placement of a sexually violent person on supervised release.
AB313: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: resident technical college fees for individuals receiving benefits transferred under federal law by active duty uniformed service members.
AB314: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing hunting from a mechanized lift attached to a motor vehicle.
AB315: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state aid to a school district of residence of a pupil attending a private school under the Racine and statewide parental choice programs.
AB316: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: required notices by a health care provider who orders a test for the presence of Lyme disease.
AB317: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: review by state agencies of administrative rules and enactments; an expedited process for repealing rules an agency no longer has the authority to promulgate; retrospective economic impact analyses for rules; and reporting by the Legislative Reference Bureau on rules in need of revision.
AB318: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preserving and transferring dental patient health care records, contracts for practicing dentistry or dental hygiene, and granting rule-making authority.
AB319: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increase funding for special education.
AB320: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating bicycling as the state exercise.
AB321: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating ginseng as the state herb.
AB322: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorization for electors to vote in the primary of more than one political party.
AB323: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring an open season for woodchucks.
AB324: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the minimum retirement age under the Wisconsin Retirement System and determining final average earnings for the purpose of calculating Wisconsin Retirement System annuities.
AB325: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the cumulative preference system for issuing Class A bear hunting licenses.
AB326: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment of minors as lifeguards.
AB327: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: surplus retention limitations for providers of rate-based services purchased by certain state and county departments and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB328: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a uniform end date for certain open hunting and trapping seasons.
AB329: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting aiding and abetting sexual abuse.
AB330: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the rule-making authority of certain agencies.
AB331: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expungement of records of certain crimes.
AB332: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the signature requirement for nomination of candidates to school board in school districts that contain territory lying within a second class city.
AB333: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating and marking the Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge.
AB334: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: life insurance and annuity benefits.
AB335: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fentanyl analogs and providing a criminal penalty.
AB336: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: elimination of rules related to the Department of Children and Families from the Department of Health Services' rules regarding caregiver background checks.
AB337: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the administrative code chapter for the Department of Health Services relating to loans to group homes for recovering substance abusers.
AB338: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sale of public lands owned by the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands to the state; county management of certain state lands; merit scholarships for certain University of Wisconsin System students; the obligation of moneys for land acquisition under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program; and making an appropriation (at the request of the state treasurer).
AB339: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: acquisition of a motor vehicle by scrap metal dealers and motor vehicle salvage dealers.
AB340: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for products sold in connection with real property construction activities.
AB341: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: method for notifying parent or guardian of truant pupil.
AB342: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: taking, driving, or operating a commercial motor vehicle without consent and providing criminal penalties.
AB343: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax checkoff for donations to the Fire Fighters Memorial Association.
AB344: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: accommodations at legislative committee meetings.
AB345: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: work release for inmates in Department of Corrections contracted facilities.
AB346: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine and the publication of information about climate change by the Department of Natural Resources.
AB347: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for science services positions in the department of natural resources.
AB348: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the authority of the state and political subdivisions to regulate wireless facilities and authorizing political subdivisions to impose setback requirements for certain mobile service support structures.
AB348: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the authority of the state and political subdivisions to regulate wireless facilities and authorizing political subdivisions to impose setback requirements for certain mobile service support structures.
AB349: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting conversion therapy.
AB350: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the maximum income, maximum property taxes, and threshold income under the homestead tax credit and indexing the credit for inflation.
AB351: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: body cameras on law enforcement officers.
AB352: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing an itemized statement of sales to customers in this state for sales and use tax purposes and making an appropriation.
AB353: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the organization and operation of cooperatives and extensions of credit by electric cooperatives.
AB354: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creation of a category of business corporation identified as a benefit corporation.
AB355: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: neglect of a child and providing criminal penalties.
AB356: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensure or certificate renewal for certain emergency medical services personnel and ambulance service providers.
AB357: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: shareholders' meetings of business corporations.
AB358: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of a personal flotation device on a stand-up paddleboard.
AB359: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the sale of prescription drugs and other merchandise below cost.
AB360: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods.
AB361: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring a local referendum to impose a wheel tax.
AB362: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: coverage of certain essential health benefits by health insurance policies and plans and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB363: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting preexisting condition exclusion and setting rates or cost sharing based on preexisting conditions.
AB364: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring coverage and prohibiting cost sharing for preventive services under health insurance policies and plans.
AB365: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting lifetime and annual limits under health insurance policies and plans.
AB366: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a medicolegal investigation examining board; licensure of medical examiners and medicolegal investigation staff members; disposition of bodies; death investigations and duties of coroners and medical examiners; extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing criminal penalties.
AB367: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a mechanism to determine the income tax increment generated by certain tax incremental financing districts in the city of Milwaukee and authorizing the city to spend a portion of that money on neighborhood economic revitalization.
AB368: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exceptions from local levy limits for public safety purposes.
AB369: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: review of and reports concerning occupational licenses.
AB370: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the establishment of a self-certification registry operated by the Department of Safety and Professional Services, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB371: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to birth defect prevention and surveillance system.
AB372: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale of White Mound County Park to Sauk County.
AB373: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring University of Wisconsin System schools to offer degree credit internships for each academic major.
AB374: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fence requirements for deer farms, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB375: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: review and modification of voter registration lists.
AB376: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eviction prevention grants.
AB377: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transitional housing grants and making an appropriation.
AB378: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a study of affordable housing financing.
AB379: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: case management services for recipients of federal housing choice vouchers.
AB380: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing housing vouchers to individuals and families on a waiting list under the federal Housing Choice Voucher Program.
AB381: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: voluntary payments associated with special distinguishing registration plates expressing support for the family members of law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty and making an appropriation.
AB382: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: screening school district employees for tuberculosis.
AB383: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: parental choice programs, the Special Needs Scholarship Program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB384: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the expiration of administrative rules.
AB385: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring controlled substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment for eligibility for economic development programs.
AB386: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: property tax assessments based on comparable sales and market segments.
AB387: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: property tax assessments regarding leased property.
AB388: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the discharge of dredged or fill material into artificial wetlands and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB389: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: soliciting an intimate representation from a minor and providing a criminal penalty.
AB390: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operating a motor vehicle after revocation of the operating privilege and requirements of the court during sentencing.
AB391: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: retaliation against a public employee by a public officer and providing a criminal penalty.
AB392: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: maintaining access and reimbursements to certain family planning providers in the Medical Assistance program.
AB393: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creative economy development initiative grants and making an appropriation.
AB394: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special registration plates that are military in nature.
AB395: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: participation in a riot and providing a criminal penalty.
AB396: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: blocking a thoroughfare as part of a riot and providing a criminal penalty.
AB397: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: going armed with a firearm while participating in a riot and providing a criminal penalty.
AB398: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: summer school and interim session classes.
AB399: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: zoning ordinances in the Lower St. Croix riverway.
AB400: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: patronizing a prostitute and providing a criminal penalty.
AB401: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: application of foreign law.
AB402: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for sales to a state veterans organization.
AB403: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the creation of a private retirement security plan and making appropriations.
AB404: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: directing an audit of the testing of sexual assault kits in Wisconsin.
AB405: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collection and reporting of data regarding sexual assault forensic evidence kits.
AB406: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classification of sexual assault offenses and providing criminal penalties.
AB407: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the statute of limitations for second degree sexual assault.
AB408: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a sexual assault victim bill of rights.
AB409: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of not more than 10 grams of marijuana.
AB410: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: social and financial impact reports on health insurance mandates.
AB411: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of a conservation warden to enter private land and the admissibility of evidence.
AB412: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of bakeries and the sale of baked goods.
AB413: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the display and sale of novelty lighters and providing a penalty.
AB414: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: underage sexual activity and providing a criminal penalty.
AB415: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the creation of a Chippewa Valley regional transit authority and making appropriations.
AB416: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a higher wild animal protection surcharge for the unlawful taking of deer.
AB417: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: marriage between persons of the same sex and extending parentage rights to married couples of the same sex.
AB418: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, insurance coverage, jury duty, and the receipt of mental health or vocational rehabilitation services on the basis of a person's gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
AB419: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: professional development training in character education for teachers, principals, and school district administrators, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB420: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public annual reports of business improvement districts.
AB421: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing limited residency requirements for a city operating under the city manager plan.
AB422: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating the Hire Heroes program to provide transitional jobs to veterans, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB423: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an initial teaching license based on completion of a Montessori teacher education program.
AB424: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Huber release for probationers confined in a county jail or county house of correction for a probation violation.
AB425: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the definition of consent in sexual assault cases.
AB426: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: submission of base budget review reports by state agencies, the legislature, and the courts.
AB427: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: comprehensive firearm education for high school pupils.
AB428: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a requirement to report lost or stolen firearms and providing criminal penalties.
AB429: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: containers or trigger locks provided at a firearm sale and providing a criminal penalty.
AB430: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: storage of a firearm in a house in which a resident is prohibited from possessing a firearm and providing a criminal penalty.
AB431: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: storage of a firearm in residence if child is present and providing a criminal penalty.
AB432: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hours of instructional program for nurse aides.
AB433: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: closing hours for retail sales by wineries.
AB434: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: worker's compensation claims by certain public safety employees for post-traumatic stress disorder.
AB435: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prostitution crime surcharge and making appropriations.
AB436: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reducing the eligibility threshold to claim the veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit.
AB437: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public access to policies regarding the use of force by law enforcement.
AB438: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: law enforcement agency policies on the use of force.
AB439: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: law enforcement training on use-of-force options and making an appropriation.
AB440: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: free speech at the University of Wisconsin and technical college systems and granting rule-making authority.
AB441: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: issuance of sturgeon spearing licenses via raffle by the Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Inc., organization.
AB442: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: all-terrain vehicle route signage.
AB443: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special registration plate fees for fire fighter, rescue squad member, and emergency medical technician and first responder special registration plates.
AB444: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hospice staff transferring the controlled substances of deceased persons to drug disposal programs.
AB445: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Badger Health Benefit Authority, health benefit exchange operation, granting rule-making authority, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB446: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing campaign contribution limits for contributions to certain persons.
AB447: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: decreasing individual and candidate committee contributions for statewide officeholders.
AB448: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Joint Committee on Finance consideration of motions relating to the biennial budget bill.
AB449: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: BadgerCare Plus and assistance for childless adults demonstration project purchase options.
AB450: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: retail sales of alcohol beverages at the Ozaukee County fairgrounds.
AB451: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act and providing a criminal penalty.
AB452: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: terminating parental choice programs and the Special Needs Scholarship Program, repealing the achievement gap reduction program, expanding the student achievement guarantee program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB453: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: community relations grants to counties and making an appropriation.
AB454: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restrictions on advertising the state lottery.
AB455: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: age and hunting restrictions applicable to the hunting mentorship program.
AB456: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: alternative highway project delivery methods; prevailing wage for public works projects; municipal approval of highway roundabouts; local referendum imposing a wheel tax; funding for and audit of the Department of Transportation; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
AB457: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dental provider network rental by insurance plans.
AB458: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adding a circuit court branch in Calumet County.
AB459: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: contributions by corporations, cooperative associations, labor organizations, and federally recognized American Indian Tribes.
AB460: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting a contributor's place of employment.
AB461: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hunting approvals issued to certain terminally ill individuals.
AB462: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: complex rehabilitation technology for complex needs patients in the Medical Assistance program and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB463: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certain uses of interactive electronic devices while driving and providing a criminal penalty.
AB464: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the maximum height of pole traps.
AB465: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the transfer of juvenile correctional services from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Children and Families and granting rule-making authority.
AB466: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: solitary confinement of an inmate under 18 years of age.
AB467: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the distribution of prescription medication in a juvenile correctional facility or secured residential care center for children and youth.
AB468: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility to be located in Milwaukee County.
AB469: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: enforcing liens on personal property stored in self-service storage facilities and units, towing a vehicle of a lessee in default, authorizing the sale of self-service storage limited lines insurance, and providing a penalty.
AB470: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a right for minority unit owners to object to the amendment of certain condominium documents.
AB471: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the payment of state aid to school districts and payments to operators of independent charter schools and private schools participating in a choice program or the Special Needs Scholarship Program.
AB472: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting of mass communications.
AB473: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: therapeutic diets in certain long-term care facilities.
AB474: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for chronic wasting disease management and making an appropriation.
AB475: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lighting requirements for animal-drawn vehicles operated on highways.
AB476: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the 13-week limit on the garnishment of earnings of certain debtors.
AB477: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supplemental aid for school districts with a large area.
AB478: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration fees and surcharges for automobiles and certain motor trucks propelled by electrical energy.
AB479: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the authority of local governments to regulate development on substandard lots and require the merging of lots; requiring a political subdivision to issue a conditional use permit under certain circumstances; standards for granting certain zoning variances; local ordinances related to repair, rebuilding, and maintenance of certain nonconforming structures; shoreland zoning of, and the removal of material from the bed of, certain small, private ponds; inverse condemnation proceedings; and the right to display the flag of the United States.
AB480: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: review by the Department of Safety and Professional Services of the state electrical wiring code applicable to one-family and two-family dwellings; the legal description required for recording an easement for the construction, operation, or maintenance of sewer lines or facilities; expanding the use of tax incremental financing for workforce housing development and allowing a reduction in the amount of certain impact fees; effect of changes in requirements for development-related permits or authorizations on persons who apply for the permits or authorizations; exempting certain vehicles delivering propane from class B highway weight limitations and certain special or seasonal weight limitations; elimination of the forestation state property tax; reviews of and reports on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing; general permits to place riprap on the bed of a navigable water; and making an appropriation.
AB481: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating family treatment court and juvenile treatment court grant programs in the Department of Children and Families.
AB482: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: marijuana possession, regulation of marijuana distribution and cultivation, medical marijuana, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana, making appropriations, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing criminal penalties.
AB483: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the Building Inspector Review Board and the Contractor Certification Council and requiring the Uniform Dwelling Code Council to review complaints regarding the inspection of one-family or two-family dwelling construction.
AB484: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the residency requirements for town sanitary district commissioners.
AB485: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: municipal ordinances authorizing all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle operation on highways within the municipality.
AB486: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: patronization of a child and providing a criminal penalty.
AB487: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the Department of Justice to provide information to the Joint Committee on Finance relating to civil litigation.
AB488: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to pupil assessments that are required to be administered by school boards, operators of independent charter schools, and private schools participating in a parental choice program and repealing rules related to accessing pupil assessments.
AB489: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: qualified new business venture eligibility.
AB490: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: resident deer hunting license, archer hunting license, and crossbow hunting license fees imposed for a veteran who is 70 years of age or older.
AB491: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the fee for a first-time annual fishing license for residents who are 16 or 17 years old or who are 65 years old or older.
AB492: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a distillpub permit authorizing the manufacture, rectification, and sale of distilled spirits; retail interests relating to distillpubs and brewpubs; quotas for retail intoxicating liquor licenses; location and production limits on brewpubs; retail sales of intoxicating liquor by brewers; retail licenses held by wineries and closing hours for retail sales by wineries; small winery cooperative wholesalers; minimum customer requirements for alcohol beverage wholesalers; and granting rule-making authority.
AB493: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fraud in parental choice programs and providing a criminal penalty.
AB494: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing local public officials to receive anything of value that the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation or the Department of Tourism is authorized to provide.
AB495: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing evidence in defense of a claim for excessive assessment.
AB496: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: suspending and expelling a pupil for possession of a firearm at school.
AB497: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mitigation requirements applicable to wetland individual permits.
AB498: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the fee for filing limited liability company articles of organization with the Department of Financial Institutions.
AB499: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of nonferrous metallic mining, prospecting, exploration, and bulk sampling, repealing administrative rules relating to wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB499: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of nonferrous metallic mining, prospecting, exploration, and bulk sampling, repealing administrative rules relating to wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB500: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures.
AB501: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: FoodShare healthy eating incentive pilot program and making an appropriation.
AB502: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: additional assistant district attorney positions.
AB503: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifications to a local governmental unit's employee grievance procedure.
AB504: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: child labor permits.
AB505: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the source of supply for temporary retail alcohol beverage licensees.
AB506: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the responsibilities of the Law Enforcement Standards Board.
AB507: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing minors to operate temporary stands without a permit or license.
AB508: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: apprentice-to-journeyworker ratios in apprenticeships and the minimum duration of carpentry and plumbing apprenticeships.
AB509: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: taste samples of fermented apple or pear cider provided by a winery.
AB510: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notification of certain construction activities in school buildings.
AB511: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: weight limits for certain vehicles transporting maple sap or syrup.
AB512: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the tuition grant program for national guard members administered by the Department of Military Affairs.
AB513: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing an administrative rule of the Department of Safety and Professional Services related to music, art, and dance therapists.
AB514: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing administrative rules of the Department of Safety and Professional Services related to grants for construction career academies.
AB515: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the responsibility to comply with the one-family and two-family dwelling code for a manufactured home owner.
AB516: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law and making an appropriation.
AB517: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting on an operator license or identification card application the existence of a disability that is not immediately apparent to another.
AB518: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: condominium disclosure materials and payoff statements.
AB519: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: service of notice of claim against state officer, employee, or agent.
AB520: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals issued to recipients of a medal awarded by the U.S. armed forces that is equal to or higher than the Purple Heart medal in order of precedence and maintenance of a list of such medals by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
AB521: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiting period for marriage after divorce judgment.
AB522: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the rendering of first aid to animals by emergency medical technicians or first responders.
AB523: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state agency goals for the generation or purchase of electric energy derived from renewable resources.
AB524: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: furnishing, purchasing, or possessing a firearm for a person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm, mandatory minimum sentences for individuals who commit certain firearm violations, and providing criminal penalties.
AB525: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a study on alternatives to the solitary confinement of inmates.
AB526: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration of fantasy contest operators, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB527: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state procurement of signs.
AB528: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restrictions on the hunting of antlerless deer by members of a group hunting party.
AB529: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for certain services covered under the Medical Assistance program.
AB530: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: nutritional food pilot program under FoodShare and providing an exemption from rule-making procedures.
AB531: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council to levy an assessment.
AB532: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: one-call system enforcement and other requirements, Public Service Commission authority regarding state energy policy, settlements between parties in Public Service Commission dockets, various public utility regulatory requirements, the regulation of utility facilities under a county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinance, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB533: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of appraisal management companies, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB534: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes regarding the laws governing real estate practice and the licensure of real estate brokers and salespersons and granting rule-making authority.
AB535: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring sexual abuse prevention education.
AB536: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensing micro markets and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures.
AB537: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: amounts obligated under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program for water infrastructure projects in state parks.
AB538: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfer for emergency detention and warning of dangerousness.
AB539: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: plans for supervised release of sexually violent persons, representation of sexually violent persons by the state public defender, and making an appropriation.
AB540: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: driver education instruction on human trafficking.
AB541: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for Reach Out and Read Wisconsin and making an appropriation.
AB542: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changes to administrative rules for mental health services providers and mental health services provided in schools.
AB543: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: elimination of rules related to the Family Support Program.
AB544: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale or rental of soda water beverage equipment.
AB545: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: condemnation authority for certain railroad projects.
AB546: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: insurance requirements for intrastate motor carriers of passengers.
AB547: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: permitting and mitigation requirements for nonfederal and artificial wetlands and state assumption of the federal regulatory program governing the discharge of dredged or fill material into navigable waters.
AB548: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: claims by and treatment of wrongfully imprisoned persons and making appropriations.
AB549: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use and final disposition of fetal body parts and providing a penalty.
AB550: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth, disposition of remains after miscarriage or stillbirth, anatomical gifts, and providing a penalty.
AB551: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: relocating with a child who is the subject of a legal custody or physical placement order.
AB552: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: incorporation of Red Arrow Clubs.
AB553: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for state procurement contracts and certain actions taken by state and local governmental bodies involving a boycott of Israel.
AB554: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: displaying a single registration plate on certain vehicles.
AB555: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting motor vehicles that are at least 10 model years old from emissions testing.
AB556: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax deduction for certain income earned by an individual from the practice of psychiatry.
AB557: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: body cameras on law enforcement officers and providing criminal penalties.
AB558: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales of reformulated gasoline.
AB559: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfer policies for college credit earned by high school pupils.
AB560: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing do-not-resuscitate necklaces or pendants and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB561: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting of law enforcement use of force incidents and making an appropriation.
AB562: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: persons authorized to officiate a marriage.
AB563: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dissemination of threats against law enforcement.
AB564: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: robotics league participation grants.
AB565: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fees related to security freezes on consumer credit reports.
AB566: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: service of certain pleadings and other papers by electronic mail.
AB567: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a Public Defender Board student loan payment pilot program and making an appropriation.
AB568: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: advanced practice registered nurses and granting rule-making authority.
AB569: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: publication of school and school district accountability reports.
AB570: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: obtaining crime victim mental health treatment records.
AB571: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales and use tax exemption for personal farm property or household goods sold by auction on the Internet.
AB572: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the collection and maintenance of certain public library data by the Division for Libraries and Technology, authorizing small, rural libraries to apply for information technology block grants and educational technology training grants, and making appropriations.
AB573: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfer of wild turkey hunting license and tag.
AB574: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating deductions for moving expenses for businesses that move out of the state or out of the United States.
AB575: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the operation of recreational vessels carrying persons under the age of ten and providing a penalty.
AB576: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: using a tribal identification card for various purposes.
AB577: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to support donation of farm and food products to food banks and making an appropriation.
AB578: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing funding to the Elections Commission for elections administration positions and making an appropriation.
AB579: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: voluntary prohibitions on purchasing a handgun.
AB580: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: highway maps published by the Department of Transportation.
AB581: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: venue requirements for domestic abuse, child abuse, and harassment cases.
AB582: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: delegation of the practice of podiatry.
AB583: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for services performed during a disaster period by electric cooperatives or telecommunications utilities.
AB584: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiver of certain fees during a declared state of emergency.
AB585: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: alerts for missing veterans who have a service-related health condition.
AB586: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifications to legal custody or physical placement contingent upon a future event.
AB587: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Department of Natural Resources rules and regulation of air pollutants.
AB588: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the funding and use of the Sheboygan Kohler-Andrae air quality monitor.
AB589: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of sign language interpretation services, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB590: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: testing water quality at state veterans homes.
AB591: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: receiving reports of mismanagement, abuse, or neglect at state veterans homes.
AB592: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfer of the unencumbered balance of certain appropriations for veterans homes.
AB593: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing wages for state employees employed at veterans homes and making an appropriation.
AB594: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and that are affected by certain transportation-related projects.
AB595: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the removal of nonconforming outdoor advertising signs along highways.
AB596: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: long-term care investment accounts and making appropriations.
AB597: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the possession of a firearm by a person who has committed a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence and providing a criminal penalty.
AB598: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for physician, dentist, and health care provider educational loan assistance programs.
AB599: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: determinations of navigability of a stream.
AB600: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing the Town of Cable in Bayfield County to create a tax incremental district in the same manner as a city or village.
AB601: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: length of contracts for GPS devices for tracking sex offenders and persons who violated injunctions.
AB602: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: marriage license application requirements, issuance, and validity.
AB603: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: impersonation of another on social media and providing criminal penalties.
AB604: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting of sexual assault and domestic abuse crimes.
AB605: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: youth trapping, creating a mentored trapping license, restrictions on taking or appropriating a trap or its contents, and requirements for tagging traps.
AB606: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changes affecting a first class city board of fire and police commissioners, chiefs, officers, and fire fighters, police and fire departments and boards of police and fire commissioners in other cities, villages, and certain towns, veterans preference points awarded by first class cities, and granting rule-making authority.
AB607: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: nonprobate transfers of real estate, the transfer by affidavit procedure for small estates, and the payoff amount in a mortgage payoff statement.
AB608: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: delegation of the practice of pharmacy and granting rule-making authority.
AB609: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: automatic voter registration and the integration of registration information with information maintained by the Department of Transportation and other state agencies and granting rule-making authority.
AB610: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing La Crosse County to become a premier resort area.
AB611: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Indigenous Peoples Day.
AB612: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: crisis intervention team grants and making an appropriation.
AB613: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: legislative consideration of bills and committee activity.
AB614: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities.
AB615: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sparsity aid and making an appropriation.
AB616: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting firearm accessories that accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm and providing a criminal penalty.
AB617: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the supervised business initiatives program.
AB618: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: audits performed by the Legislative Audit Bureau.
AB619: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: charitable donations to the family of a law enforcement officer or fire fighter killed in the line of duty.
AB620: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prescription drug cost reporting by manufacturers and providing a penalty.
AB621: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration of pharmacy benefit managers, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
AB622: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting elimination of covered prescription drugs or devices during a contract year for certain health care plans.
AB623: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating the state trail pass.
AB624: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the dates for which an annual vehicle admission receipt or an annual state trail pass are valid.
AB625: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: competitive integrated employment of persons with a disability and granting rule-making authority.
AB626: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing an open season for hunting deer with muzzle-loading firearms within the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
AB627: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dental reimbursement pilot project in the Medical Assistance program.
AB628: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: referrals for subjects of alerts for missing adults and operator's license review.
AB629: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: uniform adult guardianship jurisdiction.
AB630: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dementia specialist certification.
AB631: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain expenses incurred by a family caregiver to assist a qualified family member.
AB632: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for Alzheimer's disease and dementia awareness and making an appropriation.
AB633: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a palliative care council.
AB634: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: administrative subpoenas for the investigation of human trafficking crimes and Internet crimes against children.
AB635: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reasonable compensation of a motor vehicle dealer by a motor vehicle manufacturer, importer, or distributor for certain motor vehicle service work.
AB636: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: removal of certain county officers.
AB637: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: using an electronic voting machine to cast a vote with an in-person absentee ballot.
AB637: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: using an electronic voting machine to cast a vote with an in-person absentee ballot and providing a criminal penalty.
AB638: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an advisory council on pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.
AB639: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing an elector to show his or her marked ballot.
AB640: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating the innovation fund and economic development programs funded by that fund, establishing the Innovation Fund Council, authorizing the State of Wisconsin Investment Board to provide certain advice and services to state agencies and others, and making appropriations.
AB641: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: building and plumbing plan review and variances by cities, villages, towns, and counties for public buildings and places of employment and affecting related rules of the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
AB642: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pretrial detention and denial and revocation of release.
AB643: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for virtual dementia tour licenses and making an appropriation.
AB644: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the bee balm (Monarda fistulosa) as the state wildflower and the monarch butterfly as the state butterfly.
AB645: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: University of Wisconsin and technical college nonresident tuition exemptions.
AB646: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reports by recipients of loans, grants, or tax credits from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
AB647: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: contract requirements for the awarding of grants, loans, and tax credits by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
AB648: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting fraud against the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
AB649: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hunting with a high-powered air rifle or an airbow and providing a criminal penalty.
AB650: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reports on restitution to crime victims.
AB651: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying Department of Transportation rules relating to human services vehicles.
AB652: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exclude persons who are incarcerated for illegal possession of a firearm from participation in the Challenge Incarceration Program and in the Wisconsin Substance Abuse Program.
AB653: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring facilities that perform mammography examinations to provide notice to certain patients regarding dense breast tissue and granting rule-making authority.
AB654: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dispatcher assisted bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation and making an appropriation.
AB655: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supported decision-making agreements.
AB656: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: right to choose an abortion and elimination of certain abortion-related regulations.
AB657: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: medically accurate information.
AB658: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a reproductive health care facility safety program and making an appropriation.
AB659: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing a political subdivision's levy limit upon the subtraction of territory from a tax incremental financing district.
AB660: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the age at which a person is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction and making appropriations.
AB661: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exemptions to certain boating restrictions for operators of hydro-flight devices and operators of personal watercraft that assist in powering hydro-flight devices.
AB662: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of wireless telephones while driving and providing a penalty.
AB663: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: guaranteed asset protection products sold in connection with vehicle credit sales, loans, and consumer leases.
AB664: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: obtaining evidence of the termination of certain property interests of a decedent.
AB665: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: voluntary contributions to pay for hunting and fishing approvals for disabled veterans and making an appropriation.
AB666: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sexual contact with an animal and providing a criminal penalty.
AB667: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Wisconsin Commission on Uniform State Laws.
AB668: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: modifying rules related to lighting requirements for bicycles and motor bicycles operating on certain trails designated by the Department of Natural Resources.
AB669: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: counting pupils enrolled in four-year-old kindergarten.
AB670: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exemption from continuing education requirements for certain retired professionals holding credentials granted by the Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB671: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: identifying land for a Wisconsin School of Urban Agriculture.
AB672: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: 2017-19 Authorized State Building Program, enumeration of a building project involving the construction of a school of urban agriculture in the city of Milwaukee, and granting bonding authority.
AB673: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: programs to promote and support urban farming.
AB674: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection to create an office of urban agriculture.
AB675: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: projects included in the Authorized State Building Program, project approvals by the Building Commission, and selection of project architects and engineers.
AB676: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: classifying county jailers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System and the treatment of county jailers under the Municipal Employment Relations Act.
AB677: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sparsity aid and making an appropriation.
AB678: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: obedience to authorized emergency vehicles operated by law enforcement officers.
AB679: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the treatment of biological products for various purposes under the pharmacy practice law.
AB680: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pharmacists and pharmacy students administering vaccines.
AB681: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting the sale of dextromethorphan without a prescription to persons under 18 and providing a penalty.
AB682: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: provision of feminine hygiene products in state and local buildings and school buildings.
AB683: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for feminine hygiene products.
AB684: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring certain provisions in leases and servicing agreements for copiers or printers.
AB685: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating University of Wisconsin-Extension positions for farm succession planning and making an appropriation.
AB686: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: testing of private wells, compensation for well contamination and abandonment, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB687: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the revenue limit ceiling for school districts and making an appropriation.
AB688: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a Wisconsin conservation corps program, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB689: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: composition of the board of directors and meetings of the board of directors and formally constituted subunits of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
AB690: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing counties to conduct foreclosure sales using an Internet-based auction.
AB691: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligible bidders at foreclosure sales, eligible purchasers of foreclosed property, and providing a penalty.
AB692: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: securities registration exemptions related to crowdfunding.
AB693: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: rights of and protections for teachers.
AB694: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reports of incidents between inmates and prison employees and between inmates.
AB695: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collective bargaining over workplace safety for employees of the Department of Corrections.
AB696: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: correctional officer required to be present when staff interacts with a segregated prisoner.
AB697: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limitation on animal-drawn vehicles and providing a penalty.
AB698: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to the Agricultural Producer Security Program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB699: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating and marking a bridge across the Oconto River in the city of Oconto as the PFC Valentine T. Warrichaiet Memorial Bridge.
AB700: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring an evaluation to determine whether a pupil with an extended absence from school is a child with a disability.
AB701: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a crime victims legal clinic at the University of Wisconsin Law School.
AB702: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: photo identification cards for FoodShare recipients.
AB703: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: training for newly hired correctional officers.
AB704: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: first responders on duty at prisons.
AB705: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: staff required to be on duty at prisons.
AB706: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pay adjustments for state correctional officers who take certain other civil service positions.
AB707: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: administration of prescription drugs by correctional officers.
AB708: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting overtime at the Department of Corrections.
AB709: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: four-year-old kindergarten and making an appropriation.
AB710: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: criminal penalties for fraud in obtaining unemployment insurance benefits and providing a criminal penalty.
AB711: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: required tags for a dog hunting bear or wolf.
AB712: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: enforcement of federal and state laws relating to the management of the wolf population and to the killing of wolves and expenditure of funds for wolf management purposes.
AB713: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: conforming a floodplain zoning ordinance to a federal letter of map amendment.
AB714: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: safe carrying capacity on a boat.
AB715: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: foreign corporations conducting business as a fiduciary in this state.
AB716: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: municipal welcome signs in the highway right-of-way.
AB717: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dealers of electric motor vehicles.
AB718: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fingerprinting and conducting background investigations of employees in the state civil service or of a political subdivision, and of individuals performing contractual services for the state, who have access to federal tax information.
AB719: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting abusive work environments and permitting an individual who has been subjected to such an environment to bring a civil action.
AB720: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the responsibility of a property owner for discharge of a hazardous substance by another.
AB721: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Medicaid expansion and eligibility for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core.
AB722: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicle admission receipts issued to certain members of the military.
AB723: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the availability of information on crimes through the consolidated court automation programs.
AB724: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reporting requirements for crimes involving firearms, distribution of marijuana, and the theft of motor vehicles.
AB725: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: resident tuition for certain members of the Wisconsin National Guard or a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces enrolled in the University of Wisconsin System.
AB726: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual and corporate income and franchise tax credit for costs paid to eliminate exposure to a lead hazard in a dwelling.
AB727: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: issuance of motor vehicle operator's licenses and identification cards by the Department of Transportation.
AB728: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: storage of firearms in retail facility when unattended.
AB729: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revenue limit adjustment for certain school district workforce development improvements.
AB730: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: student loan reimbursements for certain individuals domiciled in rural counties, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB731: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: qualification of newspapers to receive compensation for publication of legal notice.
AB732: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: pilot program to provide outreach, support, and mental health and substance abuse services for veterans and making an appropriation.
AB733: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: fee waivers for certain occupational credentials.
AB734: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating individual and corporate income and franchise tax deductions for tuition paid for apprenticeship programs.
AB735: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a penalty applicable to a seller that continues to collect sales tax erroneously on a product after receiving two or more written notices that the product is not taxable; certification of property assessors; use of social security numbers on certain tax documents; electronic delivery of notices by the Department of Revenue; and the responsibility for fees and disbursements in garnishment actions.
AB736: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a procedure for granting certificates of qualification for employment for persons convicted of a crime and making an appropriation.
AB737: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increased maximum terms of imprisonment for domestic abuse repeaters and providing a criminal penalty.
AB738: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of corroborating witness to establish elector proof of residence.
AB739: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for the private sale of a motor vehicle.
AB740: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the certificate of title for a vehicle that is transferred to a spouse upon the death of the owner.
AB741: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: considering post-traumatic stress disorder as a mitigating factor in sentencing certain criminal offenders.
AB742: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiving operator's license fees for disabled veterans.
AB743: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: post-election risk-limiting audits and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB744: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: insurance policy renewal in an affiliate and the use and contents of certificates of insurance.
AB745: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: participation in an apprenticeship program by a high school senior and granting rule-making authority.
AB746: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to provide legal services to tenants in eviction actions, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB747: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: rent abatement for tenants and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB748: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preventing the state or local governments from requiring any person to accept certain collective bargaining provisions or waive its rights under the National Labor Relations Act or state labor law; prohibiting local regulation of employee hours and overtime, employment benefits, wage claims and collections, an employer's right to solicit salary information of prospective employees, employment discrimination, and professions regulated by the state; and providing a criminal penalty.
AB749: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: certification of expanded function dental auxiliaries and granting rule-making authority.
AB750: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appointment of majority and minority members to legislative committees and task forces.
AB751: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration and operation of vehicles defined as autocycles.
AB752: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: applications for alcohol beverage licenses and permits and for cigarette and tobacco products retailer licenses, appointment of corporate agents of alcohol beverage licensees and permittees, and providing a penalty.
AB753: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring coverage of dispensing of an extended supply of contraceptives.
AB754: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicle weight limits, and permits for vehicles transporting certain loads, on certain state trunk highways in Ashland County and Vilas County.
AB755: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Increasing reimbursement for personal care services under the Medical Assistance program, Medicaid expansion and eligibility for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core, and making an appropriation.
AB756: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to technical college districts for nurse aide training and making an appropriation.
AB757: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax credit for certified nursing assistant training costs.
AB758: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: University of Wisconsin research contracts.
AB759: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of rental-purchase agreements and granting rule-making authority.
AB760: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a city, village, town, or county to restrict placement of a wind energy system.
AB761: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: buyer identification cards, motor vehicle salvage pools, and the definition of junk vehicles.
AB762: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for bilingual-bicultural education programs and making an appropriation.
AB763: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the practice of psychology, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB764: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the purchase of pseudoephedrine products and providing a criminal penalty.
AB765: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: administration of the livestock premises registration program and making an appropriation.
AB766: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a licensure exemption for sports medicine physicians licensed outside this state and granting rule-making authority.
AB767: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the provision of personal hygiene products to inmates.
AB768: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: tax-exempt property of housing authorities.
AB769: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for colleges when service member students are called into active duty.
AB770: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: workforce housing development tax incremental districts; local fees and charges; local levy limits; subdivision approval conditions; plat approval conditions; expiration of certain project approvals; division of land by certified survey map; erosion control and storm water management; limiting certain local regulatory authority; relocation benefits in condemnation proceedings; and zoning ordinance amendments.
AB771: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of political subdivisions to regulate rental properties and historic properties and of municipalities to inspect dwellings, public utility service to rental dwelling units, landlord and tenant regulations, fees imposed by a political subdivision, certain levy limit reductions, certain procedural changes in eviction actions, information available on the consolidated court automated Internet site, discrimination in housing against individuals who keep certain animals, falsely claiming an animal to be a service animal, municipal administrative procedure, enforcement of the rental unit energy efficiency program, and providing penalties.
AB772: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from the state family and medical leave law an employer that is covered under the federal family and medical leave law.
AB773: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discovery of information in court proceedings; procedural requirements relating to class actions; consumer lawsuit lending; the statute of limitations for certain civil actions; agreements by the secretary of revenue to allow third-party audits related to unclaimed property; interest rates for overdue insurance claims; and providing a penalty.
AB773: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: discovery of information in court proceedings; procedural requirements relating to class actions; the statute of limitations for certain civil actions; agreements by the secretary of revenue to allow third-party audits and estimates based on statistical sampling related to unclaimed property; and interest rates for overdue insurance claims.
AB774: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the charges, rules, and practices of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.
AB775: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the showing of a substantial likelihood that a parent will not meet the conditions established for the safe return of the child to the home in a termination of parental rights proceeding.
AB776: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: foster home licensing.
AB777: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: University of Wisconsin and technical college tuition remissions for and grants to support foster care and other out-of-home placement students and making an appropriation.
AB778: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: appellate procedure in proceedings related to termination of parental rights.
AB779: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grant to organization to provide referrals to community-based services and making an appropriation.
AB780: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notice to a school of a permanency review or hearing, notice to a school district of a foster home or group home license or out-of-home care placement, and transfer of pupil records.
AB781: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: defining dental care for the purpose of consenting for services for a child in out-of-home care.
AB782: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limited release of mental health information to out-of-home care providers and child welfare agencies.
AB783: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a committee to study and make recommendations on the caseloads of child welfare workers.
AB784: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a parent's right to counsel in a child in need of protection or services proceeding, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB785: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for child abuse and neglect prevention grants.
AB786: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Court Appointed Special Advocates grant program and making an appropriation.
AB787: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for grants to support foster parents and foster children and making an appropriation.
AB788: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: privacy and security of customer information obtained by a broadband Internet access service provider and providing a penalty.
AB789: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting certain facilities from solid waste facility regulations.
AB790: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: elimination of a provision that excepts spiritual treatment of a child in the law criminalizing physical abuse of a child and in the laws governing the practice of medicine or surgery, the investigation of child abuse or neglect, the administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody, and the election of Christian Science treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment.
AB791: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing regional Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities and converting Lincoln Hills to an adult correctional facility.
AB792: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing certain prisoners to earn time toward early release from confinement in prison.
AB793: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the limit on tax credits that may be certified under the historic rehabilitation tax credit.
AB794: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: secured residential care centers for children and youth and granting rule-making authority.
AB795: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: membership of the Mississippi River Parkway Commission technical committee.
AB796: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: maximum period of imprisonment following revocation of extended supervision or probation.
AB797: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a Department of Children and Families pilot project to expand four-year-old kindergarten programs and making an appropriation.
AB798: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: direct primary care program for Medical Assistance recipients and direct primary care agreements.
AB799: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: expungement of deoxyribonucleic acid from crime laboratories if person not adjudicated guilty or delinquent.
AB800: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disclosures of prescription drug costs under health insurance policies and plans.
AB801: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the treatment of a pregnant or postpartum person in prison and county jail.
AB802: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: closing the Lincoln Hills School for Boys and Copper Lake School for Girls and creating a plan to establish regional Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities.
AB803: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: excluding costs funded by referenda from shared costs for the purpose of determining general equalization aids for school districts.
AB804: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: merit scholarships for certain University of Wisconsin System students and making an appropriation.
AB805: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: excluding certain college credit in high school programs from the Early College Credit Program.
AB806: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: imposing a tax on firearm manufacturers and services provided to victims of crimes involving firearms, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty.
AB807: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: consignment motor vehicle dealers.
AB808: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to technical college students for apprenticeship expenses and making an appropriation.
AB809: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notes, bonds, and economic development programs of the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, homeownership mortgage loans used to refinance existing mortgages, and uses of the housing rehabilitation loan fund.
AB810: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: courses that generate a profit for a school district.
AB811: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: talent attraction and retention initiatives and making an appropriation.
AB812: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: real estate disclosure reports, the written reports of home inspectors, and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures.
AB813: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing the required transfer of a certain property in the city of Milwaukee to the Wisconsin Center District.
AB814: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a state minimum wage, permitting the enactment of local minimum wage ordinances, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB815: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowed detention facilities for emergency detention and involuntary commitment.
AB816: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: counting low-income pupils for state school aid purposes; calculating the amount to be appropriated for state general school aid; school aid factors; special adjustment aids; hold harmless aid; per pupil aid; school district revenue limits; the first dollar and school levy property tax credits; and making an appropriation.
AB817: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: omission of cause and manner of death on copies of death certificates.
AB818: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to condominium law and rights related to first mortgage security interests in condominium units.
AB819: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employment of individuals with disabilities enrolled in long-term care programs and making an appropriation.
AB820: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the standard of proof required to effect a temporary or permanent closure of a sport shooting range based on an unsafe condition.
AB821: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public contracting requirements and donated improvements.
AB822: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: confidentiality of financial institution information maintained by the Department of Financial Institutions; periodic examinations of financial institutions; savings bank loan limitations; interest on residential mortgage loan escrow accounts; capital of state banks; security provided by public depositories; insurance company liquidation proceedings; and modifying an administrative rule of the Department of Workforce Development related to an exemption from overtime pay requirements for outside salespersons.
AB823: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: entering certain places with intent to commit battery and providing a criminal penalty.
AB824: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: distances between motor vehicles.
AB825: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: battery of an officer of the court and providing a criminal penalty.
AB826: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state-certified Wisconsin beer.
AB827: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for obtaining farm tractor rollover protective structures and making an appropriation.
AB828: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Public Defender Board regulation and pay of private bar attorneys and making an appropriation.
AB829: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discrimination based on arrest or conviction record under the fair employment law.
AB830: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an education savings account program for gifted and talented pupils, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB831: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: teen dating violence prevention education.
AB832: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: local licensure of transportation network drivers.
AB833: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grant programs for wetland mitigation and property development projects on Department of Natural Resources lands and making an appropriation.
AB834: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the score required for successful completion of chiropractic examinations.
AB835: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: sparsity aid, the revenue limit ceiling for school districts, and making an appropriation.
AB836: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: population standard for populous counties.
AB837: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funeral director apprenticeships.
AB838: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changes to board of review proceedings and elimination of the property tax assessment freeze (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Revenue).
AB839: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the determination of indigency prior to the state public defender appointing an attorney to represent a parent in a proceeding under chapters 48 and 938, the description of defendant indigency for public defender fees, and recusal from juvenile justice proceedings (suggested as remedial legislation by the State Public Defender).
AB840: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: municipal boundary information (suggested as remedial legislation by the Legislative Technology Services Bureau).
AB841: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to bingo and raffles (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Administration).
AB842: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to the Wisconsin Retirement System, cancelling coverage under the Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance Program, and income continuation insurance premiums for certain teachers employed by the University of Wisconsin System (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Employee Trust Funds).
AB843: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: open enrollment and repealing outdated or expired reporting requirements and tuberculosis screening (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Public Instruction).
AB844: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: planning for certain federal highway money distribution transfers; correcting a cross-reference related to penalties for drunk driving; penalties for violations of motor vehicle mileage disclosure requirements; certain references to obsolete federal motor carrier law; and providing a criminal penalty (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Transportation).
AB845: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of making corrections and reconciling conflicts (Correction Bill).
AB846: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of making corrections and reconciling conflicts (Correction Bill).
AB847: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of making corrections and reconciling conflicts (Correction Bill).
AB848: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: emergency outpatient mental health treatment for minors.
AB849: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a presumption that equalizing physical placement to the highest degree is in the child's best interest.
AB850: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfer of hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals to persons with disabilities.
AB851: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a pilot grant program to support college courses taught in high schools and making an appropriation.
AB852: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: denial, suspension, and revocation of certain licenses related to motor vehicle dealers.
AB853: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: University of Wisconsin System resident tuition for certain veterans and their family members.
AB854: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of child safety restraint systems in motor vehicles and providing a penalty.
AB855: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the operation and regulation of unmanned aircraft and providing a penalty.
AB856: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for diapers and undergarments for incontinence.
AB857: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the authority of the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands to make trust fund loans and delegate authority to invest trust fund moneys, the use of common school fund income moneys, and making an appropriation.
AB858: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school conference and activities leave.
AB859: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of automated speed enforcement systems and traffic control photographic systems in the city of Milwaukee and providing a penalty.
AB860: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for investments in a community development financial institution.
AB861: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: inclusion in the economic impact analysis for a proposed administrative rule an assessment of the impact that the proposed rule will have on public health and the environment.
AB862: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating the Wisconsin Renewable Energy Development Authority to participate in and guarantee certain energy-related loans, implement other energy-related programs, and make certain grants and making an appropriation.
AB863: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: video recording of surgical procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
AB864: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing complementary and alternative health care practitioners with exemptions from practice protection laws, requirements and prohibitions for individuals who provide complementary and alternative health care services, and providing a penalty.
AB865: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: address confidentiality, granting rule-making authority, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB866: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the rights of employees to request and receive work schedule changes; predictable work schedules for retail, food service, and cleaning employees; granting rule-making authority; and providing a penalty.
AB867: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorized bases of local motor vehicle registration fees.
AB868: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: automatic fire sprinkler systems in multifamily dwellings.
AB869: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for the development of low-income housing.
AB870: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: temporary practice by physicians at camps.
AB871: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: intensive care coordination program in the Medical Assistance program.
AB872: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: career and technical education incentive grants for school districts and completion awards for students and making an appropriation.
AB873: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: intoxicated operation of all-terrain vehicles, utility terrain vehicles, off-highway motorcycles, snowmobiles, motorboats, and motor vehicles, snowmobile safety instruction for persons under 16 years of age, providing a penalty, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB874: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the intoxicated operation of snowmobiles.
AB875: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: open alcohol containers in or on all-terrain or utility terrain vehicles and providing a penalty.
AB876: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: coverage of prescription eye drop refills.
AB877: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: disclosures to the commissioner of insurance and other changes to the insurance laws, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB878: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a resident lifetime fishing license.
AB879: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: coercive conditions attached to federal funding.
AB880: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: deference by courts to agency interpretations of law, notice and comment requirements for guidance documents issued by agencies, and agency rule-making authority.
AB881: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notifying well owners and counties of certain water pollution violations, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
AB882: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal of motor vehicles for multiple nonmoving traffic violations.
AB883: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the creation of a local exposition district by the City of Superior or the City of Eau Claire.
AB884: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: actions against certain third parties by injured employees under the worker's compensation law.
AB885: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Wisconsin Healthcare Stability Plan, reinsurance of health carriers, reallocating savings from health insurer fee, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB886: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: electric bicycles and providing a penalty.
AB887: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the creation of a Fox Cities regional transit authority and making appropriations.
AB888: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants for certain University of Wisconsin and technical college graduates who paid nonresident tuition; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation.
AB889: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for managed forest land program.
AB890: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax subtract modification for certain low income residents of rural areas.
AB891: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a small farm start-up grant program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB892: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax credit for certain property tax increases and making an appropriation.
AB893: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: special registration plates providing admission to state parks and recreation areas and making an appropriation.
AB894: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: operator's license renewals by a person 67 years of age or older.
AB895: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adopting a provision of federal law concerning an individual's reporting of rollover payments received from certain airlines.
AB896: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual and corporate income and franchise tax credit for a small business that pays personal property taxes.
AB897: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the fees for a foreign corporation's certificate of authority, withdrawal of a certificate of authority, and annual report.
AB898: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changes to vital records references and procedures.
AB899: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensure and local regulation of establishments providing massage therapy or bodywork therapy, the scope of practice of massage therapists and bodywork therapists, the unauthorized practice of massage therapy or bodywork therapy, granting rule-making authority, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB900: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: county registration of animal-drawn vehicles.
AB901: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the transfer of wild turkey hunting authorizations.
AB902: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: wholesale distributors subject to Pharmacy Examining Board requirements and enforcement and disciplinary authority of the Department of Safety and Professional Services and attached boards and credentialing boards.
AB903: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to statutes administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and attached credentialing boards.
AB904: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commercial building code administration; county authority regarding certain buildings and safety requirements; carbon monoxide detection in commercial residential buildings; examination requirements for marriage and family therapy, professional counseling, and social work credentials; social worker training certificate term; and granting rule-making authority.
AB905: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to statutes administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and attached credentialing boards and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB906: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a law enforcement agency drug trafficking response grant program; positions to assist in prosecuting drug-related offenses; evidence-based programs for substance abuse prevention services for at-risk youth; victim impact panels; funding for family treatment courts; grants for county jails to provide nonnarcotic treatment before offender reentry; and making appropriations.
AB907: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: continuing education in prescribing controlled substances for certain health care practitioners; maintenance and detoxification treatment provided by physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers; requiring school boards to provide instruction about drug abuse awareness and prevention; graduate training of psychiatric nurses; training materials for social services workers handling substance abuse-related cases; substance abuse counseling and modifying and creating administrative rules related to substance abuse counseling; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
AB908: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state contracts for broadband Internet access service.
AB909: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements and prohibited practices for Internet service providers and granting rule-making authority.
AB910: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: updating references to the Internal Revenue Code relating to certain individual income tax provisions, limiting the income tax deduction for certain tuition payments, clarifying the duties of the College Savings Program Board, a sales and use tax exemption for title holding entities for certain tax-exempt charitable organizations, and computing depletion for income and franchise tax purposes.
AB911: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for the Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission and making an appropriation.
AB912: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: rural economic development programs administered by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, grants to other authorities and state agencies for purposes of rural economic development, and making an appropriation.
AB913: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: taking rough fish or catfish by hand or with a bow and arrow or a crossbow.
AB914: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changes to the electronic waste recycling program and granting rule-making authority.
AB915: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring an ignition interlock device to be installed for committing a drunken driving offense.
AB916: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: child care provider rates under Wisconsin Shares, funding for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies, and making an appropriation.
AB917: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Telecommuter Forward! community certification and creating a Telecommuter Forward! council.
AB918: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of taxicab companies and taxicab dispatch services, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB919: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the I 94 east-west corridor project.
AB920: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: employer groups for self-funded health care coverage.
AB920: Bill Text Engrossed (PDF: ) - Relating to: employer groups for self-funded health care coverage and granting rule-making authority.
AB921: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: improving state government programs and operations and making an appropriation.
AB922: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the creation of a Southeast Regional Transit Authority and making appropriations.
AB923: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the authority of a county executive from a populous county and other counties and reducing the authority of a county board, budgeting procedures for populous counties, certain other counties, and cities, villages, and towns, and the method for establishing the compensation of county supervisors and county elective officers.
AB924: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: child care reimbursement rates in Wisconsin Shares and making an appropriation.
AB925: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the duties of special voting deputies with regard to retirement homes that are part of a multiple-use facility.
AB926: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: shoreline maintenance in outlying waters.
AB927: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: crime victim impact statements.
AB928: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the collection of victim restitution.
AB929: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: violations of the law relating to the practice of massage therapy or bodywork therapy, providing a penalty, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB930: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: preparation and response required by railroad corporations in the event of discharge of transported materials and making an appropriation.
AB931: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: active shooter safety training provided by the Division of Emergency Management, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB932: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: various University of Wisconsin System reporting requirements and commencement of the system's fall semester for graduate health science classes.
AB933: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an income tax deduction for interest and principal paid, and an add back for certain federal deductions taken, on student loans and requiring lenders to provide additional principal and interest information to persons from whom student loan payments are received.
AB934: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the ruffed grouse as the state small game bird.
AB935: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an exemption from permit requirements for certain riparian owners who remove material from the bed of a navigable water.
AB936: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting requirements for maintenance of certification by physicians.
AB937: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to and release of patient health care records.
AB938: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to the Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc., and making an appropriation.
AB939: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: trustees of Milwaukee County mental health facilities, Milwaukee County Mental Health Board vacancies, and the administrator of the behavioral health division.
AB940: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory parenting classes.
AB941: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: iron or steel slag managed as an item of value.
AB942: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures.
AB943: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reemployment rights, death benefits, and continuation pay benefits of national guard and state defense force members on state active duty and making an appropriation.
AB944: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a sales and use tax rebate for certain dependent children, a sales tax holiday in August 2018, and making an appropriation.
AB945: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensure of dental therapists and granting rule-making authority.
AB946: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: producer led watershed protection grants and transferring moneys within the environmental fund.
AB947: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: absentee ballots cast by overseas and military voters.
AB948: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: analysis and assessment of Wisconsin's outdoor recreation economy.
AB949: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: testing for lead in facilities serving certain children and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB950: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: testing for lead in homes of certain children, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and providing an exemption from rule-making procedures.
AB951: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: claiming the historic rehabilitation tax credit for replacing windows to remediate a lead hazard.
AB952: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lengthening the time during which tax increments may be allocated and expenditures for project costs may be made and extending the maximum life for Tax Incremental Districts Number One and Four in the village of Caledonia.
AB953: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: juvenile correctional facilities, youth aids, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB954: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: presumption and conclusive determination of paternity on the basis of genetic test results and orders that may be granted on the basis of genetic test results.
AB955: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a surcharge on nonresident hunting and fishing approvals for providing grant programs, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB956: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for siting wetland mitigation, wetland mitigation banks, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
AB957: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, for the 2015-16 fiscal year, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
AB958: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, for the 2016-17 fiscal year, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
AB959: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, for the 2017-18 fiscal year, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
AB960: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, for the 2017-18 fiscal year, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
AB961: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, for the 2016-17 fiscal year, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
AB962: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, for the 2017-18 fiscal year, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
AB963: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing certain tax benefits for a paper products manufacturer with facilities in the city of Neenah and village of Fox Crossing and making an appropriation.
AB964: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing funding, creating an individual income tax credit, and providing a levy limit exception for lead service line replacement and making an appropriation.
AB965: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: a program to provide outreach, support, and mental health and substance abuse services for veterans, funds for homeless veterans, and making an appropriation.
AB966: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding for Wisconsin grants for technical college students and making an appropriation.
AB967: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: condemnation power for bicycle lanes and pedestrian ways.
AB968: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: attendance at a private school under a parental choice program and phasing out parental choice programs.
AB969: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for certain low-income energy assistance.
AB970: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the rate of the earned income tax credit.
AB971: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing the prohibition against certain local governments from enacting or enforcing an eviction moratorium on a landlord.
AB972: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: discrimination in housing based on prior evictions and providing a penalty.
AB973: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: universal basic income program and making appropriations.
AB974: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the circuit court to order a person who engages in discrimination in employment on the basis of military service to pay compensatory and punitive damages.
AB975: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing the expenditure restraint program payment for the city of Cudahy.
AB976: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: attempts to influence action upon model or similar proposed legislation, reporting by certain persons providing or state public officials receiving certain things of value, and providing a criminal penalty.
AB977: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collective bargaining for public employees, prohibiting employees other than public safety employees from bargaining collectively on insurance contributions and employee required contributions to retirement, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
AB978: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: local regulation of historic properties.
AB979: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring department review of public benefit databases.
AB980: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirements for participation in a parental choice program and the percentage of pupils who may attend a private school under such a program.
AB981: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting a judge from holding a nonjudicial office of public trust while serving in the office to which the judge was appointed or elected.
AB982: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: licensing and complaint procedures for certain community-based residential facilities.
AB983: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: failure to charge a mandatory GPS device and providing a criminal penalty.
AB984: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: bringing contraband into a jail or prison and providing a criminal penalty.
AB985: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a nanotechnology information hub and a nanotechnology council.
AB986: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the nursing workforce survey, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures.
AB987: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing creation and implementation of an advance directive registry and granting rule-making authority.
AB988: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notices of eligibility to receive a prize.
AB989: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a resort manufacturer permit authorizing the production and sale of intoxicating liquor, and activities and retail interests of resort manufacturers; creating an Office of Alcohol Beverages Enforcement attached to the Department of Revenue and transferring alcohol beverages regulation and enforcement functions to this office; and making appropriations.
AB990: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: local regulation of certain containers.
AB991: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: shared governance at University of Wisconsin System institutions.
AB992: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the appointment of the student members of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
AB993: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: faculty tenure and probationary appointments at University of Wisconsin System institutions and granting rule-making authority.
AB994: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: local reporting requirements related to general transportation aids.
AB995: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax credit for certain medical debt and making an appropriation.
AB996: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: legislative vacancies.
AB997: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing the enactment of local family and medical leave ordinances.
AB998: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing the enactment of local minimum wage ordinances.
AB999: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for initial licensure as a special education teacher.
AB1000: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorized activities of brewers and wineries.
AB1001: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Special Transfer Program (Chapter 220).
AB1002: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a legislative committee on the oversight of agency enforcement.
AB1003: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing industrial classification codes.
AB1004: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: revolving loan funds administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority for certain activities of paper mills and making an appropriation.
AB1005: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting employers from testing employees and prospective employees for the presence of tetrahydrocannabinols, synthetic cannabinoids, or controlled substance analogs of tetrahydrocannabinols or synthetic cannabinoids as a condition of employment.
AB1006: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state health-based groundwater quality standards for certain groundwater contaminants.
AB1007: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring vehicles to stop for pedestrians at certain intersections and crosswalks.
AB1008: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exemption from state trail pass requirements for certain bicycle users with a disability.
AB1009: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring a coroner or medical examiner to submit to the state crime laboratories DNA samples from certain deceased persons.
AB1010: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing loans, loan guarantees, tax benefits, and procurement preferences to employee-owned companies, establishing a center for employee ownership in the University of Wisconsin System, and granting rule-making authority.
AB1011: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: adjusting a school district's revenue limit for certain school safety expenditures.
AB1012: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring publication of hospital chargemasters and providing a penalty.
AB1013: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting reporting of collections status for medical debt.
AB1014: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring hospitals to provide plain-language, itemized billing.
AB1015: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting emergency care hospital rates for uninsured patients.
AB1016: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: evaluation of health plan network adequacy.
AB1017: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: approval of certain rate increases for health insurance.
AB1018: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: coverage of tests and ancillary procedures for services for which health insurance coverage is mandated.
AB1019: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: provider directories for certain health plans.
AB1020: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a municipality to impose a sales and use tax and allowing a county to increase the rate of its sales and use tax and making appropriations.
AB1021: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: restoring private individual authority to bring a qui tam claim against a person for making a false claim for medical assistance, actions by the attorney general against a person for making a false claim for medical assistance, and providing a penalty.
AB1022: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: medicare supplement policy renewal.
AB1023: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting from taxation the federal pension benefits of certain retired federal employees.
AB1024: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting a fugitive from justice from possessing a firearm and providing a criminal penalty.
AB1025: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notifying victims of felonies and petitioners in certain injunction actions when the perpetrator of the felony or the subject of the injunction attempts to illegally purchase a handgun.
AB1026: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of a firearm by a licensee on the grounds of a school and providing a penalty.
AB1027: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: definition of serious child sex offender for purposes of placing a sexually violent person on supervised release.
AB1028: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: grants to schools for school safety and safety-related upgrades to school buildings, equipment, and facilities; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and making an appropriation.
AB1029: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an office of school safety in the Department of Justice and making appropriations.
AB1030: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory reporting of suspected intent to carry out violence involving a dangerous weapon or explosive in or targeting a school and providing a criminal penalty.
AB1031: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Department of Public Instruction's model school policy on bullying by pupils.
AB1032: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school safety plans.
AB1033: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing a school board to share safety camera footage with law enforcement.
AB1034: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: suspensions of operator's licenses for certain nontraffic offenses.
AB1035: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: collection of motor vehicle traffic stop information.
AB1036: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: aid for driver education courses, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB1037: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: electronic copies of operators' licenses.
AB1038: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the procedure for promulgating a proposed rule that is considered at the joint annual spring fish and wildlife rule hearing of the Department of Natural Resources and county meeting of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress.
AB1039: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the duties and functions of the Department of Administration, the Department of Revenue, and the Office of the State Treasurer and making appropriations.
AB1040: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: alternative sentencing for certain drunken driving and controlled substance offenses and providing a criminal penalty.
AB1041: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: nonemergency medical transportation for Medical Assistance recipients in certain counties.
AB1042: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: banning detachable magazines that have a capacity of more than ten rounds of ammunition and providing a criminal penalty.
AB1043: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: ban on semiautomatic weapons and providing a criminal penalty.
AB1044: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public assistance advisory committee.
AB1045: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring locks on gas pumps and providing a penalty.
AB1046: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: price restrictions for certain off-patent or generic drugs and providing a penalty.
AB1047: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate, drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis.
AB1048: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the seclusion and physical restraint of pupils.
AB1049: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creditors' actions.
AB1050: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: hunting hours for hunting deer, bear, small game, or wild turkey.
AB1051: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: lethal violence protective temporary restraining orders and injunctions and providing criminal penalties.
AB1052: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: banning detachable or fixed magazines that have a capacity of more than ten rounds of ammunition and providing a criminal penalty.
AB1053: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reasonable accommodations for University of Wisconsin System students who are victims of sexual violence and harassment.
AB1054: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: aid for school mental health programs and making an appropriation.
AB1055: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school-based mental health services grants and making an appropriation.
AB1056: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the mental health training support program for school staff and making an appropriation.
AB1057: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school safety plans and granting rule-making authority.
AB1058: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: school violence prevention and reduction grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
AB1059: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing school boards to go into closed session to address school safety plans and exempting school safety plans from open records law.
AB1060: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: training for school district employees on emergency preparedness and school violence and making an appropriation.
AB1061: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: policies and reports concerning workloads of the governor, full-time executive branch appointees of the governor, and legislators and making an appropriation.
AB1062: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of firearms by individuals who commit violent misdemeanors and providing criminal penalties.
AB1063: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sales tax on planning and counseling services for the restoration, reclamation, or revitalization of prairie, savanna, or wetlands.
AB1064: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: science competition participation grants and making an appropriation.
AB1065: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: violent death reporting system and making an appropriation.
AB1066: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory health care pricing disclosures.
AB1067: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: quarantine requirements for a dog or cat that has bitten its owner.
AB1068: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a Blue Ribbon Commission in the University of Wisconsin System.
AB1069: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: state and local highway projects; expenditure of transportation moneys received from the federal government; determining a reduction in individual income tax rates; and election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level.
AB1070: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: legislative powers and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, and administrative rule-making process.
AB1071: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: holding the presidential preference primary on the second Tuesday in March; applying for an absentee ballot in-person; and absentee ballots cast by overseas and military voters.
AB1072: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: federal government waivers and other requests for federal approval; public assistance programs; waivers from work search and registration requirements for certain unemployment insurance benefit claimants; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation.
AB1073: Bill Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: legislative power and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, administrative rule-making process, federal government waivers and approvals, unemployment insurance work search and registration requirements, and making an appropriation.
AJR1: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the public service of Army Staff Sergeant Matthew Thompson.
AJR2: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: deleting from the constitution the office of state treasurer (second consideration).
AJR3: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the committees on assembly and senate organization to immediately appoint a joint task force on clean and renewable energy.
AJR4: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming February 2017 to be American Heart Month in Wisconsin.
AJR5: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating March 3, 2017, as National Speech and Debate Education Day.
AJR6: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the state of Wisconsin's aviation heritage center.
AJR7: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an advisory referendum on legalization of medical marijuana.
AJR8: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming February 26, 2017, to March 4, 2017, as Eating Disorders Awareness Week in Wisconsin.
AJR9: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: condemning violence and hate speech and expressing solidarity with Muslims and all those targeted for their ethnicity, race, or religion.
AJR10: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: stating the legislature's declaration that abortion is health care.
AJR11: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: funding in bills placing requirements on local governmental units (first consideration).
AJR12: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: celebrating March 25, 2017, as the 196th anniversary of Greek independence.
AJR13: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Representative Thomas Larson.
AJR14: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming March 2017 as women's history month.
AJR15: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Kathleen D. Groat.
AJR16: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 19, 20, and 21, 2017, Syttende Mai Weekend.
AJR17: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Richard A. Grobschmidt.
AJR18: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Representative Marcel Dandeneau.
AJR19: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating June 2017 as Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month.
AJR20: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: rules and procedures for convening an Article V convention proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States.
AJR21: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: application to Congress under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States for a convention for proposing amendments relating to a balanced budget.
AJR22: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requesting the federal government to revise its guidance on employment services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
AJR23: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming April 2017 as Forestry and Paper Products Month.
AJR24: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognition of the importance of calling 811 prior to excavation and declaring April 2017 as Safe Digging Month.
AJR25: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming April as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month in Wisconsin.
AJR26: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming April 2017 as Autism Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
AJR27: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming April 2017 as Donate Life Month in the state of Wisconsin.
AJR28: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming Workers' Memorial Day.
AJR29: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the Bay View labor strike and tragedy.
AJR30: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requesting the federal administration to halt efforts to cut taxes for millionaires and increase health care costs for patients, decrease access to affordable care, and discriminate against trusted health care providers.
AJR31: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing June 2017 as LGBT Pride Month.
AJR32: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Paul Sicula.
AJR33: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending the 32nd Infantry Division on its 100th anniversary.
AJR34: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating May as Building Safety Month in Wisconsin.
AJR35: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Wisconsin legislative resolution to restore free and fair elections in the United States and to apply to Congress for a limited national convention for the exclusive purpose of proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would restore balance and integrity to our elections.
AJR36: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating the University of Wisconsin-Madison Men's Basketball team on its 2016-2017 season and advancing to the NCAA Sweet 16.
AJR37: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 4, 2017, as Wisconsin Day of Prayer.
AJR38: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing the Rock River Trail, honoring the efforts of trail founder Frank Schier, and celebrating the trail's grand opening.
AJR39: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the commitment-to-family policy of Karen Bogenschneider of Verona, Wisconsin.
AJR40: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating the Stevens Point Area Senior High boys varsity basketball team for winning the 2017 Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Division I State Championship title.
AJR41: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 2017 as Lyme Disease Awareness Month.
AJR42: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating Bay Beach Amusement Park in Green Bay on 125 years of continuous operation.
AJR43: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 12, 2017, as Lorine Niedecker Day in the state of Wisconsin.
AJR44: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Esther Kolb Walling.
AJR45: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 2017 as Mental Health Awareness Month.
AJR46: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: declaring May 2017 as Foster Care Awareness Month.
AJR47: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the rights of crime victims (first consideration).
AJR48: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting Taiwan's signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA) with the United States and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening and expanding sister-state ties between Wisconsin and Taiwan.
AJR49: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing May 8 through May 12, 2017, as National Teacher Appreciation Week in Wisconsin.
AJR50: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming May 2017 as Jewish American Heritage Month.
AJR51: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing the value and need for employment services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
AJR52: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the first week of April as Wisconsin Free and Charitable Clinic Week.
AJR53: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: an advisory referendum on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
AJR54: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing June 2017 as Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month.
AJR55: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending and congratulating the Medical College of Wisconsin.
AJR56: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Alvin J. Baldus.
AJR57: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming June 2017 as Dairy Month in Wisconsin.
AJR58: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing June 19, 2017, as Juneteenth Day in Wisconsin.
AJR59: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing July 16, 2017, as National Atomic Veterans Day in Wisconsin.
AJR60: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Secretary Kitty Rhoades.
AJR61: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing November 19 as Tommy G. Thompson Day in Wisconsin.
AJR62: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing June 14, 2017, as Flag Day.
AJR63: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: calling an extraordinary session of the legislature to consider legislation to increase average household income, accelerate job growth, and encourage entrepreneurship in this state.
AJR64: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing September as National Suicide Prevention Month.
AJR65: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming June 2, 2017, as Gun Violence Awareness Day in Wisconsin.
AJR66: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating Canada's Sesquicentennial Anniversary of Confederation.
AJR67: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming November 2017 as diabetes awareness month.
AJR68: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating constitutional restrictions on marriage (first consideration).
AJR69: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: opposing the development of Aquila Resources' Back Forty Project, a proposed open pit metallic sulfide mine in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
AJR70: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Melvin Robert Laird.
AJR71: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: reserving to the people the power of referendum to reject acts of the legislature and the power of initiative to propose and approve at an election laws and constitutional amendments (first consideration).
AJR72: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame, Inc., and declaring October 21, 2017, Packers Hall of Fame Day.
AJR73: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming September 2017 as Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month.
AJR74: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming October 9, 2017, as PANDAS and PANS Awareness Day.
AJR75: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the first week in October as Mental Illness Awareness Week in Wisconsin.
AJR76: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the 30th anniversary of the ABC apprenticeship program.
AJR77: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commending Oshkosh Corporation on its 100th anniversary.
AJR78: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: upholding the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
AJR79: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting the induction of Jerry Kramer into the Pro Football Hall of Fame class of 2018.
AJR80: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming October 15th, 2017, as White Cane Safety Day.
AJR81: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the distinguished life of former representative Mickey Lehman.
AJR82: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the public service of Secretary Ben Brancel.
AJR83: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: declaring December 8, 2017, to be General Vang Pao Day in Wisconsin.
AJR84: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing November 2017 as Prematurity Awareness Month.
AJR85: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating the Dane County Farmers' Market on its 45th anniversary.
AJR86: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing Reggie Jackson, one of the recipients of the 2017 Frank P. Zeidler Public Service award.
AJR87: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating the Milwaukee Brewers on their 2017 season.
AJR88: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing Jesús Salas, one of the recipients of the 2017 Frank P. Zeidler Public Service Award.
AJR89: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: standing in solidarity with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
AJR90: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Gerald D. Kleczka.
AJR91: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Myron Lotto.
AJR92: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming November 2017 as Runaway Prevention Month in Wisconsin.
AJR93: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility and conditions for release prior to conviction of persons accused of certain crimes and considerations for imposing bail (first consideration).
AJR94: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Robert P. Kordus.
AJR95: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming January 2018 as human trafficking awareness and prevention month.
AJR96: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing January as Glaucoma Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
AJR97: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: congratulating the 2017 Wisconsin Badgers football team on the impressive accomplishments for this season.
AJR98: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the life and accomplishments of Robert Rama Williams.
AJR99: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: declaring January 21-27, 2018, School Choice Week and recognizing the importance of giving parents the choice in the educational path for their children.
AJR100: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: encouraging the use of television white space technology to increase access to the Internet.
AJR101: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming April 2018 as Wisconsin Lions Eyeglass Recycling Month in Wisconsin.
AJR102: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing May 7 through May 11, 2018, as Teacher Appreciation Week.
AJR103: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: commemorating the life and public service of Trooper Anthony J. Borostowski of the Wisconsin State Patrol.
AJR104: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming February 2018 to be American Heart Month in Wisconsin.
AJR105: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming March 19, to be Wisconsin Celebrating Women in Public Office Day.
AJR106: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting Taiwan's signing of the Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA) with the United States and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening and expanding sister-state ties between Wisconsin and Taiwan.
AJR107: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: the life and public service of Representative Robert "Bob" Gannon.
AJR108: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: supporting Taiwan's signing of the Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the United States and reaffirming support for increasing Taiwan's international profile and for strengthening and expanding sister-state ties between Wisconsin and Taiwan.
AJR109: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing February 2018 as Black History Month.
AJR110: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing May 7 through May 11, 2018, as National Teacher Appreciation Week in Wisconsin.
AJR111: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: recognizing the Stop the Bleed campaign, establishing March 31, 2018, as Wisconsin Trauma Awareness Day, and encouraging all Wisconsin citizens to participate in the initiative and learn more about the importance of bleeding-control measures.
AJR112: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming February 2018 as Black History Month.
AJR113: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: declaring August as Shingles Awareness and Improvement Month.
AJR114: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming March 20, 2018, as Mister Rogers Day in Wisconsin.
AJR115: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: public notice for assembly, senate, and joint committee meetings.
AJR116: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring the legislature to enact laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to meetings of governmental bodies, including legislative committees, and making members of the legislature subject to citations and civil penalties for violations of such laws (first consideration).
AJR117: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: honoring the Oshkosh North Spartans, 2018 WIAA Division I State Basketball Champions.
AJR118: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: proclaiming March 2018 as women's history month.
AJR119: Joint Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: Relating to: the life and public service of Bishop Robert C. Morlino.
AR1: Resolution Text (PDF: ) - Relating to: notifying the senate and the governor that the 2017-2018 assembly is organized.